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This book traces the evolution of civilian nuclear power in the
United States between 1946 and 1974, describing and analyzing the
commercialization of nuclear energy and surveying pivotal events in
the dissension that has recently accompanied its large-scale
application. Professor Del Sesto views these events in terms of
three themes: federal regulation of advanced technology, the
gradual entrance of more diverse interest groups into the political
arena, and the problems created by the conflicting claims of
experts. He concludes that the lessons of the nuclear debate are
most important for their implications for the expanding use of
scientific and theoretical knowledge in democratic social orders.
More broadly, he writes of the confrontation between knowledge and
power that lies at the heart of the growing number of technological
controversies that mark late twentieth century industrialized
societies throughout the world.
With hard-hitting truths, memorable quotes, and powerful
perspective shifts, Dean Del Sesto helps you connect (or reconnect)
at a deeper level to the power, potential, and purpose you already
have so that you can live your life with greater freedom,
resilience, and wisdom. Perfect for business professionals on the
go, the busy student, the active parent, and anyone who needs a
boost of spiritual strength at any time, this book promises to help
you live your life from an internal resolve rather than in reaction
to your external circumstances.
Get ready to go from the basics of using Ansible to becoming
proficient at implementing configuration management in your
projects. This book begins with the basics of Ansible, providing
you with details on how to install and configure your environment
while working with different Ansible modules from the command line.
Next, it introduces you to working with Ansible tasks and
organizing configuration code into playbooks. You'll then learn how
to extend playbooks further, using roles and templates within the
configuration code. Author Vincent Sesto then extends your
knowledge further by covering custom Ansible modules using Python
and Linux shell scripts and demonstrating how you can start to keep
your secret values encrypted and secure using Ansible Vault. You'll
also develop Ansible roles with the use of Ansible Galaxy to reuse
existing roles that others have created. This updated edition
reflects changes added in the latest version of Ansible (2.9). It
also includes an expanded chapter on testing Ansible using Molecule
and managing large server environments using applications like
Ansible Tower. What Will You Learn Understand what Ansible is and
how to install and run your first basic command line commands
Expand your configuration management using Ansible playbooks, roles
and templates Customize your code further using Ansible Vault and
third-party roles in Ansible Galaxy. Work with Ansible in managing
cloud infrastructure, specifically in Amazon Web Services
Troubleshoot your Ansible code and use frameworks like Molecule and
Testinfra to help test your code changes Manage large server
environments using real-world examples and extend your
configurations using an application like Ansible Tower Who This
Book Is For Systems Engineers, Developers, DevOps Engineers and
Software Administrators.
Die koronare Herzkrankheit gehort zu den fuhrenden Krankheits- und
Todesursachen in der industrialisierten Welt. Ihre Diagnosestellung
sollte moglichst fruhzeitig in der Praxis des niedergelassenen
Arztes erfolgen. Er sollte rasch, richtig und prospektiv
hinsichtlich der zu erhaltenden Lebensqualitat Entscheidungen
treffen. Die bekannten "Sesto-Kompendien" uber Arrhythmien haben
ihren Wert fur den Hausarzt durch ihre Beliebtheit und eine
entsprechend grosse Nachfrage bewiesen. Sie stellen jenen
Bruckenschlag zwischen Klinik und Praxis dar, der durch das Studium
fachkompetenter Literatur allein nicht vollzogen werden kann. Das
neueste Buch des Autors befasst sich mit der koronaren
Herzkrankheit. Das Zusammenspiel von Lernen und Rekapitulieren des
Erlernten anhand von gezielten praxisbezogenen Fragen und Antworten
erhoht den "Wirkungsgrad" der Erinnerung und ermoglicht die
praktikable Anwendung. Analyse und Didaktik machen dieses
Kompendium nicht nur zu einer hilfreichen Erganzung im Studium,
sondern auch zu einem nutzlichen Handbuch fur den kardiologisch
tatigen Arzt.
In den letzten Jahren werden in steigendem Masse Diskussionen
daruber gefuhrt, ob die Therapie mit Antiarrhythmika nicht in die
Hande von Spezialisten mit entsprechend ausgerusteten Praxen
gehort. Als Hauptgrund wird genannt, dass niedergelas sene
Allgemeinpraktiker uber kein 24-h-Langzeit-EKG-Gerat verfugen und
dementsprechend sowohl ihre diagnostischen Moglichkeiten als auch
eine Kontrolle der Arrhythmietherapie erheblich eingeschrankt sind.
Hier stellt sich die Frage, welche Moglichkeiten die Arzte, auch in
der Klinik hatten, als es noch keine Langzeitelektrokardiographie,
kein Trommel- oder Pok ket-EKG gab? Der Patient ist heute genau wie
fruher primar auf den Praktiker, d. h. auf seinen Hausarzt
angewiesen, und dieser muss handeln, denn zum einen ist die Zahl
spezialisierter Kliniken zu gering, um laufend die grosse Zahl
behandlungsbe durftiger Patienten aufzunehmen, zum anderen sind die
Ein weisungen in die Klinik durch die Krankenkassen stark limi
tiert. Daruber hinaus benotigen in der Tat nur bestimmte Patienten
eine invasive Untersuchung in der Klinik. Diese Patienten zu
erkennen, ist auch eine wichtige Aufgabe des niedergelassenen
Arztes. Zur Behandlung stehen dem niedergelassenen Arzt Medika
mente mit einem breitgefacherten Indikationsspektrum, zuver
lassiger Wirksamkeit und vertretbar geringer Quote von
Nebenwirkungen zur Verfugung. Dazu kommt noch, dass nur bei
repetitiven ventrikularen Tachykardien und Extrasystolen salven
eine 100 % Beseitigung der Arrhythmie erforderlich ist, bei anderen
ventrikularen Arrhythmieformen reicht eine Unterdruckung der
ventrikularen Extrasystolen von 50-60 % und von Couplets um 70-80 %
Zusammengestellt und bearbeitet von Sesto, Fred
Das Herz als Motor des Lebens! Viele Menschen leiden an ernsten
Erkrankungen des Her- zens, viele haben Herzbeschwerden, der
Herzinfarkt und seine Folgen zahlen zu den haufigsten Todesursachen
in un- serem Land. Die Zahl der an Herzkrankheiten Verstorbenen ist
doppelt so gross wie die der am Krebs Gestorbenen. Die sogenannten
"unklaren" Herzbeschwerden werden von den einen bagatellisiert, den
anderen floessen sie Angst- gefUhle ein. Man geht nicht zum Arzt,
um nicht eventuell ein ungunstiges Ergebnis der Untersuchung
erfahren zu mussen, dessen Konsequenzen auf den ganzen
Lebensbereich in Beruf, Familie und Freizeit einwirken koennen. All
diese Menschen will das Taschenbuch ansprechen, es will sachliche
Informationen liefern, Krankheitsursachen und Zusammenhange
aufzeigen, Krankheitsbilder verdeut- lichen und auf die moeglichen
Behandlungsmethoden hin- weisen. Die komplizierten Sachverhalte
auch und gerade fUr den Laien einfach zu beschreiben und
verstandlich zu machen, war das Bemuhen des Autors, der selbst Arzt
und Herzspezia- list ist, aber auch Betroffener. Manche Begriffe
aus der medizinischen Fachsprache wa- ren ohne Abstriche an einer
korrekten Verwendung im Text nicht zu ubersetzen. Sie wurden teils
durch in Klammer ange- 7 hangte Erklarungen im fortlaufenden Text
erlautert, teils mit Zahlen gekennzeichnet und in einem Glossar am
Ende des Buches verstandlich gemacht. Den Betroffenen mag das Buch
eine Hilfe fur ihr Leben mit der Herzerkrankung sein. Den noch
nicht oder noch nicht ernsthaft Betroffenen mag es das Wissen und
Verstandnis um die Zusammenhange vermitteln, das ihnen helfen kann,
weitergehende Folgen zu vermeiden.
Get started with Docker on your local machine and progress towards
deploying useful applications in production with this simplified,
practical guide Key Features Get a working understanding of Docker
containers by incorporating them in your development process
Complete interesting exercises to learn how to secure and control
access of your containers Work with advanced features of Docker to
make your development process smoother and reliable Book
DescriptionNo doubt Docker Containers are the future of
highly-scalable software systems and have cost and runtime
efficient supporting infrastructure. But learning it might look
complex as it comes with many technicalities. This is where The
Docker Workshop will help you. Through this workshop, you'll
quickly learn how to work with containers and Docker with the help
of practical activities. The workshop starts with Docker
containers, enabling you to understand how it works. You'll run
third party Docker images and also create your own images using
Dockerfiles and multi-stage Dockerfiles. Next, you'll create
environments for Docker images, and expedite your deployment and
testing process with Continuous Integration. Moving ahead, you'll
tap into interesting topics and learn how to implement
production-ready environments using Docker Swarm. You'll also apply
best practices to secure Docker images and to ensure that
production environments are running at maximum capacity. Towards
the end, you'll gather skills to successfully move Docker from
development to testing, and then into production. While doing so,
you'll learn how to troubleshoot issues, clear up resource
bottlenecks and optimize the performance of services. By the end of
this workshop, you'll be able to utilize Docker containers in
real-world use cases. What you will learn Get a solid understanding
of how Docker containers work Network Docker images and
environments to allow communication between services Build and
publish docker images from a CI/CD pipeline Use Docker Swarm to
implement production-ready environments Find out how to replace
Swarm with Kubernetes clusters Extend your Docker images with
Plugins Who this book is forThis is the right learning asset if you
are a developer or a beginner who wants to get a practical
understanding of Docker containers. If you have experienced in
running command shells or knowledge of IntelliJ, atom, or VSCode
editors, then you will grasp the topics covered here quickly.
We all desire success--but we don't all understand what success actually is. Success isn't a place you arrive at after working hard. That's a goal. Success is found in the character you maintain while you pursue your goals. It's about who we are and how we project our persona at work, at home, at school, and everywhere else. And all it takes to find success and fulfillment are simple shifts in the way we think.
In this wisdom-packed book, Dean Del Sesto offers readers 77 brief reflections to help them shift their thought patterns for greater success in business and life. He shows how to interrupt the things that aren't currently working and provides clear alternatives to think, plan, and act differently for better results.
Perfect for leaders, influencers, businesspeople, coaches, teachers, and professionals of all industries, Shift Your Thinking for Success is a game-changer.
One day while meditating on God's word I was inspired to write the
poems within These are the first poems I have ever written
Take your analytics online with the ease and power of the Splunk
Web Framework About This Book * Want to build rich applications on
the Web using Splunk? This book will be your ultimate guide! *
Learn to use web framework components with the help of this highly
practical, example-rich guide * Perform excellent Splunk analytics
on the Web and bring that knowledge to your own projects Who This
Book Is For This book will cater to Splunk developers and
administrators who now wish to further their knowledge with Splunk
Web Framework and learn to improve the way they present and
visualize data in Splunk. A basic knowledge of JavaScript will be
beneficial but is not a prerequisite. What You Will Learn * Master
the fundamentals of Splunk Web Framework * Start thinking of Splunk
as a complete development platform to build user-friendly apps *
Extend the functionality of your apps using SimpleXML techniques *
Set up dashboard layouts, navigation, and menus in your apps *
Create simple dashboard elements including charts and tables *
Master the art of interacting with searches and dashboards *
Integrate SplunkJS to add visual appeal to your website In Detail
Building rich applications on the Web using Splunk is now simpler
than ever before with the Splunk Web Framework. It empowers
developers to build their own web applications with custom
dashboards, tables, charts, form searches, and other
functionalities in the datasets at their disposal. The book will
start with the fundamentals of the Splunk Web Framework, teaching
you the secrets of building interesting and user-friendly
applications. In the first application, you will learn to analyze
and monitor traffic hitting the NASA website and learn to create
dashboards for it. You will then learn additional, and more
detailed, techniques to enhance the functionalities of the app such
as dashboards and forms, editing simple XML, using simple XML
extensions, tokens, post-process searches, dynamic drill-downs, the
Splunk Web Framework and REST API, and much more. The second app
will use historical stock market data and will create custom
dashboards using Splunk Web Framework; the book will now cover
important topics such as creating HTML dashboards, enhancing the
visual appeal of the app using CSS, and moving your app with
SplunkJS. The book will provide different and interesting examples
instead of the usual "Log, Index, Search, and Graph" so that Splunk
will be the first tool readers think of to resolve a problem. Style
and approach This book will follow a step-by-step approach whereby
every new concept is built on top of the previous chapter, and will
be highly practical in nature; the reader will learn to build apps
while reading about the Splunk Web framework.
This book touches on my past, present and my future. I am not a
fortune teller but there is a way we can determine our destiny.
This book contains both poetry and my personal thoughts based on
Scripture. My prayer is for the reader to read the Bible and
discover the reasons for life, living and what happens when one
My Impressions of the Living Word of God are the result of writing
messages of salvation for a number of years. As I do not pay much
attention to personal opinion, I have been extremely careful to not
add or subtract any of God's Word, nor to manipulate any of its
content. My heart is heavy for the lost and my compassion is
expressed in conveying His Living Word in simple and understandable
terms. Enjoy.
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