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Books > Science & Mathematics > Astronomy, space & time > Galaxies, clusters, intergalactic matter
G. M. Bernstein, M. L. Fischer, and P. L. Richards Department of Physics, University of California Berkeley, California 94720, U. S. A. J. B. Peterson Department of Physics, Princeton University Princeton, New Jersey 08540, U. S. A. T. Timusk Department of Physics, McMaster University Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4M1 , Canada ABSTRACT. Recent measurements of the diffuse background at millimeter wavelengths indicate no departure from a Planck spectrum near the peak of the blackbody curve. Anisotropy measurements indicate no structure, at the 2% level, in the recently detected submillimeter excess. We report here the results of an April 1987 balloon flight of an instrument designed to measure the spectrum of the cosmic background radiation from 1 mm to 3 mm. A description of the instrument can be found in Peterson, Richards, and Timusk (1985). Modifications were made to the apparatus and experimental procedure in order to identify and reduce systematic errors. Results from the latest flight indicate that two effects hamper the interpretation of the data. These systematic effects will be described in detail in a forthcoming publications; they are probably responsible for the non-Planckian spectrum measured by Woody and Richards (1981). Attempts to remove the systematic effects from our data yield the upper limits to the CBR brightness temperature in 4 bands from 1 mm to 3 mm. There is no evidence for an excess of radiation near the 2. 8 K blackbody peak.
The Energetic Gamma-Ray Experiment Telescope (EGRET) instru ment on the Compton Gamma-Ray Observatory left as a legacy its Third Catalog of High Energy Gamma-Ray Sources, whose detections include a large number of blazars, some pulsars, the Large Magellanic Cloud and a solar flare. Most of the newly discovered objects - a majority of the catalog -are unidentified sources, with a clearly predominant Galactic population. Are all these radio-quiet pulsars, like Geminga, or is there a novel type of celestial object, awaiting identification? In spite of the limited angular resolution provided by EGRET and COMPTEL, there is still much to learn about unidentified, -ray sources: correlation studies, multiwavelength observations and theoretical work can provide valuable clues, specially if these efforts are carried out in a coordinated manner. The aim of this workshop, held from October 9 to 11, 2000, at the Instituto N acional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica, at Tonantzintla, Mexico, was to gather experts on the subject, including observational as tronomers specialized in other regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, in an effort to address the question of the Nature of Galactic high-energy gamma-ray sources, both from the theoretical and observational perspec tive, and elaborate schemes for future identification studies which can make use of existing and forthcoming facilities."
Symposium No. 88 of the International Astronomical Union was devoted to a comprehensive review of all types of close.binary stars. The nine sessions were organized according to the type of the objects to be discussed. We have preserved this system, but assembled twelve papers of a more general character (reviews and surveys) into a special chapter placed at the beginning of this book. We would like to remind the reader that the Symposium was preceded by the IAU Colloquium No. 53 on White Dwarfs and Variable Degenerate Stars , and that the sessions on Cataclysmic Variables and related topics at the two meetings supplemented each other. The discussion in Toronto was carefully recorded by Mr. Robert Gauthier. We also wish to thank Mr. Robert O'Daniel, Ms. Joan Kaufmann, and Ms. Linda Reimers for assisting us with the editorial work. M. J. Plavec D. M. Popper R. K. Ulrich ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The International Astronomical Union and the University of Toronto contributed substantial funds enabling a number of participants to receive travel grants. The Symposium was sponsored by the following Commissions of the International Astronomical Union: 29 (Stellar Spectra), 30 (Radial Velocities), 35 (Stellar Structure), 42 (Close Binary Stars), and 44 (Astronomy from Space). Our special thanks go to the members of the Scientific Organizing Committee. The Symposium was attended by 170 participants from 26 countries.
This book contains a collection of lecture notes written by recognized experts in the field of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN). The collection is aimed at providing both an introduction and at the same time an overview of the state-of-the-art of AGN research. This book also addresses the still not entirely understood link of an AGN with its host galaxy and also the related question of the birth and growth of massive black holes in the Universe.
The morphological scheme devised by Hubble and followers to classify galaxies has proven over many decades to be quite effective in directing our quest for the fundamental pa rameters describing the extragalactic manifold. This statement is however far more true for spirals than for ellipticals. Echoing the concluding remarks in Scott Tremaine's sum mary talk at the Princeton meeting on Structure and Dynamics of Elliptical Galaxies, "the Hubble classification of spirals is useful because many properties of spirals (gas con tent, spiral arm morphology, bulge prominence, etc. ) all correlate with Hubble time. By contrast, almost nothing correlates with the elliptical Hubble sequence El to E7. " During the last few years much effort has been put into the search for a more meaningful classification of ellipticals than Hubble's. Concomitantly, forwarded by some provocative conjectures by R. Michard, the classical question of whether E galaxies form a physically homogeneous family has been brushed up once more. Results of these and other parallel studies look rather promising and point to suture part of the dichotomy between ellipticals and disk galaxies which had become popular in the early eighties, owing to dynamical arguments. At the same time it appears more and more clear that, besides the usual genetic varieties of galaxies, products of environmental evolution must also be contemplated in building our modern picture of the "reign of galaxies" . The above considerations prompted us to solicit Prof."
In recent years it has become apparent that con tributions to our knowledge about the interstellar medium are made by practically all forms of astronomy ranging from radio- to gamma ray observations, and from cosmic ray measurements. It was thus thought fruitful to arrange for an interdisciplinary meeting of astron omers from the various fields of investigation, and of high energy astrophysicists. This meeting took place at Schliersee (Bavaria) from April 2 to 13, 1973. Lectures and some of the discussions held during that Advanced Study Institute are reproduced here. unfortunately, no manuscripts of the two lectures about infrared and cosmic ray observations were re ceived and these are thus not available here. However, it was thought to be more important to proceed now with the publication. The organisers are very grateful to Miss H. Eichele for her technical help during the meeting. The or ganisation of the Institute and the publication of the proceedings would have been impossible without the very great efforts and help of Mrs. M. Brunner and Mrs. D.Preis. I would also like to express my gratitude to my col leagues K.W. Michel and S. Drapatz for their many con tributions towards the success of the meeting."
A few years after the publication of The Physics of Star Formation and Early Stellar Evolution, we received a request from the publisher for an up dated second edition of this popular reference book. As originally intended, the volume had proved to be a useful "text" book for graduate astronomy courses and seminars which dealt with topics related to stellar origins. The book was based on a series of lectures delivered by a distinguished group of leading researchers at a NATO Advanced Study Institute (ASI) held in May 1990 on the island of Crete, Greece. The primary goal of the ASI was in fact to produce a book which "would simultaneously provide a broad and systematic overview of, as well as a rigorous introduction to, the fun damental physics and astronomy at the heart of modern research in star formation and early stellar evolution. " However, by 1995 concern had arisen among those who used the text as a reference for graduate seminars and courses that the book would need to be updated to stay abreast of the discoveries and progress in this rapidly evolving field. After some discussion we concluded that a new edition of the book was warranted and that the goal of producing a new edition would be best accomplished by organizing a second ASI in Crete to review the progress in star formation research.
Dust and molecules are found in a large variety of astrophysical environments, in particular in the circumstellar material ejected by evolved stars. This book brings together the leading astronomers and astrophysicists in the field of molecular astrophysics and stellar physics to discuss the important issues of dust and molecular formation, the role of solids in circumstellar environments, molecules as probes of circumstellar parameters, the stellar contribution to the enrichment of the Galaxy, and the latest observational data in various wavelength domains, in partiular in the infrared with results from the Infrared Space Observatory. The astrophysical senarios include late-type stars, novae, Wolf-Rayet stars, Luminous Blue Variables and supernovae. Audience: Researchers and graduate students in the fields of stellar physics, stellar evolution and astrochemistry.
Symposium 148 "The Magellanic Clouds and their Dynamical Interaction with the Milky Way" was the first IAU Symposium held in Australia since 1973. In all, 23 countries were represented by 149 participants. The Symposium was held from July 9 to 13, 1990 at Womens College, the University of Sydney. The last symposium on the Magellanic Clouds' was held in 1983 in Ttibingen, Germany. Since then new ground-and satellite-based instruments have become available. A range of results from these instruments were presented at IAU Symposium 148 and are published in these proceedings. IAU Symposium 148 was timed to coincide with the commissioning of the Australia Telescope, and indeed, a few of the first results from that instrument were presented at this Symposium Over the next decade the Australia Telescope is destined to make a major impact on Magellanic Cloud research. Papers are arranged in five main sections reflecting the Symposium timetable: * Large-Scale Structure and Kinematics * Star Formation and Clustering * Stellar Evolution * The Interstellar Medium * The LMC-SMC-Galaxy System These are preceeded by both the introduction to and the summary of the Symposium. Questions and answers from the oral sessions are reproduced at the end of each section.
The idea of having a meeting came to the Editors when working on several aspects of galactic Be and B[e] stars. They found that a general summary of the properties of B[e] stars was missing, so that the organiza tion of a first meeting on these objects appeared as very useful. B[e] stars have hydrogen line emission and forbidden [Fe 11] and [0 I] emission lines in their spectra; they are also characterized by a strong IR excess due to circumstellar dust. Having a large amount of extinction in the UV and the visual they have been less frequently observed than other emission line objects. Although about one hundred galactic objects have been classified as B[e], only fif teen or so have been studied in some detail. Besides this, the evolutionary status of these objects is rat her controversial, are they pre-main sequence or stars on the way to become nUclei of planetary nebulae? Other difficult problems appear when considering the relations of these stars with other similar groups, like Herbig AeBe stars, Be, luminous blue variables and the superluminous B[e] stars observed in the Magellanic Clouds. The conference seems timely since large surveys like DENIS and 2Mass, plus new space and new instruments for the micron, millimeter and cen timeter wavelength region will result in the discovery of more stars of this group.
See the full beauty of our night sky revealed as never before in over 200 photographs from around the world in this stunning and giftable title. Bringing together the images of over 40 photographers across 25 countries, be astounded by the lights of the night sky in some of the darkest places on earth; discover the beauty of galaxies, planets and stars; view great celestial events; and see some of the world's most important landmarks against the backdrop of an incredible nightscape. Babak Tafreshi, founder of the international organisation The World at Night, has curated the images in this collection - many of them previously unseen - to reveal the true splendour of the sky at night. A specialist guide to night-sky photography will help you capture your own gorgeous images of the heavens. Commentary on the science, astronomy and photography accompany stunning images organised by theme: Symbols of all nations and religions embraced by one sky of endless beauties UNESCO World Heritage Sites at night The Universe revealed through constellations, sky motions, atmospheric phenomenon, Aurora and other wonders Images highlighting the beauty of dark skies away from light-polluted urban areas Celestial events, from great comets to spectacular eclipses Astro-tourism destinations, like ancient astronomical monuments and modern observatories
R. DIEHL, R. KALLENBACH, E. PARIZOT and R. VON STEIGER / The Astrophysics of Galactic Cosmic Rays 3 I: KEY OBSERVATIONS ON GALACTIC COSMIC RAYS M. E. WIEDENBECK, N. E. YANASAK, A. c. CUMMINGS, AJ. DAVIS, I. S. GEORGE, R. A. LESKE, R. A. MEWALDT, E. C. STONE, P. L. HINK, M. H. ISRAEL, M. LIJOWSKI, E. R. CHRISTIAN and TT VON ROSENVINGE / The Origin of Primary Cosmic Rays: Constraints from ACE Elemental and Isotopic Composition Observations 15 R. A. MEWALDT, N. E. YANASAK, M. E. WIEDENBECK, AJ. DAVIS, w. R. BINNS, E. R. CHRISTIAN, A. C. CUMMINGS, P. L. HINK, R. A. LESKE, S. M. NIEBUR, E. C. STONE and TT VON ROSENVINGE / Radioactive Clocks and Cosmic-Ray Transport in the Galaxy 27 J. J. CONNELL / Cosmic-Ray Composition as Observed by Ulysses 41 R. RAMATY, R. E. LINGENFELTER and B. KOZLOVSKY / Spallogenic Light Elements and Cosmic-Ray Origin 51 E. PARIZOT / Galactic Cosmic Rays and the Light Elements 61 G. MEYNET, M. ARNOULD, G. PAULUS and A. MAEDER / Wolf-Rayet Star Nucleosynthesis and the Isotopic Composition of the Galactic Cosmic Rays 73 S. P. SWORDY / The Energy Spectra and Anisotropies of Cosmic Rays 85 G. TARLE and M. SCHUBNELL / Antiparticles 95 D. MULLER / Cosmic Rays Beyond the Knee 105 II: LESSONS FROM THE HELIOSPHERE G. M. MASON / Heliospheric Lessons for Galactic Cosmic-Ray Acceleration 119 R. A.
The objective of this meeting was to bring together collea gues from different branches of observational astronomy and theoretical astrophysics to discuss and analyse the rapid progress in our knowledge and understanding of the matter surrounding stars, streaming off stellar surfaces, or fall ing onto stars. The meeting was sponsored by IAU Commis sions 36 (Theory of Stellar Atmospheres), 29 (Stellar Spec tra), and 34 (Interstellar Matter). There were two special reasons for organizing this meeting at Heidelberg in 1986: During this year the University of Heidelberg celebrated its 600th anniversary and the IAU symposium joined the many scientific events accompanying this celebration. Secondly, the year 1986 also marked the conclusion of a special co operative research project ("Sonderforschungsbereich") in astrophysics at Heidelberg, a major part of which had been devoted to the physics of circumstellar matter. The main topics discussed at this meeting were: (1) circumstellar matter, bipolar flows, and jets from young stars and protostars; (2) circumstellar envelopes of evolved stars; (3) stellar coronae; (4) stellar winds from hot and cool stars; (5) dust formation and circumstellar chemistry. Many exciting new results were presented in 21 invited or review papers, 26 contributed papers, and 127 poster papers. This symposium would not have been possible without the generous financial assistance of the International Astronomical Union, the German Science Foundation (DFG), and the State Government of Baden-Wurttemberg. The practi cal support of the University of Heidelberq and the Max Planck-Society was also very valuable."
From the beginning of Space Astronomy, the Extreme Ultraviolet band of the spectrum (roughly defined as the decade in energy from 90-900 A...) was deemed to be the unobservable ultraviolet'. Pioneering results from an EUV telescope on the Apollo-Soyuz Mission in 1975 forcibly demonstrated that this view was incorrect; but it required the all-sky surveys of the English Wide-Field Camera and the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer to demonstrate the broad potential of this field. Over 700 EUV sources have now been detected. Over 150 researchers from 16 countries gathered to share results in this new field at the International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 152. Papers were presented on a wide variety of topics including cool star coronae, white dwarf atmospheres and evolution, neutron stars, the Io torus, cataclysmic variable stars, active galactic nuclei, the interstellar medium, winds and atmospheres of early type stars, and EUV plasma diagnostics. Selected manuscripts from this meeting are provided in these Conference Proceedings.
Our esteemed colleague C. V. Vishveshwara, popularly known as Vishu, turned sixty on 6th March 1998. His colleagues and well wishers felt that it would be appropriate to celebrate the occasion by bringing out a volume in his honour. Those of us who have had the good fortune to know Vishu, know that he is unique, in a class by himself. Having been given the privilege to be the volume's editors, we felt that we should attempt something different in this endeavour. Vishu is one of the well known relativists from India whose pioneer ing contributions to the studies of black holes is universally recognised. He was a student of Charles Misner. His Ph. D. thesis on the stability of the Schwarzschild black hole, coordinate invariant characterisation of the sta tionary limit and event horizon for Kerr black holes and subsequent seminal work on quasi-normal modes of black holes have passed on to become the starting points for detailed mathematical investigations on the nature of black holes. He later worked on other aspects related to black holes and compact objects. Many of these topics have matured over the last thirty years. New facets have also developed and become current areas of vigorous research interest. No longer are black holes, ultracompact objects or event horizons mere idealisations of mathematical physicists but concrete entities that astrophysicists detect, measure and look for. Astrophysical evidence is mounting up steadily for black holes."
All stars are born in groups. The origin of these groups has long been a key question in astronomy, one that interests researchers in star formation, the interstellar medium, and cosmology. This volume summarizes current progress in the field, and includes contributions from both theorists and observers. Star clusters appear with a wide range of properties, and are born in a variety of physical conditions. Yet the key question remains: How do diffuse clouds of gas condense into the collections of luminous objects we call stars? This book will benefit graduate students, newcomers to the field, and also experienced scientists seeking a convenient reference.
Influenced by astronomy education research, 21st Century Astronomy offers a complete pedagogical and media package that facilitates learning by doing, while the new one-column design makes the Fifth Edition the most accessible introductory text available today.
Particle astronomy - the study of cosmic radiation - was the first of the new astronomies to emerge in the twentieth cen- tury. Although cosmic-ray phenomena have been fruitfully investi- gated for some seventy years, the central engima - the origin of these high-energy particles - remains a challenge. Among the ob- servational clues to possible sites and mechanisms of cosmic-ray production, none carries more information than the composition and energy distribution of the particles arriving in the solar system. The present volume is the work of many participants in a NATO Advanced Study Institute on "The Composition and Origin of Cosmic Rays" held from the 20th to the 30th of June, 1982 under the aus- pices of the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture. Par- ticipants came to the Centre in Erice, Sicily from eight countries. This Institute was also the third Course of the International School of Cosmic-Ray Astrophysics, which has been meeting bienni- ally 1n Erice. Of the two previous Courses, likewise sponsored by the Majorana Centre, the first (1978) provided a broad introduction to th~ field. It was entitled "Progress and Problems in Cosmic- Ray Physics." The second (1980) was devoted to "Acceleration of Particles in Nature." It treated mechanisms of acceleration, some candidate sites, and observational and theoretical constraints. Director of the Majorana Centre is Prof. Antonino Zichichi.
By the star physicist and author of multiple #1 Sunday Times bestsellers, a major and definitive narrative work on black holes and how they can help us understand the universe. At the heart of our galaxy lies a monster so deadly it can bend space, throwing vast jets of radiation millions of light years out into the cosmos. Its kind were the very first inhabitants of the universe, the black holes. Today, across the universe, at the heart of every galaxy, and dotted throughout, mature black holes are creating chaos. And in a quiet part of the universe, the Swift satellite has picked up evidence of a gruesome death caused by one of these dark powers. High energy X-ray flares shooting out from deep within the Draco constellation are thought to be the dying cries of a white dwarf star being ripped apart by the intense tides of a supermassive black hole – heating it to millions of degrees as it is shredded at the event horizon. They have the power to wipe out any of the universe’s other inhabitants, but no one has ever seen a black hole itself die. But 1.8 billion light years away, the LIGO instruments have recently detected something that could be the closest a black hole gets to death. Gravitational waves given off as two enormous black holes merge together. And now scientists think that these gravitational waves could be evidence of two black holes connecting to form a wormhole – a link through space and time. It seems outlandish, but today’s physicists are daring to think the unthinkable – that black holes could connect us to another universe. At their very heart, black holes are also where Einstein’s Theory of General Relativity is stretched in almost unimaginable ways, revealing black holes as the key to our understanding of the fundamentals of our universe and perhaps all other universes. Join Professors Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw in exploring our universe’s most mysterious inhabitants, how they are formed, why they are essential components of every galaxy, including our own, and what secrets they still hold, waiting to be discovered.
The point of this book is to provide a brief, easy-to-read but comprehensive overview of stars: where they came from; what they are made of; what will happen to them, and what they mean to us from a scientific, aesthetic and cultural point of view. The book will focus on stars and astronomy, and will keep technical physics to a minimum. |
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