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andextracel- lar interactions make direct investigations on the
membrane structure and processes nearly impossible. Clearly, a
better understanding of the membrane properties and the mechanisms
determining membrane protein functions is crucial to the imp-
mentation of biosensors, bioreactors and novel platforms for
medical therapy. For this reason, the interest in model systems
suitable for the construction and study of complex lipid/protein
membrane architectures has increased steadily over the years. The
classical portfolio of model membranes used for biophysical and -
terfacial studies of lipid (bi)layers and lipid/protein composites
includes Langmuir monolayers assembled at the water/air interface,
(uni- and multi-lamellar) vesicles in bulk (liposomal) dispersion,
bimolecular lipid membranes (BLMs), and various types of
solid-supported membranes. All these have speci?c advantages but
also suffer from serious drawbacksthat limit their technical
applications. Polymer m- branes comprised of entirely synthetic or
hybrid (synthetic polymer/biopolymer) block copolymersappeared to
be an attractive alternative to the lipid-based models. Generally,
the synthetic block copolymer membranes are thicker and more stable
and the versatility of polymer chemistry allows the adoption of
relevant properties for a wide range of applications. This volume
provides a vast overview of the physico-chemical and synthetic -
pectsofarti?cial membranes.
Numerousmembranemodelsaredescribed,including their properties(i. e.
swelling, drying,lateral mobility,stability, electrical conduct-
ity, etc. ), advantages, and drawbacks. The potential applications
of these models are discussed and supported by real examples.
Chapter 1 summarizesmethodsfor the stabilizationof arti?cial lipid
The accompanying ecological research for using wind energy in
the German North and Baltic Seas is part of a series of research
projects in the German Government's Investment Programme for the
Future. It has brought out a variety of results about possible
effects on the marine environment. This book provides an overview
of the state of the accompanying ecological research in Germany.
The main objective of the book is to show the relevance of the new
results of these research projects for the planning and permission
process for offshore wind energy plants.
This book was kindly supported and funded by:
Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and
Nuclear Safety (BMU)
Julich Research Centre
The Project Management Organization Julich (PtJ) "
This text is a second, revised edition of the original 1986
publication. Since that time, the issue of contract change has
increasingly challenged the business community and legal
practitioners. This edition studies the investor-host country
relationship, on which successful investment is most dependent. In
particular, the book studies the pressure by host countries for
contract change and its counterpart - the investor's defence of
contract stability. The book is essentially a reference handbook
for legal practitioners. It analyzes a variety of increasingly
important questions concerning international investment agreements
that come under pressure for change by one of the contracting
parties - either a transnational corporation or a host country
This book provides the only compendium of the research efforts of
the German Federal Republic for the development of offshore wind
energy that summarizes the main findings of German accompanying
research. The main objective of the book is to show the relevance
of the new results and realizations of the research projects for
the planning and permission process for offshore wind energy
andextracel- lar interactions make direct investigations on the
membrane structure and processes nearly impossible. Clearly, a
better understanding of the membrane properties and the mechanisms
determining membrane protein functions is crucial to the imp-
mentation of biosensors, bioreactors and novel platforms for
medical therapy. For this reason, the interest in model systems
suitable for the construction and study of complex lipid/protein
membrane architectures has increased steadily over the years. The
classical portfolio of model membranes used for biophysical and -
terfacial studies of lipid (bi)layers and lipid/protein composites
includes Langmuir monolayers assembled at the water/air interface,
(uni- and multi-lamellar) vesicles in bulk (liposomal) dispersion,
bimolecular lipid membranes (BLMs), and various types of
solid-supported membranes. All these have speci?c advantages but
also suffer from serious drawbacksthat limit their technical
applications. Polymer m- branes comprised of entirely synthetic or
hybrid (synthetic polymer/biopolymer) block copolymersappeared to
be an attractive alternative to the lipid-based models. Generally,
the synthetic block copolymer membranes are thicker and more stable
and the versatility of polymer chemistry allows the adoption of
relevant properties for a wide range of applications. This volume
provides a vast overview of the physico-chemical and synthetic -
pectsofarti?cial membranes.
Numerousmembranemodelsaredescribed,including their properties(i. e.
swelling, drying,lateral mobility,stability, electrical conduct-
ity, etc. ), advantages, and drawbacks. The potential applications
of these models are discussed and supported by real examples.
Chapter 1 summarizesmethodsfor the stabilizationof arti?cial lipid
Die gesetzliche Rentenversicherung und die Invaliditatsversicherung
werden im vorliegenden Buch kritisch untersucht. In einem
mikrooekonomischen Modell werden die Konsum-, Spar- und
Arbeitsentscheidungen der Mitglieder analysiert. U.a. wird der
Feldstein-Hypothese nachgegangen, sowie eine allokativ neutrale
Beitragsgestaltung der leistungsbezogenen Altersrente betrachtet.
Der Generationenvertrag wird in einem Modell sich uberlappender
Generationen besonders plastisch, langfristige Entwicklungstrends
werden aufgezeigt und ein Vergleich verschiedener
Finanzierungsverfahren der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung
ermoeglicht. Ein weiterer Teil behandelt die
Invaliditatsversicherung. Die Berucksichtigung des moralischen
Risikos fuhrt zu dem grundlegenden Ergebnis, dass
Invaliditatsrenten mit der Lange der Beitragsphase steigen sollen.
Dem Laien wird diese Aussage als selbstverstandlich erscheinen,
jedoch weiss der Experte, dass eindeutige Aussagen dieser Art nur
selten abzuleiten sind, da Anreizprobleme einen hohen Grad der
Komplexitat in sich bergen. Das Besondere des Buches liegt in der
durch die Neoklassik gepragten Analyse, die auch vor Tabus nicht
halt machen will. So wird die Vorteilhaftigkeit der gesetzlichen
Rentenversicherung stark in Zweifel gezogen und ein Pladoyer fur
alternative Finanzierungsverfahren und mehr Wettbewerb mit privaten
Versicherungen gehalten. Dem Leser wird bei der Lekture eine Abkehr
vom Denken in Besitzstandswahrungen und eine Hinwendung zur
allokativen Effizienz nahegelegt. Promotoren der gesetzlichen
Rentenversicherung werden sich in Zukunft verstarkt mit den hier
geausserten Ansichten auseinandersetzen mussen.
Wolfgang Peter May is no stranger to war. As a young child, he fled
from his home in Breslau, Germany-now Wroclaw, Poland-during World
War II and witnessed the destruction of Dresden. He immigrated to
the United States and eventually joined the US Army. While in the
army, he became an intelligence operations officer of the Fourth
Armored Division in Germany, and he served in the Vietnam War.
These life events profoundly impacted May's view of war. In The War
Around Us, he explores and debates the many past and present faces
of war. Juxtaposing his personal experiences with world events, May
delivers a thought-provoking view of warfare. May discusses World
War I, the development of the atomic bomb, war criminals, and the
ineffectiveness of political leaders. He even comes to grips with
his own war guilt from the Vietnam War and shares his family's
experience in Germany during World War II. May's observations offer
a sobering statement of how armed conflict can leave a legacy that
will resonate for generations to come. Part memoir and part
commentary, The War Around Us delivers a hard-hitting, first-person
look at the true face of war.
Mit der He 162 versuchte Nazideutschland, den Luftkrieg in letzter
Minute doch noch f r sich zu entscheiden. Deshalb f hrte Heinkel
seine Neukonstruktion mit aberwitziger Geschwindigkeit vom Rei
brett in die Serienfertigung - lange bevor der Jet alle
Kinderkrankheiten berwunden hatte. Nachdem die Alliierten gegen
Kriegsende einige Exemplare erbeutet hatten, stellten sie fest,
dass G rings letzte Hoffnung alles andere als einfach zu fliegen
war. Also verh rten sie deutsche Luftwaffenpiloten, die in
Kriegsgefangenschaft geraten waren. Mit den dabei gesammelten
Erfahrungsberichten aus erster Hand konnten die Sieger ihre eigenen
Erprobungen des Strahlflugzeugs vergleichsweise gefahrlos durchf
hren. Die Aussagen der deutschen Piloten sind erhalten und dieses
Buch macht sie erstmals in deutscher Sprache zug nglich. Da die
wenigen noch existierenden Maschinen des Typs He 162 kaum jemals
wieder fliegen werden, sind diese Berichte die letzten Quellen, die
diese ansonsten stummen Zeugen der Luftfahrtgeschichte erlebbar
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