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Very few studies have examined the worldview of the Anishinaabeg
from within the culture itself and none have explored the
Anishinaabe worldview in relation to their efforts to maintain
their culture in the present-day world. This book fills that gap.
Focusing mainly on the Minnesota Anishinaabeg, Lawrence Gross
explores how their worldview works to create a holistic way of
living. However, as Gross also argues, the Anishinaabeg saw the end
of their world early in the 20th century and experienced what he
calls 'postapocalypse stress syndrome.' As such, the book further
explores how the values engendered by the worldview of the
Anishinaabeg are finding expression in the modern world as they
seek to rebuild their society.
Very few studies have examined the worldview of the Anishinaabeg
from within the culture itself and none have explored the
Anishinaabe worldview in relation to their efforts to maintain
their culture in the present-day world. This book fills that gap.
Focusing mainly on the Minnesota Anishinaabeg, Lawrence Gross
explores how their worldview works to create a holistic way of
living. However, as Gross also argues, the Anishinaabeg saw the end
of their world early in the 20th century and experienced what he
calls 'postapocalypse stress syndrome.' As such, the book further
explores how the values engendered by the worldview of the
Anishinaabeg are finding expression in the modern world as they
seek to rebuild their society.
Although topology was recognized by Gauss and Maxwell to play a
pivotal role in the formulation of electromagnetic boundary value
problems, it is a largely unexploited tool for field computation.
The development of algebraic topology since Maxwell provides a
framework for linking data structures, algorithms, and computation
to topological aspects of three-dimensional electromagnetic
boundary value problems. This book attempts to expose the link
between Maxwell and a modern approach to algorithms. The first
chapters lay out the relevant facts about homology and cohomology,
stressing their interpretations in electromagnetism. These
topological structures are subsequently tied to variational
formulations in electromagnetics, the finite element method,
algorithms, and certain aspects of numerical linear algebra. A
recurring theme is the formulation of and algorithms for the
problem of making branch cuts for computing magnetic scalar
potentials and eddy currents. Appendices bridge the gap between the
material presented and standard expositions of differential forms,
Hodge decompositions, and tools for realizing representatives of
homology classes as embedded manifolds.
Over the years, interventional radiology has developed many
effective and less invasive procedures. As the number and types of
interven tions increase, radiologists are becoming more and more
involved in clinical patient care. This includes pre-interventional
patient workup, sophisticated medical therapy and monitoring during
interventions, regular inpatient rounds and complete follow-up
management. Therefore interventional radiologists are faced with a
broad spectrum of clinical and pharmacological questions.
Adjunctive medical therapy should increase the patient's comfort,
should improve the success rates, and should further reduce the
risks of the procedures. In order to fulfill our responsibility to
the patients, a profound knowledge of certain drugs is
indispensable. This in cludes, for example, sedatives, analgesics,
cardiovascular drugs and agents to prevent infections,
thromboembolic complications or restenoses. Moreover, a good
monitoring system during complex procedures will increase the
safety of radiological interventions. These topics and several more
have been presented and discussed during an international symposium
in Basel, Switzerland, in January 1992. It is the benefit of the
authors, that all these results could be published shortly after
the event. Connected with our thanks to all the co-workers the
editors hope to find this publication assisting an increasing
number of safe interventions.
These timeless Bible accounts of God's faithfulness, grace, and
mercy make memorable family-time reading. Includes 28 stories from
the Old Testament and 32 New Testament stories that provide a
progressive, unified account of man in his relationship to God.
Native American Rhetoric is the first book to explore rhetorical
traditions from within individual Native communities and Native
languages. The essays set a new standard for how rhetoric is talked
about, written about, and taught. The contributors argue that
Native rhetorical practices have their own interior logic, which is
grounded in the morality and religion of their given traditions.
Once we understand the ways in which Native rhetorical practices
are rooted in culture and tradition, the phenomenological
expression of the speech patterns becomes clear. The value of
Native communities and their languages is underlined throughout the
essays. Lawrence W. Gross and the contributors successfully
represent several, but not all, Native communities across the
United States and Mexico, including the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe,
Choctaw, Nahua, Chickasaw and Chicana, Tohono O'odham, Navajo,
Apache, Hupa, Lower Coast Salish, Koyukon, Tlingit, and Nez Perce.
Native American Rhetoric will be an essential resource for
continued discussions of Native American rhetorical practices in
and beyond the discipline of rhetoric.
Although topology was recognized by Gauss and Maxwell to play a
pivotal role in the formulation of electromagnetic boundary value
problems, it is a largely unexploited tool for field computation.
The development of algebraic topology since Maxwell provides a
framework for linking data structures, algorithms, and computation
to topological aspects of three-dimensional electromagnetic
boundary value problems. This book attempts to expose the link
between Maxwell and a modern approach to algorithms. The first
chapters lay out the relevant facts about homology and cohomology,
stressing their interpretations in electromagnetism. These
topological structures are subsequently tied to variational
formulations in electromagnetics, the finite element method,
algorithms, and certain aspects of numerical linear algebra. A
recurring theme is the formulation of and algorithms for the
problem of making branch cuts for computing magnetic scalar
potentials and eddy currents.
Die Gefasschirurgie wandelt sich. Neue Verfahren scheinen
Altbewahrtes abzuloesen. Die medizinischen Strukturen erfahren
entsprechende AEnderungen. Ist eine Kooperation zwischen der
Gefasschirurgie und der Interventionellen Radiologie moeglich? Im
Juni 1997 trafen sich namhafte Spezialisten auf dem Kongress fur
Gefasschirurgie am AK Hamburg-Harburg. Neben einer Bestandsaufnahme
der gegenwartigen Situation und ihren empirischen Wurzeln, wurden
Perspektiven fur die Zukunft der Gefasschirurgie vorgestellt und
Das Buch geht auf zwei aktuelle radiologische Themen ein: Die
Kernspintomographie des Gef{ systems und die Implantation von Gef{
endoprothesen (Stents). Zun{chst werden die methodischen Grundlagen
der MR-Angiographie ausf}hrlich erl{utert und ihre verschiedenen
Anwendunsgebiete besprochen. Neben einer Standortbestimmung der
Methode wird auf ihre Grenzen und zuk}nftigen
Entwicklungsm-glichkeiten eingegangen. Au er der MR-Angiographie
werden Anwendungsm-glichkeiten und Ergebnisse der konventionellen
Kernspintomographie des Gef{ systems diskutiert. Abgerundet wird
der erste Teil des Buches durch einen Beitrag }ber die
Spektroskopie bei kardiovaskul{ren Erkrankungen. Die Ausf}hrungen
}ber Stentimplantationen beginnen mit einer Schilderung der
Pathphysiologie, Mechanik und medikament-sen Zusatztherapie von
Gef{ verschl}ssen. Im weiteren wird auf klinische Ergebnisse der
Stentimplantationen in verschiedenen Gef{ regionen eingegangen. Die
Ergebnisse wurden von erfahrenen Arbeitsgruppen zusammengestellt.
Dem Leser soll eine aktuelle, kritische Standortbestimmung und eine
Entscheidungshilfe f}r die Anwendung der verschiedenen Technologien
geboten werden.
Die klassische angiographische Roentgenuntersuchung ist auch heute
noch "Goldener Standard", an dem sich alle anderen Verfahren messen
mussen. Mit der raschen Entwicklung der Computer-Technologie
beginnt die digitale Bildtechnik uber die Nuklearmedizin,
Computertomographie, Sonographie und Magnetresonanztomographie
hinaus nun auch in traditionellen Bereichen der Radiologie Fuss zu
fassen. Ein Schritt in diese Richtung ist die digitale
Subtraktionsangiographie (DSA). In enger Zusammenarbeit haben
Gefasschirurgen, Neurochirurgen, Kardiochirurgen, Neurologen,
Internisten und Padiatern in den vergangenen Jahren neue
Moeglichkeiten, aber auch die Grenzen der DSA aufgezeigt. Dieses
Manual fasst den aktuellen Stand der Erfahrungen zusammen und
bietet dem Radiologen wichtige Hinweise fur die tagliche Arbeit an,
indem es die den jeweiligen Fragestellungen angemessenen
Untersuchungstechniken beschreibt und auf Fehler- und
Irrtumsmoeglichkeiten aufmerksam macht. Insbesondere vermittelt das
Buch eine Reihe von in langjahriger Erfahrung gewonnenen Kniffen,
die zur Verbesserung der Untersuchungsqualitat beitragen. Daruber
hinaus setzt es sich kritisch mit den Indikationen auseinander und
ordnet die DSA in das Spektrum der bekannten radiologischen und
nichtradiologischen Untersuchungsverfahren ein. Es wendet sich
damit an alle AErzte, die mit Gefasserkrankungen im engeren und
weiteren Sinne konfrontiert werden.
Die Rerausgeber haben mich mit der Bitte geehrt, zu diesem Buch ein
Vorwort zu schreiben. Ich komme diesem Wunsche gerne nacho Die
Verfasser weisen daraufhin, daB das von ihnen beschrie- bene
Konzept der Behandlung von QuerschnittgeHihmten auf den von mir
wahrend des 2. Weltkrieges entwickelten und an- gewandten
Prinzipien zur Rehabilitation dieser schwer behin- derten, seit
lahrhunderten vernachlassigten Menschen beruht. Unter den zur
Anwendung kommenden Methoden war es ins- besondere die
grundsatzliche Neuorientierung der Physiothe- rapie von einer
insgesamt recht passiven zu einer gezielt dyna- mischen
Arbeitsrichtung, die sich fiberraschend erfolgreich und segensreich
auswirkte. Wahrend diese Tatsache heute all- gemein als
selbstverstandlich anerkannt wird, erwies es sich in der ersten
Zeit der Arbeit im National Spinal Injuries Centre in Stoke
Mandeville angesichts der fiber lahrhunderte beste- henden
Vorurteile als keineswegs leicht, dieses neue Konzept der
umfassenden Behandlung und Betreuung des Rficken- markverletzten
durchzusetzen. Reute nimmt die moderne Physiotherapie eine
entscheidende Aufgabe in der Primarbehandlung ebenso wie bei der
fort- laufenden Betreuung des Paraplegikers und des Tetraplegi-
kers wahr. Der Physiotherapeut ebenso wie der Ergotherapeut bilden,
zusammen mit dem pflegerischen Dienst, das Rfick- grat des
therapeutischen Teams, dessen Zusammenwirken die umfassende
physische, psychische und soziale Rehabilitation des
Querschnittgelahmten ermoglicht. Die Verfasser schopf en aus ihren
langjahrigen Erfahrungen auf diesem komplexen Gebiet der Medizin -
sie haben es in klarer und fiberzeugender Weise dargestellt. Moge
diesem Buch ein voller Erfolg beschieden sein.
Native American Rhetoric is the first book to explore rhetorical
traditions from within individual Native communities and Native
languages. The essays set a new standard for how rhetoric is talked
about, written about, and taught. The contributors argue that
Native rhetorical practices have their own interior logic, which is
grounded in the morality and religion of their given traditions.
Once we understand the ways in which Native rhetorical practices
are rooted in culture and tradition, the phenomenological
expression of the speech patterns becomes clear. The value of
Native communities and their languages is underlined throughout the
essays. Lawrence W. Gross and the contributors successfully
represent several, but not all, Native communities across the
United States and Mexico, including the Haudenosaunee, Anishinaabe,
Choctaw, Nahua, Chickasaw and Chicana, Tohono O'odham, Navajo,
Apache, Hupa, Lower Coast Salish, Koyukon, Tlingit, and Nez Perce.
Native American Rhetoric will be an essential resource for
continued discussions of Native American rhetorical practices in
and beyond the discipline of rhetoric.
Writing in America (Hardcover)
John Fischer, Robert B. Silvers; Contributions by John Fischer, Robert B. Silvers, Mason W. Gross, …
Discovery Miles 11 220
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
In the fall of 1959, Harper's Magazine published a special
supplement on the state of writing and the American literary scene.
The supplement was greeted with a broadside of commendation and a
fusillade of cavil, and has since become recognized as the most
useful brief survey of the contemporary state of the American
writing arts and of their fellow travelers, the spoken word, the
typescript word, the filmed and televised word, and the publishing
memorandum. In this newly reissued volume in the Rutgers University
Press Classics Imprint, Writing in America proves to be as
stimulating as it was in 1960. Here, writers including Robert
Brustein, Stanley Kunitz, and C.P. Snow examine the state of
writing in American novels, films, and television candidly and
critically. The result is a collection of essays that showcase a
first-rate and highly entertaining piece of reporting on the
American literary scene that resonate in 2017.
Writing in America (Paperback)
John Fischer, Robert B. Silvers; Contributions by John Fischer, Robert B. Silvers, Mason W. Gross, …
Discovery Miles 4 850
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
In the fall of 1959, Harper's Magazine published a special
supplement on the state of writing and the American literary scene.
The supplement was greeted with a broadside of commendation and a
fusillade of cavil, and has since become recognized as the most
useful brief survey of the contemporary state of the American
writing arts and of their fellow travelers, the spoken word, the
typescript word, the filmed and televised word, and the publishing
memorandum. In this newly reissued volume in the Rutgers University
Press Classics Imprint, Writing in America proves to be as
stimulating as it was in 1960. Here, writers including Robert
Brustein, Stanley Kunitz, and C.P. Snow examine the state of
writing in American novels, films, and television candidly and
critically. The result is a collection of essays that showcase a
first-rate and highly entertaining piece of reporting on the
American literary scene that resonate in 2017.
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