Books > Humanities > Religion & beliefs > Christianity
Wil jy ’n vriendin bemoedig wat deur ’n moeilike tyd gaan? Wil jy vir
’n geliefde wys jy gee om?
Die 101 teksverse en bemoedigende aanhalings in 101 Seëninge vir ’n
vreugdevolle lewe is ideaal om ’n bietjie vreugde te bring vir ’n
kosbare vriendin of geliefde. Gee die hele boksie net so as ’n
geskenkie, of deel ’n bemoedigende kaartjie met enigeen wat ’n spesiale
gedagte vir die dag nodig het.
Die 51 volkleur-kaartjies is verpak in ’n stewige boksie met ’n deksel.
Voel dit vir jou ook of jy soms van die een doen-ding op jou lysie na
die volgende jaag sonder tyd vir rustig raak? Tydens dol dae propvol
verantwoordelikhede het ’n mens tye nodig waarin jy jou gedagtes kan
orden en asemskep.
Laat jou gedagtes stil word terwyl jy die 40 volblad-ontwerpe van
Geniet ’n heuningsoete dag inkleur. ’n Addisionele 10 bladsye met
kaartjies, boekmerke en etikette is ingesluit wat ook ingekleur en
uitgedeel kan word.
Wil jy stil raak na ’n lang dag van eise en prioriteite? Die
Skrifbeloftes in 365 Beloftes uit die Woord in kleur sal jou verseker
van God se teenwoordigheid en omgee.
Hierdie inkleurboek vir volwassenes is die perfekte grootte om oral met
jou saam te dra vir daardie broodnodige oomblikke van vrede in jou dag.
Elke bladsy bevat beloftes uit die Woord wat jou sal bemoedig, met ’n
meegaande illustrasie om in te kleur.
Die 125 illustrasies maak dit die ideale geskenkboek wat ’n inkleurboek
sowel as inspirerende leesstof kan wees.
Kom stap saam met Stephan Joubert in die Bybelstudie Perspektief op die
Heilige Gees op die spoor van God se spesiale Helper en ontsluit ’n
waarlik Geesvervulde lewe.
Die 10 studies in hierdie Bybelstudie draai om temas rakende die
werking van die Heilige Gees, soos: vol van die Heilige Gees, dra vrug
wat die Gees verheerlik, getuies van die Heilige Gees en die Gees maak
regtig vry. Stephan Joubert wil lesers herinner aan die hemelse hulp
wat ons in ons moeilikste tye kan kry en mense se aandag op die wonders
van die Gees vestig.
Elk van die 10 studies sluit af met ’n kort samevatting wat die
kernwaarhede van die spesifieke gedeelte saamvat.
Perspektief op die Heilige Gees is ideaal vir individuele of
groepstudie en sal lesers lei tot ’n Geesvervulde lewe.
Wonder jy ook soms hoekom slegte dinge met goeie mense gebeur? Waar is
God wanneer goeie mense ly?
Ons kan soveel leer uit die verhaal van Job. In Wanneer God stilbly: 'n
7-week-Bybelstudie oor Job verduidelik Johan Smit dat ons, net soos
Job, soms ook te staan kom voor tragedies en die ontnugterende gevolge
Hierdie Bybelstudie lig in 7 studies die belangrikste temas uit die
boek Job uit, soos:
• Waarom gebeur slegte dinge met my?
• Is lyding die straf op sonde?
• Waar kan ’n mens wysheid vind?
• God praat op verskillende maniere.
Johan Smit sluit die Bybelstudie af deur vir gelowiges vandag die doel
van lyding te verduidelik, hoe lyding in die Christen se lewe lyk en
hoe ’n mens iemand kan help wat deur ’n moeilike tyd gaan.
Wanneer God stilbly is ’n hoopvolle bevestiging dat die lewende God
vandag nog in mense se lewens teenwoordig is te midde van moeilike
Riekert Botha neem lesers in Ek Is Tot Alles In Staat: Deur Hom Wat My
Krag Gee: 10 Studies Oor Die Boek Filippense deur die vreugde-brief
Filippense en daag elkeen uit om die ware betekenis van dié bekende
boek te ontdek.
Dié bekende skrywer breek Filippense in 10 studies op om te sien wat
die boodskap van die boek is. Eerstens word daar gekyk vir wie die boek
oorspronklik geskryf is en wat die boodskap vir hulle was. Dan kan die
leser uitvind wat hierdie boek vir hom of haar persoonlik sê. Ons
omstandighede is vandag anders as die eerste lesers van die brief s’n,
maar God se boodskap bly dieselfde deur al die eeue heen.
Groot gedeeltes Bybelteks uit die NLV in Ek is tot alles in staat sorg
vir maklike naslaan.
Baie woorde of frases in die Bybel is vir hedendaagse lesers moeilik
Die Toeligtingsbybel ontsluit die Woord op ’n lesersvriendelike,
toeganklike manier. Dit bevat die volledige teks van die vertroude Nuwe
Lewende Vertaling, en verhelder woordkeuses en defi nisies, teologiese
begrippe, historiese konteks en geografiese inligting deur
verduidelikings in hakies. Hierdie toeligtende verduidelikings lei tot
’n dieper waardering vir die rykdom wat in die Skrif opgesluit lê.
God se Woord is ewig en vandag nog relevant. Die Toeligtingsbybel sal
die Skrif op ’n verfrissende wyse verlig en lei tot geloofversterking
en geestelike groei.
• Volledige teks van die NLV Bybel.
• Sinonieme, definisies of ekwivalente vir woordkeuses ter wille van
• Verduidelikings van teologiese begrippe.
• Historiese konteks en geografiese inligting om vir die leser ’n
vollediger prentjie van die Bybelse leefwêreld te skep.
• Elke Bybelboek het ’n kort inleiding oor die boodskap wat elke boek
• Kruisverwysings na ander plekke in die Skrif waar ’n bepaalde
onderwerp aangeroer word.
• 8.8 punt lettergrootte
Die Nuwe Lewende Vertaling Super Grootdruk is die ideale Afrikaanse
Bybel vir lesers wat van ’n ekstra groot lettertipe hou.
Die Super Grootdruk-uitgawe bevat die volledige teks van die vertroude
Nuwe Lewende Vertaling. Dit kombineer Skrifgetrouheid en
lesersvriendelikheid om die boodskap van die grondteks in eietydse
Afrikaans vir vandag se leser weer te gee. Agt volkleur-kaarte is ook
Hierdie Bybel beskik oor die volgende kenmerke:
• Verduidelikende voetnote
• 16.5-punt lettergrootte
• Dubbelkolom-uitleg
• 8 volkleur-kaarte
• Hardeband
• Merklint
The English Standard Version is an “essentially literal” translation of
the Bible in contemporary English. It is ideally suited for personal
reading, for public worship, for in-depth study, and for Scripture
ESV Standard Bible is ideal for regular Bible readers, and its extra
features and content will help newcomers discover the Bible for
themselves and understand it better.
• 8.25-point type size
The English Standard Version is an “essentially literal” translation of
the Bible in contemporary English. It is ideally suited for personal
reading, for public worship, for in-depth study, and for Scripture
ESV Compact Bible combines classic portability and improved
readability. This Bible will be a favorite of anyone who likes to take
God’s Word wherever they go: from daily commuters to faithful students,
world travelers to busy moms.
• 6.19-point type size
Wrap a specially selected gift to your mom or sister in the Green And
Pink Flower Design Happy Birthday Large Landscape Gift Bag With Card
and add a beautiful blessing to boot!
The Happy Birthday Gift Bag With Card is big enough to fit several
items, for example, a set of books and a journal, or a hat and a summer
scarf, or candles and a tablecloth.
• Large landscape gift bag
• Satin ribbon handles
• Two sheets of tissue paper included
• Matching blank card with envelope included
• Card size: 152 x 102mm
• Gift bag size: 318 x 254 x 102 mm
This lovely Strength and Dignity Large Portrait Gift Bag with Gift Tag
is wide enough to easily accommodate many different types of birthday
gifts, including books and toiletries. Matching tissue paper is
included, which means you can easily wrap and deliver your special gift.
• Large Portrait Gift Bag
• She is clothed with strength and dignity
• Proverbs 31:25
• "I love you, mom" text on Tag
• Strength & Dignity - Blush Magnolia Collection
• Gold Foiled Text and UV Accents
• Satin ribbon handles
• Includes two sheets of tissue paper
• Packaged in a self-seal bag
• Size: 328 x 254 x 178 mm
Organize your life on your terms with the Baxter Undated Planner Large
Premium Edition. No matter your lifestyle, this undated A4-sized
planner with zipped closure leaves you ample room to organize, schedule
and keep track of your life wherever you are and in whatever way works
best for you. The highly flexible design offers:
• Space to set goals and create a vision board for the year ahead.
• 12 non-dated month pages for noting important dates, deadlines and
• Dot-grid pages with generous space for daily planning or to keep
track of appointments, to-do lists, budgeting, meal-planning, workout
routines, habit tracking and so much more.
• Thought-provoking quotes to keep you motivated and inspired.
• The uncluttered layout of the Baxter Undated Planner Large Premium
Edition is guaranteed to keep you focused and organized, allowing you
to achieve the perfect work-life balance while enhancing your
• Zipped closure with branded zipper pull gives the planner a premium
feel and keeps all loose notes secure
• Undated: Start any time you want
• Premium no-bleed paper will old up to a variety of mediums, including
ballpoint ink and marker
• Pages for goal setting and creating a vision board will keep you
• A satin ribbon marker is included for you to mark the place you last
• Two year-at-a-glance calendars for 2023 and 2024
• Lay-flat design
Is fear of the past, present and future holding you captive with
regret, stress and uncertainty? Choose freedom over captivity by
choosing to live your life in Christ.
Live Free: 366 Devotions On Becoming Truly Free Through Total Surrender
To God is a 366-day devotional that will lead you into a deeper
understanding of the life Jesus died to secure for you. Whatever your
season or circumstances, these daily devotions, questions, prayers and
journaling prompts will challenge, inspire and encourage you as you
discover more of the boundless freedom of the God who breaks chains.
Experience what it means to be set free from fear and free to be, feel,
ask, flourish, follow, love, give, learn, fail, rest and dream.
Days one through five include a Scripture verse and related devotional
thought, while day six offers questions drawn from the themes covered
in the five preceding devotions. These can be used for personal or
group study. Lastly, day seven focuses on applying the comfort or
conviction found in the devotions to prayer and journaling.
Tap into your creative side with the Bible Journaling Sticker Sets
These Bible Journaling Stickers include Scripture stickers that have
encouraging words, expressions of faith and lovely accents of nature
with the added bonus of allowing you to add your own color scheme.
Color these stickers and add them to your journaling Bible as you
engage and learn more about God.
• More than 120 Stickers
• Pack of 6 Sheets
• Matt uncoated sticker paper
• Self-seal Bag Packaging
• Afrikaans Product
The small size of the Be Still And Know That I Am God Pet Notepad makes
it easy to slip into a handbag, bible cover, computer bag or pocket.
Each page has a full color image of the cover at the bottom and a
scripture verse with plenty of white space for write a reminder or
to-do list.
Notepads are ideal for adding to care packages or goodie bags for
special events.
• Pet Notepad
• Be Still And Know That I Am God
• Psalm 46:10
• Full Color Insides
• 40 Sheets in Each Pad
• Individually Shrink-wrapped
• Size: 147 x 104 x 5mm
The small size of the May The Lord Bless You And Protect You Pet
Notepad makes it easy to slip into a handbag, bible cover, computer bag
or pocket.
Each page has a full color image of the cover at the bottom and a
scripture verse with plenty of white space for write a reminder or
to-do list.
Notepads are ideal for adding to care packages or goodie bags for
special events.
• Pet Notepad
• May The Lord Bless You And Protect You
• Numbers 6:24
• Full Color Insides
• 40 Sheets in Each Pad
• Individually Shrink-wrapped
• Size: 147 x 104 x 5mm
The size of the With God All Things Are Possible Small Notepad makes it
easy to slip into a handbag, bible cover, computer bag or pocket.
Each page has a full color image of the cover at the bottom and a
scripture verse with plenty of white space for write a reminder or
to-do list.
Notepads are ideal for adding to care packages or goodie bags for
special events.
• Small Notepad
• With God All Things Are Possible
• Matthew 19:26
• Full Color Insides
• 40 Sheets in Each Pad
• Individually Shrink-wrapped
• Size: 147 x 104 x 5mm
The size of the My Grace Is Sufficient For You Small Notepad makes it
easy to slip into a handbag, bible cover, computer bag or pocket.
Each page has a full color image of the cover at the bottom and a
scripture verse with plenty of white space for write a reminder or
to-do list.
Notepads are ideal for adding to care packages or goodie bags for
special events.
• Small Notepad
• My Grace Is Sufficient For You
• 2 Corinthians 12:9
• Full Color Insides
• 40 Sheets in Each Pad
• Individually Shrink-wrapped
• Size: 147 x 104 x 5mm
The size of the He Has Made Everything Beautiful Small Notepad makes it
easy to slip into a handbag, bible cover, computer bag or pocket.
Each page has a full color image of the cover at the bottom and a
scripture verse with plenty of white space for write a reminder or
to-do list.
Notepads are ideal for adding to care packages or goodie bags for
special events.
• Small Notepad
• He Has Made Everything Beautiful in its Time
• Ecclesiastes 3:11
• Full Color Insides
• 40 Sheets in Each Pad
• Individually Shrink-wrapped
• Size: 147 x 104 x 5mm
With a selection of 4 different designs, inspirational sayings, and
Scripture to choose from, your metal surfaces will keep you motivated.
The set contains four die-cut magnets
• Die-Cut Magnet Set
• Motivational Sticker Collection
• Set of 4 Magnets
• Full color designs
• Laminated
• Packaged on Backing Board
• Blister Pack Packaging
• Pack Size: 190 x 160 x 10mm
Om werklik lief te wees vir ’n ander onvolmaakte mens is nie net ’n
romantiese gevoel nie, maar ’n daaglikse keuse. Maar wat moet jy doen
om daagliks liefde te gee en te ontvang? Waag dit om lief te hê
dagstukke wys huweliksmaats hoe om daardie keuse elke dag te maak.
Deur middel van 52 weeklikse uitdagings nooi hierdie jaar lange dagboek
julle uit om dieper in te gaan op die skriftuurlike beginsels van The
Love Dare. Dit sal julle verhouding met God en met mekaar verryk.
Kenmerke van hierdie dagboek sluit in:
• 365 dagstukke oor unieke eienskappe van ware liefde
• 52 uitdagings wat julle sal help om liefde in julle huwelik te bewys
• Tientalle spesifieke gebede wat jy vir jouself of jou huweliksmaat
kan bid.
• Vrae wat julle sal help om krities oor julle huwelik te dink.
• Meer as 100 Kyk dieper-gedeeltes vir persoonlike Bybelstudie.
Maak die beginsels in hierdie dagboek vir meer as 'n jaar deel van
julle lewe. Maak dit julle dapper, volgende tree na ’n leeftyd van
Is jy ’n gelowige jong vrou wat aan die begin van jou lewensreis as
volwassene staan? Het jy dalk raad nodig oor verhoudings, jou loopbaan,
die huwelik of sommer net die lewe waar jy op hierdie opwindende nuwe
pad staan?
Mini-oordenkings vir jong vroue bied 180 kort dagstukkies wat jou
aanmoedig om voluit te lewe as die pragtige vrou wat God jou bedoel het
om te wees. Ontdek hoe jy keuses kan maak wat God verheerlik te midde
van die lewe se stampe en stote, terwyl jy ander in liefde dien en in
elke situasie geleenthede raaksien om jou geloof uit te leef.
• 184 eenkleur-bladsye.
• Sagteband.
• Kompakte grootte.
• Ook beskikbaar in Engels onder die titel Mini Devotions for Young
Devotions to Help Women Live with Joy and Confidence
Life doesn't always go the way you planned. The world is full of
cancelations, frustrations, broken relationships, and hurts that can go
down deep. When these painful experiences come (and they always do!)
you are left feeling let down and unhappy. But, when you rely on God
and go to Him in prayer, you can still thrive, even when life is
Prayers to Help You Thrive is a beautiful mix of devotions, Scripture,
prayers, and prompts that will help you develop resilience by
strengthening your time with God. You will:
• Have a deeper relationship with the Lord and a more consistent and
meaningful prayer life.
• Learn how to thrive no matter what season of life you're experiencing
by relying upon God's strength.
• Better understand how to handle sensitive topics like social justice,
economic equality, social media addiction, mental health,
relationships, and decision-making with grace and hopefulness.
• Gain insights into how to live with faithful determination by hearing
from a range of expert voices including Shauna Niequist, Chike
Chukudebelu, Katie Hardeman, Margaret Hogan, Denise Hildreth Jones, Tsh
Oxenreider, Rachel Randolph, and Alece Ronzino.
Thriving can feel difficult in your day-to-day, especially when life's
curveballs come. But God's purpose for you includes thriving in His
goodness and living with joy and confidence--through a relationship
with Him. Prayers to Help You Thrive will inspire you come to Him today
and thrive in the life and hope that is yours in Christ.
Vind krag, vrede en vreugde in God se teenwoordigheid terwyl jou geloof
groei deur hierdie 180 inspirerende oordenkings. Mini-oordenkings:
Groei in geloof sal jou herinner aan God se goedheid en liefde terwyl
jou geloof sterker word en jy vrugte dra tot sy eer.
• 184 eenkleur-bladsye.
• Sagteband.
• Kompakte grootte.
• Ook beskikbaar in Engels onder die titel Mini Devotions: Growing in