Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Christian institutions & organizations > Christian ministry & pastoral activity
This is a textbook on preaching from an ecumenical perspective,
covering the foundations and practice of preaching. In our rapidly
changing world, Christian preaching is as important as ever, but
makes even greater demands of the preacher than in the past. It is
being challenged by new forms of worship and communication at a
time when it is becoming more difficult for preachers to address
the complex issues of modern life in relation to Christianity. This
book is designed to help preachers to sustain themselves and each
other in their work and to realize their full potential by helping
them to re-affirm the importance of preaching by rehearsing its
biblical and theological basis and to understand the cycles,
dynamics and rhythms of their vocation and to engage with them
constructively. It offers clear guidelines on how to construct a
sermon and use contemporary professional support services
throughout their preaching ministry and to develop their own
support networks. So the book emphasizes what preachers themselves,
personally and through supportive networks, can do to sustain and
develop their preaching ministries.
Leadership is changing. Not only are established leaders passing
the baton to up-and-coming leaders, the very nature of leadership
is being transformed. Veteran leader and cultural observer Jimmy
Long has discerned how leadership positions and roles have changed
in light of societal shifts. Authority is no longer derived from
positional status but is earned from relational credibility.
Leaders focus not only on tasks but on community. And leadership is
less about directing followers to a particular destination, and
more about empowering others on a shared journey. Existing leaders
cannot write off emerging leaders because they work differently.
Nor can younger leaders dismiss the contributions of those who have
gone before. Here is a book that offers a positive vision for
intergenerational partnership and leadership transference rather
than competition. The practical tools outlined here will help
existing and emerging leaders understand each others' leadership
styles and collaborate fruitfully for the sake of the kingdom.
The Spirit is speaking. Can you hear him? If you're longing to
become more attentive to God--to listen to him, know his voice and
experience his love, spiritual direction can point the way. In
Seeking God Together, experienced spiritual director Alice Fryling
offers a unique introduction specifically for group spiritual
direction: a place where individuals can experience what it means
to be listened to and loved by others, so that they can learn to
listen more attentively to God in their daily lives and be used by
God. Out of her years of being both director and directee, Fryling
offers practical, step-by-step guidance for those who would like to
start, lead or participate in group spiritual direction. Her book
will help you know what to expect and fully equip you for the
different aspects of the group experience, including learning to
listen to God, using Scripture in a group, navigating different
personalities, setting group expectations and asking life-giving
questions. She also provides an appendix with opening exercises for
use in your meetings together. "The intentional goal of group
spiritual direction," Alice writes, "is to help each participant
become more aware of God in their lives, for the sake of others.
Spiritual direction leads you to an awakening of the soul." The
Spirit is speaking to you and to others. Here is a book to help you
and a group of soul friends listen for and with each other as you
seek God together.
Being a youth minister is not for the meek
Youth ministry is difficult and you need every useful resource you
can get your handson. "The Whole Youth Worker, 2nd Edition" is
advice straight from the heart of a guywho has been in the youth
ministry trenches for over a decade. Whether you are a
youthminister rookie or a seasoned pro, "The Whole Youth Worker,
2nd Edition" should be onyour resource shelf. Inside the new 2nd
Edition, you will find advice on: Being a professional inside the
officeDealing with criticismBalancing family and
ministryChallenging your congregation's definition of
successCreating a more parent-friendly ministryCreating a clear
vision for ministryMinistering to others when your spirit is
strugglingStaying health as a form of worship
And new insights available only in this edition include:
Advice on interviewing wellHow not to let an event become bigger
than GodCelebrating successesWhen good kids make bad choices
Youth Ministers and Pastors Acclaim for "The Whole Youth
"Here is a brass-tacks companion for those who would aspire to
being not a masterbut a servant, one who is willing to put forth
great effort on the young, even thoughnot all the recipients will
be appreciative. Jay Tucker is the opposite of preachy, he
ispractical and instructional with down-to-earth language that
brings a smile."--Most Rev. Heyward B. Ewart, PhD, DD, Metropolitan
Archbishop, Holy Catholic Church International
"If you want to hear from the heart of a youth worker who struggles
to enjoy the Monday-to-Friday part of youth ministry and wants to
help you get through it too, then you need to read The Whole Youth
Worker."--Mike Kupferer, Youth Ministry Exchange
"In The Whole Youth Worker, Jay gives us a glimpse at what it's
like to be in the trenches--both good and bad. You will read this
book and say, 'Been there--it's good to know I'm not alone '"
--Rev. Bill Fisackerly, IV, Gulf Cove United Methodist Church
Learn more at www.JayTucker.net
The Spiritual Discovery Series from Loving Healing Press
This book challenges the church to ask whether or not the gospel as
we commonly interpret it today really embodies the jubilee vision
of the Bible. Imagine a group of forty adults living in a
community, assisting each other to buy houses, sharing material
wealth and releasing the surplus to help others as a practical
outworking of the biblical principles of jubilee.Kim Tan was part
of this group and in The Jubilee Gospel seeks to unpack these
principles of sacrificial generosity, stewardship and social
holiness.Starting with the OT principle of jubilee and tracing the
themes through the Bible, we discover a way of living that reflects
Gods justice and compassion and embraces kingdom politics and
economics.What may seem buried deep in the early parts of the OT is
brought up to date as were confronted by Jesus teaching and
principles of wealth distribution, cancellation of debt,
hospitality and storehouses.
Stephen Greggo offers an in-depth exploration of care group
leadership from a Christian perspective. Care groups are worth
pursuing because they can create a biblically grounded context for
corrective healing relationships. Care group leaders engaged in
pastoral care, counseling services or spiritual formation will
catch a vision for how the core interpersonal process can be
instrumental in reshaping character, redeeming relationships and
realizing sanctification.
A burgeoning body of literature on death and dying is organized
into a comprehensive, carefully outlined, annotated list in this
volume, which cites more than 2200 books, articles, chapters,
monographs, and reports primarily concerned with the counseling and
theological aspects of death and dying. Compiled by a member of the
clergy involved in hospice care, this bibliography recognizes the
wide range of topics that comprise the human experience of death
and dying, as it accesses information from the pastoral to the
medical, the historical to the topical, and the philosophical to
the technical elements of thanatology. This multidisciplinary
approach provides helping professionals as well as those involved
with mortuary science and the study of thanatology with an
extensive guide to specific and general information. Introductory
material both reviews the current trend towards specialization in
thanatology and the need to preserve a holistic approach towards
death and dying, and suggests uses for the sources cited in the
pages that follow. The annotated entries are descriptive and
critical, and are arranged to introduce the topic historically.
They are followed by relevant theological and philosophical issues
and conclude with works that address the care of the dying and
bereaved. All the sources are fully indexed by author, title, and
subject matter.
In a clich -free zone, 'Twenty Four' suggests practical ways that
we can discover a more 24/7 approach to discipleship. It is real,
stimulating and designed to make you think about the stuff that
makes up the daily diet called life. Taking a day in the life of an
ordinary person, it is designed for Christians everywhere to gain
an exciting new perspective on all parts of their lives and shows
how every aspect can be part of worship. Each chapter is filled
with illustrations from modern culture and the biblical viewpoint
on each area is considered. Through Krish Kandiah's thoughtful and
original teaching, we see how to serve and worship our amazing God
in each of these.With a brand new cover and internal design. Twenty
Four now includes discussion questions at the end of each chapter.
Twenty Four can be used in small groups or in mentoring situations.
We live in angry times. No matter where we go, what we watch, or
how we communicate, our culture is rife with division and
polarization. Unfortunately, Christians appear to be caught up in
the same animosity as the culture at large. While our faith calls
us to Christian unity, the hard fact remains: our churches are
tragically divided across class, ethnic, gender, and political
lines. As these social chasms grow--both inside and outside the
church--the role of the preacher becomes paramount. This book
issues a prophetic call to pastors to use the influence of their
pulpits to promote reconciliation and unity in their churches and
communities. Two scholar-practitioners who are experts in
homiletics and reconciliation present a practical, 7-step model
that empowers faithful leaders to bring healing and peace to their
fractured churches and world. The book includes questions for
reflection, salient illustrations, and an accountability covenant.
It also includes useful appendixes on preaching themes, preaching
texts, and sample sermons from three leading preachers: Ralph
Douglas West, Rich Villodas, and Sandra Maria Van Opstal.
Have we replaced the glory of God with our church programs. If so,
is there anything we can do to get the glory of God back into our
gatherings and individual lives? While we have good music,
well-written songs and history to learn from, we can still miss
having the presence of God in our meetings the way it was in Bible
times. In this challenging and often provocative book, Jarrod
Cooper deals with these important questions. Providing plenty of
biblical illustrations to support his concerns, Jarrod shakes up
more of our conventional thinking on the subject or worship. Can we
for example only worship in the presence of the microphone, worship
leader and powerpoint. What if all these were stripped away and it
was just God and us? What would our worship be like then?
This study guide by Dane Ortlund helps readers reflect further on
the biblical truths found in Gentle and Lowly through discussion
questions organized into 10 helpful lessons. Designed for
individual and small-group use.
Most congregations today exist in what George Thompson calls the
"middle of anywhere." They live comfortably with their surrounding
culture, focusing their energies on serving the needs of their
current members. These congregations have many strengths and gifts
that they can exercise without changing a thing. But Thompson
envisions a deeper, more prophetic call for congregations to
explore the meaning of being in the world but not of it--a church
on the "edge of somewhere." Thompson sees a church that is deeply
engaged in ministering to the community while calling on others to
commit to doing the same. By analyzing the interaction between a
congregation's focus of identity and their stance with the world,
Thompson has created a helpful grid for congregations to place
themselves on today's cultural map. A congregation that sees itself
as existing on the margins of society will look different than one
that sees itself as embedded in society. A congregation that hears
a call to serve the surrounding community will look different from
one that focuses on its internal needs. Knowing where they stand
now is the key for congregations to discover where they must go in
the future to fully live out their call to be God's people in the
To live as Christ lived we must love as He loved. A challenging,
practical approach of viewing love as Christ did: a choice made for
the highest good of another.
Coloring fun with familiar Bible stories from Genesis to
Revelation. Over 380 pages of coloring fun covering 45 favorite
Bible stories with a Bible reference on each page.