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This book is a result of the lectures and discussions during the conference "Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling". The event has been organized by the Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut fiir Informatik, Universitat Tiibingen and took place at the Heinrich-Fabri-Institut in Blaubeuren from October 3 to 7, 1988. The conference brought together leading experts from academic and industrial research institutions, CAD system developers and experien ced users to exchange their ideas and to discuss new concepts and future directions in geometric modeling. The main intention has been to bridge the gap between theoretical results, performance of existing CAD systems and the real problems of users. The contents is structured in five parts: A Algorithmic Aspects B Surface Intersection, Blending, Ray Tracing C Geometric Tools D Different Representation Schemes in Solid Modeling E Product Modeling in High Level Specifications The material presented in this book reflects the current state of the art in geometric modeling and should therefore be of interest not only to university and industry researchers, but also to system developers and practitioners who wish to keep up to date on recent advances and new concepts in this rapidly expanding field. The editors express their sincere appreciation to the contributing authors, and to the members of the program committee, W. Boehm, J. Hoschek, A. Massabo, H. Nowacki, M. Pratt, J. Rossignac, T. Sederberg and W. Tiller, for their close cooperation and their time and effort that made the conference and this book a success.
The material presented in this book originates from the first Eurographics Workshop on Graphics Hardware, held in Lisbon, Portugal, in August 1986. Leading experts in the field present the state of their ongoing graphics hardware projects and give their individual views of future developments. The final versions of the contributions are written in the light of in-depth discussions at the workshop. The book starts a series of EurographicSeminars volumes on the state-of-the-art of graphics hardware. This volume presents a unique collection of material which covers the following topics: workstation architectures, traffic simulators, hardware support for geometric modeling, ray-tracing. It therefore will be of interest to all computer graphics professionals wishing to gain a deeper knowledge of graphics hardware.
This book is a collection of the best papers originally presented as state-of-the-art reports or tutorials at the EUROGRAPHICS'91 conference in Vienna. A choice has been made giving priority to information of lasting value. Another goal was to cover all aspects of computer graphics -except hardware -as completely as possible from modelling to advanced visualization and communication. The editors consider that the ten contributions by internationally renowned experts fulfil this goal perfectly. Some important problem areas are treated from different viewpoints thus enhancing and deepening the reader's perspective. Sabine Coquillart Wolfgang Strafier Peter Stucki Table of Contents l. Through the Cracks of the Solid Modeling Milestone 1 J arek R. Rossignac 2. Kinematics and Dynamics for Computer Animation 76 H. Ruder, T. Ertl, K. Gruber, M. Gunther, F. Hospach, M. Ruder, J. Subke, K. Widmayer 3. Dynamic Animation of Deformable Bodies 118 Marie-Paul Gascuel, Claude Puech 4. Stochastic Methods and Non-Fractal Applications 140 Huw Jones 5. State of the Art in Volume Visualization 166 Arie Kaufman 6. On the Theorey and Application of Stereolithographics in Scientific Visualization 178 Eric Hibbard, Michael Bauer, Margaret Bradshaw, Glenn Deardorff, Ken Hu, David Whitney 7. User Interface Management Systems: Present and Future 197 Michel Beaudouin-Lafon 8. Trends in Edge Detection Techniques 224 Eduard Antoniu 9.
EUROGRAPHICS workshops on Graphics hardware have now become an established forum for an exchange of information con cerning the latest developments in this field of growing importance. The first workshop took place during EG'86 in Lisbon. All parti cipants in this event considered it a very rewarding workshop to be repeated at future EG conferences. This view was reinforced at the EG'87 Hardware Workshop in Amsterdam which firmly esta blished the need for and a high interest in such a colloquium of technical discussion in this specialist area within the annual EG conference. The third EG Hardware Workshop took place in Nice in 1988 and this volume is a record of the fourth workshop at EG'89 in Hamburg. The material in this book contains papers representing a com prehensive record of the contributions to the 1989 workshop. The first part considers Algorithms and Architectures of graphics systems. These papers discuss the broader issues of system design, without necessarily raising issues concerning the details of the implementation. The second part on Systems describes hardware solutions and realisations of machines dedicated to graphics processing. Many of these contributions make important references to algorithmic and architectural issues as well, but there is now a greater emphasis on realisation. Indeed many VLSI designs are described.
This book is a result of the lectures and discussions during the conference "Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling." The event has been organized by the Wilhelm-Schickard-Institut fiir Informatik, Universitat Tiibingen and took place at the Heinrich-Fabri-Institut in Blaubeuren from October 3 to 7, 1988. The conference brought together leading experts from academic and industrial research institutions, CAD system developers and experien ced users to exchange their ideas and to discuss new concepts and future directions in geometric modeling. The main intention has been to bridge the gap between theoretical results, performance of existing CAD systems and the real problems of users. The contents is structured in five parts: A Algorithmic Aspects B Surface Intersection, Blending, Ray Tracing C Geometric Tools D Different Representation Schemes in Solid Modeling E Product Modeling in High Level Specifications The material presented in this book reflects the current state of the art in geometric modeling and should therefore be of interest not only to university and industry researchers, but also to system developers and practitioners who wish to keep up to date on recent advances and new concepts in this rapidly expanding field. The editors express their sincere appreciation to the contributing authors, and to the members of the program committee, W. Boehm, J. Hoschek, A. Massabo, H. Nowacki, M. Pratt, J. Rossignac, T. Sederberg and W. Tiller, for their close cooperation and their time and effort that made the conference and this book a success."
The Blaubeuren Conference "Theory and Practice of Geometric Modeling" has become a meeting place for leading experts from industrial and academic research institutions, CAD system developers and experienced users to exchange new ideas and to discuss new concepts and future directions in geometric modeling. The relaxed and calm atmosphere of the Heinrich-Fabri-Institute in Blaubeuren provides the appropriate environment for profound and engaged discussions that are not equally possible on other occasions. Real problems from current industrial projects as well as theoretical issues are addressed on a high scientific level. This book is the result of the lectures and discussions during the conference which took place from October 14th to 18th, 1996. The contents is structured in 4 parts: Mathematical Tools Representations Systems Automated Assembly. The editors express their sincere appreciation to the contributing authors, and to the members of the program committee for their cooperation, the careful reviewing and their active participation that made the conference and this book a success.
Problems common to graphics and robotics are covered in this reviewed selection of papers written following a 1993 workshop. Leading experts from both disciplines met to identify common problems, to present new solutions, and to discuss future research directions. Topics covered include robot simulation using graphics workstations, simulation concepts in the framework of teleoperation, path planning strategies, collision detection techniques, experimentation using virtual reality, modeling techniques for automated programming and for objects with curved surfaces, object-oriented implementations, various aspects of robot vision, and - in a paper that reflects the essence of the workshop - the challenging task of designing a vision system for a domestic robot.
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