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How does your level of education affect your lifetime earnings
profile? Will economic development lead to increased environmental
degradation? How does the participation of women in the labor force
differ across countries? How do college scholarship rules affect
savings? Students come to economics wanting answers to questions
like these. While these questions span different disciplines within
economics, the methods used to address them draw on a common set of
mathematical tools and techniques. The second edition of
Mathematical Methods for Economics continues the tradition of the
first edition by successfully teaching these tools and techniques
through presenting them in conjunction with interesting and
engaging economic applications. In fact, each of the questions
posed above is the subject of an application in Mathematical
Methods for Economics. The applications in the text provide
students with an understanding of the use of mathematics in
economics, an understanding that is difficult for students to grasp
without numerous explicit examples. The applications also motivate
the study of the material, develop mathematical comprehension and
hone economic intuition. Mathematical Methods for Economics
presents you with an opportunity to offer each economics major a
resource that will enhance his or her education by providing tools
that will open doors to understanding.
Internet and web technology penetrates many aspects of our daily
life. Its importance as a medium for business transactions will
grow exponentially during the next few years. In terms of the
involved market volume, the B2B area will hereby be the most
interesting area. Also, it will be the place, where the new
technology will lead to drastic changes in established customer
relationships and business models. In an era where open and
flexible electronic commerce provides new types of services to its
users, simple 1-1 connections will be replaced by n-m relationships
between customers and vendors.
This new flexibility in electronic trading will generate serious
challenges. The main problem stems from the heterogeneity of
information descriptions used by vendors and customers, creating
problems in both manual trading and in direct 1-1 electronic
trading. In the case of B2B market places, it becomes too serious
to be neglected. Product descriptions, catalog formats and business
documents are often unstructured and non-standardized. Intelligent
solutions that mechanize the structuring, standardizing, aligning,
and personalizing process are a key requisite for successfully
overcoming the current bottlenecks of B2B electronic commerce while
enabling its further growth. Intelligent Information Integration in
B2B Electronic Commerce discusses the main problems of information
integration in this area and sketches several technological
solution paths.
Intelligent Information Integration in B2B Electronic Commerce is
designed to meet the needs of a professional audience composed of
researchers and practitioners in industry and graduate level
students in Computer Science.
Strukturfragen und Funktionsprobleme der modernen Gesellschaft sind
fur Rene Koenig ein Leitthema, das in den unterschiedlichsten
Zusammenhangen immer wieder auftaucht, wenn er sich konkreten
inhaltlichen Problemfeldern der Gesellschaft in einer
soziologischen Gegenwartsanalyse zuwendet Dabei hat Koenig keine
systematische Strukturanalyse der Gesellschaft betrieben, auch hat
er die Gesellschaft nicht einer abstrakten strukturell-funktionalen
Betrachtung unterzogen. In systematischen Beitragen oder
gelegentlich auch beilaufigen Aufsatzen zu den Themen
Massengesellschaft und Zeitbewusstsein, Konsum und Ernahrung,
Alter, Jugend und Geschlecht, entfaltet sich vor allem im
Zusammenhang von Industrialisierung und Technikentwicklung sowie
unter dem ubergeordneten Fokus des sozialen Wandels eine pragnante,
konsistente und kontinuierliche Analyse gesellschaftlicher
Strukturzusammenhange, mit denen Koenig "soziologische
Orientierung" in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft vermitteln wollte.
Zusatzlich enthalt der Band Koenigs Beitrage zur Sozialpsychologie
und Psychoanalyse.
At the beginning of this century, the state of surgical technique
only provided for concepts with an extracardial approach to therapy
of coronary heart dis eases. Decreasing the heart activity by means
of denervating the heart or thyr oidectomy, resulting in a
reduction of the heart's oxygen demand, was strived at. Later, the
progress of clinical surgery at the closed beating heart allowed
for procedures with myocardial access. In this historical stage of
indirect revascu larisation, a compensation was supposed to be
stimulated operatively by pro viding an adhesion to the surrounding
organs or by manipulating the larger heart veins. The simple
ligation of the Arteria thoracica interna in the middle third of
its course - intended to increase the perfusion of pericardial
branches - is based on the fundamental ignorance or
misunderstanding of the haemody namic laws. The first intervention
to reach temporary popularity was the im plantation of the Arteria
thoracica interna into the left ventricular myocardial wall. This
so-called "Vineberg procedure" was not very risky and did show some
permanent improvements with respect to the patient's complaints or
even the prognosis. However, this procedure has been almost
completely aban doned, despite the fact that some positive
long-term courses have been docu mented. Other indirect
revascularisation procedures carried out in the fifties, e. g."
Internet and web technology penetrates many aspects of our daily
life. Its importance as a medium for business transactions will
grow exponentially during the next few years. In terms of the
involved market volume, the B2B area will hereby be the most
interesting area. Also, it will be the place, where the new
technology will lead to drastic changes in established customer
relationships and business models. In an era where open and
flexible electronic commerce provides new types of services to its
users, simple 1-1 connections will be replaced by n-m relationships
between customers and vendors. This new flexibility in electronic
trading will generate serious challenges. The main problem stems
from the heterogeneity of information descriptions used by vendors
and customers, creating problems in both manual trading and in
direct 1-1 electronic trading. In the case of B2B market places, it
becomes too serious to be neglected. Product descriptions, catalog
formats and business documents are often unstructured and
non-standardized. Intelligent solutions that mechanize the
structuring, standardizing, aligning, and personalizing process are
a key requisite for successfully overcoming the current bottlenecks
of B2B electronic commerce while enabling its further growth.
Intelligent Information Integration in B2B Electronic Commerce
discusses the main problems of information integration in this area
and sketches several technological solution paths. Intelligent
Information Integration in B2B Electronic Commerce is designed to
meet the needs of a professional audience composed of researchers
and practitioners in industry and graduate level students in
Computer Science.
Der Band dokumentiert anhand sehr vielfaltiger Publikationsformate
in sieben thematischen Bloecken Rene Koenig als akademischen Lehrer
und in seiner Bedeutung fur die Neukonstituierung der Soziologie in
Deutschland nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg. Die abgedruckten Texte
spannen sich von der Wahrnehmung und Deutung Deutschlands in der
unmittelbaren Nachkriegszeit, uber Reflexionen zur Rolle der
entstehenden sozialwissenschaftlichen Intelligenz, zu Beitragen zur
beginnenden Professionalisierung der Soziologie und der Entwicklung
der Lehre. Eine Auswahl signifikanter Beitrage aus der
umfangreichen Rezensionstatigkeit Rene Koenigs zu Buchern und
Publikationsreihen, die fur die Konstitution der Soziologie von
Belang sind, runden den Band ab. Der abschliessende Block
versammelt 49 Vignetten zu Zeitgenossen, sowie Wurdigungen von und
Nachrufe auf Kollegen und Freunde. Vor allem hierin scheint
nochmals der Kosmos der intellektuellen Verflechtungen und der
freundschaftlichen wie kritischen Beziehungen Rene Koenigs auf und
verbindet sich so auch zu einer impliziten Soziologie des
Dieses Buch bietet Orientierung, wie Suchtentstehung mit einer
wirksamen, evidenzbasierten Praxis begegnet werden kann. Es klart
Begriffe der Evidenzbasierung/Evidenzgenerierung in der
Suchtpravention und definiert deren praktische und
forschungsmethodologische Moeglichkeiten und Grenzen. Geschrieben
fur Fachkrafte aller Disziplinen in Praxis und Forschung der
Nationale Identitat ist ein schillernder Begriff. Mit ihm werden
sowohl individuelle und kollektive Selbst- und Fremdbilder als auch
vermeintliche und tatsachliche Gemeinsamkeiten beschrieben. Er
durchdringt auf vielerlei Weise das Denken und Handeln im sozialen
Kontext und ist zugleich doch wissenschaftlich schwer zu fassen.
Michael Klein verfolgt das Ziel, die nationale Identitat der
Deutschen am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts aus einer soziologischen
Perspektive zu skizzieren. Um die vielfaltigen Facetten des
Konzepts nationaler Identitat abzubilden, fuhrt er hierfur drei
unterschiedliche theoretische Zugange zusammen. Neben dem
nationalen Commitment der Deutschen stehen die sozialen
Grenzkonstruktionen und die vorherrschenden Wertorientierungen im
Fokus des Forschungsprogramms. Drei Leitfragen bilden das Gerust
fur eine empirisch gestutzte Diskussion der gegenwartigen
nationalen Identitat der Deutschen: Wie deutsch fuhlen sich die
Deutschen heute? Was, glauben die Deutschen, ist heute deutsch? Und
was ist heute tatsachlich deutsch? "
Erwachsene Mit Fetalen Alkoholspektrumstoerungen - Diagnostik, Screening, Intervention, Suchtpravention (German, Paperback, 2nd ed.)
Gela Becker, Klaus Hennicke, Michael Klein, Mirjam Landgraf
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