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This monograph illustrates important notions in security reductions and essential techniques in security reductions for group-based cryptosystems. Using digital signatures and encryption as examples, the authors explain how to program correct security reductions for those cryptographic primitives. Various schemes are selected and re-proven in this book to demonstrate and exemplify correct security reductions. This book is suitable for researchers and graduate students engaged with public-key cryptography.
This book seeks to generalize techniques and experiences in designing and analyzing cryptographic schemes for blockchain. It devotes three chapters to review the background and basic knowledge, four chapters to discuss specific types of cryptographic primitive design for blockchain, one chapter to discuss optimization tools and another chapter for blockchain regulation and economies. This book covers the systematic survey of research objects, as well as detailed reviews of cryptographic schemes, lectures and methodologies to practice cryptography. The main findings of this book are summarized as following, first, the practical design and analysis of cryptographic schemes for blockchain can address major problems in blockchain at algorithmic level. Then, some intrinsic deficiencies in some traditional cryptographic primitives, like centralized setup, impractical design, etc, prevent the successful application of these primitives in blockchain. However, huge efforts are being made to make these primitives practical and applicable for researchers. Finally, the formal and rigorous design and analysis of public key cryptographic algorithms is vital to blockchain. Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms in Blockchain is a useful textbook for graduate students and PhD students, or researches who wish to connect cryptography with blockchain for research and developing projects.
This book seeks to generalize techniques and experiences in designing and analyzing cryptographic schemes for blockchain. It devotes three chapters to review the background and basic knowledge, four chapters to discuss specific types of cryptographic primitive design for blockchain, one chapter to discuss optimization tools and another chapter for blockchain regulation and economies. This book covers the systematic survey of research objects, as well as detailed reviews of cryptographic schemes, lectures and methodologies to practice cryptography. The main findings of this book are summarized as following, first, the practical design and analysis of cryptographic schemes for blockchain can address major problems in blockchain at algorithmic level. Then, some intrinsic deficiencies in some traditional cryptographic primitives, like centralized setup, impractical design, etc, prevent the successful application of these primitives in blockchain. However, huge efforts are being made to make these primitives practical and applicable for researchers. Finally, the formal and rigorous design and analysis of public key cryptographic algorithms is vital to blockchain. Design and Analysis of Cryptographic Algorithms in Blockchain is a useful textbook for graduate students and PhD students, or researches who wish to connect cryptography with blockchain for research and developing projects.
This monograph illustrates important notions in security reductions and essential techniques in security reductions for group-based cryptosystems. Using digital signatures and encryption as examples, the authors explain how to program correct security reductions for those cryptographic primitives. Various schemes are selected and re-proven in this book to demonstrate and exemplify correct security reductions. This book is suitable for researchers and graduate students engaged with public-key cryptography.
This book constitutes the refereed conference proceedings of the 19th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, ACISP 2014, held in Wollongong, NSW, Australia, in July 2014. The 26 revised full papers and 6 short papers presented in this volume were carefully selected from 91 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on cryptanalysis; cryptographic protocols; fine-grain cryptographic protocols; key exchange, fundamentals, lattices and homomorphic encryption, and applications.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Network and System Security, NSS 2012, held in Wuyishan, Fujian, China, in November 2012. The 39 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 173 submissions. The papers cover the following topics: network security, system security, public key cryptography, privacy, authentication, security analysis, and access control.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 17th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, ACISP 2012, held in Wollongong, Australia, in July 2012. The 30 revised full papers presented together with 5 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on fundamentals; cryptanalysis; message authentication codes and hash functions; public key cryptography; digital signatures; identity-based and attribute-based cryptography; lattice-based cryptography; lightweight cryptography.
The4thInformationSecurityPracticeandExperienceConference(ISPEC2008) was held at Crowne Plaza, Darling Harbour, Sydney, Australia, during April 21-23, 2008. The previous three conferences were held in Singapore in 2005, Hangzhou, China in 2006 and Hong Kong, China in 2007. As with the previous three conference proceedings, the proceedings of ISPEC 2008 were published in the LNCS series by Springer. Theconferencereceived95submissions, outofwhichtheProgramCommittee selected 29 papers for presentation at the conference. These papers are included in the proceedings. The accepted papers cover a range of topics in mathem- ics, computer science and security applications, including authentication and digital signatures, privacy, encryption and hash-function algorithms, security analysis, network security, access control, security devices, pairing and elliptic curve-basedsecuritypractice, securitycomputationandso forth.The conference proceedings contain revised versions of the selected papers. Since some of them were not checked again for correctness before publication, the authors (and not the ProgramCommittee)bear full responsibilityfor the contentsoftheir papers. In addition to the contributed papers, the program comprised two invited talks.TheinvitedspeakerswereVijayVaradharajan(MacquarieUniversity, A- tralia) and Robert Huijie Deng (Singapore Management University, Singapore). Special thanks are due to these speakers. Wewouldliketothankallthepeoplewhohelpedwiththeconferenceprogram and organization. First, we thank the Steering Committee for their guidance on the general format of the conference. We also heartily thank the Program Committee and the sub-reviewers listed on the following pages for their hard e?orts and time contributed to the review process, which took seven weeks. Each paper was carefully evaluated by at least two or three people. There was signi?cant online discussion about a large number of pape
The 13th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2008) was held at Wollongong, Australia, during July 7-9, 2008. The conference was sponsored by the Centre for Computer and Information Security of the University of Wollongong and the ResearchNetwork for a Secure Australia. The submission and review process was run using the iChair software, written by Thomas Baigneres and Matthieu Finiasz from EPFL, LASEC, Switzerland. We would like to thank them for letting us use their iChair software. The conferencereceived111submissions, out ofwhich the ProgramComm- tee selected 33 papers for presentation at the conference after a rigorous review process.Thesepapersareincludedintheproceedings.Theacceptedpaperscover a range of topics in information security, including authentication, key m- agement, public key cryptography, privacy, anonymity, secure communication, ciphers, network security, elliptic curves, hash functions, and database security. Theconferenceproceedingscontainrevisedversionsoftheselectedpapers.Since some of them were not checked again for correctness before publication, the - thors bear full responsibility for the contents of their papers. We would like to thank the authors of all papers for submitting their papers to the conference. In addition to the contributed papers, the program comprised three invited talks. The invited speakers were Xavier Boyen (Voltage, USA), Josef Pieprzyk (Macquarie University, Australia) and Nigel Phair (Australian High Tech Crime Centre). We would like to express our thanks to them.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Provable Security, ProvSec 2007, held in Wollongong, Australia, October 31 - November 2, 2007. The 10 revised full papers presented together with 7 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 51 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on Authentication, Asymmetric Encryption, Signature, Protocol and Proving Technique, Authentication and Symmetric Encryption, Signature and Asymmetric Encryption.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, CANS 2006, held in Suzhou, China in December 2006. The 26 revised full papers presented together with 2 invited
papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 148 submissions.
The papers are organized in topical sections on encryption, key
exchange, authentication and signatures, proxy signatures,
cryptanalysis, implementation, steganalysis and watermarking,
boolean functions and stream ciphers, intrusion detection, as well
as disponibility and reliability.
Here are the refereed proceedings of the EUC 2006 workshops, held in conjunction with the IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing in Seoul, Korea, August 2006. The book presents 102 revised papers spanning six workshops: network-centric ubiquitous systems (NCUS 2006), security in ubiquitous computing systems (SecUbiq 2006), RFID and ubiquitous sensor networks (USN 2006), trustworthiness, reliability and services in ubiquitous and sensor networks (TRUST 2006), embedded software optimization (ESO 2006), and multimedia solution and assurance in ubiquitous information systems (MSA 2006).
The 4th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security (CANS 2005) was held in Xiamen, Fujian Province, China, December 14-16, 2005. The conference was sponsored by the Fujian Normal University and Fujian Digital Certi?cate Authority Co. Ltd and was organized in cooperation with the Int- national Association for Cryptologic Research (IACR). The ?rst International Workshop on Cryptology and Network Security was in Taipei, Taiwan, 2001. The second one was in San Francisco, California, USA, September 26-28, 2002, and the third in Miami, Florida, USA, September 24-26, 2003. CANS 2005 was the ?rst CANS with proceedings published in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer. The Program Committee received 118 submissions, and accepted 28 papers from which 1 withdrew and thus 27 papers were included in the proceedings. The reviewing process took eight weeks, each paper was carefully evaluated by at least three members from the Program Committee. We appreciate the hard work of the members of the ProgramCommittee and external referees who gave manyhoursoftheir valuabletime.Thanksto CarlEllison,GoceJakimoski,Bart Preneel, Yongge Wang, Christopher Wolf and Shouhuai Xu, who acted as the shepherds of 6 papers included in the proceedings. In addition to the contributed papers, there were two invited talks: Wenbo Mao spoke on "Research Issues in Network Security" - a practical viewpoint; and Matt Franklin on "Research Issues in Network Security" - a foundations viewpoint.
ACISP2001,theSixthAustralasianConferenceonInformationSecurityandP- vacy,washeldinSydney,Australia. TheconferencewassponsoredbyInfor- tionandNetworkedSystemSecurityResearch(INSSR),MacquarieUniversity, theAustralianComputerSociety,andtheUniversityofWesternSydney. Iam gratefultoalltheseorganizationsfortheirsupportoftheconference. Theaimofthisconferencewastodrawtogetherresearchers,designers,and usersofinformationsecuritysystemsandtechnologies. Theconferenceprogram addressedarangeofaspectsfromsystemandnetworksecuritytosecureInternet applicationstocryptographyandcryptanalysis. Thisyeartheprogramcomm- teeinvitedtwointernationalkeynotespeakersDr. YacovYacobifromMicrosoft Research (USA) and Dr. Cli?ord Neumann from the University of Southern California(USA). Dr. Yacobi'stalkaddressedtheissuesoftrust,privacy,and anti-piracyinelectroniccommerce. Dr. Neumann'ACISP2001,theSixthAustralasianConferenceonInformationSecurityandP- vacy,washeldinSydney,Australia. TheconferencewassponsoredbyInfor- tionandNetworkedSystemSecurityResearch(INSSR),MacquarieUniversity, theAustralianComputerSociety,andtheUniversityofWesternSydney. Iam gratefultoalltheseorganizationsfortheirsupportoftheconference. Theaimofthisconferencewastodrawtogetherresearchers,designers,and usersofinformationsecuritysystemsandtechnologies. Theconferenceprogram addressedarangeofaspectsfromsystemandnetworksecuritytosecureInternet applicationstocryptographyandcryptanalysis. Thisyeartheprogramcomm- teeinvitedtwointernationalkeynotespeakersDr. YacovYacobifromMicrosoft Research (USA) and Dr. Cli?ord Neumann from the University of Southern California(USA). Dr. Yacobi'stalkaddressedtheissuesoftrust,privacy,and anti-piracyinelectroniccommerce. Dr. Neumann'saddresswasconcernedwith authorizationpolicyissuesandtheirenforcementinapplications. Theconferencereceived91papersfromAmerica,Asia,Australia,and- rope. The program committee accepted 38 papers and these were presented insome9sessionscoveringsystemsecurity,networksecurity,trustandaccess control,Authentication,cryptography,cryptanalysis,DigitalSignatures,Elliptic CurveBasedTechniques,andSecretSharingandThresholdSchemes. Thisyear theacceptedpaperscamefromarangeofcountries,including7fromAustralia, 8fromKorea,7fromJapan,3fromUK,3fromGermany,3fromUSA,2from Singapore,2fromCanadaand1fromBelgium,Estonia,andTaiwan. Organizingaconferencesuchasthisoneisatime-consumingtaskandIwould liketothankallthepeoplewhoworkedhardtomakethisconferenceasuccess. Inparticular,IwouldliketothankProgramCo-chairYiMuforhistirelesswork andthemembersoftheprogramcommitteeforputtingtogetheranexcellent program,andallthesessionchairsandspeakersfortheirtimeande?ort. Special thanks to Yi Mu, Laura Olsen, Rajan Shankaran, and Michael Hitchens for theirhelpwithlocalorganizationdetails. Finally,Iwouldliketothankallthe authorswhosubmittedpapersandalltheparticipantsofACISP2001. Ihope thattheprofessionalcontactsmadeatthisconference,thepresentations,and theproceedingshaveo?eredyouinsightsandideasthatyoucanapplytoyour owne?ortsinsecurityandprivacy. July2001 VijayVaradharajan AUSTRALASIANCONFERENCEON INFORMATIONSECURITYANDPRIVACY ACISP2001 Sponsoredby MacquarieUniversity AustralianComputerSociety General Chair: VijayVaradharajan MacquarieUniversity,Australia Program Chairs: VijayVaradharajan MacquarieUniversity,Australia YiMu MacquarieUniversity,Australia Program Committee: RossAnderson CambridgeUniversity,UK ColinBoyd QueenslandUniversityofTechnology,Australia EdDawson QueenslandUniversityofTechnology,Australia YvoDesmedt FloridaStateUniversity,USA PaulEngland Microsoft YairFrankel ColumbiaUniversity,USA AjoyGhosh UNISYS,Australia DieterGollman Microsoft JohnGordon ConceptLabs,UK KwangjoKim ICU,Korea ChuchangLiu DSTO,Australia MasahiroMambo TohokuUniversity,Japan WenboMao Hewlett-PackardLab. ,UK ChrisMitchell LondonUniversity,UK EijiOkamoto UniversityofWisconsin,USA JoePato Hewlett-PackardLab. ,USA JosefPieprzyk MacquarieUniversity,Australia BartPreneel KatholiekeUniversity,Belgium SteveRoberts WithamPtyLtd,Australia QingSihan AcademyofScience,China ReiSafavi-Naini UniversityofWollongong,Australia JenniferSeberry UniversityofWollongong,Australia YuliangZheng MonashUniversity,Australia TableofContents AFewThoughtsonE-Commerce...1 YacovYacobi NewCBC-MACForgeryAttacks...3 KarlBrincat,ChrisJ. Mitchell CryptanalysisofaPublicKeyCryptosystemProposedatACISP2000...15 AmrYoussef,GuangGong ImprovedCryptanalysisoftheSelf-ShrinkingGenerator ...21 ErikZenner,MatthiasKrause,StefanLucks AttacksBasedonSmallFactorsinVariousGroupStructures ...36 ChrisPavlovski,ColinBoyd OnClassifyingConferenceKeyDistributionProtocols...51 ShahrokhSaeednia,ReiSafavi-Naini,WillySusilo PseudorandomnessofMISTY-TypeTransformationsandtheBlockCipher KASUMI ...60 Ju-SungKang,OkyeonYi,DowonHong,HyunsookCho NewPublic-KeyCryptosystemUsingDivisorClassGroups...74 HwankooKim,SangJaeMoon FirstImplementationofCryptographicProtocolsBasedonAlgebraic NumberFields...84 AndreasMeyer,StefanNeis,ThomasPfahler PracticalKeyRecoverySchemes...104 Sung-MingYen Non-deterministicProcessors...115 DavidMay,HenkL. Muller,NigelP. Smart PersonalSecureBooting...130 NaomaruItoi,WilliamA. Arbaugh,SamuelaJ. Pollack, DanielM. Reeves EvaluationofTamper-ResistantSoftwareDeviatingfromStructured ProgrammingRules...145 HideakiGoto,MasahiroMambo,HirokiShizuya,YasuyoshiWatanabe AStrategyforMLSWork?ow...1 59 VladIngarWietrzyk,MakotoTakizawa,VijayVaradharajan X TableofContents Condition-DrivenIntegrationofSecurityServices ...176 Cli?ordNeumann SKETHIC:SecureKernelExtensionagainstTrojanHorseswith Information-CarryingCodes...177 Eun-SunCho,SunhoHong,SechangOh,Hong-JinYeh,ManpyoHong, Cheol-WonLee,HyundongPark,Chun-SikPark SecureandPrivateDistributionofOnlineVideoandSomeRelated CryptographicIssues...190 FengBao,RobertDeng,PeirongFeng,YanGuo,HongjunWu PrivateInformationRetrievalBasedontheSubgroupMembership Problem...206 AkihiroYamamura,TaiichiSaito APracticalEnglishAuctionwithOne-TimeRegistration ...221 KazumasaOmote,AtsukoMiyaji AUserAuthenticationSchemewithIdentityandLocationPrivacy...235 ShouichiHirose,SusumuYoshida AnEnd-to-EndAuthenticationProtocolinWirelessApplicationProtocol. 247 Jong-PhilYang,WeonShin,Kyung-HyuneRhee ErrorDetectionandAuthenticationinQuantumKeyDistribution ...260 AkihiroYamamura,HirokazuIshizuka AnAxiomaticBasisforReasoningaboutTrustinPKIs...274 ChuchangLiu,MarisOzols,TonyCant AKnowledge-BasedApproachtoInternetAuthorizations...292 AlongLin ApplicationsofTrustedReviewtoInformationSecurity...3 05 JohnYesberg,MarieHenderson NetworkSecurityModelingandCyberAttackSimulationMethodology...320 Sung-DoChi,JongSouPark,Ki-ChanJung,Jang-SeLee CryptographicSalt:ACountermeasureagainstDenial-of-ServiceAttacks. . 334 DongGookPark,JungJoonKim,ColinBoyd,EdDawson EnhancedModesofOperationfortheEncryptioninHigh-SpeedNetworks andTheirImpactonQoS...
ICICS 99, the Second International Conference on Information and C- munication Security, was held in Sydney, Australia, 9-11 November 1999. The conference was sponsored by the Distributed System and Network Security - search Unit, University of Western Sydney, Nepean, the Australian Computer Society, IEEE Computer Chapter (NSW), and Harvey World Travel. I am g- teful to all these organizations for their support of the conference. The conference brought together researchers, designers, implementors and users of information security systems and technologies. A range of aspects was addressed from security theory and modeling to system and protocol designs and implementations to applications and management. The conference con- sted of a series of refereed technical papers and invited technical presentations. The program committee invited two distinguished key note speakers. The ?rst keynote speech by Doug McGowan, a Senior Manager from Hewlett-Packard, USA, discussed cryptography in an international setting. Doug described the current status of international cryptography and explored possible future trends and new technologies. The second keynote speech was delivered by Sushil Ja- dia of George Mason University, USA. Sushil s talk addressed the protection of critical information systems. He discussed issues and methods for survivability of systems under malicious attacks and proposed a fault-tolerance based - proach. The conference also hosted a panel on the currently much debated topic of Internet censorship. The panel addressed the issue of censorship from various viewpoints namely legal, industrial, governmental and technical."
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the Second
Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy,
ACISP'97, held in Sydney, NSW, Australia, in July 1997.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advances in Web-Based Learning, ICWL 2021, which was held in Macau, China, in November 2021. The papers included in this volume deal with multiple topics, from algorithms to systems and applications and are organized in 3 tracks: Online learning methodologies, trust, and analysis; Online learning environment with tools; Online learning privacy issues and special tools.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, CANS 2019, held in Fuzhou, China, in October 2019. The 21 full papers and 8 short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 55 submissions. The papers focus on topics such as homomorphic encryption; SIKE and Hash; lattice and post-quantum cryptography; searchable encryption; blockchains, cloud security; secret sharing and interval test, LWE; encryption, data aggregation, and revocation; and signature, ML, payment, and factorization.
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