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In memory of Dr. Anne Morey (May 16, 1948-June 3, 2012) Dr. Robert
A. Morey's wife, Anne, passed away unexpectedly on Sunday, June 3,
2012, while they were in Florida celebrating their 40th wedding
anniversary. They were lifelong friends and partners in faith who
met in high school in New York City when she was 15 and he was 16
years old. The Lord, in His sovereignty, allowed Anne to complete
her book on women's discipleship before her death. May her book be
a blessing to Christian women everywhere. Dr. Anne Morey was not
just a wonderful wife and mother, but she was also a fearless
soldier of Christ who was not afraid, like Deborah of old, who took
up the Sword of the Spirit in the cause of God and truth. Her love
of truth and courage in spiritual warfare is what drew me to her
when we were teenagers. She accompanied me on the streets of New
York City to hand out tracts to the lost. Together we counseled
runaway teenagers in Greenwich Village. She loved going to Walter
Martin's Apologetics Class every Monday night. We discussed
philosophy and theology with great relish. We loved Francis and
Edith Schaeffer so much that we spent part of our honeymoon at
L'Abri. Anne graduated cum laude and went on to earn an MA and then
a PhD. She ran the women's ministries in the church, and gave
biblical instruction on how women could use their spiritual gifts
in the Body of Christ. This is how she developed a Biblical women's
discipleship program. Most "women's ministries" focus on baking
cookies, making dolls, gathering clothing for the poor, and sinful
gossip and slander. My wife viewed them as a total waste of time.
Why can't women study the Bible in depth? Why can't they study
apologetics and theology? Titus 2:3-5 gave Anne the key to
developing God's plan for discipling women. Mature Christian women
were to be instructed by the elders of the church in seven topics,
and then personally train the younger women in those subjects. If
churches were to follow what God laid out in Titus 2:3-5, the women
in the church would rise up as a mighty army of God to confront and
conquer the evil in the church and the world. Anne's graduation to
Glory was the most painful experience in my life. While her death
was gain to her and she is far better off with Christ in heaven,
the rest of us are left to struggle on in the battle. But, by the
Grace of God, before she died, Anne finished her book on the
biblical plan for women's discipleship programs. Her godly
influence and example lives on in the lives of the many women she
discipled, as well as those who read this book and then implement
its programs in their churches. Enjoy Weep Laugh Love Learn what it
means to be a woman of God. Dr. Robert A. Morey
How will you understand your life? How will you identify the
unhealthy truths you thought were normal? "Kiss Your Life " will
take you on a mystical journey inside of your subconscious mind
where gendered beliefs live and breathe. It will give gender a
voice and a face that you will recognize. These readings of 365
topics will stimulate your mind, challenge your beliefs and inspire
you to live life as it was always meant to be lived . . . kissing
each moment.
"All about Addiction" refers to many different types of addictions.
The approaches, emotional upsets and power in fighting addictions
are addressed. There are many controversies regarding the causes of
addiction, such as genetics, illness, lack of will power, weakness,
poverty and social personalities. Pleasure is a very strong
motivator for addiction. There is much controversy regarding causes
of addiction by the experts. However, each case must be taken on
individual bases. Addiction is very powerful, used when you are
unhappy or bored, because you turn toward addiction for pleasure,
security and gratification. It is changeable, and you can escape it
by changing your attitudes and behavior. You can seek help from
traditional rehab treatments, twelve-step programs, help from
supports groups, family, and your own values. What is more
important to you? Being in control or giving in to your desires.
Values influence your ability to fight for what you believe in and
care about. People with values are in control at all times. If you
are concerned about your family, you will not allow yourself to be
out of control with drugs or alcohol. Values are the key to
escaping addiction. Some people have achieved great self control,
or are strong minded, others are weak, and need support of rehab,
friends and family. You change when you want to change, and not
before you are ready. Motivation cannot be forced on people. You
may not be in the right place or right time to change. The addict
must distinguish why they rely on addictions. Most people find
drugs and alcohol less attractive and less important than making a
living, supporting a family and maintaining a position in society.
Others may not have reached this point. They may be procrastinating
or waiting for a traumatic event. Waiting for a change can have
serious drawbacks and may be too late. Thinking you can control
your addiction and stop anytime you want may be an illusion. Once
under the influence, you make poor decisions. This leads to
divorce, legal problems, difficulties doing you work, health
problems, financial problems, and low self-esteem.
The MACH 4 Mental Training System Tennis Handbook and Workbook II
for Coaches, Parents, and Players was created to be a supplement to
my book titled MACH 4 Mental Training System: A Handbook for
Athletes, Coaches and Parents. In addition to the worksheets for
players in my book, I have included worksheets for coaches and
parents in this Workbook. MACH 4 is a simple, effective system that
provides organization and structure for tennis programs and tennis
families by teaching coaches and parent's effective ways to
dialogue with their players, conduct practice sessions, and create
a winning team. The goal of this Handbook and Workbook is to make
coaches, parents, and players more aware of thoughts, emotions, and
behaviors that hold them back so that necessary changes can be made
to produce the best results. By implementing MACH 4 off-the-court
and on-the-court during practices, lessons, and matches, coaches,
parents, and players will create a winning team that produces
winning results.
The MACH 4 Mental Training System Tennis Workbook was created to be
a supplement to my book titled "MACH 4 Mental Training System A
Handbook for Athletes, Coaches and Parents." By implementing MACH 4
during practice sessions, lessons, and matches, players and coaches
will have the complete package. Ultimately, the mind is in control
and will determine whether technique and physical training will all
come together at the same time to produce the best results. The
goal of this Workbook is to help players become more aware of their
thoughts, emotions, and behaviors (physical feelings) so that they
can consistently play their best.
"They didn't know what to do for me, or what to give me to relieve
the pain ... I survived approximately one month in your Earth
time..." As the reincarnated survivor of the space ship that
crashed near Roswell, N.M. in July 1947, Sanni's life has been
filled with challenges and abuse. But she is here now to declare
that ETs are among us. This is her life story with all memories
intact, as could only be told by the one who was there.
This thrilling human drama and spellbinding scientific
discovery--the most sensational archaeological find of the
decade--unlocks the mysteries of the Druid past. "Mesmerizing . . .
a tour de force of scientific sleuthing".--Chicago Tribune.
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