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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > Meteorology > General
The climate change problem can only be effectively dealt with if global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be reduced substantially. Since the emission of such gases is closely related to the economic growth of countries, a critical problem to be addressed by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (FCCC) is: how will the permissible emission levels be shared between industrialised (ICs) and developing countries (DCs)? The thesis of this book is that the long-term effectiveness of the FCCC runs the risk of a horizontal negotiation deadlock between countries and the risk of vertical standstill within countries if there is little domestic support for the domestic implementation of measures being announced in international negotiations. The research question is: Can one observe trends towards horizontal deadlock and vertical standstill and if yes, how can the treaty design be improved so as to avoid such potential future bottlenecks? The research focuses on the perspectives of domestic actors on the climate convention and related issues in four developing countries: India, Indonesia, Kenya and Brazil. The following key findings emerge from the research: 1. Handicapped negotiating power: The common theme of the foreign policy of DCs is that ICs are responsible for the bulk of the GHG emissions and need to take appropriate domestic action.
Developments in three-dimensional cloud radiation over the past few decades are assessed and distilled into this contributed volume. Chapters are authored by subject-matter experts who address a broad audience of graduate students, researchers, and anyone interested in cloud-radiation processes in the solar and infrared spectral regions. After two introductory chapters and a section on the fundamental physics and computational techniques, the volume extensively treats two main application areas: the impact of clouds on the Earth's radiation budget, which is an essential aspect of climate modeling; and remote observation of clouds, especially with the advanced sensors on current and future satellite missions.
Studies of local and global phenomena generate descriptions which
require statistical analysis. In this text, H. Jean Thiebaux
presents a succinct yet comprehensive review of the fundamentals of
statistics as they pertain to studies in oceanic and atmospheric
sciences. The text includes an accompanying disk with compatible
Minitab sample data. Together, this volume and the included data
provide insights into the basics of statistical inference, data
analysis, and distributional models of variability. Oceanographers,
meteorologists, marine biologists, and other environmental
scientists will find this book of great value as a statistical tool
for their continuing studies.
Proceedings of a Symposium Organized by the Commission of the European Communities, Directorate-General for Science, Research and Development, and held in Brussels from November 3--5, 1986
Extreme Weather Forecasting reviews current knowledge about extreme weather events, including key elements and less well-known variables to accurately forecast them. The book covers multiple temporal scales as well as components of current weather forecasting systems. Sections cover case studies on successful forecasting as well as the impacts of extreme weather predictability, presenting a comprehensive and model agnostic review of best practices for atmospheric scientists and others who utilize extreme weather forecasts.
This volume presents the history of marine fog research and applications, and discusses the physical processes leading to fog's formation, evolution, and dissipation. A special emphasis is on the challenges and advancements of fog observation and modeling as well as on efforts toward operational fog forecasting and linkages and feedbacks between marine fog and the environment.
This book provides an updated discussion of snow and glacier hydrology, drawing on the results of recent investigations. It serves as a source of reference at the senior undergraduate or beginning graduate level and stimulates further interest in this important part of the hydrologic cycle.
This book explores a new realm in data-based modeling with applications to hydrology. Pursuing a case study approach, it presents a rigorous evaluation of state-of-the-art input selection methods on the basis of detailed and comprehensive experimentation and comparative studies that employ emerging hybrid techniques for modeling and analysis. Advanced computing offers a range of new options for hydrologic modeling with the help of mathematical and data-based approaches like wavelets, neural networks, fuzzy logic, and support vector machines. Recently machine learning/artificial intelligence techniques have come to be used for time series modeling. However, though initial studies have shown this approach to be effective, there are still concerns about their accuracy and ability to make predictions on a selected input space.
This book presents a summary of the lectures given at the NATO Advanced Science Institute (ASI) which took place at Val Morin, Quebec, Canada, 4-15 September, 1995. This summer school offered an excellent opportunity to discuss key scientific questions related to the stratosphere and its importance for the climate system. Approximately 85 students and 15 lecturers from 19 nations attended the ASI which was sponsored by SPARC (Stratospheric Processes and Their Role in Climate), a project of the World Climate Research Programme. The purpose of the ASI was to present truly tutorial lectures rather than highly specialized or technical talks. At the conference, mornings were devoted to fundamental presentations while short illustrative talks were given in the afternoon. The book presents a summary of the two types of lectures. We were fortunate to enlist the participation of outstanding experts in the field of atmospheric science and excellent teachers. Students were strongly encouraged to actively participate in various activities during the summer school; for example, the students were asked to summarize the lectures given by the teachers, and in most cases, the chapters presented in this book were written by small groups of students and reviewed by the lecturers. During the school, students had also the opportunity to present posters that described their personal research. These lecture notes are divided into three major parts.
Field Measurements for Environmental Remote Sensing: Instrumentation, Intensive Campaigns, and Satellite Applications is an academic synthesis of invaluable in situ measurements and techniques leveraged by the science of environmental remote sensing. Sections cover in situ datasets and observing methods used for satellite remote sending applications and validation, synthesizing the various techniques utilized by well-established application areas under a common paradigm. The book serves as both a textbook for students (upper-level undergraduate to graduate level) and a reference book for practitioners and researchers in the atmospheric, oceanic and remote sensing fields.
This book gathers the peer-reviewed contributions presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the European Working Group on Internal Erosion in Embankment Dams, Levees and Dikes, and their Foundations (EWG-IE), held in Milano, Italy, on 10-13 September 2018. The meeting served as a fertile platform for discussion, sharing sound knowledge and introducing novel ideas on issues related to soil internal erosion in water retaining structures. The contributions encompass various aspects of laboratory techniques and findings, modelling and design criteria as well as prevention measures and field assessment. The book is a valuable, up-to-date tool that provides an essential overview of the subject for scientists and practitioners alike, and inspires further investigations and research.
The book gives a first consistent overview of methods and applications of ocean forecasting around the world. This sector of marine science and technology is developing rapidly due to the increasing need for reliable, multidisciplinary information about the marine system, allowing the sustainable usage of coastal resources and the mitigation of global change effects. Several chapters are devoted to the conceptual and theoretical bases of ocean forecasting, ranging from the design of observational and modelling systems, data assimilation techniques and numerical ecosystem modelling. The book also includes examples of modelling/forecasting systems currently in use or being set-up in the ocean for different space and time scales. The book is useful for advanced graduate students as well as scientists in related disciplines, as it enables them to understand the present level of knowledge and performance of existing forecasting systems.
There are few more beautiful places than Scotland's winter mountains. But even when most of the snow has melted, isolated patches can linger well into summer and beyond. In The Vanishing Ice, Iain Cameron chronicles these remarkable and little-seen relics of the Ice Age, describing how they have fascinated travellers and writers for hundreds of years, and reflecting on the impact of climate change. Iain was nine years old when snow patches first captured his imagination, and they have been inextricably bound with his life ever since. He developed his expertise through correspondence (and close friendship) with research ecologist Dr Adam Watson, and is today Britain's foremost authority on this weather phenomenon. Iain takes us on a tour of Britain which includes the Scottish Highlands, the Southern Uplands, the Lake District and Snowdonia, seeking elusive patches of snow in wild and often inaccessible locations. His adventures include a perilous climb in the Cairngorms with comedian Ed Byrne, and glorious days spent out on the hills with Andrew Cotter and his very good dogs, Olive and Mabel. Based on sound scientific evidence and personal observations, accompanied by stunning photography and wrapped in Iain's shining passion for the British landscape, The Vanishing Ice is a eulogy to snow, the mountains and the great outdoors.
Dust storms are a vital component of the environment. This book explores and summarises recent research on where dust storms originate, why dust storms are generated, where dust is transported and deposited, the nature of dust deposits and the changing frequency of dust storms over a range of time-scales. It is the first global study of causes and effects of dust storms, which are one of the increasing nature catastrophes.
The Geo-Sciences Panel is a synonym for the Special Programme on Global Transport Mechanisms in the Geo-Sciences. This Programme is one of the special programs established by the NATO Science Committee to promote the study of a specific topic using the usual NATO structures, namely, Advanced Research Workshops, Advanced Study Institutes, Conferences, Collaborative Research Grants, Research-Studies and Lecture Visits. The aim of the Programme is to stimulate and facilitate international col laboration among scientists of the member countries in selected areas of global transport mechanisms in the Earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere and asthenosphere, and the interactions between these global transport processes. Created in 1982, the Geo-Sciences Panel followed the Air Sea Interactions Panel which was very successful in reviewing mechanisms at the air-sea-ice interface. Initially the Geo-Sciences Panel recognized the importance of magma chambers, ore deposits, geochemical cycles, seismic activity and hydrological studies. However, the Panel was rap idly convinced that the climate system is one of the most important sys tems in which to promote research on global transport mechanisms. Consequently, the Panel welcomed the organization of a course on Physically Based Modelling and Simulation of Climate and Climatic Change. This course was launched in Belgium in 1984 during both the Liege colloquium on Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere tlodels and the Louvain-Ia Neuve General Assembly of the European Geophysical Society. Rapidly scientists recognized that this course was timely and would be well received by the climate community, especially by junior researchers in this multi- and inter-disciplinary field."
The book reviews and reports the recent progress and knowledge on the specific impact of current and projected urban overheating as well as of the urban mitigation technologies on mortality and morbidity and urban vulnerability. It presents recent data and developments on the topic reported by some of the more distinguished researchers in this area. In parallel, it discusses new findings related to the characteristics and the magnitude of urban overheating and reports and analyzes the recent knowledge on the synergies between urban heat island and heatwaves. This book helps to advance our understanding on the interaction between Urban Heat Island (UHI) and overheating as well as their impact on energy demand and public health globally. Exploring the interaction between UHI and energy consumption requires the understanding on the dynamics of UHI intensity and air pollution index in different land use and how such interactions may vary in different cities in the world. Moreover, this book focuses on different cities in Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cyprus, Greece, Hong Kong, India, Asia, Spain, UK, and USA.
This is an introductory textbook on global spectral modeling designed for senior-level undergraduates and possibly for first-year graduate students. This text starts with an introduction to elementary finite-difference methods and moves on towards the gradual description of sophisticated dynamical and physical models in spherical coordinates. Computational aspects of the spectral transform method, the planetary boundary layer physics, the physics of precipitation processes in large-scale models, the radiative transfer including effects of diagnostic clouds and diurnal cycle, the surface energy balance over land and ocean, and the treatment of mountains are some issues that are addressed. The topic of model initialization includes the treatment of normal modes and physical processes. A concluding chapter covers the spectral energetics as a diagnostic tool for model evaluation. This revised second edition of the text also includes three additional chapters. Chapter 11 deals with the formulation of a regional spectral model for mesoscale modeling which uses a double Fourier expansion of data and model equations for its transform. Chapter 12 deals with ensemble modeling. This is a new and important area for numerical weather and climate prediction. Finally, yet another new area that has to do with adaptive observational strategies is included as Chapter 13. It foretells where data deficiencies may reside in model from an exploratory ensemble run of experiments and the spread of such forecasts.
Boundary layer meteorology is the study of the physical processes that take place in the layer of air that is most influenced by the earth's underlying surface. This text gives an uncomplicated view of the structure of the boundary layer, the instruments available for measuring its mean and turbulent properties, how best to make the measurements, and ways to process and analyse the data. The main applications of the book are in atmospheric modelling, wind engineering, air pollution, and agricultural meteorology. The authors have pioneered research on atmospheric turbulence and flow, and are noted for their contributions to the study of the boundary layer. This important work will interest atmospheric scientists, meteorologists, and students and faculty in these fields.
This book provides concise descriptions of the various solutions of transition curves, which can be used in geometric design of roads and highways. It presents mathematical methods and curvature functions for defining transition curves.
The issue of climate change is now widely recognised as one of the major challenges for mankind in the 21st century, not only because it may ultimately affect many areas of our environment, nature and human activity but also because its mitigation may have far reaching consequences for almost all sectors of the economy where energy conversion takes place. Although climate change is firmly positioned on the political agenda and some initial targets have been agreed within a global framework, we are still far away from a mature political and practical policy which may deliver timely and appropriate results .to tum the tide. This is partly due to the complex nature of a possible global climate change regime, the still early stage of the development of effective and efficient instruments and the wide variety of possible ramifications for individual countries and economic sectors. But it is also due to the complexity of the negotiation process, and the lack of effective international or even global governance and leadership to tackle a multi-dimensional problem of this size and nature. This book is the first broad attempt to address the issue of leadership by one of the major parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in the ongoing international debate and negotiations towards such a policy which inevitably has to be constructed on a global scale.
Evapotranspiration and its components (evaporation and transpiration) as a process is one of the basic terms of Earth's water balance; its importance is accented by the fact that transpiration is the vital element of the biomass production process. The second important property of evapotranspiration is its extreme consumption of solar energy, thus controlling the temperature of the atmosphere and creating favourable conditions for life. Evapotranspiration as an energy consuming process is also the connection between the energy and mass cycles of the Earth. Evapotranspiration is a process performing in the Soil-Plant -Atmosphere System (SPAS); therefore this book is presenting and quantifying it as a catenary process, describing transport of water in the soil, including root extraction patterns and methods of its evaluation. Transport of water through the plant and from the canopy to the atmosphere is also described and quantified. A variety of evapotranspiration (and its components evaporation and transpiration) calculation methods are described, starting from empirical methods up to the most sophisticated ones based on the solution of the transport equations of water and energy in the SPAS. The most important (and widely used) calculation method - modified Penman-Monteith method is described in details, ready to be used with data in the book only. Water balance method of evapotranspiration estimation as well as sap flow method description can be found in the book as well. The book can be used by hydrologists, biologists, meteorologists and other specialists as well as byecology students. Key themes: soil hydrology - evapotranspiration - hydropedology- plant physiology -water movement in soils -evaporation -transpiration Dr. Viliam Novak isa water resources scientist at the Institute of Hydrology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in Bratislava (Slovakia)."
This book presents the result of an innovative challenge, to create a systematic literature overview driven by machine-generated content. Questions and related keywords were prepared for the machine to query, discover, collate and structure by Artificial Intelligence (AI) clustering. The AI-based approach seemed especially suitable to provide an innovative perspective as the topics are indeed both complex, interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, for example, climate, planetary and evolution sciences. Springer Nature has published much on these topics in its journals over the years, so the challenge was for the machine to identify the most relevant content and present it in a structured way that the reader would find useful. The automatically generated literature summaries in this book are intended as a springboard to further discoverability. They are particularly useful to readers with limited time, looking to learn more about the subject quickly and especially if they are new to the topics. Springer Nature seeks to support anyone who needs a fast and effective start in their content discovery journey, from the undergraduate student exploring interdisciplinary content, to Master- or PhD-thesis developing research questions, to the practitioner seeking support materials, this book can serve as an inspiration, to name a few examples. It is important to us as a publisher to make the advances in technology easily accessible to our authors and find new ways of AI-based author services that allow human-machine interaction to generate readable, usable, collated, research content.
PREFACE xv LIST OF LECTURERS xix LIST OF PARTICIPANTS xx]. VOLUME I PART I - DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICALLY-BASED MODELS OF THE ATMOSPHERE Section 1 - Introduction GATES, W. L. - Climate and the Climate System 3 SIMMONS, A. J. and L. BENGTSSON - Atmospheric General Circulation Models: Their Design and Use for Climate Studies 23 Section 2 - Numerical Methods for Large-Scale Dynamics ARAKAWA, A. - Finite-Difference Methods in Climate Modeling 79 BOURKE, W. - Spectral Methods in Global Climate and Weather Prediction Models 169 Section 3 - Parameterization of Subgrid-Scale Physical Processes FOUQUART, Y. - Radiative Transfer in Climate Models 223 LAVAL, K. - Land Surface Processes 285 SELLERS, P. J. , Y. MINTZ, Y. C. SUD and A. DALCHER - A Brief Description of the Simple Biosphere Model (SiB) 307 SOMMERIA, G. - Parameterization of the Planetary Boundary Layer in Large-Scale Atmospheric Models 331 x TABLE OF CONTENTS TIEDTKE, M. - Parameterization of Cumulus Convection in Large-Scale Models 375 SUNDQVIST, H. - Parameterization of Condensation and Associated Clouds in Models for Weather Prediction and General Circulation Simulation 433 PART II - DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF PHYSICALLY-BASED MODELS OF THE OCEAN AND SEA ICE HAN, Y. -J. - Modelling and Simulation of the General Circulation of the Ocean 465 HIBLER, W. D. - Modelling Sea Ice Thermodynamics and Dynamics in Climate Studies 509 PART III - METHODS OF COUPLING ATMOSPHERE, OCEAN AND ICE MODELS BRYAN, K. |
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