Books > Reference & Interdisciplinary > Encyclopaedias & reference works > Reference works > General
Miracles give hope to the hopeless and exemplify the intersection
of the divine and the mundane. They have shaped world history and
continue to influence us through their presence in films,
television, novels, and popular culture. This encyclopedia provides
a unique resource on the philosophical, historical, religious, and
cross-cultural conceptions of miracles that cut across
denominational lines. Multidisciplinary in approach, this
informative yet entertaining encyclopedia covers major aspects of
miraculous phenomena through more than 150 alphabetically arranged
entries that document how humanity's belief in religious miracles
over multiple places, periods, and faiths have affected
society-even changed the course of history. Written for high school
students and general readers, the coverage enables readers to learn
about different civilizations and cultures, the controversies
surrounding different beliefs, and the often uncomfortable
engagement of religion with science. This single-volume book
provides a one-stop ready-reference that addresses a broad variety
of subject matter on miraculous phenomena and guides further
investigations into the subject. Helpful illustrations and lucid
explanations of the ancillary concepts associated with miraculous
phenomena make learning about this topic more engaging. Readers
will be able to link the doctrinal concepts, such as "grace" or
"prayer," with the descriptions of miraculous events, especially
those associated with saints or holy objects. The examination of
the controversial aspects of different belief systems along with
the book's balanced coverage of the interpretation of miracles will
encourage students to weigh different explanations, thus fostering
the development of their critical thinking skills. Provides the
most authoritative exposition of miracles across history currently
available in English-a highly useful resource for inquirers on
miraculous phenomenon Goes far beyond discussions of specific
miracle stories to explore their provenance, cultic aspects,
philosophical underpinnings, and psychological roots Covers some of
the major aspects of miraculous phenomena through entries drawn
from the humanities, social and behavioral sciences, and the hard
sciences, particularly physics and natural biology Presents
accounts of miracles with a range of expert interpretations of
those events, thereby supporting the Common Core State Standards
for History and English Language Arts, CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RH.11-12.3
Supplies more than a dozen primary documents-each introduced by a
headnote-that give students historic accounts of miracles and
related texts for in-depth analysis
Ronald H. Coase, one of the most innovative and provocative
economists of the twentieth century, has had a lasting influence in
economics, law and economics, organization theory, management and
political science. In this comprehensive Companion, 31 leading
economists, social scientists and legal scholars, including two
Nobel Laureates, offer the first global assessment of the initial
impact of Coase's work and the continuing inspiration that
researchers and policy makers find in his contributions.The book
presents a review of the continuing power of Coase's work,
including the reshaping of public policies with particular respect
to public utilities and network industries. Further chapters
explore research programmes that he initiated including the concept
of transaction costs and the analysis of property rights,
especially in terms of the regulation of the communications
industry and the creation of markets for the right to pollute. The
book clearly demonstrates the originality of Coase's work and the
challenge that it posed to conventional perspectives which has been
a hallmark of his research throughout his life, from his initial
view on the nature of the firm to his recent analysis of the
development of capitalism in China. Less well-known features of
Coase's research going beyond his famous papers on 'The Nature of
the Firm' and 'The Problem of Social Cost' are also explored in
detail. From economics to public policy, this complete and thorough
assessment of Coase's vast contribution will be an invaluable
reference to all those interested in the many areas influenced by
this great economist. Contributors: D.W. Allen, K.J. Arrow, B.
Arrunada, Y. Barzel, E. Bertrand, R.R.W. Brooks, J.N. Drobak, G.W.
Evans, W. Farnsworth, J. Farrell, K. Foss, N.J. Foss, R.F.
Freeland, J. Groenewegen,R. Guesnerie, F. Gul, T.W. Hazlett, P.G.
Klein, G.D. Libecap, S.G. Medema, C. Menard, M.W. Moszoro, J.H.
Mulherin, J.V.C. Nye, S. Pratten, M.M. Shirley, P.T. Spiller, J.
Thomas, P. de Vries, N. Wang, O.E. Williamson
This timely Research Handbook offers a systematic and comprehensive
examination of the election laws of democratic nations. Through a
study of a range of different regimes of election law, it
illuminates the disparate choices that societies have made
concerning the benefits they wish their democratic institutions to
provide, the means by which such benefits are to be delivered, and
the underlying values, commitments, and conceptions of democratic
self-rule that inform these choices. Comparative Election Law
features a wide scope of coverage, from distribution of the
franchise, to candidate qualifications, to campaign speech and
finance, to election administration, and more. Contributions from a
range of expert scholars in the field are brought together to
tackle difficult problems surrounding the definition of the
democratic demos, as well as to lay bare important disjunctions
between democratic ideals and feasible democratic regimes in
practice. Furthermore, a comparative approach is also taken to
examine democratic regimes at a theoretical as well as a
descriptive level. Featuring key research in a vitally important
area, this Research Handbook will be crucial reading for academics
and students in a range of fields including comparative law, legal
theory, political science, political theory and democracy. It will
also be useful to politicians and government officials engaged in
election regulation, due to its excellent perspective on the range
of regulatory options and how to evaluate them.