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Books > Law > International law > International criminal law
EU enforcement agencies are on the rise, entrusted with investigating breaches of EU law. What are the implications for legal practice of their increasing prominence? This books explores this pertinent question from a comparative perspective. Looking at issues of accountability and legitimacy, it sets out the perimeters on the agencies. Moving beyond the constitutional realm, it examines procedural questions such as admissibility of evidence. Given the very real implications of the agencies' investigations, this book will appeal to practitioners and scholars, in fields from criminal law to competition and banking law.
Hague Academic Press, a T.M.C. Asser Press imprint Children and young persons are increasingly being targeted for trafficking, sexual exploitation, recruitment as child soldiers, and other abuses. Children prove to be particularly vulnerable in situations of armed conflict, such as Darfur, the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Philippines, Nepal, and Colombia. A rich combination of practitioners (including ICC, ICTY and SCSL prosecutors) and academics explore to what extent international law instruments and international criminal accountability mechanisms are useful for countering violations of children's rights during and after armed conflicts. They also analyze to what extent the tendency of profiling children's rights much more strongly than before (mainly under the umbrella of the 1989 UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and in the form of child rights-based approaches) converges with the features of international criminal accountability mechanisms such as the International Criminal Court, the Yugoslavia and Rwanda Tribunals, and the Special Court for Sierra Leone.
The 'Europeanisation' of the fight against crime is a broad and much-contested notion. This in-depth analysis of the role of the EU in fighting crime within the area of freedom, security and justice explores the impact of EU policies in the Member States, the progressive convergence of Member States' criminal law systems, the emergence of mutual recognition as an alternative to harmonization, and the incremental development of the ECJ's jurisdiction. The essays also explore the limitations inherent in EU counter-crime policies and the changes brought about by the introduction of the Treaty of Lisbon. These changes are discussed both collectively and within individual substantive areas in which the EU has taken an active role in fighting crime, such as corruption, money laundering, terrorism, organised crime and extradition.
This book is written in memory of Avril McDonald, who passed away in April 2010. Avril was an inspired and passionate scholar in the fields of international humanitarian law, international criminal law, human rights law and law in the field of arms control and disarmament. What in particular made Avril's work special, was her strong commitment with the human aspects throughout. Fourteen scholars and practitioners have contributed to this liber amicorum, which has led to a rich variety of topics within the disciplines of Avril's expertise. They all have in common that they deal with the human perspectives of the discipline of law at hand. They concentrate on the impact of the developments in international law on humans, whether they are civilians, victims of war or soldiers. This human perspective of law makes this book an appropriate tribute to Avril McDonald and at the same time a unique and valuable contribution to international legal research in the present society. A society that becomes more and more characterized by detailed legal systems, defined by institutions that may frequently lack sufficient contact with the people concerned.
This book looks at the relevance of conspiracy in international criminal law. It establishes that conspiracy was introduced into international criminal law for purposes of prevention and to combat the collective nature of participation in commission of international crimes. Its use as a tool of accountability has, however, been affected by conflicting conceptual perceptions of conspiracy from common law and civil law countries. This conflict is displayed in the decisions on conspiracy by the international criminal tribunals, and finally culminates into the exclusion of punishment of conspiracy in the Rome Statute. It is questionable whether this latest development on the law of conspiracy was a prudent decision. While the function of conspiracy as a mode of liability is satisfactorily covered by the modes of participation in the Rome Statute, its function as a purely inchoate crime used to punish incomplete crimes is missing. This book creates a case for inclusion in the Rome Statute, punishment of conspiracies involving international crimes that do not extend beyond the conceptual stage, to reinforce the Statute s purpose of prevention. The conspiracy concept proposed is one that reflects the characteristics acceptable under both common law and civil law systems."
Author is a recognised leading expert in the field of extradition, and has served as a judge in Special Chamber on International Criminal Cooperation in Criminal Matters of the District Court of Amsterdam. Offers a comprehensive overview of key topics in extradition law Comparative approach includes case studies from a wide range of jurisdictions to give students a sense of extradition law in context Extradition is an increasingly important topic as governments and law enforcement agencies seek to keep pace with rising transnational crime
This book addresses issues concerning the shifting contemporary meaning of legal certainty. The book focuses on exploring the emerging tensions that exist between the demand for legal certainty and the challenges of regulating complex, late modern societies. The book is divided into two parts: the first part focusing on debates around legal certainty at the national level, with a primary emphasis on criminal law; and the second part focusing on debates at the transnational level, with a primary emphasis on the regulation of transnational commercial transactions. In the context of legal modernity, the principle of legal certainty-the idea that the law must be sufficiently clear to provide those subject to legal norms with the means to regulate their own conduct and to protect against the arbitrary use of public power-has operated as a foundational rule of law value. Even though it has not always been fully realized, legal certainty has functioned as a core value and aspiration that has structured normative debates throughout political modernity, both at a national and international level. In recent decades, however, legal certainty has come under increasing pressure from a number of competing demands that are made of contemporary law, in particular the demand that the law be more flexible and responsive to a social environment characterized by rapid social and technological change. The expectation that the law operates in new transnational contexts and regulates every widening sphere of social life has created a new degree of uncertainty, and this change raises difficult questions regarding both the possibility and desirability of legal certainty. This book compiles, in one edited volume, research from a range of substantive areas of civil and criminal law that shares a common interest in understanding the multi-layered challenges of defining legal certainty in a late modern society. The book will be of interest both to lawyers interested in understanding the transformation of core rule of law values in the context of contemporary social change and to political scientists and social theorists.
For those interested in exploring the entanglement of international criminal justice with the interests of States, Germany is a particularly curious, exemplary case. Although a liberal democracy since 1949, its political position has been altered radically in the last 60 years. Starting from a position of harsh scepticism in the years following the Nuremberg Trials, and opening up to the rationales of international criminal justice only slowly - and then mainly in the context of domestic trials against functionaries of the former East German regime after 1990 - Germany is today one of the most active supporters of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The climax of this is its campaigning to make the ICC independent of the UN Security Council - a debate in which Germany took a position in stark contrast to the US. This book is a readable and interesting study of Germany's curious relationship with international criminal justice, offering new insight into the debates leading up to such policy shifts. Drawing on government documents and interviews with policymakers, it enriches a broader debate on the politics of international criminal justice, which has to date often been focused primarily on the US. (Series: Studies in International Law - Vol. 41)
This edited volume addresses the broader aspects of the political and social landscape, human rights violations, accountability and advocacy efforts, and humanitarian challenges faced by the Rohingya from Myanmar. The work brings together different voices of legal, policy, and international affairs experts to construct a framework which addresses the complex and nuanced issues comprising the Rohingya crisis. Although there is recognition that international legal mechanisms are moving forward more quickly than anticipated, these processes do not constitute standalone sustainable solutions. Myanmar's myriad political, social cohesion, development and security challenges are likely to persist even as justice and accountability processes move forward. Thus, this book project is premised on the consensus that the international community should complement international justice mechanisms by looking toward creative and multi-faceted approaches in addition to justice and accountability. This timely contribution will be of interest to academics, researchers, development practitioners, and human rights organizations.
This book explores the EU's approach to peacebuilding and questions the EU global role as crisis manager and capacity builder. It highlights the significant contributions of the EU to civilian peacebuilding and also critically evaluates the activities of the EU Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) within their rule of law and human rights peacebuilding missions. It draws on the author's twenty years of experience working on CSDP and EU defence matters including his research on EU police missions in Africa and Middle East. It exposes emergent tension between peacebuilding in its neighbourhood and security issues. It examines the practice of EU peacebuilding including performance of its missions and how deployed personnel can professionalise their diplomatic (mediation, negotiation and dialogue facilitation) capacity to fully realise the potential of missions and exploit opportunities for expanding the vision of peace. It formulates convincing policy recommendations for the future planning of EU external relations in post conflict environments and offers valuable insights into how to connect with people and communities in the aftermath of conflict.
We live in the age of international crime but when did it begin? This book examines the period when crime became an international issue (1881-1914), exploring issues such as world-shrinking changes in transportation, communication and commerce, and concerns about alien criminality, white slave trading and anarchist outrages.
This book critically analyses diverse international criminal law (ICL) issues in light of recent developments in the international criminal justice system following the pursuit of accountability in Africa and around the world. It gives a scholarly analysis of issues pertaining to ICL and the pursuit of accountability in Africa by way of several topics including universal jurisdiction in Africa, Boko Haram in Nigeria, the legitimacy of the ICTR, the law of genocide committed against the Herero and Nama peoples, the African perspective on international co-operation in criminal matters, the Malabo Protocol, and whether an African Regional Court is a viable alternative to the ICC. Further discussed are other aspects of ICL, such as prosecuting sexual and gender-based crimes at the ICC, sexual and gender-based crimes perpetrated against men, guilty pleas within ICL and slavery within international criminal justice. With this, the book also refers to the jurisprudence of several international courts and tribunals including the ICTR, the ICTY, the SCSL, the ICC, the ECCC, the KSC, and the STL. This timely contributed volume updates international criminal law experts, practitioners, academics, human rights activists and other stakeholders on contemporary developments in ICL and provides recommendations that address accountability for mass atrocity crimes and ideas for strategic ICL litigation at the national, international, regional and sub-regional levels. It will prompt constructive exchanges on what can be improved in prosecuting mass atrocity crimes around the world. Takeh B.K. Sendze is an Advocate and Legal Officer with the United Nations International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals in Arusha, Tanzania. Adesola Adeboyejo is a Trial Lawyer at the International Criminal Court. Sir Howard Morrison QC is a former International Judge and an Associate Tenant at Doughty Street Chambers in London, United Kingdom. Sophia Ugwu is a Solicitor and Advocate who founded the Centre for African Justice, Peace and Human Rights in The Hague, The Netherlands.
This volume examines the prosecution as an institution and a
function in a dozen international and hybrid criminal tribunals,
from Nuremberg to the International Criminal Court. It is the
result of a sustained collaborative effort among some twenty
scholars and (former) tribunal staffers. The starting point is that
the prosecution shapes a tribunal's practice and legacy more than
any other organ and that a systematic examination of international
prosecutors is therefore warranted.
The book offers a unique study of the law of command or superior
responsibility under international law. Born in the aftermath of
the Second World War, the doctrine of superior responsibility
provides that a military commander, a civilian leader or the leader
of a terrorist, paramilitary or rebel group could be held
criminally responsible in relation to crimes committed by
subordinates even where he has taken no direct or personal part in
the commission of these crimes. The basis of this type of liability
lies in a grave and culpable failure on the part of the superior to
fulfill his duties to prevent or punish crimes of subordinates.
Volume 24 of the Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) is dedicated to investigating IHL's universalist claims from different perspectives and regarding different areas of IHL. While academic debates about "universalism versus particularism" have dominated much of the critical scholarship in international law over the past two decades, they remain relatively underexplored in the field of IHL. The current volume fills this gap in IHL literature by focusing on the ways in which different interpretive communities approach questions of IHL from differing perspectives. Authors were invited to use the concept of culture to deconstruct and take critical distance from the production, interpretation, and application of IHL, and those keen on challenging the idea that IHL needs critical deconstruction were also invited to argue their case. The Volume contains four articles dedicated to the subject of cultures of IHL. It also features a book symposium on Samuel Moyn's Humane: How The United States Abandoned Peace and Reinvented War (2021) and ends, as usual, with a Year in Review section. The Yearbook of International Humanitarian Law is a leading annual publication devoted to the study of international humanitarian law. The Yearbook has always strived to be at the forefront of the debate of pressing doctrinal questions of IHL and will continue to do so in the future. As this volume shows, it is also a forum for taking a step back and reflecting on the broader, theoretical issues that inform the practice and thinking about the field. The Yearbook provides an international forum for high-quality, peer-reviewed academic articles focusing on this crucial branch of international law. Distinguished by contemporary relevance, it bridges the gap between theory and practice and serves as a useful reference tool for scholars, practitioners, military personnel, civil servants, diplomats, human rights workers and students.
The aim of the book is to resolve the question of whether multiple sanctioning systems are contrary to the ne bis in idem under the regulation provided by Protocol 7 to the ECHR and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The first part is a comparative study regarding the lawfulness of multiple sanctioning systems under the ne bis in idem, studying the evolution and the current state of the case law of the United States Supreme Court, the Canadian Supreme Court, the Spanish Constitutional Court, the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) and the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU). The second part of the book critically analyses three problems with the case law of the ECtHR and the CJEU. Part three deals with reconceptualizing the prohibition of multiple punishment and the prohibition of multiple prosecutions. Finally, the fourth part addresses other possible protections against multiple sanctioning systems. Two other safeguards that limit multiple sanctioning systems are the prohibition of disproportionate sanctions and the right to be tried within a reasonable time.
The move to end impunity for human rights atrocities has seen the creation of international and hybrid tribunals and increased prosecutions in domestic courts. The Oxford Companion to International Criminal Justice is the first major reference work to provide a complete overview of this emerging field. Its nearly 1100 pages are divided into three sections. In the first part, 21 essays by leading thinkers offer a comprehensive survey of issues and debates surrounding international humanitarian law, international criminal law, and their enforcement. The second part is arranged alphabetically, containing 320 entries on doctrines, procedures, institutions and personalities. The final part contains over 400 case summaries on different trials from international and domestic courts dealing with war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, torture, and terrorism. With analysis and commentary on every aspect of international criminal justice, this Companion is designed to be the first port of call for scholars and practitioners interested in current developments in international justice.
This book provides an original legal analysis of child soldiers recruited into armed groups or forces committing mass atrocities and/or genocide as the victims of the genocidal forcible transfer of children. Legal argument is made regarding the lack of criminal culpability of such child soldier 'recruits' for conflict-related international crimes and the inapplicability of currently recommended judicial and non-judicial accountability mechanisms in such cases. The book challenges various anthropological accounts of child soldiers' alleged 'tactical agency' to resist committing atrocity as members of armed groups or forces committing mass atrocity and/or genocide. Also provided are original interpretations of relevant international law including an interpretation of the Rome Statute age-based exclusion from prosecution of persons who were under 18 at the time of perpetrating the crime as substantive law setting an international standard for the humane treatment of child soldiers.
In 1948 the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide was adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Thereby genocide was defined as an international crime. Sixty years later, the prosecution of the crime of genocide raises a multitude of questions. Although genocide was not a crime during the Nuremberg Trial its historic roots rest with the persecution of Jews and other minorities by Nazi-Germany. Because of this historic focus the legal definition of genocide is difficult to apply to other conflicts. Bringing together scholars and practitioners, this volume of essays examines the Genocide Convention from historic, legal and social science perspectives. Contemporary witnesses also report on their experiences of the Nuremberg, the Eichmann and the Auschwitz trials. Their contributions offer a range of insights on the practical problems and academic discussion surrounding the prosecution of genocide. And the combination of lawyers, historians and social scientists provides a broad assessment of the topic, from the origins of the Genocide Convention to its future implementation No need to say that this book is an important contribution to the worldwide debate on and prosecution of genocide, making it valuable reading for academics and practitioners in international criminal law, historians, political scientists, students and all others interested in international law, the history of international law and international relations. Christoph Safferling is Professor of Criminal and International Law at the Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany, and Director of the International Research and Documentation Center for War Crimes Trials (ICWC). Eckart Conze is Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the University of Marburg and Deputy Director of the ICWC.
The complementarity of the International Criminal Court (ICC) is one of the fundamental principles of the Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court. The principle of complementarity is the parameter which defines the relationship between States and the ICC. It provides that cases are admissible before the ICC if a State remains wholly inactive or is 'unwilling' or 'unable' to investigate and prosecute genuine cases of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. The Amsterdam Center for International Law and the Department of Legal Philosophy at the Law Faculty of the Free University of Amsterdam held an international expert roundtable on the 'Complementarity Principle of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court' on 25 and 26 June 2004. This book contains contributions on complementarity, which were presented and discussed during that meeting. They analyse the principle from theoretical, practical and conceptual perspectives.
The book analyses the development of international standards for countering terrorist financing from the perspective of international criminal law. It is likely to find its value for readers not only as a monograph on the financing of terrorism but also as a reference book on the operational and theoretical development of anti-money laundering strategy following 9/11. In particular, the works of main actors in this area such as the UN Security Council, Financial Action Task Force, IMF, World Bank, and APG are dealt with in depth.
This timely book comprehensively examines whether the worst human rights violations directed specifically at sexual and gender minorities are punishable under international criminal law, as codified in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Drawing on general rules of interpretation, the development of human rights for sexual and gender minorities, and the social construction of gender, this monograph reveals that the worst crimes committed against persons because of their sexual orientation or gender identity can amount to crimes against humanity, particularly the crime of persecution under Article 7(1)(h). It also shows how legislators can be held individually criminally responsible for passing laws that criminalize consensual same-sex sexuality. The book not only makes a significant and original contribution to the literature but is also highly relevant for international criminal law practitioners, since, so far, no cases regarding this topic exist. Dr. Valerie V. Suhr is currently a trainee lawyer in the district of the Koblenz Court of Appeal in Germany
Anti-money laundering has become increasingly important and complex for anyone involved in international financial services - from bankers, fiduciaries and trustees to lawyers, accountants, fund managers and many others. The USA Patriot Act and the FATF's standards regarding anti-money-laundering (AML) and to combat the financing of terrorism (CFT) are just two significant measures which, together with other relevant legislation in individual countries, have created a complex, globally interconnected system of laws and regulations that international financial professionals must understand. The complexity of AML/CFT regulations in different countries is so immense that there is an obvious need for a practical, concise handbook that gives clear information in this field for all those involved in relevant international business. "Anti-Money Laundering: International Law and Practice" gives a concise overview of: how institutions like the UN Security Council, the EU or the Wolfsberg Forum develop ways to fight money laundering and terrorist financing, and how the Recommendations of the FATF and the Directives of the European Commission concerning AML/CFT are implemented in the legislation of their member countries includes detailed information from a wealth of specialists outlining the implementation of anti-money laundering measures in a total of 41 countries and territories. Accordingly, the handbook is a must for anyone whose activities are affected by AML/CFT regulations as well as the principal point of reference in this field from an international perspective.
The protection of fundamental rights in the field of transnational
criminal inquiries is of great delicateness in the current tangled
web of domestic and international legal sources. Due to this
complex scenario, this research has been carried out from a
four-level perspective. The first part provides a critical analysis
of the multilevel systems of protecting fundamental rights from the
perspective of supranational and constitutional case law, and in
the field of international and organized crime. The second part
focuses on EU judicial cooperation in three main fields: financial
and serious organized crime, mutual recognition tools, and
individual rights protection. The third part provides the
perspectives of ten domestic legal systems in two fields, i.e.,
obtaining evidence abroad and cooperation with international
criminal tribunals. The fourth part analyses cross-border inquiries
in comparative law, providing a reconstruction of different models
of obtaining evidence overseas.
Thepresentbookisbasedonthelecturesdeliveredbytheauthorinthepastfew yearsaspartoftheCriminalLawcourseoftheFacultyofLawattheOnoAcademic College. There has been little research on the principle of legality in modern criminallaw,althoughthisisoneofthemostancientlegalprinciplesofhuman society. In recent generations there have been several attempts to de?ne the principleconclusively,butonlywithregardtosomeofitsaspects. Nocompreh- sivede?nitionoftheprincipleoflegalityhasbeenattemptedtodate. Aconclusivede?nitionoftheprincipleoflegalityincriminallawrequiresboth anaccurateinward-lookingde?nitionoftheprincipleitself,andanoutward-lo- ingtreatmentofitsrelationwithcriminallawtheory. Onlyacoherenttheorythat includestheprincipleoflegalityasanintegralpartofcriminallawtheorycando justicetotheprincipleoflegality. Thisviewisconsistentwiththescienti?cconcept oflaw,whichregardsthelawaspartofscience. AModernTreatiseonthePrincipleofLegalityinCriminalLawisthereforea scienti?ctreatiseononeofthefourprinciplesofthecriminallaw. Thepresent treatiseisdividedintosixparts,accordingtothescienti?cunderstandingofthe principleoflegalityincriminallaw. Chapter1explorestherelationbetweenthe principleoflegalityandthegeneraltheoryofcriminallawinthecontextofthe structureandthedevelopmentoftheprincipleoflegalityinhumansociety. This chapter outlines the four secondary principles of the principle of legality, and describesthemingeneralterms. Chapters 2-Thepresentbookisbasedonthelecturesdeliveredbytheauthorinthepastfew yearsaspartoftheCriminalLawcourseoftheFacultyofLawattheOnoAcademic College. There has been little research on the principle of legality in modern criminallaw,althoughthisisoneofthemostancientlegalprinciplesofhuman society. In recent generations there have been several attempts to de?ne the principleconclusively,butonlywithregardtosomeofitsaspects. Nocompreh- sivede?nitionoftheprincipleoflegalityhasbeenattemptedtodate. Aconclusivede?nitionoftheprincipleoflegalityincriminallawrequiresboth anaccurateinward-lookingde?nitionoftheprincipleitself,andanoutward-lo- ingtreatmentofitsrelationwithcriminallawtheory. Onlyacoherenttheorythat includestheprincipleoflegalityasanintegralpartofcriminallawtheorycando justicetotheprincipleoflegality. Thisviewisconsistentwiththescienti?cconcept oflaw,whichregardsthelawaspartofscience. AModernTreatiseonthePrincipleofLegalityinCriminalLawisthereforea scienti?ctreatiseononeofthefourprinciplesofthecriminallaw. Thepresent treatiseisdividedintosixparts,accordingtothescienti?cunderstandingofthe principleoflegalityincriminallaw. Chapter1explorestherelationbetweenthe principleoflegalityandthegeneraltheoryofcriminallawinthecontextofthe structureandthedevelopmentoftheprincipleoflegalityinhumansociety. This chapter outlines the four secondary principles of the principle of legality, and describesthemingeneralterms. Chapters 2-5 discuss in detail each of the four secondary principles of the principleoflegality. Chapter 2discussesthelegitimatesourcesofthecriminal norm,Chap. 3discussestheapplicabilityofthecriminalnormintime,Chap. 4 discussestheapplicabilityofthecriminalnorminplaceandChap. 5discussesthe interpretationofthecriminalnorm. Eachofthefourchaptersconcludeswitha discussionofthecon?ictoflawsissuesrelevanttothesecondaryprincipleunder investigation. Finally,Chap. 6addressestheproblemofthecon?ictoflawswithin thecon?ictsoflawsandroundsoutthediscussion. ix x Preface IwishtothankOnoAcademicCollegeforsupportingthisproject,andespecially DeanofthefacultyoflawandvicechairmanDudiSchwartzforhisstaunchsupport onsomanyimportantoccasions. IthankGabrielLanyiforhiscommentsandAnke SeyfriedofSpringerHeidelbergforguidingthepublicationofthebookfromits inceptiontoitsconclusion. Finally,Iwishtothankmywifeanddaughtersforthe helpfuldiscussionsandsupporttheyofferedalongtheway. KiryatOno,June2010 GabrielHallevy Contents 1 TheMeaningandStructureofthePrincipleofLegality inCriminalLaw ...1 1. 1 TheRoleofthePrincipleofLegalityintheCriminal LawTheory ...1 1. 1. 1 TheBasicStructureofCriminalLawTheory ...1 1. 1. 2 TheBasicStructureofthePrincipleofLegality inCriminalLaw ...5 1. 2 DevelopmentofthePrincipleofLegalityinCriminalLaw andItsModernJusti?cations ...8 2 TheLegitimateSourcesoftheCriminalNorm ...15 2. 1 TheStructureoftheCriminalNormandItsIdenti?cation ...16 2. 1. 1 ValidConditionalClauses ...16 2. 1. 2 CriminalSanction ...17 2. 1. 3 Classi?cationofOffencesBasedonContent ...18 2. 2 TheLegalSourcesoftheCriminalNorm ...20 2. 2. 1 GeneralPrinciples ...20 2. 2. 2 LegalSources ...33 2. 3 Con?ictofLawsBasedonLegitimateSources oftheCriminalNorm ...46 3 ApplicabilityoftheCriminalNorminTime ...49 3. 1 BasicDistinctions ...49 3. 1. 1 DistinctionBetweenProceduralandSubstantive CriminalNorms ...50 3. 1. 2 DistinctionBetweenRelevantPointsinTime ...51 3. 1. 3 DistinctionBetweenContinuous,Temporary, andFragmentedCriminalNorms ...55 3. 1. 4 DistinctionBetweenMitigatingandAggravating CriminalNorms ...56 xi xii Contents 3. 2 ApplicabilityoftheProceduralCriminalNorminTime ...58 3. 2. 1 TheGeneralRule ...58 3. 2. 2 ApplicationoftheRule ...61 3. 3 ApplicabilityinTimeoftheSubstantiveCriminalNorm ...67 3. 3. 1 TheGeneralRule ...67 3. 3. 2 ApplicationoftheRule ...71 3. 4 Con?ictofLawsBasedonApplicabilityoftheCriminal NorminTime ...78 4 TheApplicabilityoftheCriminalNorminPlace ...81 4. 1 TheBasicDistinctions ...81 4. 1. 1 DistinctionBetweenApplicabilityandJurisdiction inCriminalLaw ... |
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