This English File Third Edition Intermediate Plus Class DVD
contains all the video material to accompany the English File Third
Edition Intermediate Plus Student's Book. Motivating and
entertaining Practical English dramas teach high-frequency,
everyday English, and enjoyable short documentary films extend the
topics in the Student's Book. In-the-street interviews are filmed
on location in New York, London and Oxford and give students the
opportunity to watch and listen to real people using real English.
Trained in both economics and law, Ljubo Sirc combines the
perspective of a scholar with his firsthand observations of the
dangers of the communist regimes. Since 1983, he has served as
Director of the Centre for Research into Post-Communist Economies
in London. He is the author of numerous books and articles in a
variety of languages. His autobiography, 'Between Hitler and Tito'
was published in 1989. Approximate running time: 66 minutes.
This English File Third Edition Upper-intermediate Class DVD
contains all the video material to accompany the English File Third
Edition Upper-intermediate Student's Book. Colloquial English
interviews help students get used to listening to unscripted,
colloquial speech, and enjoyable short documentary films extend the
topics in the Student's Book. In-the-street interviews are filmed
on location in New York, London and Oxford and give students the
opportunity to watch and listen to real people using real English.
The Teacher's Book includes in-depth teaching notes with additional
cultural and language information for full classroom support, as
well as extra activities that allow flexibility in your lessons.
The Teacher's Book also includes the answer keys and audio scripts
for the material found in the Student's Book. The accompanying
Teacher's Resource Disk provides a wealth of additional resources
to support your lesson content. This includes additional
communication worksheets to practice key language from the
Student's Book, documentary video clips with worksheets and lesson
guides, a functional language bank of key communicative phrases and
a writing bank of key writing formats used in the course. The Disk
also includes suggestions for classroom activities such as teaching
creative writing, involving technology-expert students and using
Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie
and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of
the course the cartoons are replaced with dramatized episodes of
Kids, the photo-story from the Student's Book. For your
kinaesthetic learners there are new fun total physical response
pronunciation activities in the pronunciation bank at the back of
the Student's Book. Other students will enjoy reading the stories
in the extensive reading bank. And you will love all the teacher
support available with Project fourth edition. Use digital
resources more effectively in your lessons with the digital
workshops that give you step by step guides to using some of the
most educationally beneficial sites on the internet as well as
ideas for how you can use them with the projects in the Student's
Region-Free DVD. Now you can learn Steve Murray's method to become
a Contemporary Shaman. Contemporary Shamans practice Shamanism to
help others heal, for personal growth, self-development,
self-healing, and to receive guidance for themselves and others for
their daily life. Any person can learn Steve's method to become a
Contemporary Shaman. You do not need to be a Healer.
All six episodes from the second series of the Dublin-set sitcom
depicting the life and times of Mrs Agnes Brown (played by
writer/creator Brendan O'Carroll) and her unruly brood. In this
series Cathy (Jennifer Gibney)'s new boyfriend Professor Clowne
(Mike Pyatt) is fascinated by Agnes's odd behaviour when she
swallows what she thinks are heartburn pills. The episodes
comprise: 'Mammy Pulls It Off', 'Mammy's Coming!', 'iMammy
(Batteries Not Included)', 'SuperMammy', 'Mammy's Going' and 'New
Through video clips language is brought to life in authentic
settings by real people. The DVD-ROM contains a mixture of
interviews, documentary-style cultural clips and functional
dialogue scenes. Corresponding activities from the Listening,
Culture or Everyday English lessons in the Students Book help
students explore the video content in more depth. The video
material matches the level of the unit and reinforces the specific
grammar and vocabulary being taught, as well as exploring topics of
interest to students. The video content helps students absorb key
communication skills such as pronunciation and intonation, and the
accompanying DVD-ROM worksheets provide you with ready-made,
preparation-free lessons.
This English File Third Edition Pre-intermediate Class DVD contains
all the video material to accompany the English File Third Edition
Pre-intermediate Student's Book. Motivating and entertaining
Practical English dramas teach high-frequency, everyday English,
and enjoyable short documentary films extend the topics in the
Student's Book. In-the-street interviews are filmed on location in
New York, London and Oxford and give students the opportunity to
watch and listen to real people using real English.
Through video clips language is brought to life in authentic
settings by real people. The DVD-ROM contains a mixture of
interviews, documentary-style cultural clips and functional
dialogue scenes. Corresponding activities from the Listening,
Culture or Everyday English lessons in the Students Book help
students explore the video content in more depth. The video
material matches the level of the unit and reinforces the specific
grammar and vocabulary being taught, as well as exploring topics of
interest to students. The video content helps students absorb key
communication skills such as pronunciation and intonation, and the
accompanying DVD-ROM worksheets provide you with ready-made,
preparation-free lessons.
Through video clips language is brought to life in authentic
settings by real people. The DVD-ROM contains a mixture of
interviews, documentary-style cultural clips and functional
dialogue scenes. Corresponding activities from the Listening,
Culture or Everyday English lessons in the Students Book help
students explore the video content in more depth. The video
material matches the level of the unit and reinforces the specific
grammar and vocabulary being taught, as well as exploring topics of
interest to students. The video content helps students absorb key
communication skills such as pronunciation and intonation, and the
accompanying DVD-ROM worksheets provide you with ready-made,
preparation-free lessons.
During that long hot summer of 1964, Ivan Smith, a Mercenary
volunteering the Arm'ee Nationale congolais, came to witness and
understand fear, the law of the jungle and the lust for killing
that permeates Africa. A member of 'Mad Mike' Hoare's 5 Commando
group, he and his companions were nominally soliders but there was
little in the way of campaigns, tactics and discipline. Of
conventional warfare there was none. Loyalty to country or unit did
not exist and fear of death was the only commander. Many more
mercenaries died from an accidental discharge, in a drunken
shoot-out or from a bullet in the back than were ever killed in
action by Simba rebels. Nearly half a century later, Ivan Smith
re-lives the nightmare that was the Congo.
Born in 1915 and a graduate of Barnard and Columbia, Anna Schwartz
has made profound contributions to statistics, economic history,
monetary policy, and international monetary arrangements. The DVD
contains Schwartz's reflections on a lifetime of firsthand
experiences in economics and offers critical insights on the
policies of Presidents Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan. Its
approximate running time is: 54 minutes.
In the Strange New World Video Study, Trueman walks through each of
the book's 9 chapters in 10-12 minute sessions, summarizing key
points and giving biblical application of the key themes.
A professor at the Graduate School of Business at the University of
Chicago in the 1960s and a primary figure in Chicago School
Economics and in the field of Law and Economics, Harold Demsetz has
contributed original research on the theory of the firm, regulation
in markets, industrial organisation, anti-trust policy, transaction
costs, externalities, and property rights. A member of the American
Academy of Arts and Sciences and a Director of the Mont Pelerin
Society, Demsetz is Arthur Andersen UCLA Alumni Emeritus Professor
of Business Economics. Mark Grady, Professor of Law and Director of
the UCLA Law School's Center for Law and Economics, interviews his
former teacher at UCLA about the main issues and problems at the
core of Demsetz's lifetime investigation into the nature of
economics. Ken Lehn, Sam Peltzman, and Ben Klein provide critical
and insightful commentary on the influence and impact of Harold
Demsetz's work. This work's approximate running time: 86 minutes.
The ASQ system is designed to be implemented in many settings and
can easily be tailored to fit the needs of many families. ASQ on a
Home Visit demonstrates completion of the questionnaires for two
children. Their family is introduced and guided through
questionnaire completion by a home visitor.
Viewers discover how to explain the ASQ-3 screening process,
redefine a family's values and culture, create opportunities for
child learning and development, and promote positive parent-child
face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level
course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and
young adult learners to communicate with confidence. The face2face
Second edition Upper Intermediate Teacher's Book with DVD offers
detailed teaching notes for every lesson, keys to exercises, and
extra teaching notes. It also guides teachers through the Student's
Book DVD-ROM and relates face2face to CEFR levels and English
Profile. Additionally, busy teachers will benefit from progress
tests, photocopiable communicative activities and extra reading
worksheets. The free DVD offers classroom videos integrated with
the Real World sections in the Student's Book as well as the entire
content of the Teacher's Book.
One of the foremost historians of the Industrial Revolution
discusses what really happened to the quality of life and standard
of living for those who lived throughout the industrialised West.
Approximate running time: 66 minutes.
Another feature-length adventure for the Mystery Inc. team. This
time the gang are at Camp Little Moose where the eerie characters
from ghost stories come to life. Scooby-Doo (voice of Frank
Welker), Shaggy (Matthew Lillard), Freddy (Welker), Daphne (Grey
DeLisle) and Velma (Mindy Cohn) join forces to solve the urban
legends of The Woodsman, The Fishman and The Banshee of Black
This is an audio CD with the voice of John Stonehouse. This book
examines the conventional approaches to numerous problems that
affect people who are blind (such as education, Braille literacy,
economic inequities, stereotyping, job training and employment
opportunities, poverty, rehabilitation and social services).
Approximate running time: 320 minutes.