Books > Medicine > Nursing & ancillary services > Pharmacy / dispensing
This book explains the pharmacological relationships between the
various systems in the human body. It offers a comprehensive
overview of the pharmacology concerning the autonomic, central, and
peripheral nervous systems. Presenting up-to-date information on
chemical mediators and their significance, it highlights the
therapeutic aspects of several diseases affecting the
cardiovascular, renal, respiratory, gastrointestinal, endocrinal,
and hematopoietic systems. The book also includes drug therapy for
microbial and neoplastic diseases. It also comprises sections on
immunopharmacology, dermatological, and ocular pharmacology
providing valuable insights into these emerging and recent topics.
Covering the diverse groups of drugs acting on different systems,
the book reviews their actions, clinical uses, adverse effects,
interactions, and subcellular mechanisms of action. It is divided
into 11 parts, subdivided into several chapters that evaluate the
basic pharmacological principles that govern the different types of
body systems. This book is intended for academicians, researchers,
and clinicians in industry and academic institutions in
pharmaceutical, pharmacological sciences, pharmacy, medical
sciences, physiology, neurosciences, biochemistry, molecular
biology and other allied health sciences.
This book is intended to serve as a resource for analysts in
developing and troubleshooting sample preparation methods. These
are critical activities in providing accurate and reliable data
throughout the lifecycle of a drug product. This book is divided
into four parts: * Part One covers dosage form and diluent
properties that impact sample preparation of pharmaceutical dosage
forms and the importance of sampling considerations in generating
data representative of the drug product batch. * Part Two reviews
specific sample preparation techniques typically used with
pharmaceutical dosage forms. * Part Three discusses sample
preparation method development for different types of dosage forms
including addressing drug excipient interactions and post
extraction considerations, as well as method validation and
applying Quality by Design (QbD) principles to sample preparation
methods. * Part Four examines additional topics in sample
preparation including automation, investigating aberrant potency
results, green chemistry considerations for sample preparation and
the ideal case where no sample preparation is required for sample
B. R. Buckley and H. Heaney: Mechanistic Investigations of
Copper(I)- Catalyzed Alkyne-Azide Cycloaddition Reactions.- J. D.
Crowley and D. A. McMorran: "Click-Triazole" Coordination
Chemistry: Exploiting 1,4-Disubstituted-1,2,3-Triazoles as
Ligands.- S. Lee and A. H. Flood: Binding Anions in Rigid and
Reconfigurable Triazole Receptors.- M. Watkinson: Click Triazoles
as Chemosensors.- H.-F. Chow, C.-M. Lo and Y. Chen: Triazole-Based
Polymer Gels.- T. Zheng, S. H. Rouhanifard, A. S. Jalloh, P. Wu:
Click Triazoles for Bioconjugation.- S. Mignani, Y. Zhou, T.
Lecourt and L. Micouin: Recent Developments in the Synthesis
1,4,5-Trisubstituted Triazoles.
Pharmaceutical giants have doubled their investments in drug
development in the past decade only to see new drug approvals
remain constant. This book investigates and highlights a set of
proactive strategies aimed at generating sustainable competitive
advantage based on value-generating business practices. We focus on
three sources of pharmaceutical innovation: new management methods
in the drug development pipeline, new technologies as enablers for
cutting-edge R&D, and new forms of cooperation and
internationalization, such as open innovation in the early phases
of R&D. Our findings are illustrated by cases from Europe, the
US, and Asia.
This revision guide for students delivers the essentials of dosage
formulation in a concise and easy-to-use format.
This book explains how to analyze independent data from factorial
designs without having to make restrictive assumptions, such as
normality of the data, or equal variances. The general approach
also allows for ordinal and even dichotomous data. The underlying
effect size is the nonparametric relative effect, which has a
simple and intuitive probability interpretation. The data analysis
is presented as comprehensively as possible, including appropriate
descriptive statistics which follow a nonparametric paradigm, as
well as corresponding inferential methods using hypothesis tests
and confidence intervals based on pseudo-ranks. Offering clear
explanations, an overview of the modern rank- and pseudo-rank-based
inference methodology and numerous illustrations with real data
examples, as well as the necessary R/SAS code to run the
statistical analyses, this book is a valuable resource for
statisticians and practitioners alike.
Course covers topics in infectious diseases in children and is
intended for Pediatric Infectious disease trainees, trainers, and
all those who manage children with infections.
Nanophytomedicine is a field that involves the application of
nanomedicine-based systems to phytotherapy and phytopharmacology.
This book assesses the clinical successes and failures of
nanophytomedicine and also highlights emerging concepts in this
field. The content is divided into three sections, the first of
which describes core issues in the pharmaceuticals industry in
connection with the successes, failures and prospects of
nanophytomedicine. The second section highlights recent advances in
phytomedicine formulation development based on nanotechnology
approaches, while also discussing a variety of nanocarrier systems
for the successful delivery of phytomedicines. Focusing on the
clinical perspective, the third section addresses the current
clinical status of nanophytomedicine as a single drug therapy or
combinatorial drug therapy, pharmacovigilance, pharmacokinetics,
drug interactions and toxicological profiles, while also providing
concluding remarks on recent experimental findings, and considering
ethical issues & regulatory challenges in nanophytomedicine.
Given its scope, the book offers a valuable guide for early career
researchers, young scientists, master level students, academics and
industrial scientists working in various healthcare fields, e.g.
the pharmaceutical and biological sciences, life sciences,
biotechnology, biomedical engineering, and nanobiotechnology.
With the critical role of statistics in the design, conduct,
analysis and reporting of clinical trials or observational studies
intended for regulatory purposes, numerous guidelines have been
issued by regulatory authorities around the world focusing on
statistical issues related to drug development. However, the
available literature on this important topic is sporadic, and often
not readily accessible to drug developers or regulatory personnel.
This book provides a systematic exposition of the interplay between
the two disciplines, including emerging themes pertaining to the
acceleration of the development of pharmaceutical medicines to
serve patients with unmet needs. Features: Regulatory and
statistical interactions throughout the drug development continuum
The critical role of the statistician in relation to the changing
regulatory and healthcare landscapes Statistical issues that
commonly arise in the course of drug development and regulatory
interactions Trending topics in drug development, with emphasis on
current regulatory thinking and the associated challenges and
opportunities The book is designed to be accessible to readers with
an intermediate knowledge of statistics, and can be a useful
resource to statisticians, medical researchers, and regulatory
personnel in drug development, as well as graduate students in the
health sciences. The authors' decades of experience in the
pharmaceutical industry and academia, and extensive regulatory
experience, comes through in the many examples throughout the book.
1 Kombinatorische Synthese.- 1.1 Einfuhrung.- 1.2 Der Prozess der
Wirkstofffindung.- 1.3 Was ist kombinatorische Synthese?.-
Literatur.- 2 Bibliothekssynthese an Harzkoernern.- 2.1
Festphasenchemie.- 2.2 Harzkoerner.- 2.2.1 Quervernetztes
Polystyren.- 2.2.2 Polyamidharze.- 2.2.3 Poroeses Glaskorn.- 2.2.4
TentaGel-Harz.- 2.2.5 Magnetische Beads.- 2.3 Beschleunigung der
Peptidsynthese.- 2.4 Split & Mix-Bibliothekssynthese.- 2.5
Peptidbibliotheken.- 2.6 Positional Scanning.- 2.7 Orthogonale
kombinatorische Bibliotheken.- 2.8 Bibliotheksnomenklatur.- 2.9
Schlussbemerkung.- Literatur.- 3 Andere Festphasen.- 3.1
Bibliotheken an Multipins.- 3.2 Bibliotheken an Winks.- 3.3
Bibliotheken an laminaren Festphasen.- 3.3.1 Lichtgesteuerte
Parallelsynthese.- 3.3.2 Papier.- 3.3.3 Laminare Polymere.-
Literatur.- 4 Bibliothekssynthese in Loesungsphase.- 4.1
Einleitung.- 4.2 Parallelsynthese in Loesung.- 4.3 Indizierte
kombinatorische Bibliotheken.- 4.4 Templat-basierte Bibliotheken.-
4.5 Kombinatorische Synthese in Flussigphase.- 4.6 Kombinatorische
Chemie an Dendrimertragern.- 4.7 Bibliotheken in Loesungsphase mit
Flussig-flussig-Reinigung.- 4.8 Chemie in fluorierter Loesung.- 4.9
Chemie in Loesung mit Festphasenreagenzien.- 4.10 Chemie in Loesung
mit Harzabfangreaktion.- 4.11 Chemie in Loesung mit polymeren
Reagenzien.- 4.12 Zusammenfassung.- Literatur.- 5 Codierte
kombinatorische Synthese.- 5.1 Einleitung.- 5.2 Voraussetzungen fur
die Codierung.- 5.3 Beispiele markierter Bibliotheken.- 5.3.1
Oligonucleotid-Tags.- 5.3.2 Peptid-Tags.- 5.3.3 Halogenaromatische
Tags.- 5.3.4 Sekundare Amine-Tags.- 5.3.5 Isotopencodierung.- 5.4
Hochfrequenz-Tags.- 5.5 Laseroptische Codierung.- 5.6
Fluorophor-Codierung.- 5.7 Zusammenfassung.- Literatur.- 6 Jenseits
von Peptidbibliotheken.- 6.1 Die Entwicklung von
Nicht-Peptidbibliotheken.- 6.2 Oligonucleotidbibliotheken.- 6.3
Oligosaccharide.- 6.4 Andere Oligomere.- 6.4.1 Unnaturliche
Peptide.- 6.4.2 Bibliotheken aus Bibliotheken.- 6.4.3
Oligocarbamate.- 6.4.4 Oligoharnstoffe.- 6.4.5 Peptidosulfonamide.-
6.4.6 Azatide.- 6.4.7 Polyisoxazoline.- 6.4.8 Peptidylphosphonate.-
6.5 Chiron-Peptoide.- 6.6 Zusammenfassung.- Literatur.- 7
Bibliothekssynthesen an Festphasen.- 7.1 Linker.- 7.1.1
Carbonsaure-Linker.- 7.1.2 Carbonsaureamid-Linker.- 7.1.3
Alkohol-Linker.- 7.1.4 Amin-Linker.- 7.1.5 Spurlose Linker.- 7.1.6
Lichtspaltbare Linker.- 7.2 Die Entwicklung der Festphasenchemie.-
7.3 Ausgewahlte Beispiele der Festphasenchemie.- 7.3.1
Palladium-katalysierte Kopplungen.- 7.3.2 Mitsunobu-Kopplungen.-
7.3.3 Heterocyclische Synthese.- 7.3.4 Cycloadditionen.- 7.3.5
Enolat-Alkylierungen.- 7.3.6 Die Ugi-Reaktion.- 7.4
Zusammenfassung.- Literatur.- 8 Analyse der Chemie und der
Produkte.- 8.1 Analyse des Erfolgs einer Synthese.- 8.2 IR-Analyse
des Beads.- 8.3 Festphasen-NMR.- 8.3.1 Kohlenstoff- 13-NMR.- 8.3.2
Fluor-19-NMR.- 8.3.3 Phosphor-31-NMR.- 8.3.4
Magic-Angle-Spinning-NMR.- 8.4 Massenspektrometrie.- 8.4.1 Die
Analyse der Festphasen-Chemie.- 8.4.2 Die Identifizierung aktiver
Bibliothekskomponenten.- Literatur.- 9 Anwendungen der
kombinatorischen Chemie.- 9.1 Einfluss der kombinatorischen Chemie
auf die Wirkstoff findung.- 9.2 Virtuelle Bibliotheken und
kombinatorische Chemie.- 9.3 Kombinatorische Chemie: eine
Schlussbetrachtung.- Literatur.- Ausgewahlte Fachwoerter
Wieso verwenden wir Pflanzen zum Heilen?.- Ursprung und Wurzeln des
Heilens mit Pflanzen.- Arzneimittel aus Pflanzen? 1st das
Homoeopathie?.- Charakteristika, Vorteile und Grenzen der
Phytotherapie.- Die Phytotherapie arbeitet mit
naturwissenschaftlichen Methoden.- Wodurch unterscheidet sich die
Phytotherapie von anderen Therapieformen?.- Phytotherapie - von der
Pflanze zum Arzneimittel.- In welcher Form werden Arzneipflanzen
angewendet?.- Welche chemischen Substanzen aus der Pflanze
wirken?.- Die pflanzliche Notfallapotheke.- Noch Fragen?.-
Nervensystem, Gehirn.- Ein- und Durchschlafstoerungen, Nervositat
und UEbererreqbarkeit.- Depression.- Hirnleistungsstoerungen,
Gedachtnisstoerunqen, Demenz.- Magen-Darm-Trakt.- Erkrankungen im
Mund- und Rachenraum, Zahnungsschmerzen.- Zu viel Maqensaure,
Maqensaure am falschen Ort, qeschadiqte Magenschleimhaut,
Sodbrennen, saures Aufstossen.- Gastritis, Ulkus (Magengeschwur,
Zwoelffingerdarmgeschwur).- Magenbeschwerden ohne ein Zuviel an
Saure.- Blahunqen.- ubelkeit, Erbrechen, Reisekrankheit.-
Durchfallerkrankungen.- Stuhlverstopfung (Opstipation).-
Hamorrhoiden.- Erkrankungen der Leber, Galle und
Bauchspeicheldruse.- Erkrankungen im Bereich der Gallenblase.- Die
Bauchspeicheldruse.- Erkrankungen der ableitenden Harnwege.-
Nieren- und Blasensteine, Durchspulungstherapie.- Harnwegsinfekte.-
Reizblase.- Harninkontinenz, Blasenschwache.- Die Prostata -
Vorsteherdruse.- Die Prostatitis.- Immunsystem und Infekte.-
Starkunq des Immunsystems.- Der grippale Infekt.- Schnupfen,
Nebenhoehlenentzundung.- Entzundungen im Rachenraum.- Herpes, Fieb
erblase.- Husten.- Trockener Reizhusten.- Husten mit festsitzen dem
Schleim.- Krampfartiger Husten, Keuchhusten, Asthma.- Erkrankungen
des Bewegungsapparates.- Muskelschmerzen.- Stumpfe Verletzun gen,
Prellun gen, Blutergusse, Zerrungen.- Die rheumatischen
Erkrankungen.- Herz, Kreislauf, Blutqetasse.- Herz.-
Arteriosklerose, Gefassverkalkung.- Blutdruck.- Venen.-
Frauenkrankheiten und Geburtshilfe.- Der Monatszyklus.-
Pramenstruelles Syndrom.- Blutungsanomalien, Schmerzen.-
Wechselbeschwerden.- Schwangerschaftserbrechen.-
Geburtsvorberetlung.- Stillp eriode.- Infektionen der Scheide und
der aufieren Geschlechtsorgane.- Erkrankungen der Haut.- Trockene
Haut.- Fette Haut, Akne.- UEbermassiqe Schweissproduktion.-
Insektenstiche.- Sonnenbrand.- Juckreiz.- Ekzeme.- Neurodermitis -
atopische Dermatitis.- Windeldermatitis.- Furunkel und andere
bakterielle Infektionen der Haut.- Behandlung oberflachlicher
Wunden.- Narbenbehandlung.- Chronische Mudigkeit und
psychosomatische Erkrankungen.- Krebsbehandlung mit Pflanzen?.-
Zuckerkrankheit, Diabetes.- Virusinfektionen.- Bakterielle
Infektionen.- Pilzerkrankungen.- Para siten, Wurmerkrankungen.-
Bluthochdruck.- Pflanzliche Neuheiten am Mark?.- Pu-Erh-Tee.-
Macawurzel.- Noni.- Nopal-Kaktus.- Momordica.- Reishi-Pilz.- Aloe
vera.- Pflanzliche Arzneimittel in der Schwangerschait und
Stillzeit.- Vital durch Kneipp.- Wer war Sebastian Kneipp?.- Die
funf Saulen der Kneipptherapie.- Beschreibung der Anwendungen, die
im Buch erwahnt wurden.- Allergien, Asthma.- Register.
Lippincott (R) Connect Featured Title Purchase of the new print
edition of this Lippincott (R) Connect title includes access to the
digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos
and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments. The most trusted
source on the subject available today, Ansel's Pharmaceutical
Dosage Forms and Drug Delivery Systems, 12th Edition equips
pharmacy students with everything they need to master the
intricacies of pharmaceutical dosage form design and production and
achieve successful outcomes in their courses and beyond. Reflecting
the latest CAPE, APhA, and NAPLEX (R) competencies, this trusted,
extensively updated resource clarifies the interrelationships
between pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical principles, product
design, formulation, manufacture, compounding, and the clinical
application of the various dosage forms in patient care, as well as
regulations and standards governing the manufacturing and
compounding of pharmaceuticals. New and revised content throughout
keeps students up to date with current approaches to key coverage
areas, and additional case studies demonstrate concepts in action
to reinforce understanding and prepare students for the clinical
challenges ahead. NEW! Patient counseling content in each chapter
helps students confidently address this increasing role for
pharmacists. UPDATED! Content familiarizes students with the latest
practices and approaches to pharmaceutical dosage form design and
production, including emerging topics such as biologics. UPDATED!
Additional clinical case studies demonstrate pharmaceutical
concepts in a real-world context and ready students for practice.
UPDATED! Chapter review questions test students' retention and
understanding of key content. Clinical emphasis ensures the
scientific understanding and practical application for success in
practice. Lippincott (R) Connect features: Full access to the
digital version of the book with the ability to highlight and take
notes on key passages for a more personal, efficient study
experience. Carefully curated resources, such as interactive
diagrams, audio and video tutorials, and self-assessment, all
designed to facilitate further comprehension. Lippincott (R)
Connect also allows users to create Study Collections to further
personalize the study experience. With Study Collections you can:
Pool content from books across your entire library into
self-created Study Collections based on discipline, procedure,
organ, concept or other topics. Display related text passages,
video clips and self-assessment questions from each book (if
available) for efficient absorption of material. Annotate and
highlight key content for easy access later. Navigate seamlessly
between book chapters, sections, self-assessments, notes and
highlights in a single view/page.
Your primary source for information on the legal issues of
pharmaceutical practice, care, and activity Today's pharmacist is
faced with legal, ethical, and moral concerns in making the
transition from traditional pharmacy practice to an expanded role
in clinical pharmacy and patient drug management services. Pharmacy
Law Desk Reference is a primer on the legal aspects of
pharmaceutical practice, providing background on foundational legal
concepts, and guidance on the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA),
the Controlled Substances Act (CSA), and the Federal Trade
Commission. This unique book examines the major topics that impact
pharmaceutical care, including professional liability insurance;
the need for supportive personnel in pharmacy practice; patent law,
trademarks, and copyrights; law and ethics; business law; HIPAA
privacy in the pharmacy; electronic prescribing; and medication
error reporting. Handy tables, figures, and exhibits make complex
information easy to access and understand. The better pharmacists
understand the regulatory and legislative framework that shapes
their practice, the better they will be able to carry out their
responsibilities to patients. Pharmacy Law Desk Reference offers a
broad scope on established legal subjects, the current direction of
the profession, and important contemporary topics that affect the
clinical role of the practicing pharmacist. Each chapter is
authored by a nationally recognized authority on one or more aspect
of pharmacy law and many of the contributors are active in the
American Society of Pharmacy Law. Topics addressed in Pharmacy Law
Desk Reference include: telepharmacy collaborative drug therapy
management trade secrets and trade secret protection
anti-competitive practices the threat of civil and criminal
liability the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
of 1996 (HIPAA) FDA inspections consumer protection laws
credentialing pharmacy compounding accreditation employment
contracts Medicaid and Medicare controlled substance registration
and prescription orders forged prescription orders and many more
Pharmacy Law Desk Reference is a comprehensive resource on the
professional, legal, and contemporary issues in pharmacy practice.
It is a primary reference guidebook for pharmacy practitioners,
leaders of state and national pharmacists associations, members of
state boards of pharmacy, educators and students, and an essential
addition to all pharmacy libraries.