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Books > Religion & Spirituality > Aspects of religions (non-Christian) > Religious institutions & organizations > General
This is a pre-1923 historical reproduction that was curated for quality. Quality assurance was conducted on each of these books in an attempt to remove books with imperfections introduced by the digitization process. Though we have made best efforts - the books may have occasional errors that do not impede the reading experience. We believe this work is culturally important and have elected to bring the book back into print as part of our continuing commitment to the preservation of printed works worldwide.
This book is about the subtle abusive behavior of churches and false pastors. It describes the inside jobs that are being done to all levels of parishioners year after year. It is the sad but true story of my journey as a new Christian leading up to ministerial positions. It also describes how was able to overcome the deepest level of spiritual abuse. My hurt turned into a passion to see others healed and helped through their abuse. This book also reaches out to abusers via amnesty. It reaches out to all church goers. It's a book of love, encouragement, and a book of hope to believers all over the world.
Help Overcoming Painful Experiences (H.O.P.E.) is a Bible-based, 501(c)(3) non profit organization. Our mission is to provide a safe place to work through the emotional issues that hinder us from fully embracing God, others and life with enthusiasm. Our vision is to help people of all ages overcome their emotional pain and go on to experience a life transformation through our care, support, encouragement and the hope in Jesus Christ. Ultimately, our purpose is to set people free from their emotional bondage so they can live the fulfilled, victorious life God intended and designed them to live. To accomplish our mission, vision and purpose, we developed a small group based, three level model of transformation. During our program (which consists of two books, Doorway to H.O.P.E. and Names of H.O.P.E.), our members are paired with a Spiritual and Emotional Coach (SPEe. "The Spiritual and Emotional Coach's Guide" was written to prepare and empower our SPECs for service by providing them with the information and tools necessary to have a life changing impact in this crucial role.
The most vital question confronting the church in America at the turn of the century is whether it can, in the face of modern society, remember who it is, what it is called to do, and, especially, whose it is. In this volume Ronald Vallet explores the biblical basis for stewardship, with major emphasis on God's promises and commands, to help congregations become the households of God that he intends them to be. Vallet also deals with fantasies and fears about money in the congregation, the central role that authentic worship plays in focusing congregations on God, the proper roles of pastors and laity, and the prevailing concepts and practices of modern culture that can entangle today's churches.
It is appropriate for us Latterday Saints to desire spiritual experiences, if we want them for the right reasons. The Prophet Joseph Smith demonstrated this when, at the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, he prayed: "let thy house be filled with a mighty rushing wind, with thy glory." Joseph specifically "asked" for a heavenly experience. Of course, his faith had waxed strong in the Lord; but then again, shouldn't ours? So writes Andrew S. Weeks in "Spiritual Temples: Heavenly Experiences in the Houses of God," a thought-provoking, inspiring book that is also studiously and reverently researched. Weeks writes about the history of temple worship and its restoration in the latter days, which sparked a stream of heavenly manifestations given to prophets and other faithful saints, fulfilling the Lord's words that temples are "consecrated" for "obtaining revelations." Present-day temple building, the future of temple work, and worthiness are also discussed. "I will appear unto my servants, and speak unto them with mine own voice," the Lord promised, "if my people will keep my commandments, and do not pollute this holy house." "Spiritual Temples" supports the premise that, whether through inspiration or direct manifestation, heavenly experiences are available to temple visitors today.
Understanding the way the Bible was impacted by human culture as it was produced is crucial if we are to understand God's message for us today. Human culture impacted the Scriptures over the centuries they were being produced. Different cultural contexts are present within the Scriptures, and contemporary global cultures impact the way Scripture is interpreted and applied today around the world. If we fail to understand the significance of human culture in the production, presentation and interpretation of God's Word, we run the risk of confused and irrelevant interpretations that are not central to a vital biblical faith that is culturally appropriate for contemporary believers in God's global community of faith.
A college text for missions students interested in the anthoroplogical study of worldview and its practical applications in missions and multiethnic ministry. Covers the history and theory of worldview studies from an anthroplolgocal perspective, including the role of worldview in the development of culture, and worldview as it relates to cross-cultural communication, ethnohermeneutics, cross-cultural counseling and conflict resolution, cross-cultural evangelism, and multiethnic churches.
What does it mean to be a missionary in the world today. Dr. Griffiths challenges those who may have not seriously thought about missions before, confronting them with the prospects of a life spent in cross-cultural missionary service. He also helps those who are already missionary candidates to assess their inner thoughts wisely and to face their futures confidently yet realistically. The purpose of this book is to motivate toward mmission in a persuasive and intelligent way through (1) giving a theological motivation rooted in the character of God; (2) indicating the necessary sacrifice involved, but also describing the cultural and spiritual enrichment arising from missionary service; and (3) carefully explaning the missionary call, showing young adults ways to achieve both inward and outward confirmation of their calling. Michael Griffiths has served as General Director of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship, Principal of London Bible College.
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With Islam making headway in winning believers, Christians in an ever-increasing number are deeply involved in study to find out why they believe the things they do. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Like detectives investigating to find the "facts," they are finding many of their traditional beliefs inconsistent with what the Bible reveals. Does one actually have a soul-and is it immortal? What does the Bible reveal? What does history have to say? These are just a few of the questions being asked among many more spoken on in this book. Millions of Christians agree that their end-time fate rests upon the beliefs they have. Their response has been to study the Bible. This book, while not the last word, attempts to bring out the basis for its conclusions. It is a book that will help the ordinary student of the Bible who sits in the pews of a church every Sunday to develop a deeper understanding of their beliefs. What is written in this book is presented in a strong enough way to justify its acceptance, yet in so doing does not discredit those who can't accept it for whatever reason. You Decide.
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world's literature.
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world's literature.
This scarce antiquarian book is included in our special Legacy Reprint Series. In the interest of creating a more extensive selection of rare historical book reprints, we have chosen to reproduce this title even though it may possibly have occasional imperfections such as missing and blurred pages, missing text, poor pictures, markings, dark backgrounds and other reproduction issues beyond our control. Because this work is culturally important, we have made it available as a part of our commitment to protecting, preserving and promoting the world's literature.
The Rev. Jean Pierre de Caussade was one of the most remarkable spiritual writers of the Society of Jesus in France in the 18th Century. His death took place at Toulouse in 1751-His works have gone through many editions and have been repubished, and translated into several foreign languages. The present book gives an English translation of the tenth French Edition of Fr. de Caussade's "Abandon a la Providence-Divine" edited, to the great benefit of many souls, by Fr, H. Ramiere, S.J. A portion of this remarkable work in English has already appeared in America, but many readers, to whom this precious little book has become a favourite, will welcome a complete translation, especially as what has already appeared in the EngUsh version may be considered as merely the theoretical part, whilst the "Letters of Direction" which form the greater portion of the present work give the practical part. They answer objections, solve difficulties, and give practical advice. The book thus gains considerably in value and utility.
Evangelizing Immigrants is an investigation into why so many immigrants become Christians after immigrating to America. After discussing immigration trends and statistics, as well as the challenges of immigration, Dr. Rogers discusses the results of 50 interviews he conducted with immigrants from seven different cultural contexts who were converted to a conservative protestant expression of the Christian faith after arriving in the U.S. Each interviewee explains why he or she was converted and offers advice to church leaders who want to work effectively with immigrants. Ministers who lead immigrant churches are also interviewed and provide advice for effective outreach in immigrant communities. In synthesizing the results of his research, Dr. Rogers does not offer a step-by-step program for immigrant outreach (because such a thing is not possible), but provides a foundational way for church leaders to think about how to serve this important and growing segment of the American population.
Kessinger Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!
Here is a carefully researched yet accessible study by Luther E. Smith, Jr. of five religious communities -- Church of the Messiah, Koinonia Partners, Patchwork Central, Sojourners, and Voice of Calvary.
Stewardship: The Proven Path: Fund-raising Principles for Church Capital Campaigns is the first book by the national fund raising specialist James D. Klote. After years of educating churches one at a time, he felt called to put his experience and educational information into an easy to read, simple to follow format. He wants churches to achieve their goals in mission in ministry This inside look at the complexities of a Capital Campaign offers the unique perspective of his 20 years of experience with churches. The anecdotes throughout the book highlight the lessons he has learned along the way so you don't have to learn them. This easy to understand description of his practical and straightforward approach to a Capital Campaign will make you wonder why it is not the most common approach to fund raising.He describes in detail the process of conducting the campaign, complete with sample campaign prayers. However, he offers a warning to not attempt a campaign on your own if you have needs greater than one times your annual giving. Outlined are the most common mistakes made by churches attempting campaigns on their own and those made by part-time fund raising consulting firms.You will be convinced that there is more to a Capital Campaign than you might imagine and the guidance of a full time consultant is the key to Capital Campaign success.
The Author's Account Of His Travels To Monasteries Of The Mediterranean And Mid-East Area, Including Egypt, Jerusalem, Athos As Well As Details Of Native People, Their Beliefs.
Forty years ago, Toolan composed the words and music of the famous hymn I Am the Bread of Life, performed in 25 languages worldwide. Today, Toolan is one of the most respected writers of religious hymns in the world; the story behind her work sparks creativity in other artists and musicians. (Motivation)
"An old dog (galu wamkota) does not dig for nothing," so the proverb says. The two authors, one from America (with 45 years in Zambia); the other from Zambia, explore the encounter of the Christian faith with African Traditional Religion, treating concept(s) of God, the world of the spirits, of powers and witchcraft, and then how the Bible can be translated into the language of Zambia and Malawi taking into account both changes in concepts of translation and in society
This is the first book by a Malawian woman theologian. First released in 1997 it won an honorable mention in the Noma Award for Publishing in Africa in 1998 and is now updated here with a new introduction by the author. The study traces the struggles and contribution of Chewa women to the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian. Amongst the topics are female mediumships in traditional religion, post-missionary developments in Chigwirizano, womens attempts to achieve some public manifestation of their personal relatioship to God in open ministry, and the current women's organisation in Nkhoma Synod. Dr. Isabel Apawo Phiri is in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at the University of Malawi. |
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