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A cookbook focused on different holiday celebrations – including recipes for Christmas, summer parties, seaside holiday favourites, family occasion meals, and Easter, Halloween and Heritage Day themes. Jan Kohler is a self-taught cook whose passion for good food was strongly influenced during her childhood. Growing up, produce was home-grown, shopping was a social experience and time and effort was put into the preparation of the food. These things still resonate with her today and have inspired her “cook-from-scratch” approach. Jan loves to share her love of food with others, often entertaining and striving to develop new recipes and ideas.
Technological advances, an increasingly globalized workforce and seismic global events mean that change is a constant feature of business life today. The consequences of not managing change effectively can be devastating for businesses. How can managers deal with change brought about by unpredictable events? How can they embrace change and communicate its benefits to stakeholders? How can organizations ensure the ongoing success of change? John Hayes's bestselling textbook equips you with the practical tools and academic knowledge to tackle these questions and many more. Offering unrivalled breadth, it will guide you clearly through all stages of the change process, from recognizing the need for change to ensuring its successful implementation. Its unique underpinning framework, based on a process model of change, will help you to view change as purposeful and ordered, rather than something chaotic and unmanageable. This sixth edition covers all of the key theories, tools and techniques of organizational change, and offers everything you need to know about organizational change today:
Gr 10-12 home and additional languageEnglish and Afrikaans50 000 hit wordsWord breaks and word stressParts of speechPast tense and past participlesIrregular verbsPlural formsNegative formsDegrees of comparisonCollective nounsAbbreviations, short forms and acronymsMasculine and feminine formsLabels indicating contextCross-referencesHomonymsCompound nouns and derivativesCollocations and fixed phrasesSynonymsAntonymsIdioms and proverbs
Louisa Zondo’s work has helped to shape the new South Africa, but she has also faced intense grief and trauma, which came from the underside of the emerging nation’s complex social fabric.
Vir ‘n man is daar nie nou tyd in Tillie se lewe nie. Sy sy wil haar avontuurlustige drome uitleef sonder die komplikasies van 'n verhouding. Maar dan duik ‘n geleentheid onverwags op om ‘n lank gekoesterde droom te vervul. Professor Ryk Broodryk maak haar ‘n aanbod wat sy nie kan weier nie: Trou met hom vir ‘n jaar om sy erfporsie te behou in ruil vir eenmiljoen rand. Die enigste voorwaarde is dat sy bereid moet wees om vir drie maande saam met hom in die Amasone deur te bring. Wat sy egter nie verwag nie, is vir die singende en ernstige professor om haar voete onder haar uit te slaan om haar hart in sy hande te hou. Gaan Ryk haar avontuurlustige drome kelder, of gaan hy haar mees vervullende avontuur nóg word?
Another exciting addition to the existing Mpumi range, this book is aimed at the younger child and features a younger Mpumi. Masego Morulane’s illustrations encourage young readers to connect with themselves and with the world in which they live. The bright and cheerful images, which are accompanied by short bursts of text, explain in an easy-to-understand visual language, our daily activities as human beings. In this story, Mpumi shows us her favourite meals. This story is a charming read for the whole family, especially children aged between 3-6 years old.
For seventy years, Queen Elizabeth has ruled over an institution and a family. She has been constant in her desire to provide a steady presence and to be a trustworthy steward of the British people and the Commonwealth. In the face of her uncle's abdication, in the uncertainty of the Blitz, and in the tentative exposure of her family and private life to the public via the press, Elizabeth has become synonymous with the crown. But times change. Recent years have brought grief and turmoil to the House of Windsor, and even as England prepares to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee, there are calls for a changing of the guard. In The New Royals, journalist Katie Nicholl provides a nuanced look at Elizabeth's remarkable and unrivalled reign, with new stories from Palace courtiers and aides, documentarians, and family members. She examines Charles and Camilla's decades in waiting and beyond-where "The Firm" is headed as William and Kate present the modern faces of an ancient institution. In the wake of Harry and Meghan leaving the Royal Family and Andrew's spectacular fall from grace, the royal family must reckon with its history, the light and the dark, in order to chart a course for Britain beyond its Queen and to show that it is an institution capable of leadership in an ever changing modern world.
Can racism and intimacy co-exist? Can love and friendship form and flourish across South Africa’s imposed colour lines? Who better to engage on the subject of hazardous liaisons than the students with whom Jonathan Jansen served over seven years as Vice Chancellor of the University of the Free State. The context is the University campus in Bloemfontein, the City of Roses, the Mississippi of South Africa. Rural, agricultural, insular, religious and conservative, this is not a place for breaking out. But over the years, Jansen observed shifts in campus life and noticed more and more openly interracial friendships and couples, and he began having conversations with these students with burning questions in mind. Ten interracial couples tell their stories of love and friendship in their own words, with no social theories imposed on their meanings, but instead a focus on how these students experience the world of interracial relationships, and how flawed, outdated laws and customs set limits on human relationships, and the long shadow they cast on learning, living and loving on university campuses to this day.
’n Nuwe lewe wag op hom In 1939 bars die oorlogbom in Europa. Drie miljoen kinders word uit London ontruim na veiliger gebiede. Een van hulle is die sesjarige Charles Smith, op pad na ’n onbekende tante van sy pa in ’n klein dorpie in Skotland. By aunty Grace wag ’n nuwe lewe op hom. Aan die anderkant van Europa ruk die Duitse Sesde Leër op teen Rusland. Tussen die manskappe is die vurige majoor Oswald von Stein, Hildegard se stiefseun. Voor hulle wag die Russiese winter, Stalingrad en die krygsgevangenekampe van Siberië. 90 000 word gevange geneem, net sesduisend oorleef. Charles en Oswald beleef teenoorgestelde kante van die oorlog. Beide bevind hulself egter op pad na ’n plaas in Afrika waar hul paaie sal kruis met dié van Seretse Khama en Mentje de Vries.
Sonder werk of heenkome en met haar hart en toekomsplanne aan flenters, gaan kruip Annelize in haar vriendin, Jolanie, se leë woonstel op Flenterbaai weg. Sy moet nog die gebeure van die afgelope tyd verwerk en hoop dat sy by die see weer mettertyd rus en rigting sal vind. Min weet sy Jolanie se brombek van ‘n broer by die huis langs die woonstel gaan opdaag en haar vrede versteur. Hy, met sy Wiskundeboek wat klaar geskryf moet word én sy beeldskone meisie wat haar neus vir net mooi alles optrek, verál vir Annelize. Ludwig is kortaf en baasspelerig en boonop glo hy nie Annelize serede hoekom sy op Flenterbaai kuier nie. Dan gebeur daar een koue wintersmiddag iets wat veroorsaak dat Annelize nie langer kan wegsteek wié en wát sy is nie. Die vraag is: Wat gaan Ludwig maak noudat hy die waarheid weet?
Kort na haar agtiende verjaardag reis Karlijn Verhoefen per skip vanaf Nederland na die Kaap. Een stormagtige aand, val Karlijn oorboord en word deur capitaine Jean van die skip Die Carlotta gered. ‘n Vriendskap ontwikkel tussen hulle en namate sy hom beter leer ken, ontwikkel sy onbekende gevoelens wat haar verwar. Jean stel egter nie belang in enige ander vrou nie, want sy hart behoort reeds aan Simoné Dubois. Maar hoekom soen hy haar dan die dag toe hulle reis tot ‘n einde kom en hul paaie skei?Karlijn begin bou aan ‘n nuwe toekoms in die Kaap. Dinge verloop vlot totdat sy en Jean mekaar weer op ‘n dag raak loop. Die onvoorspelbare gebeur en saam begin ‘n reis wat lei tot ‘n skatkis vol verrassings.
Lana Del Rey reads fourteen select poems from her upcoming debut poetry book Violet Bent Backwards Over the Grass, accompanied by music from frequent collaborator, Grammy Award-winning musician Jack Antonoff
1. LA Who Am I To Love You
The Soweto Student Uprising of 1976 was a decisive moment in the struggle against apartheid. It marked the expansion of political activism to a new generation of young activists, but beyond that it inscribed the role that young people of subsequent generations could play in their country's future. Since that momentous time, students have held a special place in the collective imaginary of South African history. Drawing on research and writing by leading scholars and prominent activists, Students Must Rise takes Soweto '76 as its pivot point, but looks at student and youth activism in South Africa more broadly by considering what happened before and beyond the Soweto moment. Early chapters assess the impact of the anti-pass campaigns of the 1950s, of political ideologies like Black Consciousness as well as of religion and culture in fostering political consciousness and organisation among youth and students in townships and rural areas. Later chapters explore the wide-reaching impact of June 16th itself for student organisation over the next two decades across the country. Two final chapters consider contemporary student-based political movements, including #RhodesMustFall and #FeesMustFall, and historically root these in the long and rich tradition of student activism in South Africa. 2016 marks the 40th anniversary of the 1976 June 16th uprisings. This book rethinks the conventional narrative of youth and student activism in South Africa by placing that most famous of moments - the 1976 students' uprising in Soweto - in a deeper historical and geographic context.
Your complete one-volume guide to the year 2023. This fantastic and in-depth book includes month-by-month forecasts for every sign and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in the year ahead. The only one-volume horoscope you’ll ever need. Your essential guide to love, life and career success in 2023. This popular, complete one-volume guide contains all you need to know about your personal horoscope for the year 2023. Be prepared for the forthcoming year with monthly predictions for your own sign and discover how to maximise your opportunities and potential to make the most of 2023. This bestselling astrological guide contains:
Joseph Polansky is a leading US astrologer who has been practising astrology for over 20 years.
A young woman is murdered in her flat and a tiny red diamond in the shape of a five-pointed star is found behind her eyelid. Detective Harry Hole is assigned to the case, alongside his long-time adversary Tom Waaler, and initially wants no part in it. But Harry is already on his final warning and has little alternative but to drag himself out of his alcoholic stupor when it becomes apparent that Oslo has a serial killer on its hands.
Sondag. Oukersaand. Ná ’n inbraak by die Stables Estate in Pretoria-Oos word sakeman Lafras van Zyl vir dood agtergelaat. Die res van die Van Zyl-gesin verdwyn spoorloos. Kaptein AJ Williams moet inspring om te help. Alex en Ranna is op die spoor van ’n meisie, wat in Johannesburg vermis geraak het. Twee misdade. Meer vrae as antwoorde.
Patriarg Tjaart van der Walt se verlede haal sy kleindogters in ná sy dood toe ’n gas onverwags by sy kleindogter, Lenore van der Walt, se bruilof opdaag. Die bewaringstatus van Bateleur Reservaat en Khulula Renosterskuiling word daardeur bedreig. Die gas wil met ’n mynbaas saamspan om ’n steenkoolmyn in die Laeveld te vestig. Sikloon Dineo tref die reservaat langs die Mosambiek-grens en derduisende klimaatvlugtelinge word blootgestel aan mensehandel en ontvoerings. Die toenemende stel van slagysters vir bosslaghuisvleis lei ook tot ernstige vergrype teen diere. Die drie Van der Walt-niggies – Lenore, Tarien en Bella – word meegesleur in die gety van ontheemding en dierevergrype. Ook op geestelike vlak is daar ’n vervreemding tussen die niggies en hul Skepper wanneer seer uit die verlede hul inhaal en hul binne-vrede moet vind om weer tuis by God te voel. Romanse en nuwe vriendskappe te midde van natuurrampe en aanvalle deur insypelaars word ’n toevlug toe ’n bonkige huursoldaat en die Olifantbekoorder van die Laeveld tot die niggies se lewens toetree.
The Democratic Alliance won control of the uMngeni Municipality in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands after the local government elections in 2021. As the only DA-run municipality in KZN, uMngeni provides a template for how local government could work in a post-ANC South Africa. Written by two leaders at the very heart of the project, Saving South Africa reveals the challenges, the triumphs and disasters the new administration has encountered along the way. It is an eye-opening exposé of how cadre deployment has helped to bring the country to its knees. It is a story of incompetent officials, political spies, gunwielding tenderpreneurs, petty theft and grand larceny. And yet, as we follow the authors on their journey, there is always hope for a better future as the corrupt layers of local governance are gradually stripped away, revealing the responsive and caring civil service envisioned by the South African Constitution.
Shall we take an umbrella... or evacuate the city? The Weather Machine is about a miraculous-but-overlooked invention that helps us through our daily lives - and sometimes saves them - by allowing us to see into the future. When Superstorm Sandy hit North America, weather scientists had predicted its arrival a full eight days beforehand, saving countless lives and astonishing us with their capability. Their skill is unprecedented in human history and draws on nearly every major invention of the last two centuries: Newtonian physics, telecommunications, spaceflight and super-computing. In this gripping investigation, Andrew Blum takes us on a global journey to explain this awe-inspiring feat - from satellites circling the Earth, to weather stations far out in the ocean, through some of the most ingenious minds and advanced algorithms at work today. Our destination: the simulated models they have constructed of our planet, which spin faster than time, turning chaos into prediction, offering glimpses of our future with eery precision. This collaborative invention spans the Earth and relies on continuous co-operation between all nations - a triumph of human ingenuity and diplomacy we too often shrug off as a tool for choosing the right footwear each morning. But in this new era of extreme weather, we may come to rely on its maintenance and survival for our own.
In rural South Africa today, there are signs that chieftaincies are resurging after having been disbanded in colonial times. Among these is the amaTshatshu of the Eastern Cape, which was dis-established in 1852 by the British, and recognised once more under the democratic ANC dispensation, in 2003. Bawana, leader of the amaTshatshu, was the first Thembu chief to cross the Kei River, in the mid-1820s, to open up the northeastern frontier of the Cape Colony. His successors and followers fought the British in the frontier wars but were defeated. In tracing his history and that of his descendants this book explores the meaning of chieftainship in South Africa—at the time of colonial conquest, under apartheid’s Bantustans, and now, post apartheid. It illustrates not only the story of a beleaguered and dispossessed people but also the ways in which power is constructed. In addition, it is about gender and land, about belonging, identity and naming. The book unsettles accounts of chiefly authority, unpacks conflicts between royal families, municipalities and government departments, and explores the impasse created by these quarrels. It retrieves evidence that the colonial state sought to obliterate and draws the disempowered back into the process of making history. The authors are both closely associated with the land and the people of the amaTshatshu. One is a historian, who grew up on their land, and the other is counsellor to the chief. As such, they bring their knowledge and respective skills to bear in this book. The collaboration of a black and a white author sets up a creative tension which animates the text and is a powerful element of the book.
A stylish new dictionary with a beautiful cloth-finished cover, for everyday use, with over 295,000 words, meanings, and phrases for today’s fast-changing world and thousands of fascinating entries for people and places. Ideal for use in the office, at home and for study, this is the dictionary for support in all areas of the language.
Financial Accounting: An Introduction offers CA stream students a strong conceptual framework in preparation for further studies in Accounting, while teaching non-CA stream students financial literacy, a skill that will benefit them in both their personal and professional lives. Features:
In the Namibian harbour town of Lüdertiz, a liminal space where desert meets ocean, a terrible history is made intimate and personal when filmmaker Henry van Wyk must confront a childhood tragedy that has moulded his life. Having returned to his birthplace in an attempt to get his career back on track, Henry struggles to complete a documentary he is working on. He whiles away his mornings swimming in a nearby tidal pool on Shark Island, and finds himself increasingly drawn to the small town and its romantic possibilities. But the tranquil land hides a bloody history: Shark Island was once the site of a concentration camp, and a law firm is suing the German government for their role in the genocide of Namibia’s indigenous people. When Henry begins to interview the survivors’ descendants, their testimonies compel him to search the desert for a mass grave. At the Edge of the Desert is a meditation on loss, isolation and love, which asks us to consider the implications of telling someone else’s story.
This Study Work Guide has been written according to the requirements of the Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement of the DBE for Grade 10 English Home Language. This guide will assist learners in their understanding of the novel and their preparation for examinations. Key points: - The "official study guide" - developed by Tafelberg, the original publisher of the novel, under the series Best Books Study Work Guides - Pre-, during and post reading activities including analysis and questions - Formal assessment activities for examination purposes Answer sheets downloadable for FREE from http://www.nb.co.za/Books/19971
Inkleurboeke vir volwassenes is steeds baie gewild en daar is eindelose opsies om van te kies en keur. Inligting oor selfdoentegnieke wanneer dit by inkleur kom, is egter nie so volop beskikbaar nie. In hierdie boek deel inkleurkunstenaar, Monique Day-Wilde, alles van die kies van papier, potlode en ander inkleurmateriale, tot die teorie van kleur en kleurvermenging. Sy deel ook basiese en meer gevorderde tegnieke vir spesiale effekte, en wat jy dan met jou inkleurprente kan doen. Leer oor skadutegnieke met enkele of 'n verskeidenheid kleure, afskerming, meng- en vryftegnieke, skep van tekstuur, interessante maniere om groot agtergronde te vul, byvoeging van blinkgoed, stempels met bosseleervloeistof en selfs die gebruik van potloodskaafsels. Daar skuil soveel meer agter inkleurwerk as om net tussen die lyne te hou. Terwyl daar werklik geen regte of verkeerde manier is om in te kleur nie, sal hierdie boek jou help om inkleurwerk te omskep in 'n ervaring wat sal lei tot 'n kunswerk waarop jy kan trots wees - net vir jouself, of om mee te spog by ander. |
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