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As pillars of the post-1945 international economic system, the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are central to
global economic policy debates. This book examines policy change at
the IMF and the World Bank, providing a constructivist account of
how and why they take up ideas and translate them into policy,
creating what we call policy norms'. The authors compare processes
of policy emergence and change and, using archival and interview
data, analyse nine policy areas including gender, debt relief, and
tax and pension reform. Each chapter traces the policy norm process
in order to shed light on the main sources and mechanisms for norm
change within international organisations. Owning Development
details the strength of these policy norms which emerge, then
either stabilise or decline. The book establishes valuable insights
into the strength of current development policies propounded by
international organisations and the possibility for change."
Paul Kerbajian
Paul Kerbajian, a renowned artist, was asked to paint in Turkish
mosques in an effort to save his family and himself from the
impending attacks on the Armenians. Paul was resistant to
converting to Islam and refused to denounce Christ. His children
witness the unfathomable fate of their parents. Set in 1915 during
World War I, the story chronicles the events of four orphaned
sisters and their perseverance, determination, and struggle to
survive. One sister is separated from her siblings, wounded, thrown
into a mass grave, and eventually sold into slavery. The other
three sisters witness chilling scenes of torture, rape, and
starvation during a long, arduous death march through the Syrian
Desert. This book is inspired by an incredible true story of faith
and survival. Through numerous twists and turns, this
heart-wrenching story has an unexpected ending.
This book explores the main concerns for grappling with increasing
environmental disasters and examines how environmental disasters
are understood by states, corporations, and non-government
organizations nationally and internationally. The focus of this
book is threefold: first, to investigate what constitutes an
environmental disaster and to identify the parameters for political
responses nationally and internationally. Second, the chapters
analyse contemporary state practices that exacerbate the impact of,
and responses to, environmental disasters. They show how states
promote extractivism based on limited understandings of nature
drawn from Western philosophy. Finally, the book highlights the
strengths and weaknesses in political and institutional responses
at the local level to such disasters by state and non-state actors.
This shows how both slow and fast violence of environmental
disasters affects communities, but also how vulnerable subjects are
based on people's capabilities. The Politics of 21st Century
Environmental Disaster is an indispensable resource for students
and scholars in political science and environmental studies. The
chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue
of Environmental Politics.
As pillars of the post-1945 international economic system the
Regional and Sub-Regional Development Banks (RSDBs) have long been
considered mini-World Banks, reiterating the policy approach of the
largest official multilateral development lender in the world. The
main objective of the collection is to identify what role the RSDBs
play in global economic governance and why. This edited collection
draws together cutting edge original research on these understudied
institutions. In the burgeoning sub-field of global economic
governance as well as the broader study of international
organisations (IOs), too often the focus remains on the World Bank
and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Second-order IOs, such
as the RSDBs, receive much less attention despite their longevity
and regional importance. This volume corrects this oversight by
bringing together methodologically diverse research on the RSDBs
that interrogates the role and impact of these organisations in
global economic governance. The book investigates: the African
Development Bank (AfDB); the Asian Development Bank (AsDB); the
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and select sub-regional
development banks in comparison to the World Bank Group. It will be
of great interest to students and scholars of IPE, IR and
Development Studies.
This book shows how environmentalists have shaped the world's
largest multilateral development lender, investment financier and
political risk insurer to take up sustainable development. The book
challenges an emerging consensus over international organisational
change to argue that international organisations (IOs) are
influenced by their social structure and may change their practices
to reflect previously antithetical norms such as sustainable
development. This important text locates sources of organisational
change with environmentalists, thus demonstrating the ways in which
non-state actors can effect change within large intergovernmental
organisations through socialisation. It combines a theoretically
sophisticated account of international organisation change with
detailed empirical evidence of change in one issue area across
three institutions. The book will be of interest to academics,
postgraduate and upper undergraduate students in international
relations, international political economy, environmental politics,
development and globalisation studies and geography as well as
policy makers, international bureaucrats and development
practitioners. -- .
As pillars of the post-1945 international economic system the
Regional and Sub-Regional Development Banks (RSDBs) have long been
considered mini-World Banks, reiterating the policy approach of the
largest official multilateral development lender in the world. The
main objective of the collection is to identify what role the RSDBs
play in global economic governance and why. This edited collection
draws together cutting edge original research on these understudied
institutions. In the burgeoning sub-field of global economic
governance as well as the broader study of international
organisations (IOs), too often the focus remains on the World Bank
and the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Second-order IOs, such
as the RSDBs, receive much less attention despite their longevity
and regional importance. This volume corrects this oversight by
bringing together methodologically diverse research on the RSDBs
that interrogates the role and impact of these organisations in
global economic governance. The book investigates: the African
Development Bank (AfDB); the Asian Development Bank (AsDB); the
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and select sub-regional
development banks in comparison to the World Bank Group. It will be
of great interest to students and scholars of IPE, IR and
Development Studies.
International organisations (IOs) are considered fundamental in
addressing global problems, but how effective are they? Conflict
(war), human rights, global health, financial governance,
international trade, regionalisation, development and the
environment are all issues that international organisations have
been created to address. This book looks at these eight key issue
areas and guides the reader through an analysis of the successes
and failures of international organisations in solving issues in
global politics. With an introduction to international relations
theory, it incorporates the best and most up-to-date scholarly
research, and applies it to examples from around the world to show
how to answer the question, 'Are IOs a help or a hindrance?' This
textbook is an essential resource for courses on global governance,
international organisations and international relations. Including
an expanded further reading list for each global issue, as well as
a thorough bibliography of the most up-to-date research, this is a
resource that will be useful during study and on into the future.
Global governance now provides people with recourse for harm
through International Grievance Mechanisms, such as the Independent
Accountability Mechanisms of the Multilateral Development Banks.
Yet little is known about how such mechanisms work. This Element
examines how IGMs provide recourse for infringements of three
procedural environmental rights: access to information, access to
participation, and access to justice in environmental matters, as
well as environmental protections drawn from the United Nations
Guiding Principles and the World Bank's protection standards. A
content analysis of 394 original IAM claims details how people
invoke these rights. The sections then unpack how the IAMs provide
community engagement through 'problem solving', and 'compliance
investigations' that identify whether the harm resulted from the
MDBs. Using a database of all known submissions to the IAMs (1,052
claims from 1994 to mid-2019), this Element demonstrate how the
IAMs enable people to air their grievances, without necessarily
solving their problems.
In 1993 the World Bank created the revolutionary World Bank
Inspection Panel and, with it, a precedent under international law
that allowed people to seek recourse for harm resulting from the
projects the Bank financed in developing countries. This was the
first time that a universal international organization recognized
and responded to its impact on individuals. Within a decade of the
Inspection Panel, other Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs)
created similar accountability mechanisms. These mechanisms embody
a norm of "accountability as justice" that provides recourse for
environmentally and socially damaging behavior through a formal
sanctioning process. In The Good Hegemon, Susan Park analyzes the
"accountability as justice" norm: its creation, how it functions,
and whether it holds the MDBs to account. Park tackles all of these
issues using three central arguments. First, the book explains how
the United States promoted this norm during debates over how to
maintain MDB efficiency and effectiveness in the 1990s. Building on
its history of using "accountability as control," the US sought to
establish a norm of "accountability as justice" for all the MDBs,
even when pressure from activists was absent or muted. Second, Park
traces how the MDBs resisted conforming to the norm, leading the US
to exert its influence and demand that the Banks reformulate the
mechanisms. Third, the book demonstrates how the MDBs have
institutionalized the norm over time: improving the accountability
mechanisms' accessibility, transparency, independence,
responsiveness to affected people, and the effectiveness of
compliance investigations and MDB monitoring. Park also shows that,
despite these gains, the "accountability as justice" norm is still
corrective rather than preemptive; it tends to only come into
effect after a transgression by the Banks. A rigorous analysis of
how institutions react to norm creation and diffusion-The Good
Hegemon sheds new light on the responsibilities of international
institutions and tells the story of how the US uses its influence
for good on the global stage.
As pillars of the post-1945 international economic system, the
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are central to
global economic policy debates. This book examines policy change at
the IMF and the World Bank, providing a constructivist account of
how and why they take up ideas and translate them into policy,
creating what we call 'policy norms'. The authors compare processes
of policy emergence and change and, using archival and interview
data, analyse nine policy areas including gender, debt relief, and
tax and pension reform. Each chapter traces the policy norm process
in order to shed light on the main sources and mechanisms for norm
change within international organizations. Owning Development
details the strength of these policy norms which emerge, then
either stabilize or decline. The book establishes valuable insights
into the strength of current development policies propounded by
international organizations and the possibility for change.
An examination of whether accountability mechanisms in global
environmental governance that focus on monitoring and enforcement
necessarily lead to better governance and better environmental
outcomes. The rapid development of global environmental governance
has been accompanied by questions of accountability. Efforts to
address what has been called "a culture of unaccountability"
include greater transparency, public justification for governance
decisions, and the establishment of monitoring and enforcement
procedures. And yet, as this volume shows, these can lead to an
"accountability trap"-a focus on accountability measures rather
than improved environmental outcomes. Through analyses and case
studies, the contributors consider how accountability is being used
within global environmental governance and if the proliferation of
accountability tools enables governance to better address global
environmental deterioration. Examining public, private, voluntary,
and hybrid types of global environmental governance, the volume
shows that the different governance goals of the various actors
shape the accompanying accountability processes. These goals-from
serving constituents to reaping economic benefits-determine to whom
and for what the actors must account. After laying out a
theoretical framework for its analyses, the book addresses
governance in the key areas of climate change, biodiversity,
fisheries, and trade and global value chains. The contributors find
that normative biases shape accountability processes, and they
explore the potential of feedback mechanisms between institutions
and accountability rules for enabling better governance and better
environmental outcomes. Contributors Graeme Auld, Harro van Asselt,
Cristina Balboa, Lieke Brouwer, Lorraine Elliott, Lars H.
Gulbrandsen, Aarti Gupta, Teresa Kramarz, Susan Park, Philipp
Pattberg, William H. Schaedla, Hamish van der Ven, Oscar Widerberg
Paul Kerbajian
Paul Kerbajian, a renowned artist, was asked to paint in Turkish
mosques in an effort to save his family and himself from the
impending attacks on the Armenians. Paul was resistant to
converting to Islam and refused to denounce Christ. His children
witness the unfathomable fate of their parents. Set in 1915 during
World War I, the story chronicles the events of four orphaned
sisters and their perseverance, determination, and struggle to
survive. One sister is separated from her siblings, wounded, thrown
into a mass grave, and eventually sold into slavery. The other
three sisters witness chilling scenes of torture, rape, and
starvation during a long, arduous death march through the Syrian
Desert. This book is inspired by an incredible true story of faith
and survival. Through numerous twists and turns, this
heart-wrenching story has an unexpected ending.
Walk This Way!
Think your workload keeps you from keeping fit? Think again! If
you add walking to your lifestyle, you'll dramatically improve
everything from your health and fitness to your emotional,
professional, and even financial success.
Sue Parks, founder and CEO of Walkstyles, Inc., and Pat Bonavia,
Vice President of Corporate Wellness Programs, are America's
leading corporate fitness and wellness advisors, helping tens of
thousands of Americans get healthier and happier .through
Our bodies were designed with walking in mind. All you need is to
count your steps daily with the tools and techniques you'll
discover in "I COUNT!" And before you know it, you'll be counting
on walking to make the difference for your health your career and
even your peace of mind.
International organisations (IOs) are considered fundamental in
addressing global problems, but how effective are they? Conflict
(war), human rights, global health, financial governance,
international trade, regionalisation, development and the
environment are all issues that international organisations have
been created to address. This book looks at these eight key issue
areas and guides the reader through an analysis of the successes
and failures of international organisations in solving issues in
global politics. With an introduction to international relations
theory, it incorporates the best and most up-to-date scholarly
research, and applies it to examples from around the world to show
how to answer the question, 'Are IOs a help or a hindrance?' This
textbook is an essential resource for courses on global governance,
international organisations and international relations. Including
an expanded further reading list for each global issue, as well as
a thorough bibliography of the most up-to-date research, this is a
resource that will be useful during study and on into the future.
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