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Books > Earth & environment > Earth sciences > Geology & the lithosphere > Geological surface processes (geomorphology) > General
The plate tectonics revolution in the earth sciences has provided a valuable new framework for understanding long-term landform development. This innovative text provides a comprehensive introduction to the subject of global geomorphology, with the emphasis placed on large-scale processes and phenomena. Integrating global tectonics into the study of landforms and incorporating planetary geomorphology as a major component the author discusses the impact of climatic change and the role of catastrophic events on landform genesis and includes a comprehensive study of surface geomorphic processes.
Geopressure drives fluid flow and is important for hydrocarbon exploration, carbon sequestration, and designing safe and economical wells. This concise guide explores the origins of geopressure and presents a step-by-step approach to characterizing and predicting pressure and least principal stress in the subsurface. The book emphasizes how geology, and particularly the role of flow along permeable layers, drives the development and distribution of subsurface pressure and stress. Case studies, such as the Deepwater Horizon blowout, and laboratory experiments, are used throughout to demonstrate methods and applications. It succinctly discusses the role of elastoplastic behaviour, the full stress tensor, and diagenesis in pore pressure generation, and it presents workflows to predict pressure, stress, and hydrocarbon entrapment. It is an essential guide for academics and professional geoscientists and petroleum engineers interested in predicting pressure and stress, and understanding the role of geopressure in geological processes, well design, hydrocarbon entrapment, and carbon sequestration.
Glaciers and ice sheets have been melting significantly during recent decades, posing environmental threats at local, regional and global scales. Changes in glaciers are one of the clearest indicators of alterations in regional climate, since they are governed by changes in accumulation (from snowfall) and ablation (by melting of ice). Glacier changes have been measured for the last century by traditional field measurements, resulting in long time series for a few glaciers. Remote sensing data and methods, and geographic information systems, provide the means to allow glacier changes to be monitored at a global scale, to be analysed rapidly and to store the results and present information to both scientific and popular audiences in a way which was not possible before the digital revolution. Remote sensing of glaciers began with terrestrial and aerial photography during the middle of the 20th century, but today the discipline embraces a large variety of data types from laser scanner data to very high resolution satellite imagery, which can be applied to the mapping of glacier changes in terms of area, surface zonation or thickness. This book highlights the history of the remote sensing of glaciers, the physics of glaciers and remote sensing of them, and focuses particularly on modern data and methods used by remote sensing specialists and glaciologists. The book presents examples of glacier research carried out, for example in the Alps, Norway, Iceland, Caucasus, Patagonia, Rocky Mountains, Pakistan, Antarctica, New Zealand, and Svalbard. This book is of interest to specialists and students working in the field of remote sensing, glaciology, physical geography, geology and climate change.
One of the problems which beset the practical conservation of stone buildings is the fragmentation of the disciplines involved. This book, with both volumes now available as one invaluable paperback, brings these disciplines together by the involvement of contributors with different experiences and approaches to the same material.
A passionate eyewitness account of the mysteries and looming demise of glaciers-and what their fate means for our shared future The ice sheets and glaciers that cover one-tenth of Earth's land surface are in grave peril. High in the Alps, Andes, and Himalaya, once-indomitable glaciers are retreating, even dying. Meanwhile, in Antarctica, thinning glaciers may be unlocking vast quantities of methane stored for millions of years beneath the ice. In Ice Rivers, renowned glaciologist Jemma Wadham offers a searing personal account of glaciers and the rapidly unfolding crisis that they-and we-face. Taking readers on a personal journey from Europe and Asia to Antarctica and South America, Wadham introduces majestic glaciers around the globe as individuals-even friends-each with their own unique character and place in their community. She challenges their first appearance as silent, passive, and lifeless, and reveals that glaciers are, in fact, as alive as a forest or soil, teeming with microbial life and deeply connected to almost everything we know. They influence crucial systems on which people depend, from lucrative fisheries to fertile croplands, and represent some of the most sensitive and dynamic parts of our world. Their fate is inescapably entwined with our own, and unless we act to abate the greenhouse warming of our planet the potential consequences are almost unfathomable. A riveting blend of cutting-edge research and tales of encounters with polar bears and survival under the midnight sun, Ice Rivers is an unforgettable portrait of-and love letter to-our vanishing icy wildernesses.
Our landscape is constantly changing, but before the dramatic
effects of erosion and mass movement take place, more subtle forces
work on the rocks, minerals and soils around us. Weathering is the
initial process which exposes the top few layers of the Earth to
the potential for change.
This revised edition describes the transformation of the environment and landscape of Western Sorkapp Land based on research data collected by Jagiellonian University scientific expeditions in the period 1980-1986 and in 2008. It also outlines potential directions of the transformation of Western Sorkapp Land.Western Sorkapp Land has been experiencing dramatic natural changes such as glacial recession, coastline retreat, emergence of new landforms and Quaternary deposits, as well as changes in the water drainage and network due to global warming. Western Sorkapp Land is a very remote and diverse region, which is representative of the European Arctic. The establishment of South Spitsbergen National Park has led to a regeneration of the local reindeer herd, which has caused overgrazing of the local tundra resulting in altered plant communities and soil erosion. They have also destroyed numerous bird nests. The transformation of Western Sorkapp Land is set to continue.
Although much is known about the processes and effects of land degradation and climate change, little is understood about the links between them. Less still is known about how these processes are likely to interact in different social-ecological systems around the world, or how societies might be able to adapt to this twin challenge. This book identifies key vulnerabilities to the combined effects of climate change and land degradation around the world. It identifies triple-win adaptations that can tackle both climate change and land degradation, whilst supporting biodiversity and ecosystem services. The book discusses methods for monitoring effects of climate change and land degradation, and adaptations to these processes. It argues for better co-operation and knowledge exchange, so that the research, land user and policy communities can work together more effectively to tackle these challenges, harnessing the "wisdom of crowds" to assess vulnerability and adapt to climate change and land degradation, whilst protecting livelihoods and biodiversity.
Salt marshes are highly dynamic and important ecosystems that dampen impacts of coastal storms and are an integral part of tidal wetland systems, which sequester half of all global marine carbon. They are now being threatened due to sea-level rise, decreased sediment influx, and human encroachment. This book provides a comprehensive review of the latest salt marsh science, investigating their functions and how they are responding to stresses through formation of salt pannes and pools, headward erosion of tidal creeks, marsh-edge erosion, ice-fracturing, and ice-rafted sedimentation. Written by experts in marsh ecology, coastal geomorphology, wetland biology, estuarine hydrodynamics, and coastal sedimentation, it provides a multidisciplinary summary of recent advancements in our knowledge of salt marshes. The future of wetlands and potential deterioration of salt marshes is also considered, providing a go-to reference for graduate students and researchers studying these coastal systems, as well as marsh managers and restoration scientists.
The main mesological factors that determine vegetation activity are moisture and temperature (Ferreras Chasco, 2000). Under certain conditions of moisture and temperature a limitation in growth can appear and, if these conditions do not improve, plants can enter into a state called vegetative paralysis. This book discusses the land surface of the basin of the Guadaira River, and it pays attention to the study of riparian vegetation on different channels that belong to its countryside stretch. It also presents research on the modern spatiotemporal variability of the morphology of High Arctic proglacial rivers; and provides a review on the general properties of ancient Martian systems, focusing on possible issues related to the lack of biogenic effects on Mars, and analysing mainly riverbank related erosional and depositional structures.
This book is in response to the growing demand from academics and the general public for state-of-the-art research in permafrost science and, in particular, information about its impacts on infrastructure and ecosystems. It brings together research from diverse but highly complementary scientific disciplines to illuminate the main physical, chemical and biological processes occurring in permafrost systems and identifies the possible mechanisms controlling fluxes of energy and matter at various scales. Taken together, the 8 chapters of this book provide a comprehensive, up-to-date description and analysis of the basic geomorphological, physical, hydrological, chemical and biological aspects of permafrost-affected ecosystems, their interaction with other components of the landscape and their impact on human life and infrastructure.
This book provides a broad perspective of sediment transport in rivers, reservoirs, estuaries, and coastal areas. It deals with the related fundamentals of sediment transport, computational modelling of cohesive and non-cohesive sediments transport, and sedimentation engineering management. Topics include river morphological changes after dam removal, local scour and its monitoring, marsh edge erosion, turbidity dynamics in a bay surrounded by marshes, effects of harbour construction on hydrodynamic and morphodynamic processes in a coastal area, and impact of climate change on sediment yield from a watershed, are discussed. The breath of the topics covered will be of interest to researchers and practising engineers alike. This book contains twelve chapters.
Ice sheets as vast accumulations of frozen water on land are a direct expression of energy distribution on our planet. They form from the interplay of intensive accumulation of frozen water and insufficient melt during the summer. They define global sea-level and affect the geochemical composition of the ocean. This book presents current research in the study of the dynamics, formation and environmental concerns relating to ice sheets.
Aquifers are typically saturated regions of the subsurface that produce an economically feasible quantity of water to a well or spring (eg: sand and gravel or fractured bedrock often make good aquifer materials). Most land areas on Earth have some form of aquifer underlying them, sometimes at significant depths. In this book, the authors present current research in the study of the types, impacts and conservation of aquifers. Topics discussed include the effect of aquifer heterogeneity; hydrochemical features of groundwater from aquifer systems occurring in Sao Paulo, Brazil; aquifer system characterisation using integrated geophysical methods; pollution risk of groundwater in a semi-arid region by wastewater rejections; a numerical study of aquifer thermal energy storage systems influenced by regional groundwater flow and fluid flow and contaminant propagation in fractured rock aquifers.
Weathering is an important phenomenon of the geochemical cycle as it contributes to the relief formation. It corresponds to a general term applied to physical and chemical changes suffered by rocks as a consequence of their exposition to different conditions of humidity and temperature. In this book, the authors present topical research in the study of the types, processes and effects of weathering. Topics discussed include the use of weathering indices in rock research; geomorphic processes in the last glacial age; understanding chemical weathering in affecting the Earth's surface; weathering of dimensional granite stones used as cladding and the weathering process and desert pavement development.
This book addresses the origin of gold deposits to answer questions of science and curiosity. These answers contribute in turn to the improved exploration and mining of gold. Initially there is a summary of the methods used to address the genesis of gold deposits including some of the essential science and concepts. Five basic observations follow that apply to many gold deposits and need to be considered in any genetic ideas. Magmatic processes enriching gold are discussed followed by the role of aqueous fluids during gold deposit formation at elevated temperatures and pressures. Modifying effects after deposit formation include high-grade metamorphism, retrogression, weathering, and erosion. The main types of gold deposits are then explained within the spectrum of viable genetic ideas, with informal names for these examples that include gold-only, gold-plus, Carlin, slate-belt, epithermal, porphyry, iron oxide copper gold, and Archean greenstone. Case histories are included in which the role of gold geology contributed directly to discoveries-one example is at the province-scale and another at the goldfield-scale. Unlike other books on the subject, this one addresses virtually all gold deposit types rather than focusing on one type in isolation. The primary readership includes industry geologists, senior undergraduates, postgraduates, and those with some knowledge of science and an interest in the gold industry.
In this book, the authors present current research in the study of the conservation, types and desertification of sand dunes. Topics discussed include the aridisation, dune dissipation and pedogenesis in the Quarternary of Eastern Pampean sand sea; desert sand dunes for sulfur concrete production; Allocosa brasiliensis as a model towards the conservation of coastal sand dunes in Uruguay and the causes, impacts and control of desertification.
An aquifer is an underground layer of water-bearing permeable rock or unconsolidated materials (gravel, sand, silt, or clay) from which groundwater can be usefully extracted using a water well. The authors of this book present important data on aquifers such as: hydrogeological studies of various dolomite aquifers in Slovenia; (GIS)groundwater modelling as an integrated tool for sustainable management of groundwater resources under changing environments; investigating different groundwater systems occurring in Brazil; an analysis of past catastrophic hydrogeological events (landslides and floods) and their affect on groundwater and aquifers and how to mitigate their damage.
Students taking undergraduate degrees in geography, ecology, earth science, and environmental science frequently take an introductory unit in Physical Geography. Some will have not done any geography since their early teens, while others have more recent knowledge. This range of backgrounds can be challenging for both the instructor and the student, this primer aims to help. A primer is a readable introduction to a subject, more technical than a piece of popular science, but less detailed than a specialist textbook. It aims to give the reader a platform in a subject with which they may be unfamiliar, so that they can proceed simultaneously, or sequentially, to more advanced texts and information. Ideally the primer should have something for those without any knowledge, while also challenge and entertaining those who do. Not quite bedtime reading, but a step in that direction. Our Dynamic Earth introduces students to the Earth's origins, to plate tectonics, atmospheric and oceanographic circulation, as well as to a range of Earth surface processes. Idea to get you started in your studies.
This book comprehensively documents the various types of karst collapse and related conceptual site models, before discussing these collapses in terms of their impacts on engineering and the environment. Featuring over 200 real-world photos to illustrate the variety of karst collapses and their consequences, the book also provides specific methods and techniques to prevent, investigate, monitor and remediate these collapses. Decades of experience with these collapses make it clear that addressing the related hazards requires a multi-disciplinary approach that integrates geomorphology, engineering geology, hydrology, hydrogeology, biology, geophysics, geochemistry, and risk assessment.
This edited book is based on the papers accepted for presentation during the 2nd Springer Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences (CAJG-2), Tunisia, in 2019. Major subjects treated in the book include geomorphology, sedimentology, and geochemistry. The book presents an updated unique view in conjugating field studies and modeling to better quantify the process-product binomial unusual in geosciences. In the geomorphology section, 24 papers deal with topics related to fault slip and incision rates, soil science, landslides and debris flows, coastal processes, and geoarcheology, and geoheritage. Under the sedimentology section, 34 papers including stratigraphy, and environmental, tectonic, and diagenetic processes, together with evolutionary, biostratigraphic, and paleo-environmental significance of paleontology are presented. Additionally, this section also contains papers on marine geosciences, from molecular proxies related to climate to geophysical surveys. Last but not least, the third section on geochemistry is composed of 26 papers that are focused on sedimentary geochemistry and mineralogical characterization, magmatic and metamorphic processes and products, and the origin and exploration of mineral deposits. This book resumes the current situation related to the abovementioned topics mainly in the Mediterranean realm. The volume book is of interest to all researchers, practitioners, and students in the fields of geomorphology, sedimentology, and geochemistry, as well as those engaged in environmental geosciences, soil science, stratigraphy and paleontology, geoarcheology and geoheritage, marine geosciences, petrology, metallogenesis, and mineral deposits.
This volume provides a versatile introduction to the study of drainage basin evolution, morphology, drainage basin hydrology and sedimentology, human interference, natural and anthropogenic hazards and various management techniques. This book offers the responsible factors of sediment yield and their absolute and specific growth and rate of delivery through tributaries to the main streams. Rivers are important geomorphic agents which reflect an amazing variety of form and behaviour, showing the wide range of natural environment in which they are originated. The drainage system evolution and spatial network development within the dynamic nature are being discussed and how they are adjusted in the geomorphic time scale over the millions of years. This book shows how drainage systems function and react to change and why this thoughtful is required for flourishing integrated basin management. In tropical and sub-tropical countries population pressures as well as different developmental projects are being executed on the drainage basin without proper planning. Today scientists consider drainage basin as an administrative unit during implementation of regional projects. In this context this book will carry a bench mark for scholars and young scientists.
This open access book explores El Hierro Island, which is geologically the youngest of the Canary Islands (Spain). Having registered its latest volcanic eruption in 2011-2012, it is an oceanic subtropical island with low population pressure and a largely unchanged natural landscape. Accordingly, a great geodiversity of volcanic morphologies and erosion processes has been preserved. In addition, half of the land is protected as a Biosphere Reserve and as a UNESCO Global Geopark, and the island is pursuing energy self-sufficiency. Local tourism is a sustainable activity, as the main attractions are either diving or hiking through the island's various volcanic landscapes. Covering these and other aspects, and using accessible language, the book will appeal to scientists specialized in geotourism, active leisure entrepreneurs, and members of the general public interested in volcanic geoheritage and geotourism. |
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