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Books > Professional & Technical > Civil engineering, surveying & building > Building skills
Builder's Guide to Cosmetic Remodeling is packed with creative, cost-effective ideas that can make even older homes look like a million bucks, without expensive structural changes. It covers everything from disguising an ugly foundation to giving a new look to the roof line - and every room in between. You'll find information on new and most-requested finishing and cosmetic techniques - and how you can cash in on them; refacing and refinishing techniques that provide an affordable alternative to high-cost replacement; case histories from the author's own experience - some amusing, some illustrating the real risks that contractors need to avoid; and a room-by-room analysis of the options open to you, plus basics like HVAC modifications and electrical options. For any contractor or home remodeler looking to expand business, or any do-it-yourselfer looking for affordable alternatives, the Builder's Guide to Cosmetic Remodeling is a must-have resource.
Now thousands of construction professionals can turn to the most detailed, reader-friendly information about leading-edge practices and technological advances in the industry. Each guide the McGraw-Hill Builder's Guide's deliver:
Brian Porter and Reg Rose's book is the definitive reference for the NVQ courses in Carpentry and Joinery, and Bench Joinery, at levels 2 and 3. It sets out the fundamental knowledge and basic methods which recur throughout the courses. As a one-stop, practically-oriented reference, this manual is invaluable to the student and the resource centre. It covers all the background knowledge needed for NVQ joinery. It is presented in a user-friendly format with a wealth of diagrams and photographs to aid understanding. It will serve the reader long after the course is completed.
The ultimate guide to siding for homeowners and professional builders The Complete Siding Handbook: Installation, Maintenance, Repair offers comprehensive guidance for all major types of siding including wood board, aluminum, shingle, plywood, vinyl, and more. Aimed at professional builders but accessible to homeowners, this informative guide includes practical information on sheathing, flashing, vapor and air retarders, insulation, and other preparatory materials, as well as expert advice on painting, staining and finishing. Detailed diagrams clarify installation and construction, while photographs show real-world applications of various materials and methods to provide builders and DIY-ers with an invaluable resource.
This volume celebrates the craftsmanship of Michigan Union carpenters. Retired members of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters share pride in their skill and accomplishments, through edited oral histories in this volume. Their histories convey a sense of self, a sense of dignity, and an appreciation of the significance of their work.
Guides the plumber in the rules and regulations governing the installation of water supply and sewage disposal systems.
The definitive design and construction industry source for building with wood--now in a thoroughly updated Sixth Edition Since its first publication in 1966, "Timber Construction Manual "has become the essential design and construction industry resource for building with structural glued laminated timber. "Timber Construction Manual, Sixth Edition "provides architects, engineers, contractors, educators, and related professionals with up-to-date information on engineered timber construction, including the latest codes, construction methods, and authoritative design recommendations. Content has been reorganized to flow easily from information on wood properties and applications to specific design considerations. Based on the most reliable technical data available, this edition has been thoroughly revised to encompass: A thorough update of all recommended design criteria for timber structural members, systems, and connectionsAn expanded collection of real-world design examples supported with detailed schematic drawingsNew material on the role of glulam in sustainable building practicesThe latest design and construction codes, including the 2012 National Design Specification for Wood Construction, AITC 117-2010, and examples featuring ASCE 7-10 and IBC 2009More cross-referencing to other available AITC standards on the AITC website
A celebration of good craftsmanship by a Norwegian master carpenter - the anatomy of a job well done. "An enriching and poetic tribute to manual labour" Karl Ove Knausgård "In Thorstensen's skilled hands, the everyday story of a suburban loft conversion is turned into an urgent study on the value of doing good work. It should be widely read." Robert Penn - author of The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees This is, quite simply, the story of a loft conversion. It is also a book about work and identity, about collaboration and pride in skilled craftsmanship, and about what it means to make things with your hands in a consumerism-driven world. A master carpenter and builder with thirty years' experience, Thorstensen gives a matter-of-fact, reflective voice to the workers who construct our living spaces and our urban environment. He looks upon his tools as an important part of himself and as a reflection of his respect for his trade, and he addresses the gulf in understanding and communication between skilled craftsmen and "academic" workers. From the moment of a client's phone call to their occupation of a newly constructed living space, Making Things Right tracks the project as it takes shape: the delicate negotiation to establish an optimum plan; the collaboration with a trusted team of specialist painters, plasterers, plumbers, electricians; the handling of materials; the blood, sweat and frustration involved in doing a job well. Why is it that manual skills are underestimated? After all, working with your hands gives you time to think. With all its practical detail, Making Things Right is the simple philosophy of a working life. Will interest readers of The Craftsman by Richard Sennett: Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain; The Man Who Made Things Out of Trees by Robert Penn; Do No Harm by James Marsh and A Shepherd's Life by James Rebanks Translated from the Norwegian by Sean Kinsella
Dieses Fachbuch fuhrt Baupraktiker in die Thematik der Investitionsrechnung ein und berucksichtigt dabei besonders Fragestellungen aus der Bau- und Immobilienbranche. Die Investitionsrechnung spielt auch fur Bauingenieure, Architekten, Wirtschaftsingenieure mit Schwerpunkt Bauwesen und fur Immobilienwirte eine wichtige Rolle. Sie findet ihren Niederschlag in zahlreichen Themengebieten wie z. B. der Immobilienfinanzierung, Lebenszyklusberechnung, Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnung, Immobilienbewertung und dynamischen Kostenvergleichsrechnung.
Dieses Studienbuch zum Thema Ingenieurwissenschaften beschliesst das funfteilige Werk "Studium der Umweltwissenschaften." Das Buch fuhrt auf anschauliche Weise in die Grundlagen der Ingenieurwissenschaften und in die Gedankenwelt und Arbeitsweise von Ingenieuren ein. Einleitend wird ein kurzer Abriss zum Wandel der Tatigkeitsfelder der Ingenieure im Laufe der Geschichte gegeben. Im Hauptteil des Buches werden die einzelnen Facher des Ingenieurstudiums dargestellt. Der Autor setzt einen weiteren Schwerpunkt auf die umweltbezogene Forschung in den Ingenieurwissenschaften. Dabei geht er auch auf Managementmethoden in den Ingenieurwissenschaften, insbesondere auf die Technikbewertung als Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement, ein. Das Buch richtet sich an Studenten anderer Fachrichtungen (vor allem der Umweltwissenschaften), an Oberstufenschuler und interessierte Laien."
Betreibermodelle - Chancen und Risiken sind das Thema des Buches. Das Betreiber- bzw. BOT-Modell zur Finanzierung offentlicher Infrastruktureinrichtungen ist ein flexibles Deckungskonzept. Vielen Beteiligten sind die Begriffe der Betriebswirtschaft und ei damit verbundenen Risiken unbekannt. Durch diese Darstellung offnet sich das Verstandnis fur Cashflow und den Zusammenhang mit Risikomanagement. Zunachst geht es um grundlegende Zusammenhange des Modells, eine Begriffsklarung sowie die Darstellung von Charakteristika und Wesensmerkmalen gehoren. Mit dem Risikomanagement greift das Buch eine wichtige Voraussetzung fur eine erfolgreiche Projektrealisierung auf. Die betriebswirtschaftlichen Grundlagen und die einzelnen Bereiche des Risikomanagements uber den gesamten Lebenszyklus von Projekten werden dargestellt. Beispiele aus der Praxis dienen dem besseren Verstandnis des komplexen Themas. Das Buch richtet sich an alle Beteiligten bei der Finanzierung von Infrastruktureinrichtungen, die einen Uberblick uber alle wichtigen Zusammenhange benotigen, sowohl auf privater als auch auf offentlicher Seite. "
This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes: Commercial Drawings, Roofing Applications, Thermal and Moisture Protection, Exterior Finishing, Cold-Formed Steel Framing, Drywall Installation, Drywall Finishing, Doors and Door Hardware, Suspended Ceilings, Window, Door, Floor, and Ceiling Trim, and Cabinet Installation. ? Instructor Supplements Instructors: Product supplements may be ordered directly through OASIS at http://oasis.pearson.com. For more information contact your Pearson NCCER Sales Specialist at http://nccer.pearsonconstructionbooks.com/store/sales.aspx.?? Instructor's Resource Card 978-0-13-340458-6 Trainee Guide Hardcover + Access Card Package? 978-0-13-340942-0 Trainee Guide Paperback + Access Card Package? 978-0-13-340938-3 Access Card ONLY for Trainee Guide (does not include print book)? 978-0-13-340394-7 ELECTRONIC Access Code ONLY for Trainee Guide (must be ordered electronically via OASIS; does not include print book) 978-0-13-340437-1 TestGen Software and Test?Questions - Available for download from ?www.nccerirc.com. Access code comes in AIG and also available separately.? ? ? ? ?
The book wants to do justice to the complexity surrounding the Digital Transformation and AI in the Construction Industry. User practice experiences show how digital change can be shaped sensibly and constructively, what kind of methods and technologies do exist or can be developed, which fields of application can be explored, by keeping an eye on risks and opportunities. The book works out key factors and core competencies at all levels, which are decisive both for sustainably using innovative technologies and for setting the Seal of Quality of the Construction Industry at home and abroad.
This exceptionally produced trainee guide features a highly illustrated design, technical hints and tips from industry experts, review questions and a whole lot more! Key content includes: Site Layout One-Distance Measurment and Leveling, Introduction to Concrete, Reinforcing Materials, and Forms, Handling and Placing Concrete, Introduction to Masonry, Masonry Units and Installation Techniques, Floor Systems, Wall and Ceiling Framing, Roof Framing, Roofing Applications, Exterior Finishing, Basic Stair Layout, Electrical Safety, Residential Electrical Services, Introduction to HVAC, Introduction to Drain, Waste and Vent Systems, Plastic Pipe and Fittings, and Copper Pipe and Fittings. Instructor Supplements Instructors: Product supplements may be ordered directly through OASIS at http://oasis.pearson.com. For more information contact your Pearson NCCER/Contren Sales Specialist at http://nccer.pearsonconstructionbooks.com/store/sales.aspx. Instructor Package: 9780134543000
Systematisches Projektmanagement ist die Basis fur eine erfolgreiche Abwicklung von Bauvorhaben im Hinblick auf die wirtschaftlichen, terminlichen und technologischen Ziele. Die Autoren geben prazise Antworten auf diese Fragen: Was genau bedeutet Projektmanagement, welche Leistungsinhalte umfasst es und welche rechtlichen Grundlagen sind zu beachten? Dabei werden dem Leser die Methoden von der ersten Projektidee bis zur endgultigen Inbetriebnahme ausfuhrlich vermittelt. Zur optimalen Steuerung von Prozessen, Planung und Realisierung baulicher Anlagen sind alle Grundlagen im Management durch zahlreiche Abbildungen und praxisbezogene Beispiele erklart. Die Autoren haben sich auch dem Einsatz neuer Medien zum Thema "Information und Kommunikation bei Bauprojekten" in einem gesonderten Kapitel gewidmet. Das erfolgreich eingefuhrte Buch ist als effektive Grundlage fur die zukunftige Projektarbeit im Bauwesen gedacht.
Each type of construction has its special characteristics which cannot be compared with those of other building materials. The first building construction designs in the architectural curriculum are planned as masonry or timber buildings. On the basis of these two traditional and elementary building materials, students familiarize themselves with construction details and structural principles, which are also the basis of construction with "modern" materials such as steel, concrete and glass. Basics Building Construction is clearly structured and focused, and explains the characteristics of these important construction materials. The book familiarizes the reader with the most common construction systems, their rules and applications, and enables architectural students to contemplate creative solutions that may also be outside the standardized solutions offered by the construction industry. This compendium combines the successful individual volumes Timber Construction, Masonry Construction and Glass Construction of the BASICS series in one book, which has been expanded by the two new, hitherto unpublished, Steel Construction and Concrete Construction volumes.
Building Systems in Interior Design takes an entirely new approach to teaching this essential topic for Architects, Designers and Building Engineers. Written to prepare students for the real world and packed with practical examples, the book will foster an understanding of specific issues that are critical to those features of technical systems that most directly affect design. The book stresses the ever-present nature of these systems: they are everywhere, all the time. Taking a design oriented view, it outlines what can and cannot be done, and provides the student with the know-how and confidence to defend and promote their design intent when working with other industry professionals. Covering lighting, HVAC, plumbing and much more, the book is packed with key features to aid learning including: Numerous illustrations, plans and photographs Key terms defined in an extensive glossary Chapter introductions that identify key concepts and chapter summaries to re-visit those key concepts Professional design tips And a detailed bibliography and web links This book is not only a core text for interior design, building systems engineering and architecture students but will become an essential working reference through their careers.
In Furniture with Soul, author David Savage explores the philosophies, careers, and pivotal moments of struggle and inspiration for today's most talented and influential woodworkers. He traveled throughout the U.S. and Britain to interview these renowned artists, including John Makepeace, John Cederquist, Jack Larimore, Judy Kensley McKie, Michael Hurwitz, Tom Hucker, Rupert Williamson, Gary Knox Bennett, and Peter Danko. With a telling eye and refreshing intimacy, he reveals their thinking, creative processes, and rise to prominence. He takes the reader into their workshops and their hearts. Savage seeks to illuminate the soul of the artists' work, and the influences and experiences that shaped them.
often described as the "fifth facade", the flat roof is extremely popular with architects. Its essential task is to shelter the space beneath it from the elements. Beyond this, the use of flat roofs may be optimized by integrating them as green roofs, roof terraces, circulation areas, and even productive solar roofs. In practice, however, their correct and professional realization is a highly exacting task: in addition to providing the planner with basic rules of construction and design, the Flat Roof Manual also supplies an overview of the use and construction types as well as the standard assemblies for flat roofs. Together with the most important standards and bodies of regulations, construction drawings of the principal connection points round out the volume.
Construction Technology 1: House Construction offers a highly accessible introduction to the key stages of domestic house construction from planning to internal finishes. Its student-friendly layout uses detailed figures, photos and case studies from real-life building sites to aid a practical understanding of construction techniques, providing clear step-by-step guidance in learning the basic principles of low-rise residential construction. This textbook is a vital resource for students in construction, property and architecture, BSc and MSc, including any student taking courses in building surveying, quantity surveying, real estate and construction management, as well as those studying at the HNC/HND level.
Die Autoren geben einen umfassenden, leichtverstandlichen Einblick in alle Themenbereiche des Baubetriebs und der Bauwirtschaft. Dabei beschreiben sie u.a. auch Ausschreibungen nach VOB, VOL und VOF sowie die Kalkulation und deren Ablauf. Die 2. Auflage wurde aktualisiert und berucksichtigt die VOB 2009. |
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