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Called to Teach (Hardcover)
Christopher J Richmann, J. Lenore Wright
Discovery Miles 10 030
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This is an up-to-date, comprehensive review of the neuropsychiatry
of patients with movement disorders, i.e. Parkinson's disease,
Huntington's disease, dystonia and others, by active authorities in
the field, with an emphasis on diagnostic and management issues.
This book includes critical appraisal of the methodological aspects
and limitations of the current research on the neuropsychiatry of
movement disorders and on unanswered questions/controversies.
Symptomatology and pharmacological aspects of management are
discussed, to provide robust information on drug dosages, side
effects and interaction, in order to enable the reader to manage
these patients more safely. Illustrative cases provide real life
scenarios that are clinically relevant and engaging to read.
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Movement Disorders is aimed at
neurologists, movement disorder specialists and psychiatrists and
will also be of interest to intensive care doctors, psychologists
and neuropsychologists, research and specialist nurses, clinical
researchers and methodologists.
This book examines the extent to which the insights of STS can be
used to analyse the role of architecture in and for social life.
The contributions examine the question of whether architecture and
thus materiality as a whole has agency. The book also proposes a
theoretical and methodological approach on how to research
architecture's agency.
Many physiological conditions such as host defense or aging and
pathological conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases, and
diabetes are associated with the accumulation of high levels of
reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species. This
generates a condition called oxidative stress. Low levels of
reactive oxygen species, however, which are continuously produced
during aerobic metabolism, function as important signaling
molecules, setting the metabolic pace of cells and regulating
processes ranging from gene expression to apoptosis. For this book
we would like to recruit the experts in the field of redox
chemistry, bioinformatics and proteomics, redox signaling and
oxidative stress biology to discuss how organisms achieve the
appropriate redox balance, the mechanisms that lead to oxidative
stress conditions and the physiological consequences that
contribute to aging and disease.
Many mathematical assumptions on which classical derivative
pricing methods are based have come under scrutiny in recent years.
The present volume offers an introduction to deterministic
algorithms for the fast and accurate pricing of derivative
contracts in modern finance. This unified, non-Monte-Carlo
computational pricing methodology is capable of handling rather
general classes of stochastic market models with jumps, including,
in particular, all currently used Levy and stochastic volatility
models. It allows us e.g. to quantify model risk in computed prices
on plain vanilla, as well as on various types of exotic contracts.
The algorithms are developed in classical Black-Scholes markets,
and then extended to market models based on multiscale stochastic
volatility, to Levy, additive and certain classes of Feller
This book is intended for graduate students and researchers, as
well as for practitioners in the fields of quantitative finance and
applied and computational mathematics with a solid background in
mathematics, statistics or economics.
The Inside Scoop on Eating Disorder Recovery is a fresh, smart,
how-to book that helps people with eating disorders to heal their
relationship with food, their bodies, and ultimately themselves.
Written from the perspective of two eating disorder therapists,
both of whom are recovered from their own eating disorders, the
text uses humor, personal narratives, and research-proven
techniques to offer specific actionable guidelines on how to
reclaim one's life from an eating disorder. The authors explain the
difference between dieting and eating disorders, break down the
stages of recovery, and provide tips on how to thrive in each
stage. The book provides powerful myth-busting on topics that have
historically not been addressed in eating disorder recovery books,
such as clean eating and orthorexia, exercising in recovery, and
fat positivity. Tangible exercises at the end of each chapter
provide readers with advice and tips on implementing this approach
to recovery in their day-to-day lives. The humorous and
down-to-earth tone of the book creates an authentic and genuine
feel that leaves those who struggle with chronic dieting, eating
disorders, and negative body image feeling connected and heard.
The Inside Scoop on Eating Disorder Recovery is a fresh, smart,
how-to book that helps people with eating disorders to heal their
relationship with food, their bodies, and ultimately themselves.
Written from the perspective of two eating disorder therapists,
both of whom are recovered from their own eating disorders, the
text uses humor, personal narratives, and research-proven
techniques to offer specific actionable guidelines on how to
reclaim one's life from an eating disorder. The authors explain the
difference between dieting and eating disorders, break down the
stages of recovery, and provide tips on how to thrive in each
stage. The book provides powerful myth-busting on topics that have
historically not been addressed in eating disorder recovery books,
such as clean eating and orthorexia, exercising in recovery, and
fat positivity. Tangible exercises at the end of each chapter
provide readers with advice and tips on implementing this approach
to recovery in their day-to-day lives. The humorous and
down-to-earth tone of the book creates an authentic and genuine
feel that leaves those who struggle with chronic dieting, eating
disorders, and negative body image feeling connected and heard.
Wirtschaftsprognosen gehoeren zu den in der OEffentlichkeit am
starksten beachteten Ergebnissen oekonomischer Forschung und
Beratung. Sie sind wesentlicher Bestandteil oekonomischer
Erwartungsbildung, sie dienen als Grundlage fur politische
Entscheidungen und sind wichtige Stichwortgeber in Debatten uber
wirtschaftliche Entwicklungen. Gleichzeitig sind
Wirtschaftsprognosen auch umstritten. Dieser Band versammelt elf
Gesprache mit Personen, die in den letzten 40 Jahren einen
massgeblichen Anteil an der Herstellung, Weiterentwicklung und
Verbreitung von Wirtschaftsprognosen in Deutschland hatten. Sie
gewahren umfassende Einblicke in den "Maschinenraum der
Wirtschaftsprognostik". Dabei berichten sie u.a. von der
Herausforderung, Aussagen uber die Zukunft zu tatigen, von kleinen
und grossen prognostischen Erfolgen und von den Problemen, die
Politikberatung mit sich bringen kann.
This is an up-to-date, comprehensive review of the neuropsychiatry
of patients with movement disorders, i.e. Parkinson's disease,
Huntington's disease, dystonia and others, by active authorities in
the field, with an emphasis on diagnostic and management issues.
This book includes critical appraisal of the methodological aspects
and limitations of the current research on the neuropsychiatry of
movement disorders and on unanswered questions/controversies.
Symptomatology and pharmacological aspects of management are
discussed, to provide robust information on drug dosages, side
effects and interaction, in order to enable the reader to manage
these patients more safely. Illustrative cases provide real life
scenarios that are clinically relevant and engaging to read.
Neuropsychiatric Symptoms of Movement Disorders is aimed at
neurologists, movement disorder specialists and psychiatrists and
will also be of interest to intensive care doctors, psychologists
and neuropsychologists, research and specialist nurses, clinical
researchers and methodologists.
Many mathematical assumptions on which classical derivative pricing
methods are based have come under scrutiny in recent years. The
present volume offers an introduction to deterministic algorithms
for the fast and accurate pricing of derivative contracts in modern
finance. This unified, non-Monte-Carlo computational pricing
methodology is capable of handling rather general classes of
stochastic market models with jumps, including, in particular, all
currently used Levy and stochastic volatility models. It allows us
e.g. to quantify model risk in computed prices on plain vanilla, as
well as on various types of exotic contracts. The algorithms are
developed in classical Black-Scholes markets, and then extended to
market models based on multiscale stochastic volatility, to Levy,
additive and certain classes of Feller processes. This book is
intended for graduate students and researchers, as well as for
practitioners in the fields of quantitative finance and applied and
computational mathematics with a solid background in mathematics,
statistics or economics.
Many physiological conditions such as host defense or aging and
pathological conditions such as neurodegenerative diseases, and
diabetes are associated with the accumulation of high levels of
reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species. This
generates a condition called oxidative stress. Low levels of
reactive oxygen species, however, which are continuously produced
during aerobic metabolism, function as important signaling
molecules, setting the metabolic pace of cells and regulating
processes ranging from gene expression to apoptosis. For this book
we would like to recruit the experts in the field of redox
chemistry, bioinformatics and proteomics, redox signaling and
oxidative stress biology to discuss how organisms achieve the
appropriate redox balance, the mechanisms that lead to oxidative
stress conditions and the physiological consequences that
contribute to aging and disease.
Der Band enthAlt nach einer Einleitung die klassischen Teile der
historischen Grammatikographie: Schreibung und Lautung,
Flexionsmorphologie, Syntax des FrA1/4hneuhochdeutschen (14.-17.
Jahrhundert). Er richtet sich sowohl an Germanisten wie an die
Vertreter anderer, mit deutschen Texten des spAten Mittelalters und
der frA1/4hen Neuzeit befaAten Disziplinen.
In times of globalization, competition and economic and
technological progress, the permanent improvement of the planning,
coordination and control system of companies is a major task of
Controlling. This book presents a concise concept for the design of
a ratio and management report system for each functional part of
the company. It addresses as well practitioners who seek decision
support in their day-to-day business, as scientists and students
who want to obtain information about the state of the art of
Management Control and Controllership.
Over the past 10-15 years, we have seen a revival of general Levy '
processes theory as well as a burst of new applications. In the
past, Brownian motion or the Poisson process have been considered
as appropriate models for most applications. Nowadays, the need for
more realistic modelling of irregular behaviour of phen- ena in
nature and society like jumps, bursts, and extremeshas led to a
renaissance of the theory of general Levy ' processes. Theoretical
and applied researchers in elds asdiverseas
physics,meteorology,seismology,statistics, insurance, nance, and
telecommunication have realised the enormous exibility of Lev ' y
models in modelling jumps, tails, dependence and sample path
behaviour. L' evy processes or Levy ' driven processes feature slow
or rapid structural breaks, extremal behaviour, clustering, and
clumping of points. Toolsandtechniquesfromrelatedbut disctinct
mathematical elds, such as point processes, stochastic
integration,probability theory in abstract spaces, and differ- tial
geometry, have contributed to a better understanding of Le 'vy jump
processes. As in many other elds, the enormous power of modern
computers has also changed the view of Levy ' processes. Simulation
methods for paths of Levy ' p- cesses and realisations of their
functionals have been developed. Monte Carlo simulation makes it
possible to determine the distribution of functionals of sample
paths of Levy ' processes to a high level of accuracy.
The Early New High German Dictionary is an alphabetically-ordered
dictionary of the varieties of High German from the 14th to 17th
This book presents the historical lexicography of German, Dutch,
and English with a focus on factors related to ideological history,
professional lexicography, and cultural education. In the main part
of the book, the author undertakes a professional treatment of the
common types of lexicographic information, and alsogives a
discussion ofsome rarely provided lexicographic information.
Diese Arbeit unternimmt den sprachwissenschaftlichen Versuch, der
Akzeptanzbereitschaft gegenuber Rassismus und Faschismus innerhalb
des deutschen Burgertums auf die Spur zu kommen. Auf der Grundlage
der ideologiewirksamen Schriften eines Bildungsburgers, namlich
Houston Stewart Chamberlains, soll mithilfe linguistischer Analysen
gezeigt werden, wie schmal der Grat zwischen bildungsburgerlicher
Hochkultur und menschenverachtender Unkultur werden kann. Im
Zentrum steht die Konstruktion eines Menschenbildes durch zentrale
Lexeme wie "Arier", "Kunstler", "Persoenlichkeit", "Jude" und
"Rasse", aber auch durch ideologiesprachliche Ausdrucke wie
"Leben", "Wille", "Sozialismus" oder "Entartung". Menschenbilder
fuhren zu Handlungsmaximen. Diese werden in
satzsemantisch-pragmatischen Analysen der Prasuppositionen, der
Handlungsrollen und der Kollektivierungen analysiert. Der letzte
Teil ist diskurslinguistischer Natur und gilt Chamberlains
Traditionsbildung. Es geht zum einen um alle jene Schriften, die er
in seinem Sinne genutzt hat (z.B. Goethe, Kant, Darwin, Gobineau,
Wagner), danach um diejenigen, fur die er selbst wegweisend wurde
(z.B. die Nationalsozialisten). Diese Arbeit versteht sich als
interdisziplinarer Beitrag zur Ideologiegeschichte und zur
Geschichte sozio-kommunikativer Beziehungen.
Als EinfA1/4hrung in die Textgeschichte des spAten Mittelalters und
der frA1/4hen Neuzeit enthAlt dieses Lesebuch 86 kA1/4rzere,
geschlossene Texte, die aus originalen Handschriften bzw. Drucken
buchstabengenau ediert wurden. Sie entstammen allen Teilepochen des
FrA1/4hneuhochdeutschen und allen TeilrAumen des hochdeutschen
Sprachgebiets und umfassen auAer literarischen Texten auch
Gebrauchstexte unterschiedlicher Provenienz.
Die Reihe Studia Linguistica Germanica (SLG), 1968 von Ludwig Erich
Schmitt und Stefan Sonderegger begrundet, ist ein renommiertes
Publikationsorgan der germanistischen Linguistik. Die Reihe
verfolgt das Ziel, mit dem Schwerpunkt auf sprach- und
wissenschaftshistorischen Fragestellungen die gesamte Bandbreite
des Faches zu reprasentieren. Dazu zahlen u. a. Arbeiten zur
historischen Grammatik und Semantik des Deutschen, zum Verhaltnis
von Sprache und Kultur, zur Geschichte der Sprachtheorie, zur
Dialektologie, Lexikologie/Lexikographie, Textlinguistik und zur
Einbettung des Deutschen in den europaischen Sprachkontext.