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Most people think that stroke victims end up looking like
Frankenstein with a horrible facial expression and erratic
movements. But, that is not the way it has to be. Today, it is
possible for some stroke victims to make a full recovery. Gerry
Purdy knows this because his wife, Alicia - a healthy, beautiful
and smart person - suffered a stroke on August 23, 2011 and was
able to return to her vivacious self. Our Stroke of Luck portrays
the life they had together. Gerry and Alicia had dated in high
school and got back together for their 45th high school reunion.
Life was good. And then - Bam! - without warning Alicia suffered a
stroke. Find out how Alicia's neurosurgeon was able to remove the
clot from her brain that caused the stroke. Experience the tense
ups and downs of that night-one moment seeming as though she might
be paralyzed on her left side for the rest of her life and then the
next seeing a flash of hope. Gerry and Alicia were lucky that the
radiologist was able to identify the clot in her brain and lucky to
get her transferred to the Marcus Stroke Center at Grady Hospital
in Atlanta. They were lucky that Dr. Nogueira was able to extract
the clot from Alicia's brain. And, finally, they were lucky that
she was able to make a full recovery. Truly, this was their stroke
of luck.
In celebration of the founding of the Russian fleet by Peter the
Great, The Dutch Coastal Cruising Association undertook a 4,800
European odyssey in 1994 that culminated in sailing the Russian
inland waters between Archangel and the Baltic Sea. Fifteen
sailboats hosted by the Archangel Yacht Club, became the first
Western-flagged pleasure boats allowed on this militarily strategic
waterway. The author crewed aboard Tiota and proudly flew the Stars
and Stripes from her port spreader, heralding an American aboard.
Whereas emerging "New Russians" viewed our fleet as a vanguard for
future boat tourism, it seemed "Old Russians" made our voyage
bureaucratically discouraging. Nowhere was this more evident than
in the final passage along the River Neva through St. Petersburg.
The rules stated that bridges could only open at night and
sailboats could only sail during the day. A Russian Catch-22, with
the winter ice steadily approaching.
In celebration of the approaching 21st century, the author joined
the 46-foot ketch Hornblower II in a 'round-the-world rally. The
British-sponsored Millennium Odyssey started in 1998 with a
flame-lighting ceremony in the Old City of Jerusalem and ended on
Easter Day 2000 at the Vatican. There, rally organizer Jimmy
Cornell presented Pope John Paul II a lantern with the flame
carried around the world from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The
author recounts his east-west voyage along the "coconut milk run"
through the Panama Canal, across the Pacific, Indian, and South
Atlantic oceans, then back to the Caribbean and Florida. Along the
way, he reflects on the marine ecosystem, globalization, and the
history of exploration starting with Marco Polo, Ibn Battuta, Zheng
He, Magellan to Cook.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product.Ace the
Journeyman and Master Plumbing Exams! Featuring more than 400
practice questions and answers,Plumber's Licensing Study Guide,
Third Edition, provides everything you need to prepare for and pass
the Journeyman and Master Plumber's licensing exams on the first
try. This practical, up-to-date resource is filled with study tips,
detailed illustrations, calculations, conversion tables, and
troubleshooting points. Both metric and U.S. units are included
throughout. Fully revised for the 2012 International Plumbing Code
and 2012 Uniform Plumbing Code, this careerbuilding guide helps
you: Master the material most likely to appear on
plumber'slicensing exams Improve your test-taking ability with 400+
multiple-choicequestions and answers Acquire the confidence,
skills, and knowledge needed topass your exam Covers essential
plumbing topics, including: Definitions Administrative policies
Miscellaneous regulations Water supply Water heaters Sanitary
drainage Fixtures Indirect waste Vents Storm water drainage Traps,
cleanouts, and special waste Interceptors and separators Medical
and nonmedical gas systems Alternative engineered and special
systems Gray-water recycling systems Natural gas
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. A
Comprehensive Guide to Facility Piping Systems Fully up-to-date
with the latest codes and standards, this practical resource
contains everything you need to plan, select, design, specify, and
test piping systems for industry, commercial, and institutional
applications. The book includes complete coverage of pipes,
fittings, valves, jointing methods, hangers, supports, pumps,
tanks, and other required equipment. Facility Piping Systems
Handbook, Third Edition, progresses from fundamentals of systems
operation to a design procedure that allows quick and accurate
component and pipe sizing. Listings of FDA, EPA, and OSHA
requirements are included. Complete with formulas, charts, and
tables, this invaluable all-in-one volume will save you time and
money on the job. Coverage includes: Water treatment and
purification Heat transfer, insulation, and freeze protection
Cryogenic storage Facility steam and condensate systems Liquid fuel
storage and dispensing Fuel gas and compressed gas systems Vacuum
air systems Animal facility piping systems Life safety systems
Nonpotable and drinking water systems Swimming pools, spas, and
water attractions And more
Most people think that stroke victims end up looking like
Frankenstein with a horrible facial expression and erratic
movements. But, that is not the way it has to be. Today, it is
possible for some stroke victims to make a full recovery. Gerry
Purdy knows this because his wife, Alicia – a healthy, beautiful
and smart person – suffered a stroke on August 23, 2011 and was
able to return to her vivacious self. Our Stroke of Luck portrays
the life they had together. Gerry and Alicia had dated in high
school and got back together for their 45th high school reunion.
Life was good. And then – Bam! – without warning Alicia
suffered a stroke. Find out how Alicia’s neurosurgeon was able to
remove the clot from her brain that caused the stroke. Experience
the tense ups and downs of that night—one moment seeming as
though she might be paralyzed on her left side for the rest of her
life and then the next seeing a flash of hope. Gerry and Alicia
were lucky that the radiologist was able to identify the clot in
her brain and lucky to get her transferred to the Marcus Stroke
Center at Grady Hospital in Atlanta. They were lucky that Dr.
Nogueira was able to extract the clot from Alicia’s brain. And,
finally, they were lucky that she was able to make a full recovery.
Truly, this was their stroke of luck.