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Books > Science & Mathematics > Mathematics > Combinatorics & graph theory
This volume contains the papers presented at the 8th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization Problems (APPROX 2005) and the 9th International Workshop on Randomization and Computation(RANDOM2005), whichtookplaceconcurrentlyattheUniversity of California in Berkeley, on August 22-24, 2005. APPROX focuses on algori- mic and complexity issues surrounding the development of e?cient approximate solutions to computationally hard problems, and APPROX 2005 was the eighth in the series after Aalborg (1998), Berkeley (1999), Saarbru ]cken (2000), Ber- ley (2001), Rome (2002), Princeton(2003), and Cambridge(2004).RANDOM is concerned with applications of randomness to computational and combinatorial problems, and RANDOM 2005 was the ninth workshop in the series foll- ing Bologna (1997), Barcelona (1998), Berkeley(1999), Geneva (2000), Berkeley (2001), Harvard (2002), Princeton (2003), and Cambridge (2004). Topics of interest for APPROX and RANDOM are: design and analysis of approximation algorithms, hardness of approximation, small space and data streaming algorithms, sub-linear time algorithms, embeddings and metric space methods, mathematical programming methods, coloring and partitioning, cuts and connectivity, geometric problems, game theory and applications, network designandrouting, packingand covering, scheduling, designandanalysisofr- domized algorithms, randomized complexity theory, pseudorandomness and - randomization, random combinatorialstructures, randomwalks/Markovchains, expander graphs and randomness extractors, probabilistic proof systems, r- dom projections and embeddings, error-correcting codes, average-case analysis, property testing, computational learning theory, and other applications of - proximation and randomness. The volume contains 20 contributed papers selected by the APPROX P- gram Committee out of 50 submissions, and 21 contributed papers selected by the RANDOM Program Committee out of 51 submis
a ~Networka (TM) is a heavily overloaded term, so that a ~network analysisa (TM) means different things to different people. Specific forms of network analysis are used in the study of diverse structures such as the Internet, interlocking directorates, transportation systems, epidemic spreading, metabolic pathways, the Web graph, electrical circuits, project plans, and so on. There is, however, a broad methodological foundation which is quickly becoming a prerequisite for researchers and practitioners working with network models. From a computer science perspective, network analysis is applied graph theory. Unlike standard graph theory books, the content of this book is organized according to methods for specific levels of analysis (element, group, network) rather than abstract concepts like paths, matchings, or spanning subgraphs. Its topics therefore range from vertex centrality to graph clustering and the evolution of scale-free networks. In 15 coherent chapters, this monograph-like tutorial book introduces and surveys the concepts and methods that drive network analysis, and is thus the first book to do so from a methodological perspective independent of specific application areas.
This volume consists of the refereed papers presented at the Indonesia-Japan Joint Conference on Combinatorial Geometry and Graph Theory (IJCCGGT 2003), held on September 13 16, 2003 at ITB, Bandung, Indonesia. This conf- ence can also be considered as a series of the Japan Conference on Discrete and Computational Geometry (JCDCG), which has been held annually since 1997. The ?rst ?ve conferences of the series were held in Tokyo, Japan, the sixth in Manila, the Philippines, in 2001, and the seventh in Tokyo, Japan in 2002. The proceedings of JCDCG 1998, JCDCG 2000 and JCDCG 2002 were p- lished by Springer as part of the series Lecture Notes in Computer Science: LNCS volumes 1763, 2098 and 2866, respectively. The proceedings of JCDCG 2001 were also published by Springer as a special issue of the journal Graphs and Combinatorics, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2002. TheorganizersaregratefultotheDepartmentofMathematics, InstitutTek- logi Bandung (ITB) and Tokai University for sponsoring the conference. We also thank all program committee members and referees for their excellent work. Our big thanks to the principal speakers: Hajo Broersma, Mikio Kano, Janos Pach andJorgeUrrutia.Finally, ourthanksalsogoestoallourcolleagueswhoworked hard to make the conference enjoyable and successful. August 2004 Jin Akiyama Edy Tri Baskoro Mikio Kano Organization The Indonesia-Japan Joint Conference on Combinatorial Geometry and Graph Theory (IJCCGGT) 2003 was organized by the Department of Mathematics, InstitutTeknologiBandung(ITB)IndonesiaandRIED, TokaiUniversity, Japan
Graph Searching Games and Probabilistic Methods is the first book that focuses on the intersection of graph searching games and probabilistic methods. The book explores various applications of these powerful mathematical tools to games and processes such as Cops and Robbers, Zombie and Survivors, and Firefighting. Written in an engaging style, the book is accessible to a wide audience including mathematicians and computer scientists. Readers will find that the book provides state-of-the-art results, techniques, and directions in graph searching games, especially from the point of view of probabilistic methods. The authors describe three directions while providing numerous examples, which include: * Playing a deterministic game on a random board. * Players making random moves. * Probabilistic methods used to analyze a deterministic game.
This volume presents the proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Combinatorial Image Analysis, held December 1 3, 2004, in Auckland, New Zealand. Prior meetings took place in Paris (France, 1991), Ube (Japan, 1992), Washington DC (USA, 1994), Lyon (France, 1995), Hiroshima (Japan, 1997), Madras (India, 1999), Caen (France, 2000), Philadelphia (USA, 2001), and - lermo (Italy, 2003). For this workshop we received 86 submitted papers from 23 countries. Each paper was evaluated by at least two independent referees. We selected 55 papers for the conference. Three invited lectures by Vladimir Kovalevsky (Berlin), Akira Nakamura (Hiroshima), and Maurice Nivat (Paris) completed the program. Conference papers are presented in this volume under the following topical part titles: discrete tomography (3 papers), combinatorics and computational models (6), combinatorial algorithms (6), combinatorial mathematics (4), d- ital topology (7), digital geometry (7), approximation of digital sets by curves and surfaces (5), algebraic approaches (5), fuzzy image analysis (2), image s- mentation (6), and matching and recognition (7). These subjects are dealt with in the context of digital image analysis or computer vision."
Combinatorics and Number Theory of Counting Sequences is an introduction to the theory of finite set partitions and to the enumeration of cycle decompositions of permutations. The presentation prioritizes elementary enumerative proofs. Therefore, parts of the book are designed so that even those high school students and teachers who are interested in combinatorics can have the benefit of them. Still, the book collects vast, up-to-date information for many counting sequences (especially, related to set partitions and permutations), so it is a must-have piece for those mathematicians who do research on enumerative combinatorics. In addition, the book contains number theoretical results on counting sequences of set partitions and permutations, so number theorists who would like to see nice applications of their area of interest in combinatorics will enjoy the book, too. Features The Outlook sections at the end of each chapter guide the reader towards topics not covered in the book, and many of the Outlook items point towards new research problems. An extensive bibliography and tables at the end make the book usable as a standard reference. Citations to results which were scattered in the literature now become easy, because huge parts of the book (especially in parts II and III) appear in book form for the first time.
ICGT 2004 was the 2nd International Conference on Graph Transformation, following the ?rst one in Barcelona (2002), and a series of six international workshops on graph grammars with applications in computer science between 1978 and 1998. ICGT 2004 was held in Rome (Italy), Sept. 29 Oct. 1, 2004 under the auspices of the European Association for Theoretical Computer S- ence (EATCS), the European Association of Software Science and Technology (EASST), and the IFIP WG 1.3, Foundations of Systems Speci?cation. The scope of the conference concerned graphical structures of various kinds (like graphs, diagrams, visual sentences and others) that are useful when - scribing complex structures and systems in a direct and intuitive way. These structures are often augmented with formalisms that add to the static descr- tion a further dimension, allowing for the modelling of the evolution of systems via all kinds of transformations of such graphical structures. The ?eld of graph transformation is concerned with the theory, applications, and implementation issues of such formalisms. The theory is strongly related to areas such as graph theory and graph - gorithms, formal language and parsing theory, the theory of concurrent and distributed systems, formal speci?cation and veri?cation, logic, and semantics. The application areas include all those ?elds of computer science, information processing, engineering, andthe naturalsciences wherestatic anddynamicm- elling using graphical structures and graph transformations, respectively, play important roles. In many of these areas tools based on graph transformation technology have been implemented and used."
Thisvolumeconsistsofpapersselectedfromthe presentationsgivenatthe Int- national Workshop and Symposium on "Applications of Graph Transformation with Industrial Relevance" (AGTIVE 2003). The papers underwent up to two additional reviews. This volume contains the revised versions of these papers. AGTIVE2003wasthesecondeventoftheGraphTransformationcommunity. The aim of AGTIVE is to unite people from research and industry interested in the application of Graph Transformation to practical problems. The ?rst wo- shoptookplaceatKerkrade,TheNetherlands.Theproceedingsappearedasvol. 1779ofSpringer-Verlags'sLectureNotesinComputerScienceseries.Thissecond workshop, AGTIVE 2003, was held in historic Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. Graphs constitute well-known, well-understood, and frequently used means to depict networks of related items in di?erent application domains. Various typesofgraphtransformationapproaches- alsocalledgraphgrammarsorgraph rewriting systems - have been proposed to specify, recognize, inspect, modify, anddisplaycertainclassesofgraphsrepresentingstructuresofdi?erentdomains. Research activities based on Graph Transformations (GT for short) cons- tute a well-established scienti?c discipline within Computer Science. The int- national GT research community is quite active and has organized international workshops and the conference ICGT 2002. The proceedings of these events, a three volume handbook on GT, and books on speci?c approaches as well as big application projects give a good documentation about research in the GT ?eld (see the list at the end of the proceedings). The intention of all these activities has been (1) to bring together the - ternational community in a viable scienti?c discussion, (2) to integrate di?erent approaches, and (3) to build a bridge between theory and practice.
This self-contained book examines results on transfinite graphs and networks achieved through a continuing research effort during the past several years. These new results, covering the mathematical theory of electrical circuits, are different from those presented in two previously published books by the author, Transfiniteness for Graphs, Electrical Networks, and Random Walks and Pristine Transfinite Graphs and Permissive Electrical Networks. Two initial chapters present the preliminary theory summarizing all essential ideas needed for the book and will relieve the reader from any need to consult those prior books. Subsequent chapters are devoted entirely to novel results and cover: * Connectedness ideas---considerably more complicated for transfinite graphs as compared to those of finite or conventionally infinite graphs----and their relationship to hypergraphs * Distance ideas---which play an important role in the theory of finite graphs---and their extension to transfinite graphs with more complications, such as the replacement of natural-number distances by ordinal-number distances * Nontransitivity of path-based connectedness alleviated by replacing paths with walks, leading to a more powerful theory for transfinite graphs and networks Additional features include: * The use of nonstandard analysis in novel ways that leads to several entirely new results concerning hyperreal operating points for transfinite networks and hyperreal transients on transfinite transmission lines; this use of hyperreals encompasses for the first time transfinite networks and transmission lines containing inductances and capacitances, in addition to resistances * A useful appendix with concepts from nonstandard analysis used in the book * May serve as a reference text or as a graduate-level textbook in courses or seminars Graphs and Networks: Transfinite and Nonstandard will appeal to a diverse readership, including graduate students, electrical engineers, mathematicians, and physicists working on infinite electrical networks. Moreover, the growing and presently substantial number of mathematicians working in nonstandard analysis may well be attracted by the novel application of the analysis employed in the work. ISBN 0-8176-4292-7
Rosemary Bailey covers in this study the mathematics of association schemes--an area lying between pure mathematics and statistics that relates to the optimal design of scientific experiments. The book is accessible to mathematicians as well as statisticians. Arising from a graduate course taught by the author, it appeals to students as well as researchers as a valuable reference work from which to learn about the statistical/combinatorial aspects of their work.
Discrete Mathematics is one of the fastest growing areas in mathematics today with an ever-increasing number of courses in schools and universities. Graphs and Applications is based on a highly successful Open University course and the authors have paid particular attention to the presentation, clarity and arrangement of the material, making it ideally suited for independent study and classroom use. An important part of learning graph theory is problem solving; for this reason large numbers of examples, problems (with full solutions) and exercises (without solutions) are included.Accompanying the book is a CD-ROM comprising a Graphs Database, containing all the simple unlabelled graphs with up to seven vertices, and a Graphs Editor that enables students to construct and manipulate graphs. Both the Database and Editor are simple to use and allow students to investigate graphs with ease. Computing Notes and suggested activities are provided.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on Graph Drawing, GD 2002, held in Irvine, CA, USA, in August 2002.The 24 revised full papers, 9 short papers, and 7 software demonstrations presented together with a report on the GD 2002 graph drawing contest were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 48 regular paper submissions. All current aspects of graph drawing are addressed.
New and striking results obtained in recent years from an intensive study of asymptotic combinatorics have led to a new, higher level of understanding of related problems: the theory of integrable systems, the Riemann-Hilbert problem, asymptotic representation theory, spectra of random matrices, combinatorics of Young diagrams and permutations, and even some aspects of quantum field theory.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the First International Conference on Graph Transformations, ICGT 2002, held in Barcelona, Spain in October 2002.The 26 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected by the program committe. Also included are abstracts of 3 invited papers, a tutorial, the extended abstract of a tutorial, and 5 reports of workshops held in conjunction with ICGT. The papers deal with various graphical structures that are useful to describe complex systems and computational structures, like graphs, diagrams, visual sentences, and others. Graph transformations are stongly related to graph theory, graph algorithms, formal language and parsing theory, the theory of concurrent and distributed systems, formal specification and verification, and logic and semantics.
This volume contains the proceedings of the NATO Advanced Study Institute "Symmetric Functions 2001: Surveys of Developments and Per- spectives", held at the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in Cambridge, UK, during the two weeks 25 June - 6 July 2001. The objective of the ASI was to survey recent developments and outline research perspectives in various fields, for which the fundamental questions can be stated in the language of symmetric functions (along the way emphasizing interdisciplinary connections). The instructional goals of the event determined its format: the ASI consisted of about a dozen mini-courses. Seven of them served as a basis for the papers comprising the current volume. The ASI lecturers were: Persi Diaconis, William Fulton, Mark Haiman, Phil Hanlon, Alexander Klyachko, Bernard Leclerc, Ian G. Macdonald, Masatoshi Noumi, Andrei Okounkov, Grigori Olshanski, Eric Opdam, Ana- toly Vershik, and Andrei Zelevinsky. The organizing committee consisted of Phil Hanlon, Ian Macdonald, Andrei 0 kounkov, G rigori 0 lshanski (co-director), and myself ( co-director). The original ASI co-director Sergei Kerov, who was instrumental in determining the format and scope of the event, selection of speakers, and drafting the initial grant proposal, died in July 2000. Kerov's mathemat- ical ideas strongly influenced the field, and were presented at length in a number of ASI lectures. A special afternoon session on Monday, July 2, was dedicated to his memory.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th Annual International Computing and Combinatorics Conference, COCOON 2002, held in Singapore in August 2002.The 60 revised full papers presented together with three invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 106 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on complexity theory, discrete algorithms, computational biology and learning theory, radio networks, automata and formal languages, Internet networks, computational geometry, combinatorial optimization, and quantum computing.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, CPM 2002, held in Fukuoka, Japan, in July 2002.The 21 revised full papers presented together with two invited contributions were carefully reviewed and selected from 37 submissions. The papers are devoted to current theoretical and computational aspects of searching and matching strings and more complicated patterns such as trees, regular expressions, graphs, point sets, and arrays. Among the application fields are the World Wide Web, computational biology, computer vision, multimedia, information retrieval, data compression, and pattern recognition.
The time has now come when graph theory should be part of the education of every serious student of mathematics and computer science, both for its own sake and to enhance the appreciation of mathematics as a whole. This book is an in-depth account of graph theory, written with such a student in mind; it reflects the current state of the subject and emphasizes connections with other branches of pure mathematics. The volume grew out of the author's earlier book, Graph Theory -- An Introductory Course, but its length is well over twice that of its predecessor, allowing it to reveal many exciting new developments in the subject. Recognizing that graph theory is one of several courses competing for the attention of a student, the book contains extensive descriptive passages designed to convey the flavor of the subject and to arouse interest. In addition to a modern treatment of the classical areas of graph theory such as coloring, matching, extremal theory, and algebraic graph theory, the book presents a detailed account of newer topics, including Szemer\'edi's Regularity Lemma and its use, Shelah's extension of the Hales-Jewett Theorem, the precise nature of the phase transition in a random graph process, the connection between electrical networks and random walks on graphs, and the Tutte polynomial and its cousins in knot theory. In no other branch of mathematics is it as vital to tackle and solve challenging exercises in order to master the subject. To this end, the book contains an unusually large number of well thought-out exercises: over 600 in total. Although some are straightforward, most of them are substantial, and others will stretch even the most able reader.
In recent years, algorithmic graph theory has become increasingly important as a link between discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science. This textbook introduces students of mathematics and computer science to the interrelated fields of graphs theory, algorithms and complexity.
Simply put, quantum calculus is ordinary calculus without taking limits. This undergraduate text develops two types of quantum calculi, the q-calculus and the h-calculus. As this book develops quantum calculus along the lines of traditional calculus, the reader discovers, with a remarkable inevitability, many important notions and results of classical mathematics. This book is written at the level of a first course in calculus and linear algebra and is aimed at undergraduate and beginning graduate students in mathematics, computer science, and physics. It is based on lectures and seminars given by Professor Kac over the last few years at MIT.
This book constitutes the joint refereed proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Approximation Algorithms for Optimization Problems, APPROX 2001 and of the 5th International Workshop on Ranomization and Approximation Techniques in Computer Science, RANDOM 2001, held in Berkeley, California, USA in August 2001. The 26 revised full papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 54 submissions. Among the issues addressed are design and analysis of approximation algorithms, inapproximability results, on-line problems, randomization, de-randomization, average-case analysis, approximation classes, randomized complexity theory, scheduling, routing, coloring, partitioning, packing, covering, computational geometry, network design, and applications in various fields.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th Annual International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, COCOON 2001, held in Guilin, China, in August 2001.The 50 revised full papers and 16 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 97 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on complexity theory, computational biology, computational geometry, data structures and algorithms, games and combinatorics, graph algorithms and complexity, graph drawing, graph theory, online algorithms, randomized and average-case algorithms, Steiner trees, systems algorithms and modeling, and computability.
This volume contains the papers presented at the Third Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Conference (DMTCS1), which was held at 'Ovidius'University Constantza, Romania in July 2001.The conference was open to all areas of discrete mathematics and theoretical computer science, and the papers contained within this volume cover topics such as: abstract data types and specifications; algorithms and data structures; automata and formal languages; computability, complexity and constructive mathematics; discrete mathematics, combinatorial computing and category theory; logic, nonmonotonic logic and hybrid systems; molecular computing.
This book offers a comprehensive treatment of the exercises and case studies as well as summaries of the chapters of the book "Linear Optimization and Extensions" by Manfred Padberg. It covers the areas of linear programming and the optimization of linear functions over polyhedra in finite dimensional Euclidean vector spaces.Here are the main topics treated in the book: Simplex algorithms and their derivatives including the duality theory of linear programming. Polyhedral theory, pointwise and linear descriptions of polyhedra, double description algorithms, Gaussian elimination with and without division, the complexity of simplex steps. Projective algorithms, the geometry of projective algorithms, Newtonian barrier methods. Ellipsoids algorithms in perfect and in finite precision arithmetic, the equivalence of linear optimization and polyhedral separation. The foundations of mixed-integer programming and combinatorial optimization.
This book is primarily aimed at graduate students and researchers in graph theory, combinatorics, or discrete mathematics in general. However, all the necessary graph theory is developed from scratch, so the only pre-requisite for reading it is a first course in linear algebra and a small amount of elementary group theory. It should be accessible to motivated upper-level undergraduates. |
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