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Books > Computing & IT > Internet > Network computers
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2014, held in Thessaloniki, Greece, in October 2014. The 52 full papers, 16 short and 14 poster papers, presented in the two-volume proceedings LNCS 8786 and 8787 were carefully reviewed and selected from 196 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: Web mining, modeling and classification; Web querying and searching; Web recommendation and personalization; semantic Web; social online networks; software architectures amd platforms; Web technologies and frameworks; Web innovation and applications; and challenge.
This book is the third of three volumes that illustrate the concept of social networks from a computational point of view. The book contains contributions from a international selection of world-class experts, with a specific focus on knowledge discovery and visualization of complex networks (the other two volumes review Tools, Perspectives, and Applications, and Security and Privacy in CSNs). Topics and features: presents the latest advances in CSNs, and illustrates how organizations can gain a competitive advantage from a better understanding of complex social networks; discusses the design and use of a wide range of computational tools and software for social network analysis; describes simulations of social networks, and the representation and analysis of social networks, highlighting methods for the data mining of CSNs; provides experience reports, survey articles, and intelligence techniques and theories relating to specific problems in network technology.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Model and Data Engineering, MEDI 2014, held in Larnaca, Cyprus, in September 2014. The 16 long papers and 12 short papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 64 submissions. The papers specifically focus on model engineering and data engineering with special emphasis on most recent and relevant topics in the areas of modeling and models engineering; data engineering; modeling for data management; and applications and tooling.
This brief focuses on medium access control (MAC) in vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs), and presents VeMAC, a novel MAC scheme based on distributed time division multiple access (TDMA) for VANETs. The performance of VeMAC is evaluated via mathematical analysis and computer simulations in comparison with other existing MAC protocols, including the IEEE 802.11p standard. This brief aims at proposing TDMA as a suitable MAC scheme for VANETs, which can support the quality-of-service requirements of high priority VANET applications.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Scalable Uncertainty Management, SUM 2014, held in Oxford, UK, in September 2014. The 20 revised full papers and 6 revised short papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 47 submissions. The papers cover topics in all areas of managing and reasoning with substantial and complex kinds of uncertain, incomplete or inconsistent information including applications in decision support systems, machine learning, negotiation technologies, semantic web applications, search engines, ontology systems, information retrieval, natural language processing, information extraction, image recognition, vision systems, data and text mining, and the consideration of issues such as provenance, trust, heterogeneity, and complexity of data and knowledge.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th German Conference on Multiagent System Technologies, MATES 2014, held in Stuttgart, Germany, in September 2014. The 9 full papers and 7 short papers included in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 31 submissions. The book also contains 2 invited talks. The papers are organized in topical sections named: mechanisms, negotiation, and game theory; multiagent planning, learning, and control; and multiagent systems engineering, modeling and simulation.
This volume constitutes the refereed proceedings of the following 9 international workshops: OTM Academy, OTM Industry Case Studies Program, Cloud and Trusted Computing, C&TC, Enterprise Integration, Interoperability, and Networking, EI2N, Industrial and Business Applications of Semantic Web Technologies, INBAST, Information Systems, om Distributed Environment, ISDE, Methods, Evaluation, Tools and Applications for the Creation and Consumption of Structured Data for the e-Society, META4eS, Mobile and Social Computing for collaborative interactions, MSC, and Ontology Content, OnToContent 2014. These workshops were held as associated events at OTM 2014, the federated conferences "On The Move Towards Meaningful Internet Systems and Ubiquitous Computing", in Amantea, Italy, in October 2014. The 56 full papers presented together with 8 short papers, 6 posters and 5 keynotes were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 96 submissions. The focus of the workshops were on the following subjects models for interoperable infrastructures, applications, privacy and access control, reliability and performance, cloud and configuration management, interoperability in (System-of-)Systems, distributed information systems applications, architecture and process in distributed information system, distributed information system development and operational environment, ontology is use for eSociety, knowledge management and applications for eSociety, social networks and social services, social and mobile intelligence, and multimodal interaction and collaboration.
Peer-to-peer (P2P) technology, or peer computing, is a paradigm that is viewed as a potential technology for redesigning distributed architectures and, consequently, distributed processing. Yet the scale and dynamism that characterize P2P systems demand that we reexamine traditional distributed technologies. A paradigm shift that includes self-reorganization, adaptation and resilience is called for. On the other hand, the increased computational power of such networks opens up completely new applications, such as in digital content sharing, scientific computation, gaming, or collaborative work environments. In this book, Vu, Lupu and Ooi present the technical challenges offered by P2P systems, and the means that have been proposed to address them. They provide a thorough and comprehensive review of recent advances on routing and discovery methods; load balancing and replication techniques; security, accountability and anonymity, as well as trust and reputation schemes; programming models and P2P systems and projects. Besides surveying existing methods and systems, they also compare and evaluate some of the more promising schemes. The need for such a book is evident. It provides a single source for practitioners, researchers and students on the state of the art. For practitioners, this book explains best practice, guiding selection of appropriate techniques for each application. For researchers, this book provides a foundation for the development of new and more effective methods. For students, it is an overview of the wide range of advanced techniques for realizing effective P2P systems, and it can easily be used as a text for an advanced course on Peer-to-Peer Computing and Technologies, or as a companion text for courses on various subjects, such as distributed systems, and grid and cluster computing.
This book constitutes the refereed papers of the proceedings of the 8th International Conference on System Analysis and Modeling, SAM 2014, held in Valencia, Spain, in September 2014. The 18 full papers and the 3 short papers presented together with 2 keynotes were carefully reviewed and selected from 71 submissions. The contributions are organized in topical sections named: reuse; availability, safety and optimization; sequences and interactions; testing; metrics, constraints and repositories; and SDL and V&V.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Internet and Distributed Computing Systems, IDCS 2014, held in Calabria, Italy, in September 2014. The 23 revised full and 15 revised short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 50 submissions. The papers cover the following topics: ad-hoc and sensor networks; internet and Web technologies; network operations and management; multi-agent systems; cloud-based information infrastructures.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of 5 workshops of the 15th International Conference on Web-Age Information Management, WAIM 2014, held in Macau, China, June 16-18, 2014. The 38 revised full papers are organized in topical sections on the 5 following workshops: Second International Workshop on Emergency Management in Big Data Age, BigEM 2014; Second International Workshop on Big Data Management on Emerging Hardware, HardBD 2014; International Workshop on Data Management for Next-Generation Location-based Services, DaNoS 2014; International Workshop on Human Aspects of Making Recommendations in Social Ubiquitous Networking Environment, HRSUME 2014; International Workshop on Big Data Systems and Services, BIDASYS 2014.
The emergence of Web technologies for the distribution of an immense amount of data and knowledge has given rise to the need for supportive frameworks for kno- edge management. Semantic Web technologies aim at providing shared semantic spaces for Web contents, such that people, applications and communities can use a common platform to share information. Canadian Semantic Web: Technologies and Applications aims at contributing to the advancement of the Semantic Web by providing the most recent signi?cant - search on Semantic Web theory, techniques and applications in academia, industry and government in Canada and all over the world. It also enlightens possible - mantic Web research directions in future by reporting some works in-progress that presenton-goingresearchonprinciplesandapplicationsoftheSemanticWeb,while their implementation or deployment may have not been completed. This book consists of ten chapters. The chapters are extended versions of a - lected set of papers from the second Canadian Semantic Web Working Symposium (CSWWS 2009) and the twenty-?rst international Conference on Software En- neering and Knowledge Engineering (SEKE 2009). CSWWS 2009 was held in Kelowna, British Columbia in May 2009. Since many of the challenging aspects of the research problems tackled in the Semantic Web area fall in the realm of Ar- ?cial Intelligence or employ of AI techniques, CSWWS 2009 was organized in - nd sociation with the 22 Canadian Conference on Arti?cial Intelligence.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Cellular Automata for Research and Industry, ACRI 2014, held in Krakow, Poland, in September 2014. The 67 full papers and 7 short papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 125 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: theoretical results on cellular automata; cellular automata dynamics and synchronization; modeling and simulation with cellular automata; cellular automata-based hardware and computing; cryptography, networks and pattern recognition with cellular automata. The volume also contains contributions from ACRI 2014 workshops on crowds and cellular automata; asynchronous cellular automata; traffic and cellular automata; and agent-based simulation and cellular automata.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th IFIP TC 6/TC 11 International Conference on Communications and Multimedia Security, CMS 2014, held in Aveiro, Portugal, in September 2014. The 4 revised full papers presented together with 6 short papers, 3 extended abstracts describing the posters that were discussed at the conference, and 2 keynote talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 22 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on vulnerabilities and threats, identification and authentification, applied security.
Systems Management is emerging as the predominant area for computer science in the enterprise, with studies showing that the bulk (up to 80%) of an enterprise IT budget is spent on management/operational issues and is the largest piece of the expenditure. This textbook provides an overview of the field of computer systems and network management. Systems management courses are being taught in different graduate and undergraduate computer science programs, but there are no good books with a comprehensive overview of the subject. This text book will provide content appropriate for either an undergraduate course (junior or senior year) or a graduate course in systems management.
Accessing remote instrumentation worldwide is one of the goals of e-Science. The task of enabling the execution of complex experiments that involve the use of distributed scientific instruments must be supported by a number of different architectural domains, which inter-work in a coordinated fashion to provide the necessary functionality. These domains embrace the physical instruments, the communication network interconnecting the distributed systems, the service oriented abstractions and their middleware. The Grid paradigm (or, more generally, the Service Oriented Architecture -- SOA), viewed as a tool for the integration of distributed resources, plays a significant role, not only to manage computational aspects, but increasingly as an aggregator of measurement instrumentation and pervasive large-scale data acquisition platforms. In this context, the functionality of a SOA allows managing, maintaining and exploiting heterogeneous instrumentation and acquisition devices in a unified way, by providing standardized interfaces and common working environments to their users, but the peculiar aspects of dealing with real instruments of widely different categories may add new functional requirements to this scenario. On the other hand, the growing transport capacity of core and access networks allows data transfer at unprecedented speed, but new challenges arise from wireless access, wireless sensor networks, and the traversal of heterogeneous network domains. The book focuses on all aspects related to the effective exploitation of remote instrumentation and to the building complex virtual laboratories on top of real devices and infrastructures. These include SOA and related middleware, high-speed networking in support of Grid applications, wireless Grids for acquisition devices and sensor networks, Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning for real-time control, measurement instrumentation and methodology, as well as metrology issues in distributed systems.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed proceedings of the Third International Multi-topic Conference on Communications, Technologies, Information Security and Sustainable Development, IMTIC 2013, held in Jamshoro, Pakistan, in December 2013. The 27 revised papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 140 submissions. The topics presented had a reasonable balance between theory and practice in multi-disciplined topics including wireless sensor networks, cloud computing, wireless communication, antenna design, signal processing, software engineering, image processing, bioinformatics and telemedicine, neural networks, automation and control, and green renewable energy.
Decentralized Control and Filtering provides a rigorous framework for examining the analysis, stability and control of large-scale systems, addressing the difficulties that arise because dimensionality, information structure constraints, parametric uncertainty and time-delays. This monograph serves three purposes: it reviews past methods and results from a contemporary perspective; it examines presents trends and approaches and to provide future possibilities; and it investigates robust, reliable and/or resilient decentralized design methods based on a framework of linear matrix inequalities. As well as providing an overview of large-scale systems theories from the past several decades, the author presents key modern concepts and efficient computational methods. Representative numerical examples, end-of-chapter problems, and typical system applications are included, and theoretical developments and practical applications of large-scale dynamical systems are discussed in depth.
As a beginning graduate student, I recall being frustrated by a general lack of acces sible sources from which I could learn about (theoretical) cryptography. I remember wondering: why aren't there more books presenting the basics of cryptography at an introductory level? Jumping ahead almost a decade later, as a faculty member my graduate students now ask me: what is the best resource for learning about (various topics in) cryptography? This monograph is intended to serve as an answer to these 1 questions - at least with regard to digital signature schemes. Given the above motivation, this book has been written with a beginninggraduate student in mind: a student who is potentially interested in doing research in the ?eld of cryptography, and who has taken an introductory course on the subject, but is not sure where to turn next. Though intended primarily for that audience, I hope that advanced graduate students and researchers will ?nd the book useful as well. In addition to covering various constructions of digital signature schemes in a uni?ed framework, this text also serves as a compendium of various "folklore" results that are, perhaps, not as well known as they should be. This book could also serve as a textbook for a graduate seminar on advanced cryptography; in such a class, I expect the entire book could be covered at a leisurely pace in one semester with perhaps some time left over for excursions into related topics.
Production Grids in Asia: Applications, Developments and Global Ties, an edited volume, is based on ISGC (International Symposium on Grid Computing), one of the most prestigious annual events in Asia. It brings together scientists and engineers worldwide to exchange ideas, present challenges/solutions, and introduce future development in the field of Grid Computing. ISGC 2008 was held at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan in April 2008. The edited proceedings present international projects in Grid operation, Grid Middleware and e-Science applications. Leading Grid projects from Asia-Pacific are also covered. Production Grids in Asia: Applications, Developments and Global Ties is designed for a professional audience composed of industry researchers and practitioners within the Grid community. This volume is also suitable for advanced-level students in computer science.
Universal navigation is accessible primarily through smart phones providing users with navigation information regardless of the environment (i.e., outdoor or indoor). Universal Navigation on Smartphones provide the most up-to-date navigation technologies and systems for both outdoor and indoor navigation. It also provides a comparison of the similarities and differences between outdoor and indoor navigation systems from both a technological stand point and user's perspective. All aspects of navigation systems including geo-positioning, wireless communication, databases, and functions will be introduced. The main thrust of this book presents new approaches and techniques for future navigation systems including social networking, as an emerging approach for navigation.
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 13th IFIP TC 8 International Conference on Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management, CISIM 2014, held in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, in November 2014. The 60 paper presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 98 submissions. They are organized in topical sections named: algorithms; biometrics and biometrics applications; data analysis and information retrieval; industrial management and other applications; modelling and optimization; networking; pattern recognition and image processing; and various aspects of computer security.
The book is the first thorough overview of the first important steps to develop a worldwide virtual observatory so that, in the future, it could be easier to "dial-up" a part of the sky than wait many months to access a telescope. The articles in this book present details on the status of the first efforts to develop a standardized framework for the virtual observatory, including steps towards completion and deployment of technical infrastructure, uptake by data providers worldwide, and utilization by the scientific community.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Symposium on Security in Computing and Communications, SSCC 2014, held in Delhi, India, in September 2013. The 36 revised full papers presented together with 12 work-in-progress papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 132 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on security and privacy in networked systems; authentication and access control systems; encryption and cryptography; system and network security; work-in-progress.
In the history of mankind, three revolutions which impact the human life are tool-making revolution, agricultural revolution and industrial revolution. They have transformed not only the economy and civilization but the overall development of the human society. Probably, intelligence revolution is the next revolution, which the society will perceive in the next 10 years. ICCD-2014 covers all dimensions of intelligent sciences, i.e. Intelligent Computing, Intelligent Communication and Intelligent Devices. This volume covers contributions from Intelligent Computing, areas such as Intelligent and Distributed Computing, Intelligent Grid & Cloud Computing, Internet of Things, Soft Computing and Engineering Applications, Data Mining and Knowledge discovery, Semantic and Web Technology, and Bio-Informatics. This volume also covers paper from Intelligent Device areas such as Embedded Systems, RFID, VLSI Design & Electronic Devices, Analog and Mixed-Signal IC Design and Testing, Solar Cells and Photonics, Nano Devices and Intelligent Robotics. |
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