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Books > Children's & Educational > Language & literature
This book contains everything you need to write better GCSE English essays on William Shakespeare's 'Macbeth', all presented in a helpful and entertaining way to make study and revision easier. There are clear notes on the plot, characters, themes and historical background, plus practice questions to make sure you understand the main points. There's also a section of exam advice to help you improve your grades.
The revision series for Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1)from Pearson. This new edition of our popular Revision Workbook hasbeen fully updated with all the changes to the Pearson Edexcel GCSE (9-1)German specification to help you revise from 2021 onwards. This book will help you to: Organise your revision with the one-topic-per-page format. Prepare for your GCSE exams with exam-style practice questions on every topic. Simplify your revision by writing straight into the book, just as you would in an exam. Track your progress with at-a-glance check boxes. Improve your exam technique with practice exam papers. Build confidence with guided questions, hints and tips.
"The best 11+ papers I have found." Sue, parent, Tewkesbury Prepare for the CEM 11+ tests with confidence with these authentic multiple-choice papers covering Verbal Reasoning, key English skills, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. This bite-size format is tutor-friendly and mixes up all of the key CEM 11+ skills - from Spatial reasoning to cloze exercises; from Maths problems to comprehension. Contains 13 15-minute tests, along with answer sheets and short answer grids. Authentic multiple choice format Full answers with explanations Covers Maths, English, Verbal and Non-verbal Reasoning
The Jolly Phonics Wall Frieze shows all 42 letter sounds, not just the alphabet. It has seven versatile sections that can be put up individually, used to form a continuous strip around a wall, or placed in a block - like a giant poster. Alternatively, each illustration could be cut up and laminated for use alone. Total length (all 42 letter sounds side by side) is 9.33m. For this new edition for 2021, each set of letter sounds has been colour- coded to match the colours used across other Jolly Phonics resources. The artwork for each letter sound has also been updated as part of our fresh and vibrant new look.
Die Flixies leer vir ons een van hulle belangrikste geheime: verskeidenheid. So leer ons wat die woord biodiversiteit beteken en hoekom dit so belangrik is dat ons dit moet verstaan. Facto leer van die baie verskillende soorte plante en diere op Aarde en dat elkeen wat ontdek word, 'n naam moet kry. Ouma Flox verras die Flixies met 'n spesiale stuk borduurwerk... Die Onderwysersgids sluit in:
Die eerste groen plante het in water geleef. Omdat toestande op land baie anders is as in water, sou die oudste plante eenvoudig uitdroog en nie kon regop bly sonder die ondersteuning wat water bied nie. Facto leer hoe plante ontwikkel het sodat hulle, hulle op land kon vestig en watter plante op die ou end suksesvol was en oral op land begin groei het... Die Onderwysersgids sluit in:
Die Flixies hoor in hierdie storie wat die werweldiere se wenresep was – ’n skelet binne-in die liggaam, wat van been en kraakbeen gemaak is, waaraan spiere kon vasheg. Werweldiere het unieke eienskappe gehad wat hulle aanpasbaar op land gemaak het en sodoende is talle nisse gevul wat die land nog verder vir ander lewensvorme oopgemaak het! Die Onderwysersgids sluit in:
Excite your children and give them a firm foundation in phonics. Part of the Bug Club family, Bug Club Phonics aims to help children learn to read by the age of six in a fun and accessible way. Following the order of Letters and Sounds, the Bug Club Phonics programme matches the National Curriculum and Early Learning Goals and ensures children read from books with the sounds they know as they are learning to read. Ideal for home learning. The Alphablocks go to the moon. They are stuck until they make a boot, which tips the moon and helps them drift safely back down to Earth. Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children age 3-5 Book band: Red B Phonics phase: 3
Dynamo KS3 French Pupil Books help you to motivate pupils and build their key language skills with our pupil-friendly approach to learning grammar and up-to-date cultural content. Builds key language skills including translation, speaking, and grammar, with seamless transition to our courses for 9-1 GCSE French. A supportive logical grammar progression, revisiting key concepts and including clear features and grammar spreads at the end of each module. Up-to-date French cultural content to bring language learning to life - including songs, poems, authentic texts and quizzes. 'En focus' pages combine language from the module with GCSE-style tasks: including authentic and literary texts, role-play, picture-based discussions and translation. Dynamo 2 is split into parallel differentiated Pupil Books - Vert Pupil Books support with practice and consolidation through a wide variety of activity types. Audio files to accompany our Pupil Books are sold separately.
Age: 4-5 (Reception) Level: EYFS Subject: reading, phonics In this decodable non-fiction book, Kim has a new dog! What will she need to look after him? Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children aged 4-5 (Reception) Phonics phase: 2 This book aligns with Letters and Sounds (2007) Phase 2. This title is part of Pearson's Bug Club, a reading programme used in over 3500 schools. Bug Club books are designed to help children enjoy learning to read. For more Bug Club books and learn at home resources, search for Bug Club.
Welcome to the Puppy Place This Little Apple series stars a lovable
new puppy in every book. And it's Charles and Lizzie Peterson's job
to find every puppy the perfect home.
Age: 4-5 (Rec/P1) Level: EYFS Subject: reading, phonics In this decodable fiction book, wind power can be very strong, as Grandmaster Glitch finds out! Will the Go Jetters be able to save him? Part of the Bug Club reading series used in over 3500 schools Helps your child develop reading fluency and confidence Suitable for children aged 4-5 (Rec/P1) Phonics phase: 4 This book aligns with Letters and Sounds (2007) Phase 4. This title is part of Pearson's Bug Club, a reading programme used in over 3500 schools. Bug Club books are designed to help children enjoy learning to read. For more Bug Club books and learn at home resources, search for Bug Club.
Ons vriende, die Flixies, leer hoe belangrik die wisselwerking tussen plante en diere is en hoe plante, soos hulle oor die aarde versprei, ook dien om grond met hulle wortels aan die aarde “vas te plak”. By blomplante is dit veral voortplanting wat baie slim ontwikkel is en die Flixies is baie beïndruk deur die maniere waarop plante hul saad versprei. Die Onderwysersgids sluit in:
Wie was die suksesvolste groep in die ganse diereryk? Facto vind uit waaraan geleedpotiges se sukses toegeskryf kan word en hoekom hulle as die eerste egte landdiere beskou word. Die Flixies speel 'n raaiselspeletjie oor goggas en gesels ook onder mekaar oor skaaldiere, veelpotiges, spinnekoppe en skerpioene en oor die eerste diere wat kon vlieg – insekte! Die Onderwysersgids sluit in:
Facto luister wat die Flixies te sê het oor water en hy hoor dat dit 'n wonderstof is! Geen lewe soos ons dit ken is moontlik sonder water nie. Dit is 'n wonderlike oplosmiddel, wat beteken dat die plante en diere se kos eers daarin moet oplos voordat dit deel van die plant of dier se liggaam kan word. Dit is ook 'n was- en spoelmiddel en dit koel af. Ons voorraad vars water wat bruikbaar is, is baie beperk en die Flixies verduidelik hoekom. Die Onderwysersgids sluit in:
Die Flixies het sommer baie pret waar hulle in die vleiland bymekaarkom. Kwax en Crox, die twee water-Flixies, speel toneel en maak asof hulle van die heel oudste lobvinvisse is wat hulle koppe uit die water steek. Hulle kruip in die modderwater rond en wonder hoe dit moet wees om op land te lewe. So leer die Flixies van al die probleme wat werweldiere moontlik mee te doen gekry het met die oorgang van water- na landlewe... Die Onderwysersgids sluit in:
Oupa Flex en Dux is aan die woord en vertel van reptiele, sort vir soort. Flex vertel hoe primitiewe werweldiere uiteindelik geskik genoeg was om landlewe baas te raak. Sekere afstammelinge van die amfibieë het die nodige eienskappe gehad wat juis dit moontlik gemaak het! Die Onderwysersgids sluit in:
Facto lê en droom in ’n knus holte tussen die wortels van die Wonderboom. Hy wag op die Flixies om te hoor van die laaste groepe wat landlewe suksesvol kon baasraak – die voëls en die soogdiere...en hy kan nie glo wat hy alles by die Flixies hoor nie! Die Onderwysersgids sluit in:
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