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As computers continue to remain essential tools for the pursuit of
physics, medicine, economics, social sciences, and more,
supercomputers are proving that they can further extend and greatly
enhance as-of-yet undiscovered knowledge and solve the world's most
complex problems. As these instruments continue to lead to
groundbreaking discoveries and breakthroughs, it is imperative that
research remains up to date with the latest findings and uses. The
Handbook of Research on Methodologies and Applications of
Supercomputing is a comprehensive and critical reference book that
provides research on the latest advances of control flow and
dataflow supercomputing and highlights selected emerging big data
applications needing high acceleration and/or low power.
Consequently, this book advocates the need for hybrid computing,
where the control flow part represents the host architecture and
dataflow part represents the acceleration architecture. These
issues cover the initial eight chapters. The remaining eight
chapters cover selected modern applications that are best
implemented on a hybrid computer, in which the transactional parts
(serial code) are implemented on the control flow part and the
loops (parallel code) on the dataflow part. These final eight
chapters cover two major application domains: scientific computing
and computing for digital economy. This book offers applications in
marketing, medicine, energy systems, and library science, among
others, and is an essential source for scientists, programmers,
engineers, practitioners, researchers, academicians, and students
interested in the latest findings and advancements in
Since its first volume in 1960, Advances in Computers has presented
detailed coverage of innovations in computer hardware, software,
theory, design, and applications. It has also provided contributors
with a medium in which they can explore their subjects in greater
depth and breadth than journal articles usually allow. As a result,
many articles have become standard references that continue to be
of significant, lasting value in this rapidly expanding field.
Creativity in Computing and DataFlow Supercomputing, the latest
release in the Advances in Computers series published since 1960,
presents detailed coverage of innovations in computer hardware,
software, theory, design, and applications. In addition, it
provides contributors with a medium in which they can explore
topics in greater depth and breadth than journal articles typically
allow. As a result, many articles have become standard references
that continue to be of significant, lasting value in this rapidly
expanding field.
This book presents an overview of a variety of contemporary
statistical, mathematical and computer science techniques which are
used to further the knowledge in the medical domain. The authors
focus on applying data mining to the medical domain, including
mining the sets of clinical data typically found in patient's
medical records, image mining, medical mining, data mining and
machine learning applied to generic genomic data and more. This
work also introduces modeling behavior of cancer cells, multi-scale
computational models and simulations of blood flow through vessels
by using patient-specific models. The authors cover different
imaging techniques used to generate patient-specific models. This
is used in computational fluid dynamics software to analyze fluid
flow. Case studies are provided at the end of each chapter.
Professionals and researchers with quantitative backgrounds will
find Computational Medicine in Data Mining and Modeling useful as a
reference. Advanced-level students studying computer science,
mathematics, statistics and biomedicine will also find this book
valuable as a reference or secondary text book.
Design is an art form in which the designer selects from a myriad
of alternatives to bring an "optimum" choice to a user. In many
complex of "optimum" is difficult to define. Indeed, the users
systems the notion themselves will not agree, so the "best" system
is simply the one in which the designer and the user have a
congruent viewpoint. Compounding the design problem are tradeoffs
that span a variety of technologies and user requirements. The
electronic business system is a classically complex system whose
tradeoff criteria and user views are constantly changing with
rapidly developing underlying technology. Professor Milutinovic has
chosen this area for his capstone contribution to the computer
systems design. This book completes his trilogy on design issue in
computer systems. His first work, "Surviving the Design of a 200
MHz RISC Microprocessor" (1997) focused on the tradeoffs and design
issues within a processor. His second work, "Surviving the Design
of Microprocessor and Multiprocessor Systems" (2000) considers the
design issues involved with assembling a number of processors into
a coherent system. Finally, this book generalizes the system design
problem to electronic commerce on the Internet, a global system of
immense consequence.
This unique text/reference describes an exciting and novel approach
to supercomputing in the DataFlow paradigm. The major advantages
and applications of this approach are clearly described, and a
detailed explanation of the programming model is provided using
simple yet effective examples. The work is developed from a series
of lecture courses taught by the authors in more than 40
universities across more than 20 countries, and from research
carried out by Maxeler Technologies, Inc. Topics and features:
presents a thorough introduction to DataFlow supercomputing for big
data problems; reviews the latest research on the DataFlow
architecture and its applications; introduces a new method for the
rapid handling of real-world challenges involving large datasets;
provides a case study on the use of the new approach to accelerate
the Cooley-Tukey algorithm on a DataFlow machine; includes a
step-by-step guide to the web-based integrated development
environment WebIDE.
It is a general trend in computing that computers are becoming ever
smaller and ever more interconnected. Sensor networks - large
networks of small, simple devices - are a logical extreme of this
trend. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are attracting an increasing
degree of research interest, with a growing number of industrial
applications starting to emerge. Two of these applications,
personal health monitoring and emergency/disaster recovery, are the
focus of the European Commission project ProSense: Promote,
Mobilize, Reinforce and Integrate Wireless Sensor Networking
Research and Researchers. This hands-on introduction to WSN systems
development presents a broad coverage of topics in the field,
contributed by researchers involved in the ProSense project. An
emphasis is placed on the practical knowledge required for the
successful implementation of WSNs. Divided into four parts, the
first part covers basic issues of sensors, software, and
position-based routing protocols. Part two focuses on
multidisciplinary issues, including sensor network integration,
mobility aspects, georouting, medical applications, and vehicular
sensor networks. The remaining two parts present case studies and
further applications. Topics and features: presents a broad
overview of WSN technology, including an introduction to sensor and
sensing technologies; contains an extensive section on case
studies, providing details of the development of a number of WSN
applications; discusses frameworks for WSN systems integration,
through which WSN technology will become fundamental to the Future
Internet concept; investigates real-world applications of WSN
systems in medical and vehicular sensor networks; with a Foreword
by the Nobel Laurate Professor Martin Perl of Stanford University.
Providing holistic coverage of WSN technology, this text/reference
will enable graduate students of computer science, electrical
engineering and telecommunications to master the specific domains
of this emerging area. The book will also be a valuable resource
for researchers and practitioners interested in entering the field.
As a foreword, here we publish an email letter of Late Professor
Herb Simon, Nobel Laureate, that he wrote on the occasion ofthe
death of the fatherofa friend. This letterofcondolence, more than
any other wisdom, tells about the essence of the process of
scientific creation, which is so important for both, the specific
subject being covered by this book, and for the general science.
When asked to address an SSGRR conference in Italy, prior to his
death, Professor Herb Simon agreed that these lines be presented to
all those who are interested in understanding the real essence
oftheir own scientific struggle. Dear Professor Milutinovic: I want
to extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family on the death
of your father. His career was a very distinguished one, and his
life spanned a most complex and difficult sequence of epochs in
your country's history. Our generation (I am just a year younger
than he was), like all its predecessors, leaves many tasks -
hopefully no more than it inherited - for the next generation to
take up; but even knowing that it must be so does not remove one's
senseofloss in the parting.
Advances in Computers, Volume 106 is the latest volume in the
series, which has been published since 1960. This update presents
innovations in computer hardware, software, theory, design and
applications, with new chapters in this volume including sections
on A New Course on R&D Project Management in Computer Science
and Engineering: Subjects Taught, Rationales Behind, and Lessons
Learned, Advances in Dataflow Systems, Adaptation and Evaluation of
the Simplex Algorithm for a Data-Flow Architecture, and Simple
Operations in Memory to Reduce Data Movement. In addition, this
series provides contributors with a medium to explore their
subjects in greater depth than journal articles usually allow.
This unique text/reference describes an exciting and novel approach
to supercomputing in the DataFlow paradigm. The major advantages
and applications of this approach are clearly described, and a
detailed explanation of the programming model is provided using
simple yet effective examples. The work is developed from a series
of lecture courses taught by the authors in more than 40
universities across more than 20 countries, and from research
carried out by Maxeler Technologies, Inc. Topics and features:
presents a thorough introduction to DataFlow supercomputing for big
data problems; reviews the latest research on the DataFlow
architecture and its applications; introduces a new method for the
rapid handling of real-world challenges involving large datasets;
provides a case study on the use of the new approach to accelerate
the Cooley-Tukey algorithm on a DataFlow machine; includes a
step-by-step guide to the web-based integrated development
environment WebIDE.
This book presents an overview of a variety of contemporary
statistical, mathematical and computer science techniques which are
used to further the knowledge in the medical domain. The authors
focus on applying data mining to the medical domain, including
mining the sets of clinical data typically found in patient's
medical records, image mining, medical mining, data mining and
machine learning applied to generic genomic data and more. This
work also introduces modeling behavior of cancer cells, multi-scale
computational models and simulations of blood flow through vessels
by using patient-specific models. The authors cover different
imaging techniques used to generate patient-specific models. This
is used in computational fluid dynamics software to analyze fluid
flow. Case studies are provided at the end of each chapter.
Professionals and researchers with quantitative backgrounds will
find Computational Medicine in Data Mining and Modeling useful as a
reference. Advanced-level students studying computer science,
mathematics, statistics and biomedicine will also find this book
valuable as a reference or secondary text book.
In this book, the authors describe how Mind Genomics works - a
revolutionary marketing method that combines the three sciences of
Mathematics, Psychology, and Economics - in a masterful way. Mind
Genomics helps the seller of products and services to know what
people are thinking about them before one ever commits to an
approach by knowing what is important to the people one is trying
to influence. Mind Genomics identifies what aspects of a general
topic are important to the audience, how different people in the
audience will respond to different aspects of that topic, and how
to pinpoint the viewpoints of different audience segments to each
aspect of the topic. A careful step by step approach explains what
activities ought to be taken and what scenarios must be followed
while applying this method in order to find the right way to
capture the hearts and minds of targeted audiences. This book
explains how Mind Genomics plays a matching game with one's
potential audience and various ways one can present the products
and ideas resulting in a systematic approach to influencing others,
backed by real data; how one can play with ideas, see patterns
imposed by the mind and create new, inductive, applied sciences of
the mind, measuring the world using the mind of man as the
yardstick. In details it describes how everyday thought is
transferred into actionable data and results. Whether one is a
senior marketer for a large corporation, a professor at a
university, or administrator at a hospital, one could use Mind
Genomics to learn how to transform available information into
actionable steps that will increase the products sales, or increase
the number of interested students for a new university program, or
the number of satisfied patients in the hospital with their medical
conditions kept at highest levels after leaving it. Mind Genomics
was first introduced by Dr. Howard Moskowitz, an alumnus of Harvard
University and the father of Horizontal Segmentation - a widely
accepted business model for targeted marketing and profit
Design is an art form in which the designer selects from a myriad
of alternatives to bring an "optimum" choice to a user. In many
complex of "optimum" is difficult to define. Indeed, the users
systems the notion themselves will not agree, so the "best" system
is simply the one in which the designer and the user have a
congruent viewpoint. Compounding the design problem are tradeoffs
that span a variety of technologies and user requirements. The
electronic business system is a classically complex system whose
tradeoff criteria and user views are constantly changing with
rapidly developing underlying technology. Professor Milutinovic has
chosen this area for his capstone contribution to the computer
systems design. This book completes his trilogy on design issue in
computer systems. His first work, "Surviving the Design of a 200
MHz RISC Microprocessor" (1997) focused on the tradeoffs and design
issues within a processor. His second work, "Surviving the Design
of Microprocessor and Multiprocessor Systems" (2000) considers the
design issues involved with assembling a number of processors into
a coherent system. Finally, this book generalizes the system design
problem to electronic commerce on the Internet, a global system of
immense consequence.
It is a general trend in computing that computers are becoming ever
smaller and ever more interconnected. Sensor networks - large
networks of small, simple devices - are a logical extreme of this
trend. Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are attracting an increasing
degree of research interest, with a growing number of industrial
applications starting to emerge. Two of these applications,
personal health monitoring and emergency/disaster recovery, are the
focus of the European Commission project ProSense: Promote,
Mobilize, Reinforce and Integrate Wireless Sensor Networking
Research and Researchers. This hands-on introduction to WSN systems
development presents a broad coverage of topics in the field,
contributed by researchers involved in the ProSense project. An
emphasis is placed on the practical knowledge required for the
successful implementation of WSNs. Divided into four parts, the
first part covers basic issues of sensors, software, and
position-based routing protocols. Part two focuses on
multidisciplinary issues, including sensor network integration,
mobility aspects, georouting, medical applications, and vehicular
sensor networks. The remaining two parts present case studies and
further applications. Topics and features: presents a broad
overview of WSN technology, including an introduction to sensor and
sensing technologies; contains an extensive section on case
studies, providing details of the development of a number of WSN
applications; discusses frameworks for WSN systems integration,
through which WSN technology will become fundamental to the Future
Internet concept; investigates real-world applications of WSN
systems in medical and vehicular sensor networks; with a Foreword
by the Nobel Laurate Professor Martin Perl of Stanford University.
Providing holistic coverage of WSN technology, this text/reference
will enable graduate students of computer science, electrical
engineering and telecommunications to master the specific domains
of this emerging area. The book will also be a valuable resource
for researchers and practitioners interested in entering the field.
As a foreword, here we publish an email letter of Late Professor
Herb Simon, Nobel Laureate, that he wrote on the occasion ofthe
death of the fatherofa friend. This letterofcondolence, more than
any other wisdom, tells about the essence of the process of
scientific creation, which is so important for both, the specific
subject being covered by this book, and for the general science.
When asked to address an SSGRR conference in Italy, prior to his
death, Professor Herb Simon agreed that these lines be presented to
all those who are interested in understanding the real essence
oftheir own scientific struggle. Dear Professor Milutinovic: I want
to extend my deepest sympathy to you and your family on the death
of your father. His career was a very distinguished one, and his
life spanned a most complex and difficult sequence of epochs in
your country's history. Our generation (I am just a year younger
than he was), like all its predecessors, leaves many tasks -
hopefully no more than it inherited - for the next generation to
take up; but even knowing that it must be so does not remove one's
senseofloss in the parting.
Advances in Computers, Volume 116, presents innovations in computer
hardware, software, theory, design, and applications, with this
updated volume including new chapters on Teaching Graduate Students
How to Review Research Articles and How to Respond to Reviewer
Comments, ALGATOR - An Automatic Algorithm Evaluation System, Graph
Grammar Induction, Asymmetric Windows in Digital Signal Processing,
Intelligent Agents in Games: Review With an Open-Source Tool, Using
Clickstream Data to Enhance Reverse Engineering of Web
Applications, and more.
Based on current literature and cutting-edge advances in the
machine learning field, there are four algorithms whose usage in
new application domains must be explored: neural networks, rule
induction algorithms, tree-based algorithms, and density-based
algorithms. A number of machine learning related algorithms have
been derived from these four algorithms. Consequently, they
represent excellent underlying methods for extracting hidden
knowledge from unstructured data, as essential data mining tasks.
Implementation of Machine Learning Algorithms Using Control-Flow
and Dataflow Paradigms presents widely used data-mining algorithms
and explains their advantages and disadvantages, their mathematical
treatment, applications, energy efficient implementations, and
more. It presents research of energy efficient accelerators for
machine learning algorithms. Covering topics such as control-flow
implementation, approximate computing, and decision tree
algorithms, this book is an essential resource for computer
scientists, engineers, students and educators of higher education,
researchers, and academicians.
Since the seminal judgment of the European Court of Justice in
Courage v. Crehan (2001), a right to damages is available not only
to individuals (i.e. companies) acting against the Member States,
but also to individuals acting against each other, as a result of
the direct effect of Article 101 of the Treaty on the Functioning
of the EU. However, it is only since the Commission's 2008 White
Paper on Damages that a real impetus to the 'private enforcement'
implied by this decision has taken place. If the White Paper is
converted into legislation, it will have profound implications on
the way both EU competition law and European (EU or national)
private law functions. It is the provocative thesis of this book
that the Commission's struggle for a more 'effective' system of
private enforcement has gone from being a mere enhancement of a
single EU policy (competition) to slowly but surely fuelling a
paradigm shift in EU law. In an absorbing and richly detailed
analysis of this thesis, the author examines such controversial and
complex issues facing private enforcement of competition law in the
EU as the following: the binding effect of competition authority
decisions on a civil proceeding; the pass-on defence and standing
of indirect purchasers; distinguishing between restitution and
compensation; arguments defining the 'right' plaintiff';
national procedural autonomy; containing the 'spill-over' effect;
and assessing a unified competition litigation system. The
discussion of these issues and others underscores their tendency,
as the result of gradual judicial development, to make damages
claims in the EU more likely to be brought, more likely to be won,
and more beneficial to the plaintiff if won. The forceful
implication is that these issues carry much broader implications
than mere efficiency in the context of the competition rules;
rather, they have a profound impact on the wider issues of access
to justice and the right to a fair trial in the Union's legal
order. Through the perception of 'private enforcement' of EU
competition law as an enduring legal and socio-political reality
that is likely to remain, this book sheds new and powerful light on
EU constitutional law and the ever-expanding influence of EU law on
(largely national) private law. Although the practical availability
of damages in national judicial fora is an issue which is still
very far from being satisfactorily resolved, this far-reaching
study reveals a trend that seems virtually inevitable, and will be
of enormous interest to academics and policymakers concerned not
only with competition law but with the very basis of EU law.
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