Books > Religion & Spirituality > Christianity > Protestantism & Protestant Churches > Other Protestant & Nonconformist Churches > General
The South has been the standard focus of Reconstruction, but
reconstruction following the Civil War was not a distinctly
Southern experience. In the post-Civil War West, American Indians
also experienced reconstruction through removal to reservations and
assimilation to Christianity, and Latter-day Saints-Mormons-saw
government actions to force the end of polygamy under threat of
disestablishing the church. These efforts to bring nonconformist
Mormons into the American mainstream figure in the more familiar
scheme of the federal government's reconstruction-aimed at
rebellious white Southerners and uncontrolled American Indians. In
this volume, more than a dozen contributors look anew at the scope
of the reconstruction narrative and offer a unique perspective on
the history of the Latter-day Saints. Marshaled by editors Clyde A.
Milner II and Brian Q. Cannon, these writers explore why the
federal government wanted to reconstruct Latter-day Saints, when
such efforts began, and how the initiatives compare with what
happened with white Southerners and American Indians. Other
contributions examine the effect of the government's policies on
Mormon identity and sense of history. Why, for example, do
Latter-day Saints not have a Lost Cause? Do they share a resentment
with American Indians over the loss of sovereignty? And were
nineteenth-century Mormons considered to be on the "wrong" side of
a religious line, but not a "race line"? The authors consider these
and other vital questions and topics here. Together, and in
dialogue with one another, their work suggests a new way of
understanding the regional, racial, and religious dynamics of
reconstruction-and, within this framework, a new way of thinking
about the creation of a Mormon historical identity.
Sara Moslener sheds light on the contemporary purity movement by
examining how earlier movements established the rhetorical and
moral frameworks utilized by two of today's leading purity
organizations, True Loves Waits and Silver Ring Thing. Her
investigation reveals that purity work over the last two centuries
has developed in concert with widespread fears of changing
traditional gender roles and sexual norms, national decline, and
global apocalypse. In Virgin Nation Moslener highlights various
points in U.S. history when evangelical beliefs and values have
seemed to provide viable explanations for and solutions to
widespread cultural crises, resulting in the growth of their
cultural and political influence. By asserting a causal
relationship between sexual immorality, national decline, and
apocalyptic anticipation, leaders have shaped a purity rhetoric
that positions Protestant evangelicalism as the salvation of
American civilization. Nineteenth-century purity reformers,
Moslener shows, utilized a nationalist discourse that drew upon
racialized and sexualized fears of national decline and pointed to
sexual immorality as the cause of Anglo-Saxon decline, and national
decay. In the early to mid-twentieth century, fundamentalist
leaders such as Billy Graham and Carl F.H. Henry sought to
establish an intellectually sound millennialist theology that
linked sexual immorality, national vulnerability, and the
expectation of imminent nuclear apocalypse. Then with the
resurgence of Christian fundamentalism in the 1970s, formerly
apolitical social conservatives found themselves swayed by the
nationalist and prophetic ideologies of the Moral Majority, which
also linked sexual immorality to national decline and pending
apocalypse. However, millennialist theologies, relevant at the
height of the cold war, had mostly disappeared from political
discourse by the 1970s when the Red Scare began to fade from
popular consciousness. For contemporary purity advocates, says
Moslener, the main obstacle to moral and national restoration is
sexual immorality, a cultural blight traceable to the excesses of
the sexual revolution of the 1960s. Today the movement positions
the adolescents who embody sexual purity as an embattled sexual
minority poised to save America from the repercussions of its own
moral turpitude, with or without government assistance.