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This book addresses the limits of metaphysics and the question of
the possibility of ethics in this context. It is divided into six
chapters, the first of which broadens readers' understanding of
difference as difference with specific reference to the works of
Hegel. The second chapter discusses the works of Emmanuel Levinas
and the question of the ethical. In turn, the concepts of
sovereignty and the eternal return are discussed in chapters three
and four, while chapter five poses the question of literature in a
new way. The book concludes with chapter six. The book represents
an important contribution to the field of contemporary
philosophical debates on the possibility of ethics beyond all
possible metaphysical and political closures. As such, it will be
of interest to scholars and researchers in both the humanities and
social sciences. Beyond the academic world, the book will also
appeal to readers (journalists, intellectuals, social activists,
etc.) for whom the question of the ethical is the decisive question
of our time.
At the heart of the messianic thinking lies an unconditional idea
of redemption. The messianic idea of unconditionality is based upon
a qualitative distinction between the unredeemed world and the
world to come. It is fundamental to this messianic idea that this
distinction can't be grasped as transition or mediation. Taking his
inspiration from thinkers like Jacques Derrida, Emmanuel Levinas,
Walter Benjamin and Franz Rosenzweig, Saitya Brata Das renews here
this task of the unconditional, the task of thinking "the advent of
pure future that is always to come", unenclosed in the bounds of
law or in the cages of the "worldly". He thereby draws profound
ethico-political implications from such a thought that opens up the
infinitude of the future from the heart of our finitude, and shows
that such thinking is the very task of our time.
The philosophical essays of this collection argue, each time from a
singular perspective, that the task of thinking is to release the
element of the unconditional from various closures, and thus to
make it manifest as the true and the essential task of our
individual and social existence. Naming this unconditional element
as the "messianic", the book displays the profound ethico-political
significance of messianic thought for our contemporary world. This
book is co-published with Aakar Books, New Delhi. Taylor &
Francis does not sell or distribute the print versions of this book
in India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.
Featuring scholars at the forefront of contemporary political
theology and the study of German Idealism, Nothing Absolute
explores the intersection of these two flourishing fields. Against
traditional approaches that view German Idealism as a secularizing
movement, this volume revisits it as the first fundamentally
philosophical articulation of the political-theological problematic
in the aftermath of the Enlightenment and the advent of secularity.
Nothing Absolute reclaims German Idealism as a
political-theological trajectory. Across the volume's
contributions, German thought from Kant to Marx emerges as crucial
for the genealogy of political theology and for the ongoing
reassessment of modernity and the secular. By investigating anew
such concepts as immanence, utopia, sovereignty, theodicy, the
Earth, and the world, as well as the concept of political theology
itself, this volume not only rethinks German Idealism and its
aftermath from a political-theological perspective but also
demonstrates what can be done with (or against) German Idealism
using the conceptual resources of political theology today.
Contributors: Joseph Albernaz, Daniel Colucciello Barber, Agata
Bielik-Robson, Kirill Chepurin, S. D. Chrostowska, Saitya Brata
Das, Alex Dubilet, Vincent Lloyd, Thomas Lynch, James Martel,
Steven Shakespeare, Oxana Timofeeva, Daniel Whistler
Featuring scholars at the forefront of contemporary political
theology and the study of German Idealism, Nothing Absolute
explores the intersection of these two flourishing fields. Against
traditional approaches that view German Idealism as a secularizing
movement, this volume revisits it as the first fundamentally
philosophical articulation of the political-theological problematic
in the aftermath of the Enlightenment and the advent of secularity.
Nothing Absolute reclaims German Idealism as a
political-theological trajectory. Across the volume's
contributions, German thought from Kant to Marx emerges as crucial
for the genealogy of political theology and for the ongoing
reassessment of modernity and the secular. By investigating anew
such concepts as immanence, utopia, sovereignty, theodicy, the
Earth, and the world, as well as the concept of political theology
itself, this volume not only rethinks German Idealism and its
aftermath from a political-theological perspective but also
demonstrates what can be done with (or against) German Idealism
using the conceptual resources of political theology today.
Contributors: Joseph Albernaz, Daniel Colucciello Barber, Agata
Bielik-Robson, Kirill Chepurin, S. D. Chrostowska, Saitya Brata
Das, Alex Dubilet, Vincent Lloyd, Thomas Lynch, James Martel,
Steven Shakespeare, Oxana Timofeeva, Daniel Whistler
This book addresses the limits of metaphysics and the question of
the possibility of ethics in this context. It is divided into six
chapters, the first of which broadens readers' understanding of
difference as difference with specific reference to the works of
Hegel. The second chapter discusses the works of Emmanuel Levinas
and the question of the ethical. In turn, the concepts of
sovereignty and the eternal return are discussed in chapters three
and four, while chapter five poses the question of literature in a
new way. The book concludes with chapter six. The book represents
an important contribution to the field of contemporary
philosophical debates on the possibility of ethics beyond all
possible metaphysical and political closures. As such, it will be
of interest to scholars and researchers in both the humanities and
social sciences. Beyond the academic world, the book will also
appeal to readers (journalists, intellectuals, social activists,
etc.) for whom the question of the ethical is the decisive question
of our time.
Saitya Brata Das argues that in Kierkegaard's work we find a
radical eschatological critique, not only of the liberal-humanist
pathos of modernity but also the political theology of Carl
Schmitt, that seeks to legitimise the sovereign power of the state
by an appeal to a divine or theological foundation. Relating
Kierkegaard's notion of 'Christianity without Christendom' to the
Schellingian eschatological critique of sovereignty, he shows how
Schelling's insistence on the eschatological difference between
religion and politics is transformed and further intensified in
Kierkegaard's critique of historical reason. Such an exception
without sovereignty, Das argues, is the very task of our
contemporary time.
Saitya Brata Das argues that in Kierkegaard's work we find a
radical eschatological critique of the liberal-humanist pathos of
modernity that seeks to legitimise the sovereign power of the state
by an appeal to a divine or theological foundation.Relating
Kierkegaard's notion of 'Christianity without Christendom' to the
Schellingian eschatological critique of sovereignty, he shows how
Schelling's insistence on the eschatological difference between
religion and politics is transformed and further intensified in
Kierkegaard's critique of historical Reason. Das argues that such
an exception without sovereignty is the crucial task of our age.
Saitya Brata Das rigorously examines Schelling's
theologico-political works and sets his thought against his more
dominant contemporary, Hegel. Das argues that Schelling inaugurates
a new thinking outside of Occidental metaphysics, by a paradoxical
manner of exit, which prepares for the post-metaphysical philosophy
of Martin Heidegger, Franz Rosenzweig and Jacques Derrida. This new
reflection, outside of the Universal world-historical politics of
modernity, is achieved by re-thinking religion as eschatology.
Intervening in contemporary debates on post-secularism and the
return to religion, Das shows that religion, in an essential sense,
always opens up infinitude from the heart of finitude, to an
irreducible outside of the profane order of worldly hegemonies.
Religion here assumes a negative political theology of exception
without sovereign power.
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