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Books > Law > Other areas of law
In Egypt's modern history, reform of personal status laws has often formed an integral part of political, cultural, and religious contestations among different factions of society. From the beginning of the twenty-first century, two significant reforms were introduced in Egyptian personal status laws: women's right to petition for no-fault judicial divorce law (khul') and the new mediation-based family courts.Legal Reform and Gender Justice examines the interplay between legal reform and gender norms and practices. It examines the processes of advocating for, and contesting the khul' and new family courts laws, shedding light on the agendas and strategies of the various actors involved. It also examines the ways in which women and men have made use of these legal reforms; how judges and other court personnel have interpreted and implemented them; and how the reforms may have impacted women and men's understandings, expectations, and strategies when navigating marriage and spousal roles.Drawing on an extensive four-year field study, Al-Sharmani highlights the complexities and mixed impacts of legal reform, not only as a mechanism of claiming gender rights but also as a system of meanings that shape, destabilize, or transform gender norms and practices.
The revised edition 2009 particularly focuses on the legal aspects of the securitization of debt by a security right in land (with refinancing register), the consequences of the mortgage crisis, the Bavarian legal proposal for a law to protect the borrower, and the question of which objections the legal successor in a security right in land will be confronted with. The law of compulsory mortgages and the security contract on land charges has also been extensively revised.
Written from an ethnographic perspective, this book investigates the socio-legal aspects of Islamic jurisprudence in Gaza-Palestine. It examines the way judges, lawyers and litigants operate with respect to the law and with each other, particularly given their different positions in the power structure within the court and within society at large. The book aims at elucidating ambivalences in the codified statutes that allow the actors to find practical solutions to their (often) legally unresolved problems and to manipulate the law. The book demonstrates that present-day judges are not only confronted with novel questions they have to find an answer to, but, perhaps more importantly, they are confronted with contradictions between the letter of codified law and their own notions of justice. The author reminds us that these notions of justice should not be set a priori; they are socially constructed in particular time and space. Making a substantial contribution to a number of theoretical debates on family law and gender, the book will appeal to both academic and non-academic readers alike.
Dieses Buch beschaftigt sich mit Insolvenzfallen, bei denen die Insolvenzmasse zu einem Zeitpunkt der Verfahrensabwicklung allenfalls die Kosten des Insolvenzverfahrens deckt. Diese Lage tritt vielfach auf und gehoert zu den Standardproblemen, mit denen sich Insolvenzverwalter und Berater auseinandersetzen mussen. Rechtsdogmatische Stimmigkeit und Praxisorientierung verbinden sich bei den vorgeschlagenen Loesungen. Bei Eintritt der Massearmut - der Massebedurftigkeit gem. 207 InsO oder der Masseunzulanglichkeit nach den 208 ff. InsO - hat die hoechstrichterliche Rechtsprechung das Verfahren von einer Notabwicklung hin zu einer besonderen Form der Insolvenzverwaltung mit dem Ziel entwickelt, dem Insolvenzverwalter eine optimale Verwertung der Masse zu ermoeglichen und dabei seine Haftungsrisiken zu verringern. Dabei stehen die Risiken im Vordergrund, die bei einer Fortfuhrung des insolvenzschuldnerischen Betriebes auftreten. Besonderes Augenmerk wird auf die Moeglichkeiten einer Verfahrensgestaltung durch Insolvenzplane nach 210a InsO gelegt. Die Massebedurftigkeit (Massearmut i.e.S.) gem. 207 InsO wird in ihren Voraussetzungen und Rechtsfolgen fur die Abwicklung des Verfahrens eingehend dargestellt und dabei insbesondere die Handlungsmoeglichkeiten des Insolvenzverwalters beleuchtet. Der Schwerpunkt der Darstellung liegt bei der Behandlung der Masseunzulanglichkeit gem. 208 ff. InsO. Aus den dabei behandelten Fragen sind hervorzuheben: Voraussetzungen der Anzeige der Masseunzulanglichkeit; Ermessen des Insolvenzverwalters bei der Wahl des Zeitpunktes der Anzeige Prozessuale Wirkungen der Anzeige auf die Rechtsdurchsetzung der Masseglaubiger Probleme einer zweiten Masseunzulanglichkeit und deren Auswirkung auf die Rechtsstellung der Neumasseglaubiger Verjahrung von Masseforderung nach Wiederherstellung der Massesuffizienz Insolvenzplane bei Masseunzulanglichkeit Fragen der Haftung des Insolvenzverwalters: Verhaltnis der Haftungstatbestande der 60 und 61 InsO
This book, in its effort to formulate compatibility between Islamic law and the principles of international diplomatic law, argues that the need to harmonize the two legal systems and have a thorough cross-cultural understanding amongst nations generally with a view to enhancing unfettered diplomatic cooperation should be of paramount priority.
Compared to the US, European data and privacy protection rules seem Draconian. The European rules apply to any enterprise doing business in the EU. The new rules are far more stringent than the last set. This book is a quick guide to the directives for companies, particularly US, that have to comply with them. Where US organizations and businesses who collect or receive EU personal data fail to comply with the rule, the bottom line can suffer from very significant official fines and penalties, as well as from users, customers or representative bodies to pursuing litigation. This guide is essential for all US enterprises who directly or indirectly deal with EU personal data.
A little book that's big on information, the Architect's Legal Pocket Book is the definitive reference guide on legal issues for architects and architectural students. This handy pocket guide covers key legal principles which will help you to quickly understand the law and where to go for further information. Now in its third edition, this bestselling book has been fully updated throughout to provide you with the most current information available. Subjects include contract administration, building legislation, planning, listed buildings, contract law, negligence, liability and dispute resolution. This edition also contains new cases and legislation, government policy, contract terms and certificates including the RIBA contract administration certificates, inspection duties and practical completion, The Building a Safer Future, Proposals for Reform of the Building Safety Regulatory System Report, the Hackitt review, the Report of the Independent Inquiry into the Construction of Edinburgh Schools and practical issues facing architects. Illustrated with clear diagrams and featuring key cases, this is a comprehensive guide to current law for architects and an invaluable source of information. It is a book no architect should be without.
The topic, "Northern Sea Route" has become a highly relevant point on the strategic radar screen of many business and military leaders, since global climate change now opens up a hitherto impassable sea route and positions it as a strategic alternative to the Suez route. Add to this the discovery of many easily extractable commodities and metals in the arctic area. For entrepreneurs, this setting offers new opportunities and risks; for academics, a new research context emerges. The book discusses the strategic, economic, logistic, judicial and military challenges of the future great game in the arctic sea.
Judges, courts, and scholars in the United States agree that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land, but there is much disagreement about its meaning. So what seems to be incontestable truth is riddled with disagreements about every day questions of decision making on matter such as whether people are entitled to government created programs, what rights are fundamental, the criteria for voting, the three branches of governments' several responsibilities, and even who should have the final say in defining the Constitution's meaning. Constitutional Ethos is a groundbreaking investigation into the fundamental principles of constitutional principle, meaning, and interpretation. It explores the core purposes of American representative democracy in light of historical sources, recent precedents, and contemporary debates. Alexander Tsesis argues that a central norm of U.S. law can be derived from the Declaration of Independence and Preamble. This book develops a theory of constitutional law structured on the public duty to protect individual rights for the general welfare. The maxim of constitutional governance synthesizes the protection of individual and public rights. The ideal is neither solely theoretical nor customary but tied to a firm foundation that the people then build upon by lobbying elected officials and petitioning appointed judges. Representative government has an interlinked obligation to the individual and the general welfare. This paradigm for responsible governance sets the baseline against which citizens can hold policy makers accountable to the structural and normative commitments of the Constitution. A pluralistic system must respect human dignity and govern for the betterment of the body politic. Those mandates set the terms for exercising legitimate power at the federal, state, and local levels to protect individual rights to achieve the common good of civil society. Tsesis demonstrates that ethos is binding on the conduct of all three branches of government and their officeholders. His argument challenges the more common U.S. perspective among academics and judges, who typically discount the existence of any objective constitutional value, regarding the document as a construct of social norms. To the contrary, Tsesis shows that the people established the terms of the nation's founding documents to protect universal, unalienable rights. The structure of government provides the mechanisms of those in a pluralistic state to set reasonable limitations for the betterment of society as a whole. Understanding the Constitution's special place in American legal culture is essential for resolving a host of contemporary issues; including, those involving marital, gender, and voting equalities. The state is a means of optimizing the well-being of individuals. Human productivity can best flourish in a society of equals, where talents can be brought to bear in the betterment of self and other members of the community. The Constitution does not create rights but protects those universal ideals of representative democracy first set out in the Declaration of Independence. It further grants authority to political institutions for the enforcement of policies and concrete laws for the betterment of society or some relevant segment of it. Many scholars with leanings in legal realism and process theory believe the authority of government is a social construct created by popular majorities; Tsesis convincingly demonstrates, to the contrary, that even those laws enacted by popular majorities are not authoritative unless they accord with a central maxim of constitutionalism, which is the protection of individual rights for the common good.
This book shows six different realities of same-sex families. They range from full recognition of same-sex marriage to full invisibility of gay and lesbian individuals and their families. The broad spectrum of experiences presented in this book share some commonalities: in all of them legal scholars and civil society are moving legal boundaries or thinking of spaces within rigid legal systems for same-sex families to function. In all of them there have been legal claims to recognize the existence of same-sex families. The difference between them lies in the response of courts. Regardless of the type of legal system, when courts have viewed claims of same-sex couples and their families as problems of individual rights, they have responded with a constitutional narrative protecting same-sex couples and their families. When courts respond to these claims with rigid concepts of what a family is and what marriage is as if legal concepts where unmodifiable, same-sex couples have remained outside the protection of the law. Until forty years ago marriage was the only union considered legitimate to form a family. Today more than 30 countries have granted rights to same sex couples, including several that have opened up marriage to couples of the same sex. Every day there is a new bill being discussed or a new claim being brought to courts seeking formal recognition of same sex couples. Not all countries are open to changing their legal structures to accommodate same-sex couples, but even those with no visible changes are witnessing new voices in their communities challenging the status quo and envisioning more flexible legal systems.
In "Freedom, Equality and Justice in Islam," M H Kamali presents
the reader with an analysis of the three concepts of freedom,
equality and justice from an Islamic point of view and their
manifestations in the religious, social, legal and political
fields. The author discusses the evidence to be found for these
concepts in the Qur'an and Sunna, and reviews the interpretations
of the earlier schools of law. The work also looks at more recent
contributions by Muslim jurists who have advanced fresh
interpretations of freedom, equality and justice in the light of
the changing realities of contemporary Muslim societies. "Freedom,
Equality and Justice in Islam" is part of a series dedicated to the
fundamental rights and liberties in Islam and should be read in
conjunction with "The Dignity of Man: An Islamic Perspective" and
"Freedom of Expression in Islam."
This volume analyses the legal grounds, premises and extent of pecuniary compensation for violations of human rights in national legal systems. The scope of comparison includes liability regimes in general and in detail, the correlation between pecuniary remedies available under international law and under domestic law, and special (alternative) compensation systems. All sources of human rights violations are embraced, including historical injustices and systematical and gross violations. The book is a collection of nineteen contributions written by public international law, international human rights and private law experts, covering fifteen European jurisdictions (including Central and Eastern Europe), the United States, Israel and EU law. The contributions, initially prepared for the 19th International Congress of Comparative law in Vienna (2014), present the latest developments in legislation, scholarship and case-law concerning domestic causes of action in cases of human rights abuses. The book concludes with a comparative report which assesses the developments in tort law and public liability law, the role of the constitutionalisation of the right to damages as well as the court practice related to the process of enforcement of human rights through monetary remedies. This country-by-country comparison allows to consider whether the value of protection of human rights as expressed in international treaties, ius cogens and in national constitutional laws justifies the conclusion that the interests at stake should enjoy protection under the existing civil liability rules, or that a new cause of action, or even a whole new set of rules, should be created in national systems.
This book deals with the implementation of the rights of the child as enshrined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 21 countries from Europe, Asia, Australia, and the USA. It gives an overview of the legal status of children regarding their most salient rights, such as the implementation of the best interest principle, the right of the child to know about of his/her origin, the right to be heard, to give medical consent, the right of the child in the field of employment, religious education of children, prohibition of physical punishment, protection of the child through deprivation of parental rights and in the case of inter-country adoption. In the last 25 years since the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted, many States Parties to the Convention have made great efforts to pass legislation regulating the rights of the child, in their commitment to the improvement of the legal status of the child. However, is that enough for any child to live better, safer, and healthier? What are the practical effects of this international as well as many national instruments in the everyday life of children? Have there been any outcomes in terms of improvement of their status around the world, and improvement of the conditions under which they live, since the Convention entered into force? In tackling these questions, this work presents a comparative overview of the implementation of the Convention, and evaluates the results achieved.
This is the first book to comprehensively analyze the work of Hans Micklitz, one of the leading scholars in the field of EU economic law. It brings together analysts, academic friends and critics of Hans Micklitz and results in a unique collection of essays that evaluate his work on European Economic Law and Regulation. The contributions discuss a wide range of Micklitz' work: from his theoretical work on private law beyond party autonomy, with a special focus on its regulatory function, to the illustration of how his work has built the basis for current solutions such as used in solving the financial crisis. The book is divided into sections covering foundations of private law, regulatory law, competition and intellectual property law, product safety law, consumer contract law and the enforcement of law. This book clearly shows the enormous impact of Hans Micklitz' work on the EU legal system in both scholarship and practice.
The medical liability crisis continues to grow at an alarming rate and has particularly impacted perinatal and neonatal practice. This book focuses on issues which have a high vulnerability to claims of medical negligence. Its objective is the recognition of high-risk situations and the appropriate means to diagnose, treat, and document the response to such situations. Emphasis on record keeping, communication, and anticipatory behaviour is stressed. Chapters are accompanied by commentaries aimed at presenting alternative strategies. Authors have been chosen for their expertise in the subject and their abilities to communicate their points of view. This unique text focuses on an aspect of medical and nursing practice which has become a major area of importance in the medico-legal arena. The editors have made a special effort to aid both the medical and legal sectors in understanding the important issues involved in medical negligence cases. This book will help remedy this situation by examining the "red flags" in several high risk situations to enable the development of a prospective approach to risk management. The contributors are internationally recognised experts from the field of obstetrics, neonatology, nursing and hospital administration, as well as the legal profession. The editors believe that this book will serve to bring about changes in the behaviour of health care professionals which will ultimately improve the quality of care that they give to their patients. This text should be on the bookshelf of any individual involved in the medical care of the pregnant woman and her newborn.
This is the first textbook to provide a focused, subject specific guide to planning practice and law. It gives students essential background and contextual information to planning's statutory basis, supported by practical and applied discussion, enabling students with little or no planning law knowledge to engage in the subject and develop the necessary level of understanding required for both professionally accredited and non-accredited qualifications.
Terrorism: Commentary on Security Documents is a series that provides primary source documents and expert commentary on various topics relating to the worldwide effort to combat terrorism, as well as efforts by the United States and other nations to protect their national security interests. Volume 141, Hybrid Warfare and the Gray Zone Threat, considers the mutation of the international security environment brought on by decades of unrivaled U.S. conventional military power. The term "hybrid warfare" encompasses conventional warfare, irregular warfare, cyberwarfare, insurgency, criminality, economic blackmail, ethnic warfare, "lawfare", and the application of low-cost but effective technologies to thwart high-cost technologically advanced forces. This volume is divided into five sections covering different aspects of this topic, each of which is introduced by expert commentary written by series editor Douglas C. Lovelace, Jr. This volume contains thirteen useful documents exploring various facets of the shifting international security environment, including a detailed report on hybrid warfare issued by the Joint Special Operations University and a White Paper on special operations forces support to political warfare prepared by the U.S. Army Special Operations Command, as well as a GAO report and a CRS report covering similar topics. Specific coverage is also given to topics such as cybersecurity and cyberwarfare, the efficacy of sanctions in avoiding and deterring hybrid warfare threats, and the intersection of the military and domestic U.S. law enforcement.
Drawing on ethnographic research, Living Sharia examines the role of sharia in the sociopolitical processes of contemporary Malaysia. The book traces the contested implementation of Islamic family and criminal laws and sharia economics to provide cultural frameworks for understanding sharia among Muslims and non-Muslims. Timothy Daniels explores how the way people think about sharia is often entangled with notions about race, gender equality, nationhood, liberal pluralism, citizenship, and universal human rights. He reveals that Malaysians' ideas about sharia are not isolated from-nor always opposed to-liberal pluralism and secularism. Living Sharia will be of interest to scholars as well as to policy makers, consultants, and professionals working with global NGOs.
How does the use of military drones affect the legal, political, and moral responsibility of different actors involved in their deployment and design? This volume offers a fresh contribution to the ethics of drone warfare by providing, for the first time, a systematic interdisciplinary discussion of different responsibility issues raised by military drones. The book discusses four main sets of questions: First, from a legal point of view, we analyse the ways in which the use of drones makes the attribution of criminal responsibility to individuals for war crimes more complicated and what adjustments may be required in international criminal law and in military practices to avoid 'responsibility gaps' in warfare. From a moral and political perspective, the volume looks at the conditions under which the use of military drones by states is impermissible, permissible, or even obligatory and what the responsibilities of a state in the use of drones towards both its citizens and potential targets are. From a socio-technical perspective, what kind of new human machine interaction might (and should) drones bring and which new kinds of shared agency and responsibility? Finally, we ask how the use of drones changes our conception of agency and responsibility. The book will be of interest to scholars and students in (military) ethics and to those in law, politics and the military involved in the design, deployment and evaluation of military drones.
Frederik Born vergleicht die Besteuerung von Kapitalgesellschaften in Australien und Deutschland, wobei er das australische Koerperschaftsteuerrecht aus deutscher Perspektive fur Wissenschaft und Praxis aufbereitet. Der Rechtsvergleich orientiert sich an Problemen, mit denen sich Gesetzgeber weltweit auseinandersetzen mussen, um ein (geschlossenes) Koerperschaftsteuersystem zu erzeugen. Dem jeweiligen Kapitel stellt der Autor international diskutierte Loesungsansatze voran, bevor er das australische und deutsche Recht darstellt und in einer vergleichenden Betrachtung zusammenfuhrt.
In U.S. Military Operations: Law, Policy, and Practice, a distinguished group of military experts comprehensively analyze how the law is applied during military operations on and off the battlefield. Subject matter experts offer a unique insiders perspective on how the law is actually implemented in a wide swath of military activities, such as how the law of war applies in the context of multi-state coalition forces, and whether non-governmental organizations involved in quasi-military operations are subject to the same law. The book goes on to consider whether U.S. Constitutional 4th Amendment protections apply to the military's cyber-defense measures, how the law guides targeting decisions, and whether United Nations mandates constitute binding rules of international humanitarian law. Other areas of focus include how the United States interacts with the International Committee of the Red Cross regarding its international legal obligations, and how courts should approach civil claims based on war-related torts. This book also answers questions regarding how the law of armed conflict applies to such extra-conflict acts as intercepting pirates and providing humanitarian relief to civilians in occupied territory.
Based on a comparative analysis of several hundred religio-juristic treatises and fatwas (religious decisions), Shari'a and Muslim Minorities: The Wasati and Salafi Approaches to Fiqh al-Aqalliyyat al-Muslima offers the most systematic and comprehensive study to date of fiqh al aqalliyyat al-Muslima - the field in Islamic jurisprudence that treats issues that are unique to Muslims living in majority non-Muslim societies. The book argues that two main contesting approaches to fiqh al-aqalliyyat al-Muslima, the wasati and the salafi, have developed, in part dialectically. While both envision a future Islamizing of the West as a main justification for Muslim residence in the West, the wasati approach is pragmatic, facilitating, and integration-minded, whereas the salafi calls for strict application of religious norms and for introversion. The volume examines diverse and highly-debated juristic issues, including the permissibility of naturalizing in non-Muslim states, participating in their electoral systems and serving in their militaries and police forces; the permissibility of taking mortgages and student loans; the permissibility of congratulating Christians on Christmas or receiving Christmas bonuses; and the permissibility of working in professions that involve breaching of religio-legal prohibitions (e.g. serving pork). Discussions highlight the diversity within contemporary Islamic jurisprudence and introduce new nuances to highly-charged concepts such as proselytizing, integration, and multiculturalism.
`This stimulating volume of essays seamlessly integrates theoretical and practical perspectives to wrestle with fundamental issues of law and legal education in the 21st century. Using an integrated framework, the editors demonstrate that the challenges raised by internationalization can no longer be left to a small group of comparative and international lawyers, but rather require fundamental engagement from everyone in the law. Highly recommended.' - Thomas Ginsburg, University of Chicago Law School, US `This is a rich and fascinating collection of essays on the internationalisation of law. It offers an important exploration of what lies ahead in making law, resolving disputes and researching and teaching law in an increasingly globalising world. Academics and practitioners all over the world will find this book immensely useful.' - Jan M. Smits, Tilburg University, The Netherlands `This fascinating collection of essays marks the 20th anniversary of Bond Law School in Australia. The essays deal with the internationalisation of law in all its dimensions, whether it be in law teaching, legal research, legislation or attitudes to risk and regulation which is particularly pertinent in view of the global financial crisis. The breadth of coverage of the book increases its appeal to scholars and policy makers from a range of sub-disciplinary perspectives. It deserves to be read widely and is an extremely valuable addition to any practitioner or academic library.' - Gerard McCormack, University of Leeds, UK This insightful book explores the acute challenges presented by the `internationalisation' of law, a trend that has been accelerated by the growing requirement for academics and practitioners to work and research across countries and regions with differing legal traditions. The authors have all confronted these challenges of internationalisation through their extensive knowledge and experience in civil law, common law and mixed jurisdictions around the globe. Their analysis of the implications for researchers and teachers, as well as practitioners, law-makers and reformers is original and their different proposals for dealing with the challenges are both practical and at times, radical. This book is a must-read for those exposed to the internationalisation of law, be they academics, cross border practitioners, judges, arbitrators, or those engaged in legal reform and policy.
If, as John Rawls famously suggests, justice is the first virtue of social institutions, how are we to understand the institution of contract law? This book proposes a Rawlsian theory of contract law. It argues that justice requires that we understand contract rules in terms of the idea of reasonable, terms of interaction - that is, terms that would be accepted by reasonable persons moved by a desire for a social world in which they, as free and equal, can cooperate with others on terms they accept. On that basis, the book explains the main doctrines of contract law, including those governing third parties, in both the Common Law and the Civil Law. |
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