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Books > Law > International law
A thorough introduction to the laws of war, the savagery of war crimes, and the international system that demands justice. How do you speak of the unspeakable and defend the indefensible? War Crimes and Justice: A Reference Handbook thoroughly examines the laws of war and how the world community handles the monstrous brutalities of war through the international justice system. Highlighted are 20th century war crimes and trials including Yugoslavia, Kosovo, and the Kerry incident in Vietnam. Also covered are the four international tribunals established to punish violators in Nuremberg, Tokyo, Yugoslavia, and Rwanda. Pulitzer Prize-nominated author Howard Ball discusses those who committed unspeakable acts during war, others who sought justice for victims, and case studies portraying both victims and perpetrators. Significant treaties and conventions are explored, as well as all the options available to nations emerging from the throes of bloody civil wars to ensure peace with justice. Includes coverage of key people and trials including World War II, Vietnam, and the recent war in Kosovo Provides speeches, reports, and edited trial transcripts from cases involving war crimes
This book examines the development of the Spanish patent system in the years 1826 to 1902, providing a fundamental reassessment of its evolution in an international context. The Spanish case is particularly interesting because of this country's location on the so-called European periphery and also because of the centrality of its colonial dimension. Pretel gauges the political regulation and organisation of the system, showing how it was established and how it evolved following international patterns of technological globalisation and the emergence of the 'international patent system' during the late nineteenth century. Crucially, he highlights the construction and evolution of the patent system in response to the needs of Spain's technologically dependent economy. The degree of industrial backwardness in mid-nineteenth-century Spain set the stage for the institutionalisation of its modern patent system. This institutionalisation process also entailed the introduction of a new technological culture, social infrastructure and narrative that supported intellectual property rights. This book is important reading to all those interested in the history of patents and their role in globalisation.
"The genocide in Rwanda showed us how terrible the consequences of inaction can be in the face of mass murder. But the conflict in Kosovo raised equally important questions about the consequences of action without international consensus and clear legal authority. On the one hand, is it legitimate for a regional organization to use force without a UN mandate? On the other, is it permissible to let gross and systematic violations of human rights, with grave humanitarian consequences continue unchecked?" (United Nations Secretrary-General Kofi Annan). This book is a comprehensive, integrated discussion of `the dilemma' of humanitarian intervention. Written by leading analysts of international politics, ethics, and law, it seeks, among other things, to identify strategies that may, if not resolve, at least reduce the current tension between human rights and state sovereignty. Humanitarian Intervention is an invaluable contribution to the debate on all aspects of this vital global issue. J.L. Holzgrefe is a Visiting Research Scholar in the Department of Political Science, Duke University. He is a former Lecturer in International Relations at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland, and visiting scholar at the Center of International Studies, Princeton University, the Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, and elsewhere. He was educated at Monash University, Australia and Balliol College, Oxford. He has published on the history of international relations thought. Robert O. Keohane is James B. Duke Professor of Political Science, Duke University. He is interested in the role played by governance in world politics, and in particular on how international institutions and transnational networks operate. He is the author of After Hegemony: Cooperation and Discord in the World Political Economy (Princeton, 1984), for which he was awarded the second annual Grawemeyer Award in 1989 for Ideas Improving World Order. He is also the author of International Institutions and State Power: Essays in International Relations Theory (Westview, 1989), co-author of Power and Independence: World Politics in Transition (Little, Brown, 1977; 3rd edition 2001), and co-author of Designing Social Inquiry: Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research (Princeton, 1994). He is a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and has been the recipient of a Guggenheim fellowship.
The focus of this book is the legal analysis of the evolution of federal relationships from an asymmetric treaty-constitutional federation to a de facto unitary state. Questioned is whether it is worth returning to the asymmetric federative form, while the aim is to review the origins of federalism in the New Russia, assess the present de jure and de facto situations and analyze whether Russia has a chance of reviving federalism. Steps forward on the way to developed federal relationships in the 1990s have been replaced by steps backwards owing to unitary tendencies in the 2000s and the 2010s. But is this a sustainable state of affairs? The possible ways of framing relations between the center and the constituent units for the next four years and beyond are also discussed. This book is aimed at researchers and students in the field of comparative constitutional law, Russian studies and federal and regional studies. Gulnara R. Shaikhutdinova is Professor and Doctor of International Law in the Faculty of Law of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation.
This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of the Panama Convention, its implementation legislation in the United States, and United States court decisions construing its provisions. By comparing the Panama and New York Conventions, it identifies important differences, such as the Panama Convention's mandatory application of the Rules of Procedure of the IACAC to ad hoc arbitrations and differences in the Conventions' provisions concerning the grounds for recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards. By comparing Chapter 3 of the Federal Arbitration Act with the other provisions of the federal act, this book exposes problems in the implementing law as well as ways in which Chapter 3 improves on the federal law implementing the New York Convention. Through a critical review of Convention jurisprudence in the United States, it highlights at last three areas in which the courts need to do a much better job: the Convention's field of application, application of the IACAC Rules, and differentiation between the New York and Panama Conventions.
This volume brings together an interdisciplinary group of scholars from the United States, the Middle East, and North Africa, to discuss and critically analyze the intersection of gender and human rights laws as applied to individuals of Arab descent. It seeks to raise consciousness at the intersection of gender, identity, and human rights as it relates to Arabs at home and throughout the diaspora. The context of revolution and the destabilizing impact of armed conflicts in the region are used to critique and examine the utility of human rights law to address contemporary human rights issues through extralegal strategies. To this end, the volume seeks to inform, educate, persuade, and facilitate newer or less-heard perspectives related to gender and masculinities theories. It provides readers with new ways of understanding gender and human rights and proposes forward-looking solutions to implementing human rights norms. The goal of this book is to use the context of Arabs at home and throughout the diaspora to critique and examine the utility of human rights norms and laws to diminish human suffering with the goal of transforming the structural, social, and cultural conditions that impede access to human rights. This book will be of interest to a diverse audience of scholars, students, public policy researchers, lawyers and the educated public interested in the fields of human rights law, international studies, gender politics, migration and diaspora, and Middle East and North African politics.
This volume investigates who can be considered responsible for historical emissions and their consequences, and how and why this should matter for the design of a just global climate policy. The authors discuss the underlying philosophical issues of responsibility for historical emissions, the unjust enrichment of the earlier developed nations, and questions of transitional justice. By bringing together a plurality of perspectives, both in terms of the theoretical understanding of the issues and the political perspectives on the problem, the book also presents the remaining disagreements and controversies in the debate. Providing a systematic introduction to the debate on historical emissions and climate change, this book provides an unbiased and authoritative guide for advanced students, researchers and policymakers in climate change justice and governance, and more widely, for anyone interested in the broader issues of global justice.
This book examines Russian influence operations globally, in Europe, and in Russia's neighboring countries, and provides a comprehensive overview of the latest technologies and forms of strategic communication employed in hybrid warfare. Given the growing importance of comprehensive information warfare as a new and rapidly advancing type of international conflict in which knowledge is a primary target, the book examines Russia's role in Global Knowledge Warfare. The content is divided into three parts, the first of which addresses conceptual issues such as the logic of information warfare, the role of synthetic media, and Russia's foreign policy concepts, including the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on influence operations. The second part analyzes technological, legal and strategic challenges in modern hybrid warfare, while the third focuses on textual, cultural and historical patterns in information warfare, also from various regional (e.g. the Western Balkans, Romania, Ukraine, and the Baltic) perspectives. The book is primarily intended for scholars in the fields of international relations, security and the military sciences who are interested in Russian foreign policy and influence operations, but also their impact on the global security environment.
The 1998 Rome Statute, the treaty establishing the International Criminal Court (ICC), includes a longer list of gender-based crimes than any previous instrument of international criminal law. The Statute's twentieth anniversary provides an opportunity to examine how successful the ICC has been in prosecuting those crimes, what challenges it has faced, and how its caselaw on these crimes might develop in future. Taking up that opportunity, this book analyses the ICC's practice in prosecuting gender-based crimes across all cases for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide in the ICC up until mid-2018. This analysis is based on a detailed examination of court records and original interviews with prosecutors and gender experts at the Court. This book covers topics of emerging interest to practitioners in this field, including wartime sexual violence against men and boys, persecution on the grounds of gender and sexual orientation, and sexual violence against 'child soldiers'.
This book presents the very first, interdisciplinarily grounded, comprehensive appraisal of a future "Common European Law on Investment Screening". Thereby, it provides a foundation for a European administrative law framework for investment screening by setting out viable solutions and evaluating their pros and cons. Daimler, the harbour terminal in Zeebrugge, or Saxo Bank are only three recent examples of controversially discussed company takeovers in Europe. The "elephant in the room" is China and its "Belt and Road Initiative". The political will in Europe is growing to more actively control investments flowing into the EU. The current regulatory initiatives raise several fundamental, constitutional and regulatory issues. Surprisingly, they have not been addressed in any depth so far. The book takes stock of the current rather fragmented regulatory approaches and combines contributions from leading international academics, practitioners, and policy makers in their respective fields. Due to the volume's comprehensive approach, it is expected to influence the broader debate on the EU's upcoming regulation of this matter. The book is addressed to participants from academia as well as to representatives from government, business, and civil society.
Do independent boards of appeal set up in some EU agencies and the European Ombudsman compensate for the shortcomings of EU Courts? This book examines the operation of EU judicial and extra-judicial review mechanisms. It confronts the formal legal rules with evolving practices, relying on rich statistical data and internal documents. It covers detailed institutional arrangements, the standard of review, the types of cases and litigants, and the activity of the parties in the process. It makes visible the diverse but complementary ways in which the mechanisms enhance the authority of EU legal acts and processes. It also reveals that scarce resources and imprecise rules restrict the scope of review and hinder independent empirical investigations. Finally, it casts light on how a differentiated system of judicial and extra-judicial review can accommodate various kinds of technical and political discretion exercised by EU institutions and bodies.
Violations of international law and human rights laws are the
plague of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. People's
inhumanity to people escalates as wars proliferate and respect for
human rights and the laws of war diminish. In Decoding
International Law: Semiotics and the Humanities, Professor Susan
Tiefenbrun analyzes international law as represented artfully in
the humanities.
In the legal areas of contractual claims and tax claims, various requirements exist in EU law and in applicable conventions for the recognition and enforceability of foreign titles of execution, judgments and decisions. Besides the requirements that a foreign title of execution should fall under its particular scope of application, territorial scope, scope of claims, and scope in time, there are often additional requirements and limitations that give rise to possibilities and restrictions, and play an important role in determining the enforceability or non-enforceability of claims. Consequently, an early analysis related to these provisions is a crucial step in assessing the possibility of success or risk of failure. Also, this book focuses on preventive security arrangements and precautionary measures that offer the creditors the widest possible assurance of obtaining an enforceable cross-border title of execution and recovering claims in the event of non-payment by the debtor - all while adhering closely to such guiding principles as efficiency, legal certainty, predictability, and the establishment of a proper balance between the interests of the claimant and the defendant. The author pays close attention to relevant factors as the following: the debtor's privacy interest, the creditor's efficiency interest, legal principles of non-discrimination, proportionality, territoriality, universality, and mutuality; the legal historical background aimed at facilitating an understanding of the developments resulting in the present legal solutions; the role of regulated enforcement and recovery agents; a foreign State's immunity against civil execution measures; recognition and enforceability of titles of execution; grounds of non-recognition or refusal and other obstacles to enforcement or recovery and interim measures; periods of limitation and the enforcement of a contested claim; appeals, costs, repayment and referral provisions to national laws; access to information for enforcement purposes in the international context; the possible alternative to cross-border enforcement of claims, international insolvency. The analysis considers the provisions of applicable EU law and Conventions in the areas of the enforcement of contractual claims, maintenance claims in family matters, the recovery of tax and social security claims and claims related to criminal matters and on insolvency. Case law of the ECHR and the ECJ is drawn on liberally.
This book presents selected papers from the 23rd Eurasia Business and Economics Society (EBES) Conference, held in Madrid, Spain. While the theoretical and empirical papers presented cover diverse areas of economics and finance in different geographic regions, the main focus is on the latest research concerning international trade, public economics, and regional studies. The book also includes studies on the economics of innovation, inequality and tourism.
Among the important elements of the problem (and its potential
solutions) discussed in this book are the following:
This book explores the intellectual history of contract law in ancient China by employing archaeological and empirical methodologies. Divided into five chapters, it begins by reviewing the origin of the contract in ancient China, and analyzing its name, primary form, historical premise and functions. The second chapter discusses free will and lawfulness in the establishment of a contract, offering insights into the impact of contracts on social justice. In turn, the third chapter addresses the inner core of the contract: validity and liability. This allows readers at all levels to identify the similarities and differences between contracts from different eras and different parts of the world, which will also benefit those pursuing comparative research in related fields. Chapters four and five offer a philosophical exploration of contract history in ancient China, and analyze key aspects including human nature and ethical justice.
Poverty-related problems facing Africa are not only overwhelming but are also monumental and worrisome. Some of Africa's poverty problems are self-inflicted and have increasingly become systemically chronic, while others are externally instigated. This book focuses on an aspect of those problems that are principally internal to Africa--the issue of corruption. The book picks out Zambia as a case study. Thus, the efficacy of the legal and institutional framework for fighting corruption in Zambia is examined. As an authoritative text on Zambian jurisprudence, this book brings out critically and analytically incisive legal perspectives. The book also makes reference to closely related developments in other jurisdictions. Weaknesses in the legal and institutional framework in Zambia are identified, and the book spells out proposals to strengthen the framework. "The book is an excellent attempt to set the record straight on the otherwise often confusing present situation in Zambia vis-a-vis the established legal and institutional mechanisms, which sometimes appear to compete against each other. This seems to work against the very raison d'etre or objective for which they were instituted. The book attempts to provide some solutions on how this could be avoided or overcome. ... It is a highly recommended work for people in other countries, especially developing ones, who are also involved in the fight against corruption to draw lessons from Zambia's attempt to rid itself from this scourge." - Dr. Mpazi Sinjela, LL.B (UNZA), LL.M, JSD (Yale) Dean, WIPO Worldwide Academy; Professor, (Visiting), Lund University and Raoul Wallenberg Institute (Sweden); Co-Director and Professor, Masters Degree Program in Intellectual Property, University of Turin, (Italy)
How are China's ongoing sovereignty disputes in the East and South China Seas likely to evolve? Are relations across the Taiwan Strait poised to enter a new period of relaxation or tension? How are economic interdependence, domestic public opinion, and the deterrence role played by the US likely to affect China's relations with its counterparts in these disputes? Although territorial disputes have been the leading cause for interstate wars in the past, China has settled most of its land borders with its neighbours. Its maritime boundaries, however, have remained contentious. This book examines China's conduct in these maritime disputes in order to analyse Beijing's foreign policy intentions in general. Rather than studying Chinese motives in isolation, Steve Chan uses recent theoretical and empirical insights from international relations research to analyse China's management of its maritime disputes.
This book depicts and evaluates, in a European context, the pleas and actions which parties may make use of to dissolve the parallel jurisdiction of a national court and an arbitral tribunal. The author undertakes a thorough comparative analysis of the motivations for, and practice of, such pleas and actions with special regard to the major hubs where elaborate arbitration laws are tried and tested by the arbitration community - Germany, France, Switzerland, and England. On the basis of four scenarios of parallel proceedings before national courts and arbitral tribunals, the analysis tackles such issues and topics as the following: motivations for initiating parallel proceedings from the various parties' perspectives; remedies available to parties in situations of jurisdictional conflicts; effect of the principle of competence-competence on national courts' review of arbitration agreements; pleas restricting national courts' exercise of jurisdiction to a review of core principles (arbitration defence); self-restraining pleas independent of an arbitration agreement (plea of litispendence); actions for declaratory relief; actions aimed at restraining another court's or tribunal's jurisdiction (anti-suit/anti-arbitration injunctions); pleas invoked to avoid procedural inefficiencies and inconsistencies (plea of res judicata); counsel's duty of care and arbitral tribunal's mandate to issue an enforceable award; and litigation culture versus arbitration-friendliness. Throughout, the author underlines the importance and applicability of relevant multinational and supranational conventions, institutional arbitration rules, the International Law Association's recommendations, national laws in force and national courts' case law including the case law of the European Court of Justice as regards the interface of arbitration and the Brussels Regulation. In its focus on the jurisdictional pleas and actions available where proceedings on the same subject matter and between the same parties are pending both before a national court and an arbitral tribunal, this book has no peers.
In the early 21st-century, companies pursue their goals with little regard for national borders. However, it remains true that business activity is regulated to a significant extent by each national jurisdiction. This is particularly true of mergers; as anyone knows who has ever been involved in a transnational merger in multiple jurisdictions, the knottiest problems and issues arise from variations in national competition and merger laws. This text offers an in-depth proposal for an international merger control regime that is firmly grounded in and supported by a framework of economic and legal theory. It arrives at its conclusions along three major avenues: a study of the concepts of global public good and consumer welfare that underlie the progress of globalization; detailed analyses of the two most important and highly developed merger law systems, those of the European Union and the United States; and a systematic and comprehensive review of the major existing proposals, both institutional and scholarly, for an international merger control regime. A special chapter is devoted to the complex custodial role of the World Trade Organization, both in its present activity and as it is envisioned in the various proposals.
This book focuses on Anglo-American disputes arising out of the civil war in the United States and British interests in the American continent: the Geneva Arbitration, the Venezuela-Guiana Arbitration and the Bhering Sea Arbitration. It draws on those cases as model proceedings which laid the foundations and inspiration for a promotion of international law through the Hague Conferences and by the work of English and American jurists. It considers the encouragement these cases gave to the promotion of public international law and how that contributed to the resolution of inter-state disputes. |
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