Books > Children's & Educational > The arts > Performing arts > Drama, theatre, acting
Community Shakespeare Company Editions make Shakespeare's plays
instantly accessible to everyone, from children through
Shakespeare-shy adults. These unique performance scripts, developed
in a youth theater company, inspire student actors and captivate
their audiences. Award-winning playwright Richard Carter delivers
the best of the Bard in original verse adaptation. CSC Editions
represent a dynamic model that can be used in schools, clubs,
camps, and communities worldwide. With nearly thirty years
experience working with young people, Carter is Artistic Director
of the Community Shakespeare Company.* Its mission: "to enrich
young lives and cultivate community, with theater as the means and
Shakespeare the inspiration." (*www.communityshakespeare.org)
"This is to recommend Richard Carter with a full heart. We have
enthusiastically shared many ideals and passions, especially
regarding theatre by, with and for youngsters." -Lenka Peterson
O'Connor, author: "Kids Take The Stage "(Backstage Books)
"I take my theatre very seriously and I know what I am talking
about when I say that we are indeed blessed to have Community
Shakespeare in our midst." -Kenneth W. Jenks: Director Emeritus,
University of Utah Playwriting Program
"Having taught all over the world, I can imagine how excited
teachers would be to have the opportunity to introduce a
Shakespeare play to their students, knowing they would be able to
grasp meaning and still retain the Shakespearian experience." -Ann
H. Goss: Retired International School Teacher
There are thousands of students enrolled in school drama classes
and yet very often young actors cannot be heard, are culturally
encouraged to trail off at the ends of sentences, and habitually
use only the lowest pitches of the voice. Drama teachers,
frequently ask, "How can I get my students to speak up, to be
clear, to articulate?" Voice and the Young Actor is written for the
school actor, is inviting in format, language and illustration and
offers clear and inspiring instructions. The accompanying video
content features 85 mins and 28 filmed voice workshop exercises
with the author and two students. These students log their
reflections in the book on what they have learned throughout their
training and there is space for the reader to do the same. A
workbook in format, Voice and the Young Actor provides simple,
interactive vocal exercises and shows young performers how to take
voice work into acting.
This practical resource emphasizes the special contribution that
visual art, drama, music, and dance can make to student literacy
and understanding of content-area reading assignments. Focusing on
those areas where students tend to struggle, the author helps K-5
teachers provide an age-appropriate curriculum that is accessible
to an increasingly diverse student population.
Winner - Maskew Miller Longman 2014 Literature Awards. Ga le
batswadi ba selo ke tiragatso ya bophelo gare ga batswadi le bana,
kudu lehlakoreng la tlhoriso le go kata. Mathata a ke ao a
aparetsego naga gomme a keka bosego le mosegare bjalo ka hlaga.
Setongwane o e nameditse thaba ge a laetsa gore Pulane ga se madi a
gagwe ka go mo gapeletsa go rekisa bjala mola a swanetse go dira
mosomo wa sekolo ka gae. Nkareng tsa mmago ngwana o swara thipa ka
bogaleng o di lekile le ge ka nako ye ntsi a be a fahlwa ke lerato
la gagwe go Setongwane. Bonganga, kgang le lenyatso la Setongwane
di dirile gore Moruti Moloki a lebale ka Setongwane ka ge a
nyaditse dikeletso tsa gagwe. Go tsena le go tswa ga bagamodi ka ga
Setongwane go bea Pulane bothateng ka ge mafelelong a katwa ke
Phafana yo a mo hweditsego a nnosi ka gae. Go rata tshelete ga
Setongwane go dirile gore Phafana a mo fe R20 000 ya pipa molomo.
Sephiri se utollotswe gomme Setongwane, Nkareng le Phafana ba
llelwa ke ditshipi. Setongwane o swaretswe go hlorisa ngwana le
mmagwe, go re Pulane a rekise bjala a le ka tlase ga mengwaga ye
lesomeseswai gape le go sireletsa mosenyi elego Phafana go kata
Pulane. Nkareng o swaretswe go dumelela Pulane a hloriswa; go
rapeletsa lenyalo le go se bege tlhoriso maphodiseng ka nako.
Phafana o swaretswe go kata Pulane. Pulane o isitswe lefelong la
tlhokomelo ya bafsa. Ka nnete batswadi ba, ga se batswadi ba selo.
Pulane's life is in a mess. Her family is unstable and as a result,
her studies are affected. She also has to start working long hours
in the shebeen. But when her stepfather insists that she goes to
initiation school, her life becomes more distressing. She even
thinks of committing suicide.