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Although the field of mixed reality has grown significantly over
the last decade, there have been few published books about
augmented reality, particularly the interface design aspects.
""Emerging Technologies of Augmented Reality: Interfaces and
Design"" provides a foundation of the main concepts of augmented
reality (AR), with a particular emphasis on user interfaces,
design, and practical AR techniques, from tracking algorithms to
design principles for AR interfaces. ""Emerging Technologies of
Augmented Reality: Interfaces and Design"" contains comprehensive
information focusing on the following topics: technologies that
support AR, development environments, interface design and
evaluation of applications, and case studies of AR applications.
BrunoBuchberger This book is a synopsis of basic and applied
research done at the various re search institutions of the
Softwarepark Hagenberg in Austria. Starting with 15 coworkers in my
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), I initiated the
Softwarepark Hagenberg in 1987 on request of the Upper Aus trian
Government with the objective of creating a scienti?c,
technological, and economic impulse for the region and the
international community. In the meantime, in a joint e?ort, the
Softwarepark Hagenberg has grown to the current (2009) size of over
1000 R&D employees and 1300 students in six research
institutions, 40 companies and 20 academic study programs on the
bachelor, master's and PhD level. The goal of the Softwarepark
Hagenberg is innovation of economy in one of the most important
current technologies: software. It is the message of this book that
this can only be achieved and guaranteed long term by "watering the
root", namely emphasis on research, both basic and applied. In this
book, we summarize what has been achieved in terms of research in
the various research institutions in the Softwarepark Hagenberg and
what research vision we have for the imminent future. When I
founded the Softwarepark Hagenberg, in addition to the "watering
the root" principle, I had the vision that such a technology park
can only prosper if we realize the "magic triangle", i.e. the close
interaction of research, academic education, and business
applications at one site, see Figure 1.
BrunoBuchberger This book is a synopsis of basic and applied
research done at the various re search institutions of the
Softwarepark Hagenberg in Austria. Starting with 15 coworkers in my
Research Institute for Symbolic Computation (RISC), I initiated the
Softwarepark Hagenberg in 1987 on request of the Upper Aus trian
Government with the objective of creating a scienti?c,
technological, and economic impulse for the region and the
international community. In the meantime, in a joint e?ort, the
Softwarepark Hagenberg has grown to the current (2009) size of over
1000 R&D employees and 1300 students in six research
institutions, 40 companies and 20 academic study programs on the
bachelor, master's and PhD level. The goal of the Softwarepark
Hagenberg is innovation of economy in one of the most important
current technologies: software. It is the message of this book that
this can only be achieved and guaranteed long term by "watering the
root," namely emphasis on research, both basic and applied. In this
book, we summarize what has been achieved in terms of research in
the various research institutions in the Softwarepark Hagenberg and
what research vision we have for the imminent future. When I
founded the Softwarepark Hagenberg, in addition to the "watering
the root" principle, I had the vision that such a technology park
can only prosper if we realize the "magic triangle," i.e. the close
interaction of research, academic education, and business
applications at one site, see Figure 1.
This issue of Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America
provides the endocrinologist with essential updates on treatment of
type 1 diabetes, with an eye toward future trends and
developments.? The Guest Editors brought together a remarkable
group of notable authors, such as Paul Robertson, President of the
National Diabetes Association.? Topics covered include
epidemiology; economics; contemporary management; inpatient
management; update on insulin pumps and continuous glucose
monitoring systems; update on studies aimed at interdicting and
preventing type 1 diabetes; advances in the prediction, natural
history, and mechanisms leading to type 1 diabetes; complications;
hypoglycemia in type 1 diabetes; new lessons from animal models;
the role of the gut in the genesis of type 1 diabetes and other
autoimmune diseases; and an update on transplantation for reversing
type 1 diabetes.
Knapp 90% der Deutschen trinken gerne Kaffee, Sie auch? Dann
tauchen Sie mit Barista und Kaffee-Sommelier Michael Haller in die
Welt des Kaffees ein! Er erklärt Ihnen, was einen guten Kaffee
ausmacht, was Sie über Herkunft, Verarbeitung und Röstung der
Bohnen wissen sollten und welche Zubereitungsarten es gibt. Lernen
Sie, wie Sie Ihren Gästen perfekten Espresso oder Cappuccino mit
super-fluffigem Milchschaum servieren und was es darüber hinaus
für besondere Kaffee-Spezialitäten gibt.
Die von Thilo Sarrazin heraufbeschworenen Untergangsszenarien sind
uralt. Schon im vorletzten Jahrhundert waren es angeblich die
Falschen," die am meisten Kinder bekamen: Ungebildete,
Unterschichten und Volksfremde. Doch die befurchtete Degeneration
blieb aus; die offene, moderne Gesellschaft erwies sich als
leistungsfahiges Erfolgsmodell. Worin liegt die Popularitat der
Sarrazin-Thesen begrundet? Der vorliegende Sammelband diskutiert
aus Sicht verschiedener Wissenschaftsdisziplinen die Behauptung, in
modernen Gesellschaften finde eine Gegenauslese zu Gunsten der
Dummen" statt. Die Autoren weisen dieser inzwischen weit
verbreiteten Argumentation zahlreiche Fehler und Missverstandnisse
nach. Sie zeigen, dass die von Sarrazin angestossene Debatte um
eugenische Ideen kreist und sich zu weiten Teilen auf dubiose
Forschungsergebnisse eines internationalen Zitierkartells stutzt."
Can I Do This? (Paperback)
Jamel Freeman; Contributions by Michael Haller, C Fannie Ellison
Discovery Miles 3 220
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Can I Do This? (Hardcover)
Jamel Freeman; Contributions by Michael Haller, C Fannie Ellison
Discovery Miles 6 160
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Auf der Basis einer internationalen Fachtagung zum Thema
"Massenmedien - Geschaft ohne Moral?" verweist der Band auf die
offentlichen Forderungen nach starkerer Beachtung ethischer
Grundsatze in den Medien, beleuchtet den Stand der Diskussion in
der Bundesrepublik sowie im deutschsprachigen Ausland (Osterreich,
Schweiz). Wie sieht journalistisches Handeln in der Praxis aus?
Funktioniert journalistische Selbstkontrolle? Die Autoren stellen
die Ertrage der Kommunikations- und Medienforschung fur die
Ethikdebatte vor, befassen sich mit der Bedeutung des Medienrechts.
Der Wandel derMedienlandschaft wird auf seine Auswirkungen
hinsichtlich ethischer Fragen untersucht: Bedingen neue Medien eine
neue Moral?"(...) Besonders der Interdisziplinaritat wegen, aber
auch aufgrund der Diskurse, die kein Allheilmittel, sondern einen
Denkanstoss liefern, erweist sich das Buch als beachtenswerte
Publikation zur Frage nach einer Medien-Ethik."Soziologische Revue,