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Classic reflections on gospel wisdom from a modern martyr show the
ongoing relevance of the gospel in an age of idolatrous power and
capricious violence.
Archbishop Doye Agama influences the church and community ministry
of some 15,000 active clergy on four continents. Around 10,000
people may read his online postings and musings in a single week.
This series of handbooks will give you insights into the journey of
wisdom that has made the Apostolic Pastoral Congress and it's
remarkable leader, one of the most significant emerging church
movements of our generation; and perhaps this century.
Archbishop Doye Agama influences the church and community ministry
of some 15,000 active clergy on four continents. Around 10,000
people may read his online postings and musings in a single week.
This series of handbooks will give you insights into the journey of
wisdom that has made the Apostolic Pastoral Congress and its
remarkable leader, one of the most significant emerging church
movements of our generation; and perhaps this century.
The poor will always be with you, Jesus said - but that doesn't
mean Christians have ever figured out how to be with the poor. Pope
Francis has emphasized a vision of a "Church that is poor and for
the poor." But growing economic inequality continues to spread
across the globe. This book takes a fresh look at the role of
churches, and individual Christians, in relating to poverty and the
poor among them. A strong focus is placed on the biblical and
theological roots of the Church's commitment to care for the poor.
At times praised as a virtue and blessed as a condition, poverty
easily confuses us, and we are often left doing little to nothing
to make a difference with and for the poor. As a social evil and a
burden, poverty has elicited many kinds of reactions among the
followers of Christ. It is time for Christians to figure out what
to do about it. Contributors include Pope Francis, Pheme Perkins,
Sandra M. Schneider, and Thomas Massaro SJ.
This book series examines issues of Faith and Order, and to some
extent issues of life and work, from the perspective of leadership
in a modern Pentecostal church movement. The series addresses the
harnessing of ethnicity nationality and personal history in the
search for church unity. It tries to answer questions such as what
is means to be Apostolic in 21st Century Pentecostalism. It looks
at how these charismatic churches can renew their historic roots
and seek greater local unity with other Christians while remaining
authentic as Pentecostals. The author also encourages greater
contributions of convergence Pentecostals to the community
cohesion, and to peace and justice.
In our age of instant gratification and if-it-feels-good-do-it
attitudes, self-discipline is hardly a popular notion. Yet it may
be one of the most important lost virtues of our time. In Joyful
Surrender, former missionary and beloved author Elisabeth Elliot
offers her understanding of discipline and its value for people of
all times. She shows readers how to - discipline the mind, body,
possessions, time, and feelings - overcome anxiety - change poor
habits and attitudes - trust God in times of trial and hardship -
let Christ have control in all areas of life Elliot masterfully and
gently takes readers through Scripture, personal stories, and
incisive observations of the world around her to help them discover
the understanding that our fulfillment as human beings depends on
our answer to God's call to obedience.
After you read A CLOSER WALK WITH GOD you are going to see for
yourself what God says about it. Have you ever wondered if it's
possible to have a meaningful relationship with God? BILL VINCENT'S
powerful study will help you discover for yourself how such a
rewarding relationship with God is possible. The last two Chapters
are Daily Bible Reading and Daily Devotions to help you to get on
the right track in your walk with God. You will also learn how
salvation is something you keep burning on the inside of you. You
have to keep your fire burning and there are many things released
in A CLOSER WALK WITH GOD that will help you begin your journey to
genuine faith.
This book is founded on the premise that being a servant of 'the
kingdom community' must become the heart of the church's mission.
Unless this happens Christians will have little to offer to a world
now facing an ultimate choice between community and chaos. To
fulfil this mission the mould of Christendom needs to be broken so
that a new form of church - the diaconal church - can come into
being. This will mean a church open to dialogue, a laity liberated
from clericalism and the creation of a servant leadership. The book
includes an informative evaluation of five original case-studies of
the diaconal church in action and the diaconal potential of five
worldwide Christian 'renewal movements'.
Provides practical instruction to help pastors and congregational
leaders bring clarity and purpose to the role of elders or deacons,
and to help deacons or elders learn and refine their ministry. Each
of the nine sessions in Training Ministry Teams reflects on Jesus'
method of training leaders and works toward a specific outcome.
Topics include: working as a ministry team, decision-making,
mediating conflict, visitation, partnering with the pastor, and
more. Sessions conclude with group assignments designed to move
participants from theory to action. Also included are resources to
help in calling, commissioning, and nurturing elders and deacons.
108 Pages.
Mission in the world of work has been neglected by the churches
within the UK for decades. The Kingdom at Work Project addresses
this crippling failure. It sets out a new and comprehensive model
of mission for the transformation of the workplace. The model is
founded on a radical theology of community and related spirituality
which guide and empower an innovative process of discernment and
intervention. The last covers individual and collective action,
dialogue, the use of symbols, prayer and worship. Mentoring, the
role of chaplains and ministers in secular employment, and the
responsibilities of the gathered church are key issues covered in
depth. This book is the most thorough and imaginative exploration
of mission in the world of work to appear for many years.
Billy Graham, Eugene Peterson, William Willimon and other
well-known church leaders teach you how to connect with the
congregation through your preaching. Beyond the 'how-to's' of
preaching, The Pastor's Guide provides a foundation for embodying
God's grace and holiness as a means of communicating His message.
Great preachers of our time will teach you how to: Plan an extended
preaching schedule Keep your congregation engaged in what you're
saying Improve your delivery Develop ideas for content And much
The Provocative Church offers a liberating understanding of
evangelism as a corporate activity, in which all the gifts needed
to enact the life of the Kingdom - to stir people into asking,
'What does this mean?' - are spread throughout the whole Church. It
encourages the development of a theology of conversion.
A much-needed area for brand new converts is a practical workbook
for follow up. This is the purpose of 'Connect with Jesus'. I have
spent over 16 years as a full time itinerate evangelist. My heart
broke over the lack of good material to give to each convert. These
babies in Jesus need something special to help them get rooted in
the faith. They need to understand what happened to them and what
the Bible says about their conversion. These precious babies in
Jesus must have something in their hands that will immediately get
them into the Word of God. This workbook covers vitally important
topics that every new believer must understand to grow in Christ.
Understanding what true salvation is all about and what the Bible
says about salvation. The importance of reading their Bibles, the
importance of having a prayer life and how to develop that
discipline, the importance of Church and personal evangelism are
just a few topics covered in this important workbook. Churches that
use this book as a new believers class are thrilled with their
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not
used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad
quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are
images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to
keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the
original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain
imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made
available for future generations to enjoy.
Recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize, feted by politicians, the
Church and the world's media, Mother Teresa of Calcutta appears to
be on the fast track to sainthood. But what makes Mother Teresa so
divine? In this frank and damning expose of the Teresa cult,
Hitchens details the nature and limits of one woman's mission to
help the world's poor. He probes the source of the heroic status
bestowed upon an Albanian nun whose only declared wish was to serve
God. He asks whether Mother Teresa's good works answered any higher
purpose than the need of the world's privileged to see someone,
somewhere, doing something for the Third World. He unmasks
pseudo-miracles, questions Mother Teresa's fitness to adjudicate on
matters of sex and reproduction, and reports on a version of
saintly ubiquity which affords genial relations with dictators,
corrupt tycoons and convicted frauds. Is Mother Teresa merely an
essential salve to the conscience of the rich West, or an expert PR
machine for the Catholic Church? In its caustic iconoclasm and
unsparing wit, The Missionary Position showcases the devastating
effect of Hitchens' writing at its polemical best. A dirty job but
someone had to do it. By the end of this elegantly written,
brilliantly argued piece of polemic, it is not looking good for
Mother Teresa. - Sunday Times