Books > Religion & Spirituality > Aspects of religions (non-Christian) > Religious institutions & organizations > General
Four complete Christmas services:
- Christmas Play With Drama And Service Of Lights
- Christmas Service Based On Traditions And Carols From Around The
- Christmas Service In Monologues And Carols
- Christmas Service Of Scriptures, Traditions, And Carols
These inspiring services are easy for any size church to prepare
and present. Each one offers a unique and different approach.
Gail Gaymer Martin has a Bachelor of Science degree in Education,
majoring in English and Speech Performance, and a Masters degree in
Educational Guidance and Counseling from Wayne State University in
Detroit. She is a high school guidance counselor. She has written
news and feature articles for professional publications and has
been active for many years in worship planning and choral music.
Gail sings with two professional choral ensembles. She is a script
writer for puppet ministries and has written and directed numerous
successful musical comedy productions used in fund-raising
programs. Her poetry has been widely published.
Liturgy, which literally means "the work of the people," sums up
all the ways people have responded to God, including hymns,
prayers, laments, invocations, and confessions of faith.
"The Liturgical Witness Of The New Testament" contemporizes and
brings to life these various forms of worship as the author draws
unique canticles, prayers, hymns, and responsive petitions from the
books of the New Testament. Each New Testament book is allowed to
speak with its own voice. For example, the service based on Luke
gives voice to the gospel by the use of four canticles (psalms),
and Luke's own version of the Words of Institution and his
truncated version of the Lord's Prayer are included.
Also included are a helpful index listing the worship services
according to their use in the lectionary and ten sermons for use
with these liturgies.
Contents include:
- Through The Desert Clear A Highway -- The Liturgical Witness Of
- One Lord, One Body -- The Liturgical Witness Of The Corinthian
- Lordship And Unity -- The Liturgical Witness Of Colossians
- God Is Love -- The Liturgical Witness Of First John
- Worthy The Lamb -- The Liturgical Witness Of Revelation
Charles M. Mountain received a Master of Arts in Music degree from
California State University, a Master of Divinity degree from
Luther-Northwestern Theological Seminary, and has engaged in
graduate work in Hispanic Ministries in Denver, Colorado. He has
written, produced, and hosted various radio shows in Colorado and
South Dakota, providing commentary for classical music. His
articles have been widely published and he has authored three
previous books, including "We Have Beheld His Glory "(CSS
Publishing) and "New Testament Scriptures For Singing" (Fairway
Press). A freelance violinist in the greater Denver area, he is
married to Dr. Jane Mountain, a family practice physician.
Founded by free people of color in Philadelphia in the aftermath of
the American Revolution, the African Methodist Episcopal (AME)
Church emerged in the nineteenth century as the preeminent black
institution in the United States. In 1896, the church opened
mission work in South Africa, absorbing an independent
""Ethiopian"" church founded by dissident African Christians a few
years earlier. In the process, the church helped ignite one of the
most influential popular movements in South African history. Songs
of Zion examines this remarkable historical convergence from both
sides of the Atlantic. James Campbell charts the origins and
evolution of black American independent churches, arguing that the
very act of becoming Christian forced African Americans to reflect
on their relationship to their ancestral continent. He then turns
to South Africa, exploring the AME Church's entrance and evolution
in a series of specific South African contexts. Throughout the
book, Campbell focuses on the comparisons that Africans and African
Americans themselves drew between their situations. Their
transatlantic encounter, he argues, enabled both groups to
understand and act upon their worlds in new ways. |Discusses the
interaction between the African Methodist Episcopal Church in the
United States and in South Africa, arguing that each group
influenced the other to understand and act on their worlds in new
In recent years the term "religious pluralism" has come to be used
not only in a descriptive sociological sense but also as
theologically prescriptive. Within this new paradigm traditional
Christian understandings of Christ, conversion, evangelism, and
mission have been radically reinterpreted. The Recovery of Mission
explores the pluralist paradigm through the work of three of its
most influential Asian exponents - Stanley Samartha, Aloysius
Pieris, and Raimundo Panikkar - subjecting each to a theological
and philosophical critique. On the basis of biblical, patristic,
and contemporary theological writings Vinoth Ramachandra argues for
the uniqueness and decisiveness of what God has done for us in
Jesus Christ. Ramachandra seeks to show that many of the valid
concerns of pluralist theologians can best be met by
reappropriating the missionary thrust at the heart of the gospel.
The book ends with suggestions, challenging to pluralists and
conservatives alike, as to how the gospel needs to be communicated
in a multifaith world.
"Dallas Brauninger offers all who plan Sunday services of worship
rich varieties of uses of one lectionary passage for every Sunday:
a variety of voices and groupings of voices, and a variety of
settings within the service of worship itself, from calls to
worship to benedictions. Each arrangement can help worshipers hear
the Word of God with new appreciation."
Arthur M. Field
Editor, "These Days"
"In The Beginning Was The Word" allows every person of whatever age
who can read and speak to become a leader in worship.
The clear, ringing voice of children, and the aging voices of older
members help make Sunday worship part of everyone's joy.
Dallas Brauninger takes one lectionary reading for each Sunday and
other special days in the life of the church and develops it into a
choral reading.
Readings are based on the New Revised Standard Version texts and
the Revised Common Lectionary texts.
This is part of a three-book cycle on lectionary readings.
Dallas A. Brauninger, a graduate of Albion College, received her
master of divinity degree and an honorary doctor of divinity degree
from the Chicago Theological Seminary. A full-time writer,
Brauninger has served churches in Colorado and Nebraska. She and
her husband, also an ordained minister in the United Church of
Christ, live in West Point, Nebraska.
-- An exposition of the meaning of the Trinity for worship,
baptism, the Lord's supper and language for God.
-- Firmly rooted in Scripture and warm-heartedly pastoral while
masterfully theological.
-- Points to the "who" of worship, not the "how".
Here Is a Book That Sets Our Worship, sacraments, communion and
language of God back on track. In a day when refinement of method
and quality of experience are the guiding lights for many
Christians, James Torrance points us to the indispensable "who" of
worship, the triune God of grace. "Worship is the gift of
participating through the Spirit in the incarnate Son's communion
with the Father", writes Torrance.
This book explodes the notion that the doctrine of the Trinity
may be indispensable for the creed but remote from life and
worship. Firmly rooted in Scripture and theology, alive with
pastoral counsel and anecdote, Torrance's work shows us just why
real trinitarian theology is the very fiber of Christian
This book offers 30 meditations and complete orders of worship for
use by clergy or lay persons at retirement centers.
In addition to 26 topically based services, this volume features
worship outlines for Easter, communion, Thanksgiving, and
Each service includes and opening prayer, suggested scripture,
hymns, easy-to-present meditations, and appropriate closings.
Worship themes include:
- If We Are Dreamers
- The Best Surprises
- The Larger Design For Living
"As a minister with 56 years of experience, the last 15 of which I
have spent ministering to and living with older persons, how I wish
a volume such as Chaplain Lewis' When It's Twilight Time had been
available to me
The themes he has selected, and the manner in which he has
organized them; his choice of hymns, prayers, scripture readings,
and other worship helps; and his appropriate and timely
illustrations reveal a keen insight into the interests and needs of
older persons and those who work with them."
Rev. W. Darwin Andrus
San Antonio, TX
Clement E. Lewis has served as chaplain at Morningside Meadows, an
ecumenically sponsored retirement community in San Antonio, Texas,
since 1982. He is a graduate of Southwestern University,
Georgetown, Texas, and previously served as pastor of churches in
Texas, Oklahoma, and New Mexico.
The Psalms are wonderful sources of encouragement, enlightenment,
and strength. This series explores the Psalms for Cycle A of the
Common Lectionary using New Revised Standard Version of the Bible
Each meditation is in three parts. First is the Psalm itself.
Second is the alternate image, offering readers new insights to
stimulate their vision of the Psalms. Third is the reflection
section, offering a short analysis and comment on the passage.
"Aids to the Psalms" is appropriate for liturgical aids, sermon
starters, personal and group meditation, and Christian education.
Among the Psalms of Cycle A are:
- Christmas Eve -- O sing to the Lord a new song.
- Good Friday -- My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
- Thanksgiving -- Praise is due to you, O God, in Zion.
- Ascension -- Clap your hands, all you peoples.
This is part of a three-book set on exploring the message of the
Hugh H. Drennan is a Presbyterian minister serving in the
Oakland-Cambridge Presbyterian church in Cambridge, Wisconsin. He
is a graduate of the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary,
Dubuque. Iowa.
Worship must be directly connected to our daily lives," writes
George A. Nye. "It must address our fears, our hopes, even our
"Old Wine In New Skins" provides pastors many resources to make the
connection. These include 66 calls to worship, 13 preparations for
pastoral prayers, and 52 reflections.
Calls to worship categories include:
- With praise and celebration
- Using traditional hymns and praise hymns
- Relating to a story
- With a commitment theme
- Involving personal preparation
- By season
A preparation for pastoral prayer section helps pastors broaden a
congregation's understanding of how to approach God in prayer.
Thirteen "preparations" are provided, including one for
Fifty-two short reflections cover eight major themes for countless
pastoral uses. These are easily adopted for mini-devotions, sermon
illustrations, and newsletter meditations.
George A. Nye, Medford, Oregon, is senior pastor of the Eastwood
Baptist Church. He graduated from Willamette University, Salem,
Oregon, and holds a master's of divinity degree from American
Baptist Seminary of the West, Berkeley, California. He has pastored
churches in Washington, Idaho, Utah, and Oregon.
"Death took me. I found myself in an empty, dark void. I don't
remember anything of it, just emptiness. Then I heard his voice,
"Lazarus, come out " Jesus called me from death to life. Struggling
through the darkness, I came out of my tomb." (from Lazarus'
personal confession)
Using the theme "confessions" this resource offers 12 worship
options to enhance your congregation's Holy Week and Easter
The journey begins with a Palm Sunday worship service and the
confession of Lazarus. Resources are also offered for Maundy
Thursday, Good Friday, and various Saturday and Sunday services.
Two communion services for Easter Sunday and an Easter message,
"The Sun Has Risen, Behold -- The Risen Son " conclude the series.
Stephen and Cynthia Cowen, Escanaba, Michigan, have worked together
to develop many creative worship resources for their congregations.
The husband-wife team is active in the Northern Great Lakes Synod
of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Cynthia is author of
many CSS books. This is the first CSS book jointly authored by the
Inspiring stories of Padre Pio's miracles, clairvoyance and
Capuchin monk and spiritual leader, Padre Pio (1887-1968), is known
and venerated throughout the world. Drawn by his stigmata (bodily
wounds similar to those of the crucified Christ) and by his
extraordinary powers of spiritual and physical healing, literally
millions of people have made their way to his little monastery in
Italy from every corner of the globe.
"Tales of Padre Pio" is a collection of first-hand accounts of
various meetings with this humble and holy friar. Driven by
curiosity and a bit of skepticism, the author first sought out
Padre Pio some forty years ago and soon became a fervent disciple.
Convinced of the man's saintliness, he remained a close confidant
until Pio's death. As fascinating and inspiring as these stories
are, they represent just a small portion of the countless miracles
attributed to Pio. "The full extent of his authentic miracles will,
however, never be known," the author reminds us. "But the example
and spiritual splendor of his life," McCaffery continues, "is there
for all to see. And that life, his attributes, and those works
which we know constitute a tremendous rebuttal of all the blind and
stupidly presumptuous godlessness of our present age."
This book is a most distinguished addition to the Image line and
will be warmly welcomed for the spiritual riches it contains. In
addition, students of ESP and mystical phenomena will find "Tales
of Padre Pio" especially provocative, stimulating, and truly
A riveting work reflecting on the characteristics of Gregorian
chant that have attracted the attention of so many: its permanence,
beauty, and history, as well as its liturgical, sacred, and
philosophical qualities.
Includes for each hymn in the Hymnal historical background of text
and tune; suggested uses for today;name origin;text/tune changes
over the years; commentary on Hymnal treatment; and theological
base of texts.
The Psalms are wonderful sources of encouragement, enlightenment,
and strength. This series explores the Psalms for Cycle C of the
Common Lectionary using New Revised Standard Version of the Bible
Each meditation is in three parts. First is the Psalm itself.
Second is the alternate image, offering readers new insights to
stimulate their vision of the Psalms. Third is the reflection
section, offering a short analysis and comment on the passage.
"Aids to the Psalms" is appropriate for liturgical aids, Sermon
starters, personal and group meditation, and Christian education.
Among the Psalms of Cycle C are:
- Psalm 8 -- O Lord, our Sovereign, how majestic is your name in
all the earth.
- Psalm 23 -- The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.
- Psalm 51 -- Have mercy on me, O God.
- Psalm 100 -- Make a joyful noise to the Lord.
This is part of a three-book set on exploring the message of the
Hugh H. Drennan is a Presbyterian minister serving in the
Oakland-Cambridge Presbyterian Church in Cambridge, Wisconsin. He
is a graduate of the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary,
Dubuque, Iowa.
Brilliant and forceful, Charles Abel was one of the most acclaimed
missionaries in the South Pacific. His Kwato Mission, founded in
1891, became virtually a state within a state in Milne Bay, Papua
New Guinea. The influence of Kwato remained long after the Mission
itself began to decline, with descendants of Mission families
playing significant roles in the formation of the independent
nation of Papua New Guinea during the 1960s and 1970s. Charles Abel
contributes to contemporary debate on the role of missions in the
expansion of empire. David Wetherell has drawn on unpublished
documents to produce a fascinating portrait of this controversial
man and the dynasty he founded.
A blend of case history, anecdote, history, and spiritual quest, this intimate and fascinating look at the world's oldest and most reclusive monastic order provides a rare understanding of day-to-day Trappist existence.
Here is a fresh library of resources to help the busy pastor or
worship planner prepare for the season of Lent and for Easter Day.
Included are orders of worship, model homilies, scripture and hymn
suggestions, and historical and theological reflections for:
- Ash Wednesday
- The Lenten Season
- Palm Sunday
- Maundy Thursday
- Good Friday
- Easter Vigil
- Easter Day
Complete sermons are provided for Ash Wednesday, Lent, Palm Sunday,
Good Friday, and Easter Day. Copying privileges are included, so
that the original purchaser may duplicate any resource in this book
which would prove useful in worship planning in the local setting.
Gary Houston is a United Methodist clergyperson with a prior
ordination in the Episcopal Church. He holds a Ph.D. in Tibetan
Studies. This unusual background combined with a rural Southern
Indiana pedigree flavors all of his books. His other publications
include "The Cross and the Lotus "(editor), "Wings of the White
Crane," "The Bsam-yas Debate," "Cowherding Christians" (CSS), and
"Six Presents From God" (CSS).
"Kenneth Burcham... gives abundant information about the background
of worship forms. He helps readers approach the parts of a worship
service with a good sense of interpretation and meaning. I
recommend its use with classes of lay people who are interested in
growth in their spirit."
Harriet Miller, Administrator
First United Methodist Church
Dayton, Ohio
"The Wings of Worship" is an excellent introductory study course
for congregations to gain a greater understanding of the people's
role in public worship.
Ten sessions are offered in the course with each focusing on a
different element of worship. Discussion questions conclude each
Topics include:
- Traditional worship
- Liturgical year
- Tools of worship
- Sacraments
- Rituals and celebrations
- Creeds and prayers
The book includes evaluation forms, a questionnaire on worship, and
a bibliography section.
Kenneth R. Burcham is pastor of the United Methodist Church, West
College Corner, Indiana. He is a graduate of Ball State University.
Asbury Theological Seminary and United Theological Seminary. This
is his first book published by CSS.
"At last A practical planning tool for use by those responsible for
implementing corporate worship There's just enough information to
get you in the mood of each liturgical season, then lots and lots
of suggestions for creative and exciting worship."
Fred S. Mortensen, Pastor
Education Advent Lutheran Church, Boca Raton, Florida
"This is a carefully planned presentation that offers the liturgist
a concise way of journaling through the seasons, keeping record of
hymns, lessons, prayers, and themes each year. The special notes
allow for "food for thought.""
Hannah M. Howe
Associate Pastor United Congregational Church, Tolland,
"My Worship Planner And Organizer" is the best friend of the
pastor, organist, church secretary, choir director, and worship
committee when it comes to keeping worship records and reference.
Its focus is Sunday worship. Each Sunday has two pages available
for taking notes and reference.
You will find Sunday by Sunday:
- Cycle A, B, and C, gospel, first and second lesson lectionary
text listings for Revised Common, Episcopal, Lutheran, and Roman
- Countless hymn possibilities based on the lectionary.
- Invaluable liturgical information, at your fingertips.
You may record Sunday by Sunday (for three years):
- Hymns used
- Special music
- Sermon titles
- Attendance
- Special notations for any Sunday
Gloria M. Meurant is a Lutheran layperson residing in Delray Beach,
Lent is a time when many Christians approach the cross. This Lenten
series approaches the cross from many different directions.
Author Cynthia E. Cowen explores the cross with meditations and
orders of service for Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday,
Good Friday, Easter vigil, and Easter sunrise.
Themes in the series include:
- The cross of repentance
- The cross of salvation
- The cross of destiny
- The cross of commitment
- Crossroads (Easter vigil)
- What's on your Easter menu? (Easter sunrise)
A communion service is provided in the Ash Wednesday order of
Cynthia E. Cowen is a resource person for youth, women and
clergy/lay ministers. She is mission growth chairperson of the
Synodical women's Organization of the Northern Great Lakes synod of
women of the ELCA. She is a graduate of Northern Michigan
University, Marquette, Michigan.
Shalom means much more than prosperity, more than a sense of
well-being, and more than quiet and calmness. It is more than the
absence of stress and much more than peace. It is a peace that
surpasses understanding; it is a promised gift. This book of
eloquent poems, monologues, and worship resources is about the
search for shalom.
This resource will help pastors and visitors in their ministry
with the sick and the dying. It is designed for use by any person,
ordained or lay, who is engaged in any ministry of care.
The Presbyterian Supplemental Liturgical Resource (SLT) series
includes liturgies that were used on a trial basis in preparation
for the development of the "Book of Common Worship." Though
superseded by the "Book of Common Worship," SLR resources remain
valuable, both for the variety of liturgical texts they contain and
for the commentary on the text, which contains rich historical,
theological, and practical background.
This all new collection of prayers will involve each member of your
congregation in an informal, first-person personal style that
demands individual accountability (which corporate prayer too often
allows us to avoid), and encourages the sense of community upon
which Christian worship is built -- affirming "that, as we gather
for worship, we are both individual seekers and believers and also
the Body of Christ."
Included are original Prayers of Confession for each Sunday, and
special days, throughout the church year, developed as a result of
the author's nearly twenty years in campus and parish ministries.
Whether read aloud or contemplated silently, these tried and proven
prayers will add a freshly honest, contemporary texture to your
Sunday morning worship -- or provide meaningful insight for Bible
study classes and personal devotions.
David L. Wade has served thirteen years as an ecumenical campus
minister at Ball State University, Muncie, Indiana, and is
currently a United Church of Christ pastor in Rock Spring, Wyoming.