Books > Sport & Leisure > Hobbies, quizzes & games > Gambling
Roberto DaMatta, one of the foremost Brazilian anthropologists, and
his colleague Elena Soarez approach the question of gambling in
popular culture in general and its treatment in social anthropology
in particular. They focus on the "animal game," a kind of popular
gambling entertainment or lottery within Brazil in which locals bet
on a list of twenty-five animals. They argue that the success of
this game, which originated in 1882 with the founding of the first
zoo in Rio de Janeiro, and the social release the game provides are
significant aspects of Brazilian social history and of the
Brazilian "identity." Within the animal game, players "totemize"
and identify with various animals. DaMatta and Soarez use this
identification as a lens through which to view Brazil's modernity,
society, the significance of gambling, and even the role of animal
images in Brazilian and Western society. Appearing for the first
time in English, this well-written work moves smoothly between
comprehensive analysis and field observations of specific behaviors
and practices, such as the lucky tricks and devices invested with
magical thinking by those who play the game. This book will be of
interest to students and scholars in sociology, anthropology,
Brazilian studies, and Latin American cultural studies.
The Russian language edition of Reading Poker Tells, which has been
described as the best book on the subject of poker tells. There are
physical and verbal tells in every live poker game. Knowing how to
recognize and understand these tells can give you a significant
edge on the competition. This book will teach you how to analyze
opponents' physical gestures, facial expressions, body posture, and
verbal statements for clues about their hand strength. This book
includes: The common poker tells shown by amateurs The more subtle
tells that some experienced players may have Situations where tells
are likely to be displayed Common verbal statements and their
likely meanings A practical way to categorize and remember tells
Methods of psychological manipulation and deception How to
recognize and avoid angle-shooting Strategies for becoming
Continuando con su serie de libros en las matemticas de juegos de
azar, el autor muestra como un juego de reglas simples como la
ruleta es idneo para un modelo de matemtica compleja cuyas
aplicaciones generan sistemas mejorados de apuestas que toma en
cuenta el criterio de juego personal de un jugador. El libro es
prctico y terico, pero es principalmente dedicado a la aplicacin de
la teora. Cerca de dos tercios del contenido son listas de
categoras y subcategoras de sistemas mejorados de apuestas, junto
con todos los parmetros que pudieran representar el criterio
primordial en una estrategia personal de probabilidades, utilidades
y prdidas. La obra contiene material nuevo y original nunca antes
publicado. El captulo de matemticas describe las apuestas
complejas, la funcin de utilidad, la equivalencia entre las
apuestas y todas sus propiedades. Todos los resultados tericos estn
acompaados de ejemplos concretos, sugerentes y pueden ser
entendidos por cualquier persona con un mnimo de conocimiento
matemtico porque solamente involucran habilidades bsicas de algebra
y teora bsica de conjuntos . El lector puede tambin elegir saltarse
las matemticas e ir directamente a las secciones que contienen las
aplicaciones, donde l o ella pueden elegir los resultados numricos
deseados de las tablas. El libro no ofrece las tan llamadas
estrategias ganadoras, aunque habla de ellas desde un punto de
vista matemtico. Lo que si hace, sin embargo, es ofrecer sistemas
mejorados de apuestas y ayuda a organizar las elecciones del
jugador cuando apuesta a la ruleta, de acuerdo a factores
matemticos y estrategias personales. Es un manual de ruleta
imprescindible para estudiar antes de colocar sus apuestas en el
giro ya sea de la rueda de la ruleta europea o americana.
Fifteen years on from Anthony Holden's undisputed classic BIG DEAL,
the poker world has changed beyond recognition. When Holden played
in the 1988 World Series of Poker there were 167 entrants competing
for a prize of $270,000. At the 2006 WSOP, where this book
climaxes, there were 8773 players and a first prize of some $12
million - the richest in any sport. What happened in the years
between BIG DEAL and BIGGER DEAL is simple: thanks to the Internet
and television there has been a worldwide explosion in the
popularity of poker. The game even has a new respectable image,
much to the disgust of die-hard players. Gone are the seedy, smoky
rooms of the Horseshoe, and celebrities now crowd the tables at
huge Las Vegas tournaments: Martin Sheen, Matt Damon and Ben
Affleck are all dedicated players. In the UK, LATE NIGHT POKER
draws some 2 million viewers (Holden was banned from the last
series for doing too well). In BIGGER DEAL, Holden is your guide -
and the only guide you'll need - to the world of new poker as he
prepares to enter the WSOP once again. Will he win the title? Place
your bets ...
Invitations to John Aspinall and John Burke's illegal gambling
parties were the most sought after in 1950s London - only the
wealthy and well-connected were allowed past their door. When the
police finally arrested them, Aspinall and Burke challenged the law
- and won. As a result gambling was legalised. Which interested
crime boss Billy Hill and his lieutenant Bobby McKew, because
suddenly clubs sprang up everywhere and Billy had a foolproof way
of fixing the cards. He also had his eye on the ultimate prize,
Aspinall's exclusive new club, The Clermont... Revealing for the
first time how Aspinall and Hill plotted to steal a fortune, based
on testimony from Burke and McKew, The Hustlers is a riotous
journey back to 50s and 60s London. With a cast of characters that
ranges from safecracker Eddie Chapman to the reckless Earl of
Derby, from croupier Louis the Rat to unlucky Lord Lucan, it
vividly recreates the exploits of the gamblers and gangsters whose
lives collided in the clubs and pubs of Mayfair. 'a fascinating
glimpse into a bygone world . . . when chemmy parties took London
by storm and toffs were often found to be rubbing shoulders with
gangsters' Daily Express
This course has not one, but two advantages you can't miss. The
first and main one? It will teach you how to win in the online
roulette. The main advantage of the Winning at Roulette (Online
Course) is that besides of learning on how to win in the roulette,
you will learn how to optimize the result of any system you choose
to use, this means, you can improve the results in any game
strategy. This course contains the techniques used to adapt the
systems and a variety of strategies where you can use them. To make
this work more attractive, you will also find some tips to consider
when it comes to apply the learned techniques, including the proper
handling of your cash. In conclusion, a complete course, simple and
easy to learn that does not require the reader to go over hundreds
of pages to learn how to play to win. Winning at Roulette:
Bilingual Edition. For more information, visit www.casinosmst.com
Este curso tiene no una sino dos ventajas imperdibles. La primera y
primordial? Le ensenara como ganar en la ruleta de los casinos
fundamental del Vencer en la Ruleta (Curso online) es que, ademas
de aprender como ganar en la ruleta de los casinos online,
aprendera como optimizar el resultado de cualquier sistema que
desee utilizar, es decir, que podra mejorar los resultados de
cualquier estrategia de juego. El curso contiene las tecnicas
utilizadas para adaptar los sistemas y una variedad de estrategias
donde pueden ser aplicadas. Para complementar la obra, tambien
encontrara una serie de consejos a tener en cuenta a la hora de
aplicar las tecnicas aprendidas, incluyendo el correcto manejo del
capital. En conclusion, se trata de un curso completo, sencillo y
facil de aprender que no requiere al lector tener que leer un
centenar de paginas para aprender como jugar para ganar en los
casinos online. Vencer en la ruleta: Edicion bilingue. Para mas
informacion, visite www.casinosmst.com
This book provides a comprehensive and thought-provoking collection
of articles by internationally recognised experts in the study of
gambling - doctors and lawyers, journalists and academics. It
presents a diverse range of perspectives on the issue of gambling:
from legal, political, and economic, to social, psychological, and
ethical. Although many of the essays are strongly argued, the
collection as a whole offers a balanced range of viewpoints and
arguments, allowing readers to decide for themselves what role
gambling should play in our society. The stimulating, jargon-free
articles in this entertaining and informative volume will help
clarify one of the most important debates of our time.
Sixty Second Lottery Formulas Gail Howards Lottery Winning Systems
turns a game of luck into a game of skill. It takes less than a
minute to apply any one of the 12 easy-to-use 60-second formulas in
this book. Choose more than six lotto numbers and place them in the
corresponding lettered boxes and your numbers are magically
(mathematically) combined into the correct combinations to give a
specific win guarantee. As with all of Gail Howard's wheeling
systems, there is no easier way to combine your lotto numbers. So
simple a child can do it. Fast and easy to use as A-B-C Included is
a secret weapon that won six jackpots worth a combined total of $20
million dollars...also a scientific system that won a $9.48 million
dollar California Lotto jackpot. These systems can be used for any
pick-6 lotto game in the world. --Smart Luck Publishers
Omaha poker has long been a favourite game in Europe. Now comes the
definitive guide to winning big at this exciting, and potentially
highly lucrative game.
One gambler is a manic former cokehead with an Ivy League degree.
The second is a college dropout trying to make a living at the only
thing he enjoyed at school,gambling. The third, one of Vegas's most
respected bookmakers, is perilously close to burning out. The Odds
follows the lives of these three professional gamblers through a
college basketball season in a one-of-a-kind city struggling to
reconcile its lawless past with its family-friendly makeover. With
a wiseguy attitude and a faultless eye and ear for the sights and
sounds of Vegas and its denizens, Chad Millman has created a
portrait that the Wall Street Journal called "fascinating. . .
often screamingly funny." The Las Vegas Review-Journal had just one
word for the book: "Superb."
The ultimate betting companion in the build-up to the 2018
Festival. Packed with invaluable advice from the best writers in
the business, this comprehensive guide has everything you need for
jump racing's biggest meeting. Includes: Race-by-race guide, with
in-depth assessment of the main contenders in every championship
race by Racing Post betting editor Paul Kealy Key trends for all
the established races The Irish challenge Views from the British
training centres What the bookmakers say Tipsters' forum with the
views of the Racing Post team on the big questions Plus: Racing
Post Ratings, Topspeed, trainers and jockeys to follow, pedigree
pointers and analysis of the key trials.
Plato said God invented dice. This we learn from one of Ricky Jay's
fascinating essays in a delightful small volume that takes us from
the earliest forms (astragalithe heel bones of hoofed quadrupeds,
four of whose six sides were used for gaming) to the myriad types
of "loading" and other means of cheating with dice in the modern
era. Along the way we discover that Augustus, Caligula, and Nero
were all inveterate players, that Queen Elizabeth issued a search
and seizure order against the manufacture of false dice in 1598,
and that dice made from celluloid, invented in 1869, remained
stable for decades, and thenin a flashbegan to decompose. These are
the dice of Rosamond Purcell's luminous and seductive photographs,
images which transform entropy to an art form. Jay and Purcell give
us a dual meditation on dice that will educate us and amuse us at
the same time. 13 color photographs.