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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > Meteorology > General
Significant advancements in the experimental analysis of soils and shales have been achieved during the last few decades. Outstanding progress in the field has led to the theoretical development of geomechanical theories and important engineering applications. This book provides the reader with an overview of recent advances in a variety of advanced experimental techniques and results for the analysis of the behaviour of geomaterials under multiphysical testing conditions. Modern trends in experimental geomechanics for soils and shales are discussed, including testing materials in variably saturated conditions, non-isothermal experiments, micro-scale investigations and image analysis techniques. Six theme papers from leading researchers in experimental geomechanics are also included. This book is intended for postgraduate students, researchers and practitioners in fields where multiphysical testing of soils and shales plays a fundamental role, such as unsaturated soil and rock mechanics, petroleum engineering, nuclear waste storage engineering, unconventional energy resources and CO2 geological sequestration.
The purpose of this book is to bridge the gap between the traditional Geomechanics and Numerical Geotechnical Modelling with applications in science and practice. Geomechanics is rarely taught within the rigorous context of Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics, while when it comes to Numerical Modelling, commercially available finite elements or finite differences software utilize constitutive relationships within the rigorous framework. As a result, young scientists and engineers have to learn the challenging subject of constitutive modelling from a program manual and often end up with using unrealistic models which violate the Laws of Thermodynamics. The book is introductory, by no means does it claim any completeness and state of the art in such a dynamically developing field as numerical and constitutive modelling of soils. The author gives basic understanding of conventional continuum mechanics approaches to constitutive modelling, which can serve as a foundation for exploring more advanced theories. A considerable effort has been invested here into the clarity and brevity of the presentation. A special feature of this book is in exploring thermomechanical consistency of all presented constitutive models in a simple and systematic manner.
This book comprises select proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Structural Technology (CoAST 2019). It brings together different applied and technological aspects of structural engineering. The main topics covered in this book include solid mechanics, composite structures, fluid-structure interaction, soil-structure interaction, structural safety, and structural health monitoring. The book also focuses on emerging structural materials and the different behavior of civil, mechanical, and aerospace structural systems. Given its contents, this book will be a useful reference for researchers and practitioners working in structural safety and engineering.
This book features a collection of extended papers based on presentations given at the SimHydro 2019 conference, held in Sophia Antipolis in June 2019 with the support of French Hydrotechnic Society (SHF), focusing on "Which models for extreme situations and crisis management?" Hydraulics and related disciplines are frequently applied in extreme situations that need to be understood accurately before implementing actions and defining appropriate mitigation measures. However, in such situations currently used models may be partly irrelevant due to factors like the new physical phenomena involved, the scale of the processes, and the hypothesis included in the different numerical tools. The availability of computational resources and new capacities like GPU offers modellers the opportunity to explore various approaches to provide information for decision-makers. At the same time, the topic of crisis management has sparked interest from stakeholders who need to share a common understanding of a situation. Hydroinfomatics tools can provide essential information in crises; however, the design and integration of models in decision-support systems require further development and the engagement of various communities, such as first responders. In this context, methodologies, guidelines and standards are more and more in demand in order to ensure that the systems developed are efficient and sustainable. Exploring both the limitations and performance of current models, this book presents the latest developments based on new numerical schemes, high-performance computing, multiphysics and multiscale methods, as well as better integration of field-scale model data. As such, it will appeal to practitioners, stakeholders, researchers and engineers active in this field.
This book draws on the author's professional experience and expertise in humid and arid regions to familiarize readers with the basic scientific philosophy and methods regarding floods and their impacts on human life and property. The basis of each model, algorithm and calculation methodology is presented, together with logical and analytical strategies. Global warming and climate change trends are addressed, while flood risk assessments, vulnerability, preventive and mitigation procedures are explained systematically, helping readers apply them in a rational and effective manner. Lastly, real-world project applications are highlighted in each section, ensuring readers grasp not only the theoretical aspects but also their concrete implementation.
The focus of this work is the development of models to estimate evapotranspiration (ET), investigating the partitioning between soil evaporation and plant transpiration at field and regional scales, and calculating ET over heterogeneous vegetated surfaces. Different algorithms with varying complexities as well as spatial and temporal resolutions are developed to estimate evapotranspiration from different data inputs. The author proposes a novel approach to estimate ET from remote sensing by exploiting the linkage between water and carbon cycles. At the field scale, a hybrid dual source model (H-D model) is proposed. It is verified with field observations over four different ecosystems and coupled with a soil water and heat transfer model, to simulate water and heat transfer in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum. At the regional scale, a hybrid dual source scheme and trapezoid framework based ET model (HTEM), using remote sensing images is developed. This model is verified with data from the USA and China and the impact of agricultural water-saving on ET of different land use types is analyzed, in these chapters. The author discusses the potential of using a remote sensing ET model in the real management of water resources in a large irrigation district. This work would be of particular interest to any hydrologist or micro-meteorologist who works on ET estimation and it will also appeal to the ecologist who works on the coupled water and carbon cycles. Land evapotranspiration is an important research topic in hydrology, meteorology, ecology and agricultural sciences. Dr. Yuting Yang works at the CSIRO Land and Water, Canberra, Australia.
This volume enables readers to understand the complexity associated with climate change policy and the science behind it. For example, the author describes the criticism and defense of the widely known hockey stick temperature graph derived from combining instrumental data and proxy temperature indications using tree ring, ice core and other paleoclimatic data. Readers will also learn that global warming cannot easily be avoided by reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in rich countries. Not only is emissions reduction extremely difficult in rich countries, but demands such as the UN mandate to improve the lives of the poorest global citizens cannot be satisfied without significantly increasing global energy use, and CO2 emissions. Therefore, the author asserts that climate engineering and adaptation are preferable to mitigation, particularly since the science is less than adequate for making firm statements about the Earth s future climate.Readers will also learn that global warming cannot easily be avoided by reducing CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions in rich countries. Not only is emissions reduction extremely difficult in rich countries, but demands such as the UN mandate to improve the lives of the poorest global citizens cannot be satisfied without significantly increasing global energy use, and CO2 emissions. Therefore, the author asserts that climate engineering and adaptation are preferable to mitigation, particularly since the science is less than adequate for making firm statements about the Earth s future climate."
This book focuses on the robustness analysis of high accuracy surface modeling method (HASM) to yield good performance of it. Understanding the sensitivity and uncertainty is important in model applications. The book aims to advance an integral framework for assessing model error that can demonstrate robustness across sets of possible controls, variable definitions, standard error, algorithm structure, and functional forms. It is an essential reference to the most promising numerical models. In areas where there is less certainty about models, but also high expectations of transparency, robustness analysis should aspire to be as broad as possible. This book also contains a chapter at the end featuring applications in climate simulation illustrating different implementations of HASM in surface modeling. The book is helpful for people involved in geographical information science, ecological informatics, geography, earth observation, and planetary surface modeling.
This edited book provides a comprehensive overview of the past, present and future climate development in Poland. The book consists of three main parts. The first part presents the results of the study of climate change before instrumental measurements in Poland in the last millennium. The second part analyses the long-term changes and variability of 36 climate characteristics for 14 climate elements, indices, meteorological phenomena and weather types using data from 79 weather stations in the base period 1951-2018 and for long series up to 239 years (1780-2018). The particular attention is paid to climate extremes. The third part of the book deals with projected changes in temperature, precipitation and thermal indices related to the agriculture and energy sectors. Two future time horizons are carried out: 1) near future: 2021-2050 and 2) far future: 2071-2100. The results for Poland are compared to those from Europe and other parts of the world. The book is addressed to scientists (climatologists, geographers, etc.), academic teachers, students, journalists and all those interested in Poland and climate change in Poland.
The book attempts to provide a consistent treatment climate variability at time scales longer than interannual. The first describes the observed decadal variability when there are sufficient observational data for analysis, identifying the major phenomena that are mainly involved. The second part contains contributions describing the present level of understanding of decadal variability. Researchers and students will find the book useful as a reference, and scientists in related disciplines (geology, biogeochemistry, paleoclimatology) will have an overview of current knowledge.
This book explains the basic technologies, concepts, approaches, and terms used in relation to reservoir rocks. Accessible to engineers in varying roles, it provides the tools necessary for building reservoir characterization and simulation models that improve resource definition and recovery, even in complex depositional environments. The book is enriched with numerous examples from a wide variety of applications, to help readers understand the topics. It also describes in detail the key relationships between the different rock properties and their variables. As such, it is of interest to researchers, engineers, lab technicians, and postgraduate students in the field of petroleum engineering.
This thesis focuses on the seismic response of piles in liquefiable ground. It describes the design of a three-dimensional, unified plasticity model for large post-liquefaction shear deformation of sand, formulated and implemented for parallel computing. It also presents a three-dimensional, dynamic finite element analysis method for piles in liquefiable ground, developed on the basis of this model,. Employing a combination of case analysis, centrifuge shaking table experiments and numerical simulations using the proposed methods, it demonstrates the seismic response patterns of single piles in liquefiable ground. These include basic force-resistance mode, kinematic and inertial interaction coupling mechanism and major influence factors. It also discusses a beam on the nonlinear Winkler foundation (BNWF) solution and a modified neutral plane solution developed and validated using centrifuge experiments for piles in consolidating and reconsolidating ground. Lastly, it studies axial pile force and settlement during post-earthquake reconsolidation, showing pile axial force to be irrelevant in the reconsolidation process, while settlement is process dependent.
India launched its maiden scientific expedition to Antarctica way back in 1981 and ever since annual expeditions are launched to address thematic research in the contemporary areas of Antarctic Science and Engineering. The initial efforts and achievements of India are not only significant but are of historical importance. This book discusses a wide array of topics that have entered the mainstream of geotechnical and geo environmental engineering over the initial two and half decades of India's presence in the icy continent 'Antarctica'. At the same time, it highlights the lessons learnt in cryo-engineering technologies. It covers various articles on many aspects of environmental science and collates the overall achievements in the fascinating field of Antarctic engineering and environmental impact assessment. Accordingly, this book covers articles on wind energy by Ramesh et al., and engineering aspects in Antarctica by Rai. Similarly, Pathak has reviewed the engineering details of Dakshin Gangotri and Maitri. On the contrary, Sharma has provided an interesting history about the process of establishment of Dakshin Gangotri station. Similarly, communication aspects have been highlighted by Dhaka. Commercial polymers and their utility in cold region have been discussed by Dabholker et al. Besides, Tiwari and Khare have reviewed the environmental studies carried out during the initial 25 years in Antarctic research base 'Maitri'. Similarly, Ramchandran and Sathe have studied the natural radioactivity in Antarctica while fire safety in Antarctica has been touched upon by Chatterjee. On the other hand, Veerbhadraiah and Jain have provided a status on environmental management services at Maitri station Additionally Tiwari has provided details on the new Indian Research Base 'Bharti' at Larsemann Hills region. It provides a one-stop reference for researchers and those working in industry and government.
This book summarizes unique research findings on the hydrodynamic behavior of ice particles (ice crystals, snow, graupel and hailstones) in the atmosphere. The fall behavior of ice hydrometeors determines how and how fast a mixed-phase cloud can grow or dissipate. The book discusses how the authors used computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods and numerical simulations to determine these behaviors, and presents these computations along with numerous detailed tables and illustrations of turbulent flow fields. It also examines the implications of the results for the general atmospheric sciences as well as for climate science (since the cloud problem is the source of the greatest uncertainty in model-based climate predictions). As such it allows readers to gain a clear and comprehensive understanding of how particles fall in clouds and offers insights into cloud physics and dynamics and their impact on the climate..
Many scientists either working on the El Nino/Southern Oscillation
(ENSO) problem or its many applications have not been trained in
both the equatorial ocean and atmospheric dynamics necessary to
understand it. This book seeks to overcome this difficulty by
providing a step by step introduction to ENSO, helping the upper
level graduate student or research scientist to learn quickly the
ENSO basics and be up to date with the latest ENSO research. The
text assumes that the reader has a knowledge of the equations of
fluid mechanics on a rotating earth and emphasizes the observations
and simple physical explanations of them.
Here is the most comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of one of
the hottest areas of chemical research. The treatment of
fundamental kinetics and photochemistry will be highly useful to
chemistry students and their instructors at the graduate level, as
well as postdoctoral fellows entering this new, exciting, and
well-funded field with a Ph.D. in a related discipline (e.g.,
analytical, organic, or physical chemistry, chemical physics,
etc.). Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere provides
postgraduate researchers and teachers with a uniquely detailed,
comprehensive, and authoritative resource. The text bridges the
"gap" between the fundamental chemistry of the earth's atmosphere
and "real world" examples of its application to the development of
sound scientific risk assessments and associated risk management
control strategies for both tropospheric and stratospheric
This book comprises select proceedings of the First Indian Symposium on Offshore Geotechnics. It addresses state of the art and emerging challenges in offshore design and construction. The theme papers from leading academicians and practitioners provide a comprehensive overview of the broad topics encompassing various challenges in offshore geotechnical engineering. It covers various aspects pertaining to offshore geotechnics, such as offshore site investigation, soil characterization, geotechnics related to offshore renewable energy converters, offshore foundations and anchoring systems, pipelines, and deep sea explorations. This volume provides a comprehensive reference for professionals and researchers in offshore, civil and maritime engineering and for soil mechanics specialists.
Written by internationally recognized experts in atmospheric research, this book focuses on the state of the art in topical environmental issues such as global change, forest decline, ozone depletion and acid rain. Our present knowledge of forest damage is summarized as an example of atmospheric impact on nature. Paul Crutzen, winner of the Nobel Prize in chemistry, tackles the question of how the changing chemical composition of the atmosphere influences global chemistry and climate. The future environmental impact of traffic is described from the point of view of the motor industry. These and other contributions illustrate the interaction which exists between atmosphere, technology and nature.
This book provides a collection of the state-of-the-art methodologies and approaches suggested for detecting extremes, trend analysis, accounting for nonstationarities, and uncertainties associated with extreme value analysis in a changing climate. This volume is designed so that it can be used as the primary reference on the available methodologies for analysis of climate extremes. Furthermore, the book addresses current hydrometeorologic global data sets and their applications for global scale analysis of extremes. While the main objective is to deliver recent theoretical concepts, several case studies on extreme climate conditions are provided. Audience The book is suitable for teaching in graduate courses in the disciplines of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Earth System Science, Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences.
A thorough overview of the phenomenon of flooding, including frequency, damage, and information about organizations that help flood victims. What causes killer floods? Why are they so destructive? Can they be predicted, tamed, or eliminated? Find the answers in Natural Disasters: Floods, which discusses where and how often floods occur in the United States, how the federal government handles flood control, and the extent of the economic and social damage caused by floods. |
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