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Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New Design cybernetics offers a
way of looking at ourselves - curious, creative, and ethical humans
- as self-organising systems that negotiate their own goals in
open-ended explorations of the previously unknown. It is a theory
of and for epistemic practices (learning, designing, researching)
that is deeply committed to the autonomy of others and hence offers
no prescriptive methodology. Design cybernetics describes design
practice as inextricable from conversation - a way of enquiring,
developing shared understanding and reaching the new that harnesses
reliable control as well as error and serendipity. Recognising
circular causality, observer-dependency and non-determinability,
design cybernetics extends beyond tenets of scientific research
into the creative, ethical and aesthetic domain. From this
perspective, design is not an ill-conceived subset of scientific
research. Instead, scientific research emerges as a particularly
restricted subset of the broader human activity of design. This
volume offers a cross-section of design cybernetic theory and
practice with contributions ranging across architecture, interior
lighting studies, product design, embedded systems, design
pedagogy, design theory, social transformation design, research
epistemology, art and poetics, as well as theatre and acting.
Addressing designers, design educators and researchers interested
in a rigorous, practice-based epistemology, it establishes design
cybernetics as a foundational perspective of design research. "This
is a conceptually elegant, well structured, and comprehensive
presentation of design cybernetics. It fills a gap in the
literature of the field." Ken Friedman, Chair Professor, Tongji
University "This book offers a valuable and timely introduction to
second-order cybernetics as society grapples with complex issues
like climate change and rising inequality." Joichi Ito, Director of
the MIT Media Lab
How can manufacturers of capital goods succeed in service business
development? What are the potential network approaches for
manufacturing companies planning on extending their service
business? Over the last decade, the business environment of capital
goods manufacturers has changed dramatically. Few capital goods
manufacturers are able to outrun the competition with pure
product-related technologies and innovation alone. For this reason
they have added services to products as a way of responding to
eroding margins and the loss of strategic differentiation through
product innovation and technological superiority. Based on over
twelve years of research, this book provides academics and business
professionals with a thorough overview of the strategies available
for value creation through service business development. It
features case studies and covers a wide range of topics, including
emerging issues such as service business in small and medium-sized
companies, business innovation through services and the impact of
rapidly growing Asian markets.
This book is the first volume about Artillery Regiment 1 of the 1st
Waffen-SS Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler (LAH). The artillery
batteries of the LAH during the whole of World War II faced some of
the hardest combat, and probably no other artillery unit was used
as often at critical spots on all fronts. While it had only three
batteries of light field howitzers during the French campaign, when
the full artillery regiment was set up in August 1940, it later
received heavier guns and 88mm flak. In April 1941, at Lake
Kastoria in Macedonia during a tremendous artillery battle, the
full regiment fired as a unit for the first time. During the
battles on the Russian Front the regiment's artillery equipment was
constantly upgraded. One of the artillery batteries was equipped
from 1943 with Wespe and Hummel self-propelled guns and later with
Nebelwerfer rocket launchers that gave the regiment its tremendous
firepower. Especially during the difficult defensive battles in the
winter of 1943-1944 in the Ukraine, every artillery piece - whether
a heavy field howitzer, or 15cm rocket launcher - was often used at
such close range that it was fired with barrels in a horizontal
position. The battery was later attached to the reconnaissance unit
in the vanguard of the LAH and experienced the hardest battles
while using Panzermeyer tactics that required rapid marches and
lightning fast deployment into firing positions. Nearly 300 photos,
most never before published, document the bitter battles of the LAH
artillery regiment.
Dieses Praxisbuch beschreibt alle modernen Anwendungen des
Kontrastmittelultraschalls (CEUS-contrast enhanced ultrasound)
innerhalb der Radiologie. Neben kurzen technischen Aspekten gibt
das Buch einen aktuellen Stand zu den Indikationen und praktische
Informationen für die tägliche Durchführung. Das Buch kann
sowohl als Begleitbuch zum CEUS-Kurs-Zertifikat der DRG wie auch
alleinstehend zum Erlernen der Methodik und Verfestigen der eigenen
Fähigkeiten genutzt werden. Ultraschallvideos per kostenloser
SpringerNature MoreMedia-App ergänzen die Bebilderung der
einzelnen Kapitel um eine multimediale Komponente. Zum Starten der
Videos fotografieren Sie einfach die gekennzeichneten Bilder mit
der MoreMedia App ab. Die Inhalte im Einzelnen: CEUS der
Leber, CEUS der Gallenblase, CEUS des
Pankreas, CEUS der Milz und Lymphknoten, Urogenitaler
CEUS, CEUS der Abdominelle Aorta CEUS bei Trauma,Â
CEUS gestützte Interventionen Charakterisierung von fokalen
Burstläsionen Pädiatrische CEUS-Anwendungen.
This book presents the proceedings of the virtual conference
NeuroIS Retreat 2020, June 2-4, hosted in Austria, reporting on
topics at the intersection of information systems (IS) research,
neurophysiology and the brain sciences. Readers will discover the
latest findings from top scholars in the field of NeuroIS, which
offer detailed insights on the neurobiology underlying IS behavior,
essential methods and tools and their applications for IS, as well
as the application of neuroscience and neurophysiological theories
to advance IS theory.
This book presents the proceedings of the NeuroIS Retreat 2019,
held on June 4-6 in Vienna, Austria, reporting on topics at the
intersection of information systems (IS) research, neurophysiology
and the brain sciences. Featuring the latest findings from top
scholars in the field, it offers detailed insights into the
neurobiology underlying IS behavior, essential methods and tools
and their applications for IS, as well as applying neuroscience and
neurophysiological to advance IS theory.
This book explores the application of the open-source software
OpenGeoSys (OGS) for hydrological numerical simulations concerning
conservative and reactive transport modeling. It provides general
information on the hydrological and groundwater flow modeling of a
real case study and step-by-step model set-up with OGS, while also
highlighting related components such as the OGS Data Explorer. The
material is based on unpublished manuals and the results of a
collaborative project between China and Germany (SUSTAIN H2O).
Though the book is primarily intended for graduate students and
applied scientists who deal with hydrological modeling, it also
offers a valuable source of information for professional
geoscientists wishing to expand their knowledge of the numerical
modeling of hydrological processes including nitrate reactive
transport modeling. This book is the second in a series that
showcases further applications of computational modeling in
hydrological science.
This authoritative handbook, written and edited by forty
international leaders in Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA)
practice and theory, is the most comprehensive state-of-the-art
review of the field to date. The book surveys the full breadth and
depth of SEA, bringing together a range of international
perspectives and insights on the theoretical, methodological and
institutional dimensions and practical issues of the field.Part I
comprises a review of SEA frameworks in leading countries
(Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the US), the European Union and
developing regions (Africa, Asia, Latin America and Newly
Independent States). Part 2 reviews SEA practice in several major
sectors (energy, minerals, transport, water, development assistance
and coastal zone management). Part 3 addresses the linkages between
SEA and other comparable tools such as spatial planning and
environmental management. Part 4 probes key cross-cutting issues in
SEA, including how to address cumulative and transboundary effects.
Part 5 identifies ways and means of SEA process and capacity
development, focusing on how to improve and upgrade the theory and
practice of the field. Part 6 examines the shift from conventional
SEA towards more integrative approaches, drawing on experience and
examples from a number of countries.This Handbook is the most
comprehensive examination of SEA to date and is the essential
reference for all practitioners, researchers, impact assessors,
planners, environmental managers, policy-makers and regulators in
all jurisdictions worldwide.Published with IAIA.
Banking Law Day 2012 inFrankfurt adressed the topics of
"Anlegerschutz im Wertpapiergeschaft" and "Verantwortlichkeit der
Organmitglieder von Kreditinstituten." Under the direction of
Markus Artz and Volker Gross, expert speakers from academia and
daily praxis debated the issues."
This commemorative work is dedicated to Ruth Rissing-van Saan,
Presiding Judge at the Federal Supreme Court, on the occasion of
her 65th birthday. Friends, colleagues and companions have compiled
this work in her honor.
Design Cybernetics: Navigating the New Design cybernetics offers a
way of looking at ourselves - curious, creative, and ethical humans
- as self-organising systems that negotiate their own goals in
open-ended explorations of the previously unknown. It is a theory
of and for epistemic practices (learning, designing, researching)
that is deeply committed to the autonomy of others and hence offers
no prescriptive methodology. Design cybernetics describes design
practice as inextricable from conversation - a way of enquiring,
developing shared understanding and reaching the new that harnesses
reliable control as well as error and serendipity. Recognising
circular causality, observer-dependency and non-determinability,
design cybernetics extends beyond tenets of scientific research
into the creative, ethical and aesthetic domain. From this
perspective, design is not an ill-conceived subset of scientific
research. Instead, scientific research emerges as a particularly
restricted subset of the broader human activity of design. This
volume offers a cross-section of design cybernetic theory and
practice with contributions ranging across architecture, interior
lighting studies, product design, embedded systems, design
pedagogy, design theory, social transformation design, research
epistemology, art and poetics, as well as theatre and acting.
Addressing designers, design educators and researchers interested
in a rigorous, practice-based epistemology, it establishes design
cybernetics as a foundational perspective of design research. "This
is a conceptually elegant, well structured, and comprehensive
presentation of design cybernetics. It fills a gap in the
literature of the field." Ken Friedman, Chair Professor, Tongji
University "This book offers a valuable and timely introduction to
second-order cybernetics as society grapples with complex issues
like climate change and rising inequality." Joichi Ito, Director of
the MIT Media Lab
How can manufacturers of capital goods succeed in service business
development? What are the potential network approaches for
manufacturing companies planning on extending their service
business? Over the last decade, the business environment of capital
goods manufacturers has changed dramatically. Few capital goods
manufacturers are able to outrun the competition with pure
product-related technologies and innovation alone. For this reason
they have added services to products as a way of responding to
eroding margins and the loss of strategic differentiation through
product innovation and technological superiority. Based on over
twelve years of research, this book provides academics and business
professionals with a thorough overview of the strategies available
for value creation through service business development. It
features case studies and covers a wide range of topics, including
emerging issues such as service business in small and medium-sized
companies, business innovation through services and the impact of
rapidly growing Asian markets.
Der Band thematisiert gesellschaftliche Wandlungsprozesse, die im
Kontext von FluchtMigration zu beobachten sind. Alle Beitrage
vereint die Perspektive auf Migration als Normalzustand
gesellschaftlicher Wirklichkeit. Die Analysen politischer
Strukturen, die historisierenden Betrachtungen migrantischer
Lebenswelten sowie die ethnografischen Detailforschungen uber
Alltagsphanomene bilden ein breites Spektrum
theoretisch-methodologischer Zugange ab. Als transdisziplinare
Zusammenschau bietet der Band Einblicke in aktuelle
Forschungsfelder und Forschungsprojekte zu FluchtMigration.
Von der Umsetzung der Vorgaben aus Basel II bis zum elektronischen
Zahlungsverkehr - alle Neuigkeiten der Banken-IT.
Die zweite Auflage dieses Standardwerkes wurde komplett neu
strukturiert und gestaltet. Es bietet den aktuellen Stand der
bankbetrieblichen IT: Renommierte Experten aus Banken, Hochschulen
und Beratungsunternehmen haben zukunftsweisende IT-Architekturen
fur alle Geschaftsfelder sowie die Schnittstellen zum Bankenumfeld
Cellular Biophysics is a quantitatively oriented basic physiology
text for senior undergraduate and graduate students in
bioengineering, biophysics, physiology, and neuroscience programs.
It will also serve as a major reference work for
biophysicists.Developed from the author's notes for a course that
he has taught at MIT for many years, these books provide a clear
and logical explanation of the foundations of cell biophysics,
teaching transport and the electrical properties of cells from a
combined biological, physical, and engineering viewpoint. Each
volume contains introductory chapters that motivate the material
and present it in a broad historical context. Important
experimental results and methods are described. Theories are
derived almost always from first principles so that students
develop an understanding of not only the predictions of the theory
but also its limitations. Theoretical results are compared
carefully with experimental findings and new results appear
throughout. There are many time-tested exercises and problems as
well as extensive lists of references. The volume on the electrical
properties of cells covers both electrically inexcitable cells as
well as electrically excitable cells such as neurons and muscle
cells. Included are chapters on lumped-parameter and
distributed-parameter models of cells, linear electric properties
of cells, the Hodgkin-Huxley model of the giant axon of the squid,
saltatory conduction in myelinated nerve fibers, and voltage-gated
ion channels.
Cellular Biophysics is a quantitatively oriented basic physiology
text for senior undergraduate and graduate students in
bioengineering, biophysics, physiology, and neuroscience programs.
It will also serve as a major reference work for biophysicists.
Developed from the author's notes for a course that he has taught
at MIT for many years, these books provide a clear and logical
explanation of the foundations of cell biophysics, teaching
transport and the electrical properties of cells from a combined
biological, physical, and engineering viewpoint. Each volume
contains introductory chapters that motivate the material and
present it in a broad historical context. Important experimental
results and methods are described. Theories are derived almost
always from first principles so that students develop an
understanding of not only the predictions of the theory but also
its limitations. Theoretical results are compared carefully with
experimental findings and new results appear throughout. There are
many time-tested exercises and problems as well as extensive lists
of references. The volume on transport is unique in that no other
text on this important topic develops it clearly and systematically
at the student level. It explains all the principal mechanisms by
which matter is transported across cellular membranes and describes
the homeostatic mechanisms that allow cells to maintain their
concentrations of solutes, their volume, and the potential across
the membrane. Chapters are organized by individual transport
mechanisms-diffusion, osmosis, coupled solute and solvent
transport, carrier-mediated transport, and ion transport (both
passive and active). A final chapter discusses the interplay of all
these mechanisms in cellular homeostasis.
Compared to modern standard, the Roman army of the imperial era was
surprisingly small. However, when assessed in terms of their
various tasks, they by far outstrip modern armies - acting not only
as an armed power of the state in external and internal conflicts,
but also carrying out functions which nowadays are performed by
police, local government, customs and tax authorities, as well as
constructing roads, ships, and buildings. With this opulent volume,
Thomas Fischer presents a comprehensive and unique exploration of
the Roman military of the imperial era. With over 600
illustrations, the costumes, weapons and equipment of the Roman
army are explored in detail using archaeological finds dating from
the late Republic to Late Antiquity, and from all over the Roman
Empire. The buildings and fortifications associated with the Roman
army are also discussed. By comparing conflicts, border security,
weaponry and artefacts, the development of the army through time is
traced. This work is intended for experts as well as to readers
with a general interest in Roman history. It is also a
treasure-trove for re-enactment groups, as it puts many common
perceptions of the weaponry, equipment and dress of the Roman army
to the test.
This authoritative handbook surveys the full breadth and depth of
SEA, bringing together a range of international perspectives and
insights on the theoretical, methodological and institutional
dimensions and practical issues of the field. It then subjects this
conventional wisdom to a critical reappraisal, looks at the vast
lessons of experience and offers new ideas and interpretations as
to where the field is going. The volume is organized into six major
sections, beginning with an introduction and overview of the
development of the field and a framework for evaluating SEA good
practice. Part I comprises a review of SEA frameworks in leading
countries (Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the USA), the
European Union and developing regions (Africa, Asia, Latin America
and Newly Independent States). Part II reviews SEA practice in
several major sectors (energy, minerals, transport, water,
development assistance and coastal zone management). Part III
addresses the linkages between SEA and other comparable tools such
as spatial planning and environmental management. Part IV probes
key cross-cutting issues in SEA, including how to address
cumulative and trans-boundary effects. Part V identifies ways and
means of SEA process and capacity development, focusing on how to
improve and upgrade the theory and practice of the field. Part VI
examines the shift from conventional SEA towards more integrative
approaches, drawing on experience and examples from a number of
countries. Published with IAIA
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich BWL - Personal und
Organisation, Note: 2,0, Wirtschafts- und Sozialakademie der
Arbeitnehmerkammer Bremen gGmbH, Veranstaltung: 4-semestriges
BWL-Studium, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Arbeit befasst sich
mit dem demographischen Wandel und seinen Auswirkungen auf die
Personalstrategien seitens Unternehmen.( Fuhrungs- und
Fachkraftemangel) Sie besteht aus einer Einleitung /
Problemstellung, Erklarung "Demographischer Wandel,"Differenzierung
zw. jungen und alteren Mitarbeitern, Erlauterungen zeitgemasser
Personalentwicklung und Fazit. Begriffe wie Employer Branding,
Work-Life-Balance und Diversity Management werden ebenso behandelt
wie Fuhrung, Motivation, Retention Management und Auswirkungen von
PISA. Das praktische Beispiel erfolgte anhand der Firma
Peek&Cloppenburg, Hamburg. Hier wurde eng mit dem
Personalmanagement des Hauses zusammengearbeitet
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2008 im Fachbereich BWL -
Unternehmensforschung, Operations Research, Note: 2,3, Technische
Universitat Darmstadt (Fachgebiet Operations Research),
Veranstaltung: Seminar Operations Research, 29 Quellen im
Literaturverzeichnis, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ein Teilgebiet
der innerbetrieblichen Standortplanung oder Layoutplanung sind
Quadratische Zuordnungsprobleme (QZOP). Diese Formulierung geht auf
Koopmans und Beckmann 1957 16] zuruck. Grundproblem ist es einzelne
Organisationseinheiten auf einer rechteckigen Grundflache so
anzuordnen, dass die Summe der Transportkosten minimiert wird. In
diesem Zusammenhang wird zwischen Problemen mit gleichem sowie
ungleichem Flachenbedarf der Organisationseinheiten unterschieden.
Zunachst werden die grundlegenden Begriffe geklart. Ausserdem
werden die wichtigsten Modellierungsverfahren fur Probleme mit
gleichem und ungleichem Flachenbedarf sowie wichtige
Losungsalgorithmen und Heuristiken vorgestellt. Diese Arbeit gibt
einen allgemeinen Uberblick uber die Literatur der Jahre 2001 bis
2008. Sechs Arbeiten aus diesem Zeitraum werden in Abschnitt 3 kurz
vorgestellt. Im darauffolgenden Abschnitt wird auf drei ausgewahlte
Arbeiten detaillierter eingegangen. Der Fokus liegt hier auf
Losungsmoglichkeiten fur Probleme mit ungleichem Flachenbedarf, die
auch in der Praxis eine wichtigere Rolle spielen. Zum Verstandnis
des Themenkomplexes sowie der Einordnung von Quadratischen
Zuordnungsproblemen in den Gesamtkontext der innerbetrieblichen
Standortplanung werden im Folgenden die grundlegenden Fakten und
Merkmale dieser Probleme betrachtet. In dieser Sektion werden die
Basisbegriffe der quadratischen Zuordnungsprobleme erlautert, sowie
deren Verwendung innerhalb der Problemlosungsstrategien aufgezeigt.
Das quadratische Zuordnungsproblem wird im Deutschen auch als QZOP
und im Englischen als QAP abgekurzt. Bei Problemen mit ungleichem
Flachenbedarf spricht man auch von Generalized Quadratic Assignment
Problems (GQA
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