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AND NOW A WORD From Blessed Mickey Parker I am a Cat... well
actually a Kitten. My Story begins when I was very tiny... I had a
rough start in life that I was literally throw away when I was a
few days old... BUT the good news is some Angels found me and a few
other Angels helped care for me until I found my Forever Home.... I
hope you enjoy My Book and tell your friends about me. Sincerely,
Blessed Mickey Parker (meow)
ON A MOUNTAIN in East Tennessee. I have a little cabin on 60 acres
of timberland. I do not have electricity. I get my water from a
spring. I use a kerosene lamp, or candles for light, a wood stove
for heating and cooking. I sometimes go for weeks and never see
another person. But I never get lonely. I keep busy. I do a lot of
reading and enjoying God's handiwork. I have learned that
loneliness is a sort of poverty, but solitude is richness. The post
office is a two hour stroll away. Every once in a while I walk out
to the road with a backpack and hitchhike into town for supplies.
By keeping things simple, I am under less of a burden and can enjoy
life more. I know the difference between pleasure and happiness...
I can keep myself happy without a lot of what folks call 'earthly
pleasures' and the Lord does take care of me. It is good to stop
the pursuit of happiness and just be happy. Someone said, "There is
a period of time between birth and death called life, but many
never really live they just mark time." That seems to be a sad
reality in many lives and yet society has laid out as pure truth
the way man should live. I could not, or would not, fit into that
box. If I had, I would have just been marking time. While thinking
about my past I realized it is the only mirror a person can use to
view the future. All of us remember the bad and hopefully learn
from it. The good is easy to remember. But what about the seemingly
unimportant things? The simple things? Perhaps wisdom is being able
to learn from all. What I have learned has brought me to my
mountain... this is my story. YOUR JOURNEY JUST FOR A MOMENT
imagine you have come to visit Harvey on his mountain. You may have
read about him, heard stories, or met him somewhere on his travels.
It is early morning and for most of the way, you find yourself
driving through a cloud. A misty fog hovered over the mountain
during the night and settled gently into the valleys. AS YOU PARK
BESIDE the road and step out of the car the mountain wraps your
senses. You hear the creek rushing over rocks as it follows its
century old path around lower border of the mountain. The air is
crisp. Nearby a blue jay calls out a welcome, or a warning. Walking
on you remember to check your cell phone... no bars. You are
officially separated from the outside world. CLIMBING OVER A FENCE,
you follow the path through damp woods of pine, oak, poplar; their
branches create a laced canopy above your head. Jewel-like dewdrops
glisten on grasses and the delicate tips of pine needles. The trail
is quiet except for the soft crackle of twigs under your feet and
an occasional chattering of a squirrel. As you walk farther into
the mountain the world shrinks to the path before you. Moss, rocks,
ferns, leaves take on exquisite details you would have missed on
other walks in wide-open spaces. The pervading silence of the
mountain brings with it a solitude humans rarely experience, Alone?
Not really, forest eyes are wondering at the stranger who has
suddenly appeared in their kingdom. Standing still for a moment you
see a whitetail-deer no farther than a stones throw away. She
solemnly stares at you with unblinking eyes then melts off into the
morning mist. Moving on at a gentler pace you vaguely wonder what
it would be like to live this close to God's creatures and yet not
see another human being for weeks at a time? YOU HAVE HEARD that
before settling here Harvey traversed the length and breath of the
country with only a backpack. There has to be a story behind the
Mountain Man. Somehow you feel deep within that he may have answers
that will help you live your own live in a more authentic way. That
is why you made this journey....
Moving On... is a quick read...100 Plus Pages of Pure Inspiration
It began as a second edition to an earlier book. One month into the
edits it took on a life of its own. While it still contains a few
of the inspirational letters I wrote to a hurricane survivor, it is
also a book for the survivors of storms beyond natural disasters.
Storms driven by un-met needs, un-healed hurts, un-resolved issues,
which shroud us in clouds of depression, low self-esteem,
confusion, loneliness. The kinds of storms that leave us with
broken hearts, broken dreams, broken lives. The storms you and I
have lived through, and sometimes camped-out in for long weary
nights. This book is about acknowledging 'what is' and making
quality decisions to move on to 'what can be.' This book is about
change and choices. It is about a new beginning in all areas of
life. They say that the books that really change a reader's life
are those that change the author's as well. In this collection of
articles, book excerpts, poetry, and quotes I share my heart. I
pray they will give you the inspiration for your journey as they
did mine. Moving On... follows my personal journey into the world
of survivors from the early days until now. It is a world of pain
and beauty, hopelessness and healing, death and new life. Now
imagine we are sitting at my kitchen table. I have poured you a hot
cup of coffee, or tea if you prefer. There may even be a plate of
warm cookies nearby. We talk and laugh, perhaps shed a few tears.
As I take your hand in mine and look into your eyes I want you to
realize that no matter what the present circumstances are...
'Happiness' is your destination, and 'Choice' is your passport. I
tell you upfront I have only one message... "While I celebrate your
survival, I know for sure it is only a launching pad for your
beautiful future. You have within you all you need to begin again.
God has much more for you and you can take the first step today."
Blessings, Wanda G.
This book is designed to be a companion to The Search for Peace. If
you have read Part One in that book you already have clear insight
into why this Journey is mandatory. Because of a lifetime of wounds
embedded into our souls, most of us walk through life with so much
baggage that the dream of PEACE is little more than a dim, far away
illusion. We love God and want with all our heart to live a
victorious life, but we don't know where to start. Well, Beloved
Reader right here, on these pages, is the place to start.
This is a sequel to Family Secrets: Letters to My Granddaughters A
NOTE FROM GRACE Several years back I enrolled in a writing class
called, "Your Dreams and Writing." While taking the class I dreamed
I was asked to write a manuscript. When it was finished I took it
with me to a park. While sitting on a park bench watching a little
girl play with her mom I suddenly saw a title wave coming from afar
off. Quickly I placed my manuscript on top of the park pavilion
thinking it would be safe there. In the next scene of the dream I
was in class and it was time for me to hand in my assignment. I
told the teacher I did not have my manuscript because of the tidal
wave that had hit the park. Although I had tried to keep it safe
atop the pavilion it had been destroyed. About that time the little
girl entered the room with my manuscript. I knelt down beside her
as she handed it to me. She looked me straight in the eye and said,
"You know I lost my mom in that title wave." I replied, "Yes honey,
I know you did." And that was the end of the dream. It is possible
you hold that manuscript in your hands... rescued by a motherless
child and finally published for other children who survived a title
wave that took their mother. Grace Ann Neuharth
Letters to a Kitten: SOME OF MY FANS have wanted to know the secret
of my success. How does a kitten a few hours old found laying near
death in the desert on a cold morning in September become a
published author by Christmas? Sounds a little far-fetched...
actually it is a little far-fetched. The how's of that amazement is
of course documented in my first book I Am Blessed: A Kitten's
Memoir.. ....... I am now eight months old and I Got Mail: Letters
To A Kitten is my second Memoir; the future looks bright for yet
another best seller Just call me MICKEY, THE MEOW MEMOIR MAN
......... AS YOU WILL SEE I have had a lot of adventures the last
few months, but one of the most important things to transpire
because of my first book was receiving lots and lots of mail from
my readers and Facebook friends The letters and pictures were from
pets as well as their humans....... SO my fans helped create this
book and of course Mama helped too. Although, to be perfectly
honest, when I AM BLESSED was published a strange thing happened.
Even though it was MY MEMOIR, people who have read all of Mama's
books say that 'MY MEMOIR' tells them more about MAMA than all of
her other nine BOOKS put together ........ Go Figure... you get
someone to help you write a book and she slips in between the
lines... and sometimes on the lines Well, c'est la via (that's
life) and it is what it is... since everyone loves the book I guess
it's all good. Mama just asked me if I hadn't used a few too many
cliches in this paragraph? I told her, "It works for me and I'm
just calling it like it is ........ Besides, I am trying to keep it
real. Kapeesh? C'est moi " For the record, in my last book Mama ran
my French by a FB friend who lives in France Dany Chalhoub... she
told Mama my French is actually quite acceptable So there MAMA
........ ANYWAY In I Got Mail: Letters To A Kitten you will find
the letters, pictures, and other information I've found on line as
well as by reading Mama's books. The ones she has written and the
ones we have in our library. Mama believes in writing and reading
outside the box, and as with I AM BLESSED, you may find the scope
of this book to be diverse, surprising, fun, spiritual, healing,
heart touching, and perhaps a bit mystical and hopefully
entertaining....... Of course, between the lines Mama's heart,
opinions, and world view will no doubt slip in... they usually
do... the lady can't help herself, she is what she is.........
once again share with you the SONG OF MY PEOPLE... I hope you too
are BLESSED ....... Love, Blessed Mickey Parker
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