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Books > Social sciences > Education > Organization & management of education
Grading is one of the most hotly debated topics in education, and grading practices themselves are largely based on tradition, instinct, or personal history or philosophy. But to be effective, grading policies and practices must be based on trustworthy research evidence. Enter this book: a review of 100-plus years of grading research that presents the broadest and most comprehensive summary of research on grading and reporting available to date, with clear takeaways for learning and teaching. Edited by Thomas R. Guskey and Susan M. Brookhart, this indispensable guide features thoughtful, thorough dives into the research from a distinguished team of scholars, geared to a broad range of stakeholders, including teachers, school leaders, policymakers, and researchers. Each chapter addresses a different area of grading research and describes how the major findings in that area might be leveraged to improve grading policy and practice. Ultimately, Guskey and Brookhart identify four themes emerging from the research that can guide these efforts: Start with clear learning goals. Focus on the feedback function of grades. Limit the number of grade categories. Provide multiple grades that reflect product, process, and progress criteria. By distilling the vast body of research evidence into meaningful, actionable findings and strategies, this book is the jump-start all stakeholders need to build a better understanding of what works-and where to go from here.
How to Manage Student Consulting Projects describes the key principles and tools needed by project advisors to manage student consulting projects in an academic setting. The authors highlight different approaches for managing student consulting teams, including an innovative model in which graduate students manage undergraduates. This model of experiential learning suggests that project advisors should include reflection of learning as a key outcome for any student consulting project. The book also emphasizes the importance of evaluating both team and individual performance in a project's overall success, and data are shown on the positive impact that student teams have had on clients. In addition to offering strategies that project advisors can use to improve project performance, the book provides information for program administrators and deans, as well as project managers in non-academic settings, to help in the development and running of project-based learning.
Over the past decade the teaching environment in South Africa has changed drastically. One of the thorny issues facing the current education dispensation is that of learner discipline. Traditional views and disciplinary methods have had to give way for the Constitution's Bill of Rights. In light of this, the Faculty of Education Sciences at North-West University launched a research project on learner discipline and found that where before the emphasis was on reward and punishment, aspects such as co-ownership, mutual respect and co-responsibility are now key to the creation of a learning environment characterised by order and discipline. A practical guide to discipline in schools introduces some of the information gained from this study in the form of a practical manual and explores creative ways to transform impending chaos in the classroom into opportunities. It discusses the formulation of an equitable, fair and reasonable code of conduct and outlines the correct procedure to be followed for disciplinary hearings. A practical guide to discipline in schools is for educators and prospective educators, and aims to promote security in education practice through an orderly teaching-learning climate.
If you are looking for the intersection of past practices, current thinking, and future insights into the ever-expanding world of entrepreneurship education, then you will want to read and explore the fifth edition of the Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy. Prepared under the auspices of the United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (USASBE), this edited volume covers a broad range of scholarly, practical, and thoughtful perspectives on a compelling range of entrepreneurship education issues. The fifth edition spans topics ranging from innovative practices in facilitating entrepreneurship teaching and learning inside and outside the classroom, learning innovation, and model programs, to the latest research from top programs and thought leaders in entrepreneurship. Moreover, the fifth edition builds on previous editions as it continues to investigate critical issues in designing, implementing, and assessing experiential learning techniques in the field of entrepreneurship. This contemporary volume provides insights and challenges in the development of entrepreneurship education for students, educators, mentors, community leaders, and more. Annals of Entrepreneurship Education and Pedagogy - 2023 is a must-have book for any entrepreneurship professor, scholar, or program director dedicated to advancing entrepreneurship education in the US and around the world.
The world today needs mindful leaders who care for the holistic well-being of their students and staff, inspiring all to renew schools with compassion, creativity and courage. But what is mindful leadership, and how can leaders create and sustain mindful schools? Mindful Leadership for Schools draws on the educational thought of Confucius and explores how Confucian mindful leadership (CML) can offer a solution. This book shows how a Confucian mindful leader is one who attends to self, others, things and events respectfully, promoting the virtues of love, harmony and social justice through personal cultivation, role-modelling, community-building, coaching and initiating reforms. Tan explores how this approach complements and strengthens authentic, instructional, distributed and transformational leadership strategies, offering a novel and practical leadership approach that combines ancient wisdom and modern educational research.
Why do some schools succeed while others struggle? Why do policies and programs often fail to deliver what they promise? In this follow-up to their insightful School Culture Rewired: How to Define, Assess, and Transform It, authors Steve Gruenert and Todd Whitaker offer practical advice and strategies that help you build positive energy to reinvigorate your school's culture and staff. Written as a standalone guide, School Culture Recharged clarifies the difference between culture and climate and zeroes in on key school improvement efforts, including: Moving from the culture you have to the culture you want. Using the school's culture to improve teaching, job satisfaction, and morale. Maximizing the intentions of professional learning communities. Developing organizational habits-rules and rituals-that can contribute to positive change. For education leaders at all levels, this book delivers a compelling message: Understanding and harnessing the transformative power of school culture can propel your school into the kind of place where teachers want to work, administrators can focus on what matters most, and students can thrive.
How can we ensure that all students, regardless of cultural background or socioeconomic status, are granted equitable opportunities to succeed in the classroom and beyond? In Keeping It Real and Relevant: Building Authentic Relationships in Your Diverse Classroom, author and veteran educator Ignacio Lopez offers hard-won lessons that educators at all levels can apply to teaching, assessing, counseling, and designing interventions for learners from all walks of life. These insights are all rooted in the same core principle: building deep and meaningful relationships with students is the key driver of their success. In addition to examining the pivotal role of relationship-building among teachers and students in preparing the latter to perform at the highest level, this book offers: Real-life examples of challenging classroom situations, each with a detailed breakdown of how they were peacefully and non-punitively resolved. Strategies for designing learning environments suited to the individual needs of students and reflective of their cultural backgrounds. Ideas for scaffolding students as they experience and internalize epiphanies about what works and what doesn't, both academically and behaviorally. Activities and reflection questions for use in professional development. Many teachers find balancing the needs of increasingly diverse classrooms made up of learners from increasingly diverse backgrounds to be a difficult and often thankless task-and one that takes precious time away from instructional planning. Here, Lopez outlines simple but ingenious steps for addressing these needs holistically, in a way that takes no extra time yet amply enhances the learning experience for students. Clear, practical, and much-needed, Keeping It Real and Relevant is the ultimate blueprint for creating a harmonious and successful classroom for kids of all colors, creeds, and cultures.
What will it take to create truly contemporary learning environments that meet the demands of 21st-century society, engage learners, and produce graduates who are prepared to succeed in the world? What skills and capacities do teachers and leaders need to create and sustain such schools? What actions are necessary? Bold Moves for Schools offers a compelling vision that answers these questions-and action steps to make the vision a reality. Looking through the lenses of three pedagogies-antiquated, classical, and contemporary-authors Heidi Hayes Jacobs and Marie Hubley Alcock examine every aspect of K-12 education, including curriculum, instruction, assessment, and the program structures of space (both physical and virtual), time, and grouping of learners and professionals. In a new job description for teachers, Jacobs and Alcock highlight and expound on the following roles: Self-navigating professional learner. Social contractor. Media critic and media maker. Innovative designer. Globally connected citizen. Advocate for learners and learning. With thought-provoking proposals and practical strategies for change, Bold Moves for Schools sets educators on the path to redefining their profession and creating exciting new learning environments. The challenge is unprecedented. The possibilities are unlimited.
Educators' most important work is to help students develop the intellectual and social strength of character necessary to live well in the world. The way to do this, argue authors Bena Kallick and Allison Zmuda, is to increase the say students have in their own learning and prepare them to navigate complexities they face both inside and beyond school. This means rethinking traditional teacher and student roles and re-examining goal setting, lesson planning, assessment, and feedback practices. It means establishing classrooms that prioritize: Voice-Involving students in "the what" and "the how" of learning and equipping them to be stewards of their own education. Co-creation-Guiding students to identify the challenges and concepts they want to explore and outline the actions they will take. Social construction-Having students work with others to theorize, pursue common goals, build products, and generate performances. Self-discovery-Teaching students to reflect on their own developing skills and knowledge so that they will acquire new understandings of themselves and how they learn. Based on their exciting work in the field, Kallick and Zmuda map out a transformative model of personalization that puts students at the center and asks them to employ the set of dispositions for engagement and learning known as the Habits of Mind. They share the perspectives of educators engaged in this work; highlight the habits that empower students to pursue aspirations, investigate problems, design solutions, chase curiosities, and create performances; and provide tools and recommendations for adjusting classroom practices to facilitate learning that is self-directed, dynamic, sometimes messy, and always meaningful.
In this revised and updated 4th edition, Discipline with Dignity provides in-depth guidance for implementing a proven approach to classroom management that can help students make better choices and teachers be more effective. Emphasizing the importance of mutual respect and self-control, the authors offer specific strategies and techniques for building strong relationships with disruptive students and countering the toxic social circumstances that affect many of them, including dysfunctional families, gangs, and poverty. Educators at all levels can learn: The difference between formal and informal discipline systems and when to use each. The role of values, rules, and consequences. How to address the underlying causes of discipline problems that occur both in and out of school. What teachers can do to defuse or prevent classroom disruptions and disrespectful behavior without removing students from the classroom. Why traditional approaches such as threats, punishments, and rewards are ineffective-and what to do instead. How to use relevance, teacher enthusiasm, choice, and other elements of curriculum and instruction to motivate students. How to reduce both teacher and student stress that can trigger power struggles. With dozens of specific examples of student-teacher interactions, Discipline with Dignity illustrates what you can do-and not do-to make the classroom a place where students learn and teachers maintain control in a nonconfrontational way. The goal is success for all, in schools that thrive.
Join Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher as they outline a clear-cut, realistic, and rewarding approach to formative assessment. They explain how four discrete steps work in tandem to create a seamless, comprehensive formative assessment system-one that has no beginning and no end. This ongoing approach enhances an active give-and-take relationship between teachers and students to promote learning. Where am I going? Step 1: Feed-up ensures that students understand the purpose of an assignment, task, or lesson, including how they will be assessed. Where am I now? Step 2: Checking for understanding guides instruction and helps determine if students are making progress toward their goals. How am I doing? Step 3: Feedback provides students with valuable and constructive information about their successes and needs. Where am I going next? Step 4: Feed-forward builds on the feedback from step 3 and uses performance data to facilitate student achievement. Dozens of real-life scenarios demonstrate how to apply these steps in your classroom, always focusing on the presence or absence of student learning to guide the action. By enabling teachers and students alike to see more clearly what they need to do for learning to be successful, this approach builds students' competence, confidence, and understanding. No matter what grade level you teach, The Formative Assessment Action Plan will help you make better use of assessment data so you can more quickly adjust instruction to keep every student on the path to success.
In today's modern world, it is crucial to ensure diversity and inclusion are present in all forms of education. This can be particularly difficult to achieve in virtual learning environments as educators and students adjust to this new way of teaching and learning. Further study on how schools and institutions across the globe are promoting diversity in online environments is necessary to discover the best practices and ensure education as a whole remains inclusive. Comparative Research on Diversity in Virtual Learning: Eastern vs. Western Perspectives collects lived experiences of stakeholders from different countries regarding their experiences with teaching in diverse virtual learning environments. The book identifies characteristics of diversity in virtual online learning and explores the best practices of teaching and learning in said environments. Importantly, the reference covers experiences from both Eastern and Western countries and compares the challenges and opportunities afforded to both. Covering topics such as student engagement, computational thinking, and diverse environments, this reference work is ideal for teachers, administrators, policymakers, researchers, academicians, scholars, practitioners, instructors, and students.
Positing that education is a movement from one way of being to another more desirable one, An Intense Calling argues that ethics should be the prime focus for the field of education. The book locates ethics, education, and justice in human subjectivity and describes education as a necessary practice for ethical reflexivity, change, and becoming (ethically) different. It also situates ethics as something that exceeds subjectivity thereby engaging ethics as a material phenomenon through topics such as aesthetics and solidarity with non-humans. Jesse Bazzul explores various concepts in the book including power, biopolitics, the commons, subjectivity, and materiality and draws from over twenty years of experience teaching in different countries including Canada, Ireland, the United States, China, and Ukraine. Taking a wide-ranging philosophical approach, the book entangles ethics, urgent political issues, and pressing educational contexts of the twenty-first century. In doing so, An Intense Calling maintains that ethics is the core of education because education involves finding better ways of living and being in the world.
Student-run ventures, actual businesses that students enroll in as a course and run themselves, are changing the ways in which students learn by offering valuable hands-on experience. Many universities around the US have some form of student-run venture operating on campus, but how learning is reinforced and integrated into the classroom varies widely, as does the meaningfulness of the overall student experience. Most universities operate these ventures as one-offs, disconnected from formal academic instruction and as a side project that never gets full faculty or student attention. This book examines six exemplar student-run ventures in depth. These ventures span disciplines from all across campus (arts, humanities, technology) and have known track-records of success, not only from a revenue perspective, but also in terms of pedagogy and learning. Readers learn the inner workings of all six student-run venture courses first-hand from the faculty teaching the course and from students who have taken the course. For instructors looking to start a student-run venture on their campus this book is a must-have roadmap that is sure to help them sidestep obstacles and to accelerate success. The insights contained here show you how you can enhance student engagement and learning by incorporating elements of 21st century entrepreneurship education into the classroom.
SEL expert, Erick Herrmann provides useful, easy-to-use strategies to help teachers embed social-emotional learning (SEL) into everyday instruction. This effective teacher resource dives into each of CASEL s core competencies and explains the related skills and behaviors associated with them, giving teachers the insights, they need to integrate SEL.This essential resource provides activities, tips, competency connections, and reflection questions empowering teachers to confidently introduce, discuss, and incorporate each core competency in the classroom. The final chapter "Putting It All Together" provides suggestions and strategies for integrating social-emotional learning into content instruction.The digital resources include 60 pages of helpful student and teacher resources, plus several posters.
It is an old cliche that leading and managing academics is like herding cats. This book challenges this myth and presents a way to deal with the many challenges of academic leadership, from managing departments, research groups and teams to managing tensions between research and teaching. The book is a practical and stimulating guide to different pathways to successful academic leadership, both in personal and organizational terms.
In this book, Erik M. Francis explores how one of the most fundamental instructional strategies-questioning-can provide the proper scaffolding to deepen student thinking, understanding, and application of knowledge. You'll learn: Techniques for using questioning to extend and evaluate student learning experiences. Eight different kinds of questions that challenge students to demonstrate higher-order thinking and communicate depth of knowledge. How to rephrase the performance objectives of college and career readiness standards into questions that engage and challenge students. Francis offers myriad examples of good questions across content areas and grade levels, as well as structures to help teachers create and use the different kinds of questions. By using this book to fine-tune your approach to questioning, you can awaken the spirit of inquiry in your classroom and help students deepen their knowledge, understanding, and ability to communicate what they think and know.
This title focuses on the fundamentals of supervision and how supervision can be utilised effectively. The authors are involved in the fields of education, counseling and clinical psychology. Written primarily by South African practitioners and trainers, the title is particularly relevant to the supervisors of counsellors and counsellor supervisees.
Exam Board: Pearson BTEC Academic Level: BTEC National Subject: Sport First teaching: September 2016 First Exams: Summer 2017 Our revision resources are the smart choice for those revising for externally assessed Unit 1 in Sport BTEC Nationals. This book contains four full-length practice assessments, helping you to: Prepare, by familiarising yourself with the structure and process for completing your assessment Practise by writing responses straight into the book Perfect your external assessment skills for this unit, with targeted hints, guidance and support for every question, along with answers
In How to Make Decisions with Different Kinds of Student Assessment Data, best-selling author Susan M. Brookhart helps teachers and administrators understand the critical elements and nuances of assessment data and how that information can best be used to inform improvement efforts in the school or district. Readers will learn: What different kinds of data can-and cannot-tell us about student learning. What different analyses reveal about changes in student achievement. How to interpret, use, and share relevant data. How to create a model to go from problem to solution in a data-based decision-making process. With easy-to-understand explanations, supplemented by examples and scenarios from actual schools, this book offers a path to better understanding, more accurate interpretation of assessment results, and-most important-more effective use of data to improve teaching and learning.
Karen Quinn has successfully taught hundreds of parents how to
prepare their children for testing, and "Testing For Kindergarten"
is her ultimate, comprehensive guide to having fun while teaching
to the underlying abilities every test assesses.
Excellence Through Equity is an inspiring look at how real-world educators are creating schools where all students are able to thrive. In these schools, educators understand that equity is not about treating all children the same. They are deeply committed to ensuring that each student receives what he or she individually needs to develop their full potential and succeed. To help educators with what can at times be a difficult and challenging journey, Blankstein and Noguera frame the book with five guiding principles of Courageous Leadership: Getting to your core. Making organizational meaning. Ensuring constancy and consistency of purpose. Facing the facts and your fears. Building sustainable relationships. They further emphasize that the practices are grounded in three important areas of research that are too often disregarded: (1) child development, (2) neuroscience, and (3) environmental influences on child development and learning. You'll hear from Carol Corbett Burris, Michael Fullan, Marcus J. Newsome, Paul Reville, Susan Szachowicz, and other bold practitioners and visionary thinkers who share compelling and actionable ideas, strategies, and experiences for closing the achievement gap in your classrooms and school. Ensuring that all students receive an education that cultivates their talents and potential is in all our common interest. As Andy Hargreaves writes in the coda: ""The opportunity for all Americans is to articulate and believe in an inspiring vision of educational change that is about what the next generation of America and Americans should become, not about a target or ranking that the nation should attain."" From the Foreword by Archbishop Desmond Tutu: ""Letting go of a system of winners and losers in favor of what is proposed in this book is a courageous leap forward that we all must take together. Let this bold, practical book be a guide; and may you travel into this new exciting vista, in which every child can succeed.
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