Books > Professional & Technical > Other technologies > Space science > General
Primitive Meteorites and Asteroids: Physical, Chemical, and
Spectroscopic Observations Paving the Way to Exploration covers the
physical, chemical and spectroscopic aspects of asteroids,
providing important data and research on carbonaceous chondrites
and primitive meteorites. This information is crucial to the
success of missions to parent bodies, thus contributing to an
understanding of the early solar system. The book offers an
interdisciplinary perspective relevant to many fields of planetary
science, as well as cosmochemistry, planetary astronomy,
astrobiology, geology and space engineering. Including
contributions from planetary and missions scientists worldwide, the
book collects the fundamental knowledge and cutting-edge research
on carbonaceous chondrites and their parent bodies into one
accessible resource, thus contributing to the future of space
This book is a new look at one of the hottest topics in
contemporary science, Dark Matter. It is the pioneering text
dedicated to sterile neutrinos as candidate particles for Dark
Matter, challenging some of the standard assumptions which may be
true for some Dark Matter candidates but not for all. So, this can
be seen either as an introduction to a specialized topic or an
out-of-the-box introduction to the field of Dark Matter in general.
No matter if you are a theoretical particle physicist, an
observational astronomer, or a ground based experimentalist, no
matter if you are a grad student or an active researcher, you can
benefit from this text, for a simple reason: a non-standard
candidate for Dark Matter can teach you a lot about what we truly
know about our standard picture of how the Universe works.
The world will always remember Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin for
their first steps on the moon, yet few today hold in respect the
sites that made these and other astronauts' journeys possible.
Across the American landscape and on the lunar surface, many
facilities and landing sites linked to the Apollo program remain
unprotected. Some have already crumbled to ruins-silent and
abandoned. The Final Mission explores these key locations, reframes
the footprints and items left on the moon as cultural resources,
and calls for the urgent preservation of this space heritage.
Beginning with the initiation of the space race, the authors trace
the history of research, training, and manufacturing centers that
contributed to lunar exploration. From the early rocket test stands
of Robert H. Goddard, to astronaut instruction at Meteor Crater, to
human and primate experiments at Holloman Air Force Base,
innumerable places proved critical to developing the equipment for
exploring space, surviving the journey, and returning to Earth
safely. Despite their significance to the history of human
spaceflight, many landmarks face the threat of damage or
destruction. Most alarming is that the rapid advancement of
technology renders stations obsolete long before they are deemed
worthy of preservation. Moreover, the lack of precedence for
protecting off-planet artifacts poses a unique challenge for space
archaeology. While NASA's 2011 recommendations for spacefarers
suggest avoiding close proximity to this cultural landscape, the
authors advocate stronger routes of preservation and present models
for safeguarding space history-both on Earth's surface and beyond.