Books > Mind, Body & Spirit > Psychic powers, ESP > General
Using tarot cards is a time-honoured way to see the patterns of the
past, explore the potential of what is to come and predict your
future, now use them to connect with your spirit animal. Use this
inspirational book and complete deck of 78 tarot cards to connect
with your inner spirit animal. Every card in the deck has been
assigned its own animal from the major arcana cards to all the
cards in the four suits. Within, you will find a full-page
description of each card, its associated meaning and animal advice.
For more inspiration, there are messages and guidance on how to
read and interpret the cards. Do you respond to the Horse, spirit
of freedom and inspired adventurer? Or are you spiritually
connected to the Sea Turtle, intuitive, loving and led by the
heart? With rich illustrations by Ola Liola, these spirit animals
will help you achieve a deeper understanding of yourself and your
Are you a Lightworker?
It is the Lightworkers' mission to lend their light energy to a
planet heavy with fear and negativity. But Lightworkers aren't all
well known spiritual gurus. They are musicians and artists,
shopkeepers, accountants, stay-at-home moms, and people you pass on
the street. They share their gifts by speaking out for those who
have no voice and they create glorious works of art that beautify
our planet or write music that elevates our spirits. Many have
forgotten their divine purpose; they live among us unaware of who
they really are. Although it's not always obvious who these
Lightworkers are, nor is it easy to recognize or understand their
special qualities, one thing is certain: the Earth is more in need
of them than ever before.
Lightworker will help you discover:
The true origin of your soul and what your unique gifts are
How anxiety, depression, or addiction can be symptomatic of the
Lightworker's highly acute nature
Understand your sensitivities and recognize them as extrasensory
How to use these qualities as healing gifts Lightworker will change
the way you view your life, your challenges, and your own place in
the world.
Lightworker will change the way you view your life, your
challenges, and your own place in the world.
What is spirituality? Does it enable us to be better persons? Is
spirituality related to religion? These days, is it even relevant?
On college campuses, does it promote student well-being? Does it
further moral growth? Can spirituality make a difference in
healthcare? What about social justice and service to the
marginalized? This rich collection of essays by respected scholars
and practitioners in diverse fields in academic, healthcare, social
justice, and interfaith contexts addresses these questions in
strikingly profound and meaningful ways. Their voices offer
alternatives to the prevailing notion of spirituality as a purely
private matter, and make a case for living spiritually through deep
and genuine engagement with others, bridging our inherent and
original fault-line of Self and Other. Their keen observations
resuscitate the spiritual fabric of defiance against and liberation
from forces of oppression which show their face not only through
chronic inequities and social injustice but in consumer
capitalism's grip on our souls. This volume's dispatch to our minds
and hearts is timely in an age of looming cynicism, pessimism,
fear, and distrust. In carving out a renewed sense of what lies at
the heart of living a life of the spirit, or spirituality, it
offers an antidote to our widespread hermeneutic of suspicion. None
of the authors claims to encapsulate one, pure meaning of the
spiritual. Yet they share one collective voice: spirituality is
indeed genuine when it calls forth compassion and wears the worn
and tangled face of humaneness, freeing ourselves from the prison
of ego. Here we find messages of hope, much needed in a time when
our society seems increasingly shadowed by dark clouds. These
essays remind us of what's right in the world.
Our loved ones are still with us even after they ve passed to the
other side. Psychic medium Sherrie Dillard shares dozens of amazing
case studies that show how the power of love transcends the veil
between this world and the next. You will also discover exercises
and meditations for healing grief and continuing the soul journey
you are on with your family and friends who have passed away. I m
Still With You shares breathtaking insights into the life review
process that occurs on the other side and shows how that process
uplifts and influences surviving loved ones. This comforting book
also provides suggestions to help you move through the grieving
process and guides you into a transformative soul-to-soul journey
with your cherished family and friends.
La parapsychologie entre le marteau et l'enclume Ce livre pionnier
presente le resume de plusieurs annees de recherche scientifique,
de laboratoire et theorique, sur les phenomenes paranormaux en
general et les merveilles du soufisme islamique connues par les
miracles en particulier. Et le livre observe les miracles a la
lumiere des nouvelles connaissances dans la parapsychologie et les
branches des sciences traditionnelles concernees, en soutenant ses
propositions avec plus de trois cent cinquante references
scientifiques specialisees. De plus, le livre evalue les theories
et les methodes de recherche dans la parapsychologie du point de
vue de la pensee soufie representee par la Tariqa Casnazaniyyah. Et
le livre explique en detail l'etat de paralysie totale auquel la
parapsychologie est parvenue a cause d'avoir une tendance
materialiste pure representee par sa tentative faite pour vider les
phenomenes paranormaux de tous leurs constituants spirituels en -
les humanisant -, car elle suppose que l'homme est la source, le
centre et l'axe de tous les pouvoirs paranormaux. Le livre traite
l'etude complete qu'ont faite les deux auteurs d'un genre
particulier de predispositions paranormales que les maitres de la
Tariqa Casnazaniyyah ont permis a leurs disciples de les produire
et elles sont les activites connues par - la guerison paranormale
des lesions corporelles produites intentionnellement -. Durant leur
pratique de la guerison paranormale des lesions corporelles
produites intentionnellement, les disciples exposent leurs corps
intentionnellement a des blessures qui sont dans les circonstances
ordinaires tres dangereuses, plutot elles sont le plus souvent
mortelles, mais sans qu'ils subissent un mal. Et le livre traite
l'etude des phenomenes de la guerison paranormale des lesions
corporelles produites intentionnellement du point de vue des
sciences modernes, en montrant l'influence positive et grande que
peut avoir l'etude de ces phenomenes sur plusieurs sciences. Le
sujet de ce livre pionnier le rend le premier dans son genre non
seulement au niveau du monde arabe mais aussi au niveau
The fast, easy way to start using the incredible power of crystals
for health, divination and wellbeing from crystal expert Judy Hall.
Crystals have long been know to have unique healing and energetic
properties but how can we use them in our day-to-day lives?
Discover a powerful distillation of Judy Hall's wisdom in this
short, practical guide to using the remarkable powers of crystals.
You'll look at a wide range specific crystals so that no matter
whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced crystal
worker, you'll find something here to inspire and excite you. This
book also looks at a huge variety of uses for crystals including
chakra clearing, avoiding pollutants in your home and in the wider
environment and for meditation. Each day, you'll discover a
different aspect of crystals, so you build skills to use across a
variety of applications. Every day includes a practical activity to
expand your sensitivity to crystal energy and help you explore its
potential. In just 21 days, you will have learnt about a wide
spectrum of crystal possibilities. Studies have shown it takes only
21 days for a new habit to take root. If there's a skill you've
always wanted to take advantage of, the answer is only a few weeks
away with Hay House's 21 Days Series.
The chakras are vibrant, coloured energy wheels or centres of
spiritual power, located within the subtle body, through which our
life energy flows. This beautifully illustrated little book will
help you to awaken your chakras to improve your physical health,
balance energies and resolve physical, emotional and spiritual
issues. With detailed descriptions of the chakras and their
associations and easy-to follow exercises and activities, you will
learn how to work with each of these powerful centres of energy to
enhance all aspects of your life.
This invaluable resource weaves together mediumship, magick,
spiritualism, and ancestral reverence to forge a strong connection
to your deceased loved ones. Professional medium Danielle Dionne
provides handson exercises and accessible techniques for both
honouring your ancestors and working with them for divination and
healing. Magickal Mediumship shows you how connecting with the
spirits of the dead enhances your spiritual development and
magickal practice in many empowering and comforting ways. You ll
explore recipes and rites to aid communication and psychic ability,
rituals to strengthen your relationship with spirit allies and
deities, methods for spiritual hygiene and protection, and much
more. This book helps you partner with those beyond the veil and
face death as a positive and natural part of your magick.
Discover how to use crystals in conjunction with Reiki healing
for a powerful, holistic therapy that will improve your
health and quality of life. Leading crystal expert Philip Permutt
shows how Reiki healing and crystal therapy can be combined
for effective self-healing and improved wellbeing. At the
simplest level, you can charge a crystal with Reiki energy and then
carry it with you or give it to someone in need of support, but
this groundbreaking book goes well beyond that. As well as learning
how to select and prepare crystals, you will discover the intricate
and effective Crystal Reiki grids that will dissolve blocked and
stagnant energy, remove negative energy, such as stress, from the
body and boost the body’s natural self-healing for a range of
common health conditions. In this comprehensive guide, Philip
identifies 101 crystals that work exceptionally well when combined
with Reiki energy. Arranged in colour groups, healing and
metaphysical properties, chakra associations and Reiki symbol
connections are given for each one. There are also in-depth
profiles of quartz crystal, amethyst and ruby – three of the most
common and effective crystals used by Reiki Masters.
Punished is the inspiring true story of an unusual little girl,
Vanessa, whose childhood was devastated by torture and abuse at the
hands of her sadistic mother. Vanessa was nearly destroyed until
she discovered a secret that ultimately saved her life.
From the age of 3, Vanessa lived in daily terror of her mother's
unpredictable rage. If she was 'naughty', her mother would lash out
at her with beatings, torture, starvation and making Vanessa sleep
in their garden's pigsty, tied up like an animal. Her mother said
her punishments were God's revenge on her for being the devil's
child. Her father lived in denial of her suffering.
When she was 6 years old, Vanessa's grandfather began to
sexually abuse her to her despair, aided and abetted by both her
mother and grandmother. At eight years old, she then discovered
that the 'mother' who hated her so much had adopted her as a baby
and would never love her as her own.
At the most horrific times of Vanessa's abuse, she nearly lost
all hope that she would escape her prison, until mysterious things
started to happen to her that allowed her to fight back.
This is the story of how Vanessa survived a childhood that
nearly destroyed her and how her secret led her out of the horrors
of her past."
Simple and effective ways to use crystals in order to boost and
protect your personal energy field, helping you feel healthier,
calmer and revitalized. This book has all the crystals and tools
you need to clear, heal and protect your energy field and
environment, whether you feel your relationships drain your energy,
you struggle to set boundaries, or your body is under attack from
pollutants or technology overload. You'll discover: * The effect of
electromagnetic stress on your energy field * Crystal solutions to
balance the chakras and subtle bodies * How to strengthen your
boundaries and protect yourself from toxic energy * Crystals to
help you clean and clear the space around you * All you need to
know to understand your energy field and ground yourself on the
planet This is an expanded and updated edition of the book
previously titled Crystals for Psychic Self-Protection with a new,
stunning selection of colour photographs and a new section on
'Understanding Your Energy Field'. 'Crystal guru Judy Hall has put
together yet another simple manual, this time to reveal how
powerful gems can protect and enhance energy levels.' Soul &
Spirit magazine
This book is a complete guide to transforming your life by working
with energy. Discover how to clear inappropriate energy and how to
maintain healthy energy in yourself, your home, your workplace, and
other shared or public spaces. Explore techniques for personal
clearing, chording, shielding, supporting the spirit of a place,
clearing clutter, setting intentions, and addressing the elements.
Like any kind of hygiene, spiritual well-being depends on
consistent attention and good habits. Modern Guide to Energy
Clearing provides the basic techniques you need to create a life of
peace and abundance.
A guide to deciphering your spiritual lineage * Investigates the
roles, energies, and essence of 12 Ascended Masters and how each of
them holds a strand of our spiritual DNA * Traces the
reincarnations of Ascended Masters Mother Mary and St. Germain
through history, depicting the positive and shadow aspects of their
archetypal energies * Offers charts that allow you to find out
which Ascended Master you relate to and thus discover your own
direct connection to the Divine DO YOU KNOW what Imhotep, Homer,
and Nikola Tesla have in common? All three are said to be
influential incarnations of Ascended Master St. Germain. How can we
tell? Guided by renowned mystics, Carmel Niland suggests that, just
as we carry physical DNA that shapes us across generations, we also
carry an energetic code or spiritual DNA that links us back to the
very source of our origins -- God -- a divine ancestry that
throughout the centuries conveys itself in patterns of behavior,
character traits, and life purpose, connecting each individual to a
specific Ascended Master. The God essence expresses itself through
archetypal energies in us, represented by 12 Ascended Masters who
hold the 12 strands of our spiritual DNA. Thus, every person on
this earth, no matter how ordinary or extraordinary, is an aspect
of one of these Masters. Focusing on Mother Mary and St. Germain,
Our Spiritual DNA explores the role, energies, and essence of these
12 Masters by examining some of history's most important figures
who have been instrumental in shaping our world. Hitherto unknown
details about the lives of personalities like Queen Nefertiti,
Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, Merlin, Isabelle of Castile, and Dante
emerge in channeled conversations with the author's spiritual
guide, The Gatekeeper. Revolutionizing the Western view of
reincarnation, this astounding book allows you to trace your own
spiritual DNA through the reincarnations of the Ascended Masters,
understand your spiritual and genetic connection to God, and
realize that we are all divinely connected across gender, race, and
Practical Magic is a charmed introduction to the wonders of modern
magic and mysticism, from crystals and astrology to chakras, dream
interpretation, and, of course, a few spells! Focusing on three
primary areas -- healing, magic, and fortunetelling -- this books
provides the perfect primer for sophisticated dabblers, with
inviting text and spell-binding illustrations. Clear introductions
on trending topics, like herbal tonics and astrological charts, are
paired with home remedies, hands-on instructions, and suggested
rituals in a chic, stylish format that will capture the
imaginations of good witches of all ages.
James Van Praagh enjoys an extraordinary gift - he can communicate
with the spirits of men, women, children and animals who have died.
Possessing the rare ability to bridge the gap between the physical
and spiritual worlds, he provides comfort to those who have lost
loved ones and brings back powerful messages from the other side.
In this inspiring book, he shows us what lies beyond our visible
world and answers our most profound questions about life after
death. Part spiritual memoir and part instructional guide, this
international bestseller offers a powerful and inspiring message
about the world beyond. Filled with hope and enlightenment about
our spiritual future, it is a book that will change the way you
look at death and life.