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Books > Professional & Technical > Technology: general issues > Engineering: general
This book is an authoritative collection of contributions in the field of soft-computing. Based on selected works presented at the 6th World Conference on Soft Computing, held on May 22-25, 2016, in Berkeley, USA, it describes new theoretical advances, as well as cutting-edge methods and applications. Theories cover a wealth of topics, such as fuzzy logic, cognitive modeling, Bayesian and probabilistic methods, multi-criteria decision making, utility theory, approximate reasoning, human-centric computing and many others. Applications concerns a number of fields, such as internet and semantic web, social networks and trust, control and robotics, computer vision, medicine and bioinformatics, as well as finance, security and e-Commerce, among others. Dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of Fuzzy Logic and to the 95th Birthday Anniversary of Lotfi A. Zadeh, the book not only offers a timely view on the field, yet it also discusses thought-provoking developments and challenges, thus fostering new research directions in the diverse areas of soft computing.
Learn from these authors' experiences tailoring TPM to the disctinctive needs of North American plants, and how TPM fits into an overall manufacturing improvement strategy. A real-world view on what works and what doesn't, Robinson and Ginder provide and excellent resource for strategic planning and an educatioinal tool for middle and upper management. Includes the seven levels of autonomous maintenance, a discussion of unions and TPM, and a TPM master plan.
This book presents the foundation and validation of the Cosserat Plate Theory, numerical experiments of deformation and vibration, and the unique properties of the Cosserat plates. Our approach incorporates the high accuracy assumptions of the Cosserat plate deformation consistent with the Cosserat Elasticity equilibrium equations, constitutive formulas, strain-displacement and torsion-microrotation relations. The Cosserat Plate Theory is parametric, where the "splitting parameter" minimizes the Cosserat plate energy. The validation of the theory is based on the comparison with the three-dimensional Cosserat Elastostatics and Elastodynamics. The numerical results are obtained using the Finite Element Method (FEM) specifically developed to solve the parametric system of equations. The analysis of deformation of a variety of Cosserat plates shows the stress concentration reduction, higher stiffness of Cosserat plates, and the size-effect related to the microstructure. The analysis of vibration of Cosserat plates predicts size-related properties of the plate vibration, the existence of the additional so-called Cosserat plate resonances, and the dynamic anisotropy, related to the dependency of the resonances on the microelement's shapes and orientations.
This is the first book on lock-in thermography, an analytical method applied to the diagnosis of microelectronic devices. This useful introduction and guide reviews various experimental approaches to lock-in thermography, with special emphasis on the lock-in IR thermography developed by the authors themselves.
Dissertation Writing for Engineers and Scientists is the must-have book for preparing students at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels for the dissertation writing process.
Quantum Materials, Devices, and Applications covers the advances made in quantum technologies, both in research and mass production for applications in electronics, photonics, sensing, biomedical, environmental and agricultural applications. The book includes new materials, new device structures that are commercially available, and many more at the advanced research stage. It reviews the most relevant, current and emerging materials and device structures, organized by key applications and covers existing devices, technologies and future possibilities within a common framework of high-performance quantum devices. This book will be ideal for researchers and practitioners in academia, industry and those in materials science and engineering, electrical engineering and physics disciplines.
Covid-19 has hit the world unprepared, as the deadliest pandemic of the century. Governments and authorities, as leaders and decision makers fighting against the virus, enormously tap on the power of AI and its data analytics models for urgent decision supports at the greatest efforts, ever seen from human history. This book showcases a collection of important data analytics models that were used during the epidemic, and discusses and compares their efficacy and limitations. Readers who from both healthcare industries and academia can gain unique insights on how data analytics models were designed and applied on epidemic data. Taking Covid-19 as a case study, readers especially those who are working in similar fields, would be better prepared in case a new wave of virus epidemic may arise again in the near future.
This book focuses on how businesses manage organizational innovation processes. It explores the innovative policies and practices that organizations need to develop to allow them to be successful in this digital age. These policies will be based on key resources such as research and development and human resources and need to enable companies to respond to challenges they may face due to the digital economy. It explains how organizational innovation can be used to improve business's development, performance, conduct and outcomes. Contributing to stimulate the growth and development of each individual in a dynamic, competitive and global economy, the present book can be used by a diverse range of readers, including academics, researchers, managers and engineers interested in matters related with Organizational Innovation in the Digital Age.
1 Ziele und Gliederung der Arbeitsvorbereitung.- 1.1 Stllung der Arbeitsvorbereitung im Unternehmen.- 1.1.1 Prozesskette Procluktentwicklung.- 1.1.2 Prozesskette Auftragsabwicklung.- 1.2 Aufgaben der Arbeitsplanung.- 1.2.1 Arbeitsablaufplanung.- 1.2.2 Arbeitssystemplanung t1.- 2 Arbeitsablaufplanung.- 2.1 Aufgaben cler Arbeitsablaufplanung.- 2.2 Planungsvorbereitung.- 2.3 Stucklistenverarbeitung.- 2.3.1 Stucklistenarten.- 2.3.2 Stucklistenverarbeitung in der Arbeitsvorbereitung.- 2.4 ProzessplanersteHung.- 2.4.1 Ausgangsteilbestimmung.- 2.4.2 Prozessfolgeermittlung.- 2.4.3 Fertigungsmittelauswahl.- 2.4.4 Vorgabezeitermittlung.- 2.4.5 Informationswesen in cler Prozessplanung.- 2.4.6 Fallbeispiel.- 2.5 Operationsplanung.- 2.6 Montageplanung.- 2.6.1 Auspragungen der Montageablaufplanung.- 2.6.2 Hilfsmittel uncl Methoclen zur Montageablaufplanung.- 2.7 Prufplanung.- 2.7.1 Zielsetzung und Arten cler Prufplanung.- 2.7.2 Durchfuhrung der Prufplanung.- 2.7.3 Dokumente der Prufplanung.- 2.8 Fertigungs- und Prufmittelplanung.- 2.8.1 Werkzeugplanung.- 2.8.2 Vorrichtungsplanung.- 2.8.3 Prufmittelplanung.- 2.9 NC-/ RC-Programmierung.- 2.9.1 Grundlagen.- 2.9.2 NC-Programmerstellung.- 2.9.3 MC/RC-Programmerstellung.- 2.10 Kostenplanung/Kalkulation.- 2.10.1 Ziele, Aufgaben und Einordnung.- 2.10.2 Kalkulationsverfahren fur den wirtschaftlichen Verfahrensvergleicht.- 2.10.3 Make-or-buy Entscheidungen.- 3 Arbeitssystemplanung.- 3.1 Aufgaben der Arbeitssystemplanung.- 3.2 Fertigungsmittelplanung.- 3.2.1 Auswahl der Bearbeitungsmaschinen.- 3.2.2 Planung der Anordnungsstruktur.- 3.3 Lager- und Transportplanung.- 3.4 Personalplanung.- 3.5 Flachenplanung.- 3.6 Investitionsrechnung.- 3.6.1 Statische Verfahren.- 3.6.2 Dynamische Verfahren.- 4 Arbeitssteuerung.- 4.1 Aufgaben der Arbeitssteuerung.- 4.2 Produktionsprogrammplanung.- 4.2.1 Absatzplanung.- 4.2.2 Bestandsplanung.- 4.2.3 Primarbedarfsplanung.- 4.2.4 Ressourcengrobplanung (auftragsanonym).- 4.3 Produktionsbedarfsplanung.- 4.3.1 Bruttosekundarbedarfsermittlung.- 4.3.2 Nettosekundarbedarfsermittlung.- 4.3.3 Beschaffungsartzuordnung.- 4.3.4 Durchlaufterminierung.- 4.3.5 Kapazitatsbedarfsermittlung.- 4.3.6 Kapazitatsabstimmung.- 4.4 Eigenfertigungsplanung und -steuerung.- 4.4.1 Losgroessenrechnung.- 4.4.2 Feinterminierung.- 4.4.3 Ressourcenfeinplanung.- 4.4.4 Reihenfolgeplanung.- 4.4.5 Verfugbarkeitsprufung.- 4.4.6 Auftragsfreigabe.- 4.4.7 Auftragsuberwachung.- 4.4.8 Ressourcenuberwachung.- 4.5 Fremdbezugsplanung und -steuerung.- 4.5.1 Bestellrechnung.- 4.5.2 Angebotseinholung/-bewertung.- 4.5.3 Lieferantenauswahl.- 4.5.4 Bestellfreigabe und Bestelloeberwachung.- 4.6 Auftragskoordination.- 4.6.1 Angebotsbearbeitung.- 4.6.2 Auftragsklarung.- 4.6.3 Auftragsgrobterminierung.- 4.6.4 Ressourcengrobplanung (auftragsbezogen).- 4.6.5 Auftragsfuhrung.- 4.7 Lagerwesen.- 4.7.1 Lagerbewegungsfuhrung.- 4.7.2 Bestandssteuerung.- 4.7.3 Lagerort- und Lagerplatzverwaltung.- 4.7.4 Chargenverwaltung.- 4.7.5 Lagerkontrolle.- 4.7.6 Inventur.- 4.8 PPS-Controlling.- 4.8.1 Informationsautbereitung.- 4.8.2 Informationsbewertung.- 4.8.3 Konfiguration.- 4.9 Auspragungen der Arbeitssteuerung.- 4.9.1 Morphologie.- 4.9.2 Auftragsfertiger.- 4.9.3 Rahmenauftragsfertiger.- 4.9.4 Variantenfertiger.- 4.9.5 Lagerfertiger.- 4.10 Ausgewahlte Strategien und Verfahren im Rahmen der Produktionsplanung und -steuerung.- 4.10.1 UEbersicht.- 4.10.2 Management Resources Planning.- 4.10.3 Kanban.- 4.10.4 Fortschrittszahlenkonzept.- 4.10.5 Belastungsorientierte Auftragsfreigabe.- 4.10.6 Optimized Production Technology.- 4.10.7 Einordnung und Bewertung.- 6 EDV-Systeme in der Arbeitsvorbereitung.- 6.1 Tatigkeitsspezifische EDV-Unterstutzung.- 6.1.1 Rationalisierungsmoeglichkeiten durch EDV-Einsatz in der Arbeitsplanung.- 6.1.2 Vorgehensweise zur Rationalisierung der Arbeitsplanung.- 6.1.3 Vorgehensweise zur Einfuhrung von EDV-Systemen.- 6.2 Feature-Technologie.- 6.2.1 Grundbegriffe der Feature-Technologie.- 6.2.2 Anwen
Although several books and conference proceedings have already appeared dealing with either the mathematical aspects or applications of homogenization theory, there seems to be no comprehensive volume dealing with both aspects. The present volume is meant to fill this gap, at least partially, and deals with recent developments in nonlinear homogenization emphasizing applications of current interest. It contains thirteen key lectures presented at the NATO Advanced Workshop on Nonlinear Homogenization and Its Applications to Composites, Polycrystals and Smart Materials. The list of thirty one contributed papers is also appended. The key lectures cover both fundamental, mathematical aspects of homogenization, including nonconvex and stochastic problems, as well as several applications in micromechanics, thin films, smart materials, and structural and topology optimization. One lecture deals with a topic important for nanomaterials: the passage from discrete to continuum problems by using nonlinear homogenization methods. Some papers reveal the role of parameterized or Young measures in description of microstructures and in optimal design. Other papers deal with recently developed methods both analytical and computational for estimating the effective behavior and field fluctuations in composites and polycrystals with nonlinear constitutive behavior. All in all, the volume offers a cross-section of current activity in nonlinear homogenization including a broad range of physical and engineering applications. The careful reader will be able to identify challenging open problems in this still evolving field. For instance, there is the need to improve bounding techniques for nonconvex problems, as well as for solving geometrically nonlinear optimum shape-design problems, using relaxation and homogenization methods."
This thoroughly revised and updated edition of the classic text on surface mechanics preserves the objectives of the original: the rigorous derivation of surface properties such as temperature and deformation from the differential equations of continuum mechanics. From such solutions for the surfaces of single bodies one can then formulate problems involving two bodies at rest or in relative motion in terms of a singular integral equation. The discussion is analytical and theoretical, but animated by the authors' decades of experience in applications and experimental mechanics. This new edition has been updated to include many technologically motivated problems and solutions, especially computer solutions. Beginning with a survey of the field equations of classical continuum mechanics, the book continues with a discussion of surface temperatures in moving bodies. It then turns to semi-infinite and layered elastic media, discussing stress and deformation as well as thermal stress and associate deformation fields. Treatments of viscoelasticity and perfect plasticity concentrate on semi-infinite solids; these are followed by a discussion of rough surfaces. The book concludes with a lengthy chapter of applications. An appendix discusses integral equations.
This book presents a comprehensive analysis and modelling of demand, capacity, quality of services, economics, and sustainability of the air transport system and its main components - - airports, airlines, and ATC/ATM (Air Traffic Control/Management). Airports consist of the airside and landside area characterized by their capacities for handling demand such as aircraft, air passengers, and air freight/cargo shipments. Regarding spatial configuration, airlines generally operate hub-and-spoke (conventional or legacy airlines) and point-to-point (LCCs - Low Cost Carriers) air route networks. Their fleets consisting of different aircraft types provide transport capacity for serving demand including air passengers and freight/cargo shipments. The ATC/ATM includes the controlled airspace, traffic management and control facilities and equipment on the ground, space, and on board aircraft, and the ATC Controllers). They all provide capacity to handle demand consisting of the flights between origin and destination airports carried out by airline aircraft. The outcome from the interrelationships between demand and capacity at these components materializes as the quality of services. At airports and airlines this is generally expressed by congestion and delays of aircraft, air passengers, and freight/cargo shipments. At ATC/ATM, this is expressed by delays, horizontal and vertical in-efficiency, and safety of flights. Economics of each component relate to its revenues, costs, and profits from handling demand, i.e., providing services of given quality. The sustainability of air transport system has become increasingly important issue for many internal and external actors/stakeholders involved to deal with. This has implied increasing the system's overall social-economic effects/benefits while reducing or maintaining constant impacts/costs on the environment and society at both global and regional/local scale under conditions of continuous medium- to long term growth.
Combined experience of well-regarded academic and professional author who has a long and illustrious career in the region Broad market across growing Australian construction sector, over 11000 students in any one year plus professionals starting careers Includes case studies, discussion questions, online support materials
This book focuses on artifi cial intelligence in the field of digital signal processing and wireless communication. The implementation of machine learning and deep learning in audio, image, and video processing is presented, while adaptive signal processing and biomedical signal processing are also explored through DL algorithms, as well as 5G and green communication. Finally, metaheuristic algorithms of related mathematical problems are explored.
Lean Manufacturing concepts are being applied to a variety of industries. These concepts ensure streamlined processes through a systematic analysis of wastes and elimination, while enhancing value. This book offers fundamentals, theoretical concepts, case studies, and examples, along with insights for lean integration in Industry 4.0. The book offers a comprehensive coverage of topics in Lean Manufacturing which includes lean elements and tools, performance measures, project selection, integration, along with other related strategies. It ensures a balance between theory and practice of Lean Manufacturing by including the implementation aspects of lean tools. The book will explore insights for Industry 4.0 related to lean concepts and provide details on how they relate. Illustrations and examples depicting OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) analysis and value stream map analysis are included. The book also provides case studies on Lean Manufacturing covering value stream mapping, project selection, and performance measurement. Lean Manufacturing: Fundamentals, Tools, Approaches, and Industry 4.0 Integration can be used as a reference for academic researchers and industry practitioners. Undergraduate and postgraduate students can use it for a course on Lean Manufacturing. Doctoral students can also refer to it for advanced concepts, and industry practitioners can use it for practical insights.
It has been estimated that over 75% of the innovative projects that begin through the Innovation Management System (IMS) are either failures or they failed to produce the desired results. The biggest wastes most medium- to large-size organizations face are the waste of money, time, reputation, opportunity, and income that these failures are costing them. Following this book's recommendations could reduce this failure cost by as much as 70%. The purpose of this book is to provide a step-by-step procedure on how to process a medium- or large-size project, program, or product using an already-established IMS that considers the guidance given in ISO 56002:2019 - Innovation Management Systems Standard. Often the most complicated, complex, difficult, and challenging system used in an organization is the IMS. At the same time, it usually is the most important system because it is the one that generates most of the value-adding products for the organization, and it involves most of the key functions within the organization. The opportunity for failure in time and the impact on the organization is critical and often means the difference between success and bankruptcy. Throughout this book, the authors detail the high-impact inputs and activities that are required to process individual projects/programs/products through the innovation cycle. Although this book was prepared to address how medium to large projects, programs, and products proceed through the cycle, it also provides the framework that can be used for small organizations and simple innovation activities. Basically, the major difference between large- and small-impact innovation projects is that the small projects can accept more risks, require less formal documentation, use simpler communication systems, and require fewer resources. It's important to remember that the authors are addressing an existing IMS rather than trying to create an entirely new one. Currently, this is the only book geared for professionals responsible for managing innovative projects and programs using ISO 56002:2019 - Innovation Management - Innovation Management System - Guidance to provide a comprehensive management strategy and step-by-step plan and ISO 56004 Innovation Management Assessment -Guidance. It provides a comprehensive analysis of what is required from the time an opportunity is recognized to the time the customer is using the innovative product. The book also introduces a new Process modeling cloud service that allows you to drill down 5 levels from the system level to the job description level and includes free access to many of the book's best practice Process models.
The Learning Engineering Toolkit is a practical guide to the rich and varied applications of learning engineering, a rigorous and fast-emerging discipline that synthesizes the learning sciences, instructional design, engineering design, and other methodologies to support learners. As learning engineering becomes an increasingly formalized discipline and practice, new insights and tools are needed to help education, training, design, and data analytics professionals iteratively develop, test, and improve complex systems for engaging and effective learning. Written in a colloquial style and full of collaborative, actionable strategies, this book explores the essential foundations, approaches, and real-world challenges inherent to ensuring participatory, data-driven, learning experiences across populations and contexts.
Advances in artificial intelligence, smart process transmitters and positioners allied with the use of computers in process control has led to an increase in application of expert systems. This book promotes a more efficient use of computers in process control by examining the essential concepts, methods and applications of expert systems.
Theoretical and practical interests in additive manufacturing (3D printing) are growing rapidly. Engineers and engineering companies now use 3D printing to make prototypes of products before going for full production. In an educational setting faculty, researchers, and students leverage 3D printing to enhance project-related products. Additive Manufacturing Handbook focuses on product design for the defense industry, which affects virtually every other industry. Thus, the handbook provides a wide range of benefits to all segments of business, industry, and government. Manufacturing has undergone a major advancement and technology shift in recent years.
Due to the enormous impact of mechatronics systems, we encounter mechatronics and micromechatronic systems in our daily activities. Recent trends and novel technologies in engineering have increased the emphasis on integrated analysis, design, and control. This book examines motion devices (actuators, motors, transducers and sensors), power electronics, controllers, and electronic solutions with the main emphasis placed on high-performance mechatronic systems. Analysis, design, optimization, control, and implementation issues, as well as a variety of enabling mechatronic systems and devices, are also covered. The results extend from the scope of mechatronic systems to the modern hardware-software developments, utilizing enabling solutions and placing the integrated system perspectives in favor of consistent engineering solutions. Mechatronics and Control of Electromechanical Systems facilitates comprehensive studies and covers the design aspects of mechatronic systems with high-performance motion devices. By combining traditional engineering topics and subjects with the latest technologies and developments, new advances are stimulated in design of state-of-the-art mechatronic systems. This book provides a deep understanding of the engineering underpinnings of integrated technologies.
Systems Engineering--an interdisciplinary, multi-stage-driven
approach to the design and implementation of any large-scale or
complex engineered product or service--has found its way from
aerospace into general manufacturing as well as the services
industry. It has been found to be particularly useful in such
applications as software engineering, the bio- and medical
industries, and large, multi-component projects like those found in
energy-generation. Following on the author's previous book System
Requirements Analysis, this new book will lay out the steps and
procedures needed to implement a quality check of the system being
proposed or designed...the "Verification" stage of a full systems
engineering program.
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