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The book contains the basics of tensor algebra as well as a comprehensive description of tensor calculus, both in Cartesian and curvilinear coordinates. Some recent developments in representation theorems and differential forms are included. The last part of the book presents a detailed introduction to differential geometry of surfaces and curves which is based on tensor calculus. By solving numerous exercises, the reader is equipped to properly understand the theoretical background and derivations. Many solved problems are provided at the end of each chapter for in-depth learning. All derivations in this text are carried out line by line which will help the reader to understand the basic ideas. Each figure in the book includes descriptive text that corresponds with the theoretical derivations to facilitate rapid learning.
Topics of this book span the range from spatial and temporal discretization techniques for contact and impact problems with small and finite deformations over investigations on the reliability of micromechanical contact models over emerging techniques for rolling contact mechanics to homogenization methods and multi-scale approaches in contact problems.
This book provides an overview of the experimental characterization of materials and their numerical modeling, as well as the development of new computational methods for virtual design. Its 17 contributions are divided into four main sections: experiments and virtual design, composites, fractures and fatigue, and uncertainty quantification. The first section explores new experimental methods that can be used to more accurately characterize material behavior. Furthermore, it presents a combined experimental and numerical approach to optimizing the properties of a structure, as well as new developments in the field of computational methods for virtual design. In turn, the second section is dedicated to experimental and numerical investigations of composites, with a special focus on the modeling of failure modes and the optimization of these materials. Since fatigue also includes wear due to frictional contact and aging of elastomers, new numerical schemes in the field of crack modeling and fatigue prediction are also discussed. The input parameters of a classical numerical simulation represent mean values of actual observations, though certain deviations arise: to illustrate the uncertainties of parameters used in calculations, the book's final section presents new and efficient approaches to uncertainty quantification.
This book provides an overview of multiscale approaches and homogenization procedures as well as damage evaluation and crack initiation, and addresses recent advances in the analysis and discretization of heterogeneous materials. It also highlights the state of the art in this research area with respect to different computational methods, software development and applications to engineering structures. The first part focuses on defects in composite materials including their numerical and experimental investigations; elastic as well as elastoplastic constitutive models are considered, where the modeling has been performed at macro- and micro levels. The second part is devoted to novel computational schemes applied on different scales and discusses the validation of numerical results. The third part discusses gradient enhanced modeling, in particular quasi-brittle and ductile damage, using the gradient enhanced approach. The final part addresses thermoplasticity, solid-liquid mixtures and ferroelectric models. The contents are based on the international workshop "Multiscale Modeling of Heterogeneous Structures" (MUMO 2016), held in Dubrovnik, Croatia in September 2016.
During the last years computational methods lead to new approaches that can be applied within medical practice. Based on the tremendous advances in medical imaging and high-performance computing, virtual testing is able to help in medical decision processes or implant designs. Current challenges in medicine and engineering are related to the application of computational methods to clinical medicine and the study of biological systems at different scales. Additionally manufacturers will be able to use computational tools and methods to predict the performance of their medical devices in virtual patients. The physical and animal testing procedures could be reduced by virtual prototyping of medical devices. Here simulations can enhance the performance of alternate device designs for a range of virtual patients. This will lead to a refinement of designs and to safer products. This book summarizes different aspects of approaches to enhance function, production, initialization and complications of different types of implants and related topics.
The book conveys modern techniques and the latest state-of-the-art with regard to the most fundamental aspects of computational contact mechanics. However, since contact can readily be interpreted as a special type of interface problem, it seems advisable not to isolate contact mechanics, but rather to address it in the context of a broader class of problems denoted as computational interface mechanics. The book gives a clear understanding of the underlying physics of interfaces, and a comprehensive insight into the current state-of-the-art and selected cutting-edge research directions in the computational treatment of interface effects. It focuses on the modeling of friction, wear, lubrication, cohesive interfaces, grain boundaries, phase boundaries, fracture, thermo-mechanics and particulate contact (e.g. granular media). Also the most important computational aspects are addressed, including discretization techniques for finite deformations, solution algorithms for single- and multi-processor computing environments, multi-scale approaches, discrete element models and multi-physics problems including contact and interface constraints. Among the computational techniques covered in this book are finite element (FEM) and boundary element (BEM) methods, atomistic models, molecular dynamics (MD), discrete element methods (DEM), coupling approaches for multi-scale simulations, and tools for an efficient automated FEM code generation.
The book includes different contributions that cover interdisciplinary research in the areas of * Error controlled numerical methods, efficient algorithms and software development * Elastic and in elastic deformation processes * Models with multiscales and multi-physics "High Performance" adaptive numerical methods using finite elements (FEM) and boundary elements (BEM) are described as well as efficient solvers for linear systems and corresponding software components for non-linear, coupled field equations of various branches of mechanics, electromagnetics, and geosciences.
Mixed finite element methods are a tool to solve complex engineering problems of different nature. This subject is treated in the volume from the engineering and the mathematical point. Different applications are considered which depict the value of mixed formulations in engineering on one side. On the other side the mathematical background is provided including proofs of convergence and stability of these methods and adequate solvers for mixed problems are discussed. This broad spectrum yields an indepth treatment of mixed methods from different perspectives.
This book provides an overview of new mathematical models, computational simulations and experimental tests in the field of biomedical technology, and covers a wide range of current research and challenges. The first part focuses on the virtual environment used to study biological systems at different scales and under multiphysics conditions. In turn, the second part is devoted to modeling and computational approaches in the field of cardiovascular medicine, e.g. simulation of turbulence in cardiovascular flow, modeling of artificial textile-reinforced heart valves, and new strategies for reducing the computational cost in the fluid-structure interaction modeling of hemodynamics. The book's last three parts address experimental observations, numerical tests, computational simulations, and multiscale modeling approaches to dentistry, orthopedics and otology. Written by leading experts, the book reflects the remarkable advances that have been made in the field of medicine, the life sciences, engineering and computational mechanics over the past decade, and summarizes essential tools and methods (such as virtual prototyping of medical devices, advances in medical imaging, high-performance computing and new experimental test devices) to enhance medical decision-making processes and refine implant design. The contents build upon the International Conference on Biomedical Technology 2015 (ICTB 2015), the second ECCOMAS thematic conference on Biomedical Engineering, held in Hannover, Germany in October 2015.
The subject of Computational Contact Mechanics has many facets. Its main impact lies in the transfer of knowledge form theoretical research to applied sciences, and from there to industry. The application fields are literally countless, ranging from classical engineering to biomechanics and nano-sciences. The remarkable increase of computer power in recent years has been instrumental in enabling the development of simulation-based analysis in current design activity. This still involves tremendous effort in research, which focuses on, for example, multi-field and multi-scale problems, algorithmic robustness, and geometrical accuracy. Moreover, several aspects of Contact Mechanics, Debonding and Fracture Mechanics, have been combined to offer new enhanced possibilities to the computer simulation of complex phenomena. With these contributions of prominent scientists, this book offers a wide overview on the ongoing research at the highest level in the field.
Contact mechanics was and is an important branch in mechanics which covers a broad field of theoretical, numerical and experimental investigations. In this carefully edited book the reader will obtain a state-of-the-art overview on formulation, mathematical analysis and numerical solution procedures of contact problems. The contributions collected in this volume summarize the lectures presented during the 4th Contact Mechanics Interantional symposium (CMIS) held in Hannover, Germany, 2005, by leading scientists in the area of contact mechanics.
The book presents an overview of the state of research of advanced finite element technologies. Besides the mathematical analysis, the finite element development and their engineering applications are shown to the reader. The authors give a survey of the methods and technologies concerning efficiency, robustness and performance aspects. The book covers the topics of mathematical foundations for variational approaches and the mathematical understanding of the analytical requirements of modern finite element methods. Special attention is paid to finite deformations, adaptive strategies, incompressible, isotropic or anisotropic material behavior and the mathematical and numerical treatment of the well-known locking phenomenon. Beyond that new results for the introduced approaches are presented especially for challenging nonlinear problems.
This edited volume summarizes research being pursued within the DFG Priority Programme 1748: "Reliable Simulation Methods in Solid Mechanics. Development of non-standard discretisation methods, mechanical and mathematical analysis", the aim of which was to develop novel discretisation methods based e.g. on mixed finite element methods, isogeometric approaches as well as discontinuous Galerkin formulations, including a sound mathematical analysis for geometrically as well as physically nonlinear problems. The Priority Programme has established an international framework for mechanical and applied mathematical research to pursue open challenges on an inter-disciplinary level. The compiled results can be understood as state of the art in the research field and show promising ways of further research in the respective areas. The book is intended for doctoral and post-doctoral students in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, applied mathematics and physics, as well as industrial researchers interested in the field.
New finite elements are needed as well in research as in industry environments for thedevelopment of virtual prediction techniques. The design and implementation of novel finiteelements for specific purposes is a tedious and time consuming task, especially for nonlinearformulations. The automation of this process can help to speed up this processconsiderably since the generation of the final computer code can be accelerated by order ofseveral magnitudes.This book provides the reader with the required knowledge needed to employ modernautomatic tools like AceGen within solid mechanics in a successful way. It covers the rangefrom the theoretical background, algorithmic treatments to many different applications. Thebook is written for advanced students in the engineering field and for researchers ineducational and industrial environments.
There is still room for research in computational contact mechanics, hence engineering analysis includes unilateral constraints when a detailed modelling of a problem is needed. Contact modelling within real structures includes e.g. rolling wheels, metal forming processes and car crash analysis, and is outcome of the increasing power of modern computers. Also, multi-physics modelling of thermo-mechanical or electro-mechanical contact and microscopic modelling are used in order to get a deeper insight into the mechanism of friction and wear. Moreover, new numerical simulation techniques were developed within the finite element or boundary element method yielding better discretization tools and more efficient algorithms for contact. However, up to now there exists no approach which solves all problems of the above mentioned areas in a robust and reliable way, hence investigations and developments are still needed. The aim of the symposium was to bring scientists together who work on the frontier of research in computational contact mechanics described above, or in closely related subjects. During the symposium 37 scientists presented their newest findings in the area of discretization techniques for contact, algorithms and interesting numerical simulations of contact problems. The symposium gave detailed insight in the newest development in the area of simulation techniques for contact problems. Topics treated included new mathematical techniques like multi-level approaches, new discretization techniques like the mortar-method, advanced applications of unilateral contact to masonry structures, decohesion analysis and tractive rolling of tires. The current volume provides a goodoverview of modern techniques and state-of-the-art discretizations schemes applied in contact mechanics, and will stimulate future collaboration in science related to computational contact mechanics and in the organization of minisymposia and workshops in the area contact mechanics.
Finite element methods have become ever more important to engineers as tools for design and optimization, now even for solving non-linear technological problems. However, several aspects must be considered for finite-element simulations which are specific for non-linear problems: These problems require the knowledge and the understanding of theoretical foundations and their finite-element discretization as well as algorithms for solving the non-linear equations. This book provides the reader with the required knowledge covering the complete field of finite element analyses in solid mechanics. It is written for advanced students in engineering fields but serves also as an introduction into non-linear simulation for the practising engineer.
Dieser vierte Band, Hydromechanik, Elemente der Höheren Mechanik, Numerische Methoden, schließt die Lehrbuchreihe Technische Mechanik ab. Der dargestellte Stoff orientiert sich an gängigen Kursen deutschsprachiger Hochschulen und ist für Bachelor-, Master- und Diplomstudiengänge hervorragend geeignet. In der 10. Auflage wurden deutliche Ergänzungen und eine Vielzahl von Verbesserungen vorgenommen. Das Werk enthält zahlreiche durchgerechnete Beispiele, die das Verständnis des Stoffes erleichtern. Band 1 behandelt die Statik, Band 2 die Elastostatik, Band 3 die Kinetik. Ergänzt werden die Lehrbücher durch sorgfältig abgestimmte Aufgabenbände. Die Zielgruppen Das Buch wendet sich an Studierende der Ingenieurwissenschaften aller Fachrichtungen an Universitäten und Hochschulen.
This book provides an overview of the experimental characterization of materials and their numerical modeling, as well as the development of new computational methods for virtual design. Its 17 contributions are divided into four main sections: experiments and virtual design, composites, fractures and fatigue, and uncertainty quantification. The first section explores new experimental methods that can be used to more accurately characterize material behavior. Furthermore, it presents a combined experimental and numerical approach to optimizing the properties of a structure, as well as new developments in the field of computational methods for virtual design. In turn, the second section is dedicated to experimental and numerical investigations of composites, with a special focus on the modeling of failure modes and the optimization of these materials. Since fatigue also includes wear due to frictional contact and aging of elastomers, new numerical schemes in the field of crack modeling and fatigue prediction are also discussed. The input parameters of a classical numerical simulation represent mean values of actual observations, though certain deviations arise: to illustrate the uncertainties of parameters used in calculations, the book's final section presents new and efficient approaches to uncertainty quantification.
The book conveys modern techniques and the latest state-of-the-art with regard to the most fundamental aspects of computational contact mechanics. However, since contact can readily be interpreted as a special type of interface problem, it seems advisable not to isolate contact mechanics, but rather to address it in the context of a broader class of problems denoted as computational interface mechanics. The book gives a clear understanding of the underlying physics of interfaces, and a comprehensive insight into the current state-of-the-art and selected cutting-edge research directions in the computational treatment of interface effects. It focuses on the modeling of friction, wear, lubrication, cohesive interfaces, grain boundaries, phase boundaries, fracture, thermo-mechanics and particulate contact (e.g. granular media). Also the most important computational aspects are addressed, including discretization techniques for finite deformations, solution algorithms for single- and multi-processor computing environments, multi-scale approaches, discrete element models and multi-physics problems including contact and interface constraints. Among the computational techniques covered in this book are finite element (FEM) and boundary element (BEM) methods, atomistic models, molecular dynamics (MD), discrete element methods (DEM), coupling approaches for multi-scale simulations, and tools for an efficient automated FEM code generation.
New finite elements are needed as well in research as in industry environments for thedevelopment of virtual prediction techniques. The design and implementation of novel finiteelements for specific purposes is a tedious and time consuming task, especially for nonlinearformulations. The automation of this process can help to speed up this processconsiderably since the generation of the final computer code can be accelerated by order ofseveral magnitudes.This book provides the reader with the required knowledge needed to employ modernautomatic tools like AceGen within solid mechanics in a successful way. It covers the rangefrom the theoretical background, algorithmic treatments to many different applications. Thebook is written for advanced students in the engineering field and for researchers ineducational and industrial environments.
The book presents an overview of the state of research of advanced finite element technologies. Besides the mathematical analysis, the finite element development and their engineering applications are shown to the reader. The authors give a survey of the methods and technologies concerning efficiency, robustness and performance aspects. The book covers the topics of mathematical foundations for variational approaches and the mathematical understanding of the analytical requirements of modern finite element methods. Special attention is paid to finite deformations, adaptive strategies, incompressible, isotropic or anisotropic material behavior and the mathematical and numerical treatment of the well-known locking phenomenon. Beyond that new results for the introduced approaches are presented especially for challenging nonlinear problems.
During the last years computational methods lead to new approaches that can be applied within medical practice. Based on the tremendous advances in medical imaging and high-performance computing, virtual testing is able to help in medical decision processes or implant designs. Current challenges in medicine and engineering are related to the application of computational methods to clinical medicine and the study of biological systems at different scales. Additionally manufacturers will be able to use computational tools and methods to predict the performance of their medical devices in virtual patients. The physical and animal testing procedures could be reduced by virtual prototyping of medical devices. Here simulations can enhance the performance of alternate device designs for a range of virtual patients. This will lead to a refinement of designs and to safer products. This book summarizes different aspects of approaches to enhance function, production, initialization and complications of different types of implants and related topics.
The book includes different contributions that cover interdisciplinary research in the areas of * Error controlled numerical methods, efficient algorithms and software development * Elastic and in elastic deformation processes * Models with multiscales and multi-physics "High Performance" adaptive numerical methods using finite elements (FEM) and boundary elements (BEM) are described as well as efficient solvers for linear systems and corresponding software components for non-linear, coupled field equations of various branches of mechanics, electromagnetics, and geosciences.
The subject of Computational Contact Mechanics has many facets. Its main impact lies in the transfer of knowledge form theoretical research to applied sciences, and from there to industry. The application fields are literally countless, ranging from classical engineering to biomechanics and nano-sciences. The remarkable increase of computer power in recent years has been instrumental in enabling the development of simulation-based analysis in current design activity. This still involves tremendous effort in research, which focuses on, for example, multi-field and multi-scale problems, algorithmic robustness, and geometrical accuracy. Moreover, several aspects of Contact Mechanics, Debonding and Fracture Mechanics, have been combined to offer new enhanced possibilities to the computer simulation of complex phenomena. With these contributions of prominent scientists, this book offers a wide overview on the ongoing research at the highest level in the field. |
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