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Books > Science & Mathematics > Biology, life sciences > Botany & plant sciences > Plant ecology
Global warming is expected to change fire regimes, likely increasing the severity and extent of wildfires in many ecosystems around the world. What will be the landscape-scale effects of these altered fire regimes? Within what theoretical contexts can we accurately assess these effects? We explore the possible effects of altered fire regimes on landscape patch dynamics, dominant species (tree, shrub, or herbaceous) and succession, sensitive and invasive plant and animal species and communities, and ecosystem function. Ultimately, we must consider the human dimension: what are the policy and management implications of increased fire disturbance, and what are the implications for human communities?
Natural and agro-ecosystems are frequently exposed to natural or synthetic substances, which, while they have no direct nutritional value or significance in metabolism, may negatively affect plant functioning. These, xenobiotics, may originate from both natural (fires, volcano eruptions, soil or rock erosion, biodegradation) and anthropogenic (air and soil pollution, herbicides) sources. And, while affected plants have only a limited number of possibilities for avoiding accumulation of these compounds, they do exhibit several enzymatic reactions for detoxification including oxidation, reduction, hydrolysis and conjugation reactions. In agro-ecosystems in particular these mechanisms have great significance in relation to herbicide detoxification and tolerance. In this volume an international group of experts present an overview of the nature and distribution of organic xenobiotics, including their uptake, effects on plant functioning and detoxification mechanisms. The particular significance of glutathione S-transferases in bio-indication and bio-monitoring, and in the detoxification of volatile organic air pollutants and herbicides is evaluated, and their potential significance in phytoremediation and bioaccumulation will be discussed. This volume will be of interest to a wide audience, from graduate students to senior researchers in a wide range of disciplines including plant ecology, plant biochemistry, agriculture and environmental management. It will also be of practical interest to environmentalists, policy makers and resource managers.
The first single, comprehensive source for locating North American
public prairies, grasslands, and savannas, Prairie Directory of
North America is a guide unlike any other. First published in 2001,
the book uniquely catalogs the continent's most well-known prairie
sites by country and state for easy reference. With the addition of
over three hundred newly located, preserved, or restored sites, the
second edition is the prairie enthusiast's ideal guide to locating
countless North American sites-from the well-documented to the
remote. Readers can use the guide to plan both convenient visits to
close-to-home prairies and journeys to sites well across the
continent. Also included is an expanded state-by-state index, ideal
for locating specific prairies in any given state.
The book reviews the literature on the ecological succession of plants on fallowed swiddens in tropical forests. Patterns of ecological succession in tropical forests are insufficiently understood, partly because results are scattered through a large number of case studies reported in academic articles. So far, no publication has attempted to bring these different case studies together to identify common patters and trends. The goal of the book is to review the different case studies, and identify common patterns of ecological succession in fallowed swiddens, as well as to pinpoint the factors that cause ecological succession in some areas to differ from those in other areas. The book is organised in four different sections: forest structure, forest diversity, species composition, and the factors that contribute to differences in forest recovery rates (the number of times the field was burned, the length of fallow period, the type of soil, and the type of forest). This book is an important contribution to tropical forestry and shifting cultivation. Deforestation and forest degradation are the largest sources of CO2, and shifting cultivation is one of the main culprits. For this (and other economic and political) reason governments attempt to curtail shifting cultivation by shortening the years the fields can be left fallow, or outright outlawing the farming practice. Yet, there is insufficient understanding of the processes of ecological succession in fallows, which raises the questions as to whether the policy fulfils its objectives. "
Piper is an economically and ecologically important genus of plant that includes a fascinating array of species for studying natural history, natural products chemistry, community ecology, and evolutionary biology. The diversification of this taxon is unique and of great importance in understanding the evolution of plants. The diversity and ecological relevance of this genus makes it an obvious candidate for ecological and evolutionary studies, but surprisingly, most research on Piper spp. to-date has focused on the more economically important plants P. nigrum (black pepper), P. methysticum (kava), and P. betle (betel leaf). While this book does address the applied techniques of studying Piper, its focus is more on Piper in its natural setting. Piper: A Model Genus for Studies of Phytochemistry, Ecology, and Evolution synthesizes existing data and provides an outline for future investigations of the chemistry, ecology, and evolution of this taxon, while examining its key themes of Piper as a model genus for ecological and evolutionary studies, the important ecological roles of Piper species in lowland wet forests, and the evolution of distinctive Piper attributes. This volume has a place in the libraries of those studying or working in the fields of ecology, evolutionary biology, natural products chemistry, invasive species biology, pharmaceutics, and ethnobotany.
It is an honor and pleasure for me to write the foreword of this book comprising the of Forest Resources for proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on the Improvement Recyclable Forest Products. The symposium was organized by Dr. Toshihiro Ona, Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Bioresource and Bioenvironmental Sciences, Kyushu University, Japan, as part of the "Development of Forest Resources with High Performance for Paper Recycling" research project. This was supported by the Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST) team at the Japan Science and Technology Agency Foundation (lST) and by Kyushu University. As a colleague of Dr. Ona, I commend his efforts in organizing the symposium and editing this book. In the forest, there is a multitude of resources, including trees, herbal plants, fruits, fungi, mammals, birds, insects, fishes, reptiles, water, landscapes, and tourist attractions. Nowadays, even the environment is regarded as a kind of forest resource. These resources can provide a diversity of forest products, such as timber for buildings, pulp and paper, charcoal, herbal medicines, wild vegetables, animal protein, edible mushrooms, and nonwoody fibers. From these resources, major forest products are produced using various species of trees. For example, softwood is suitable as building material, while hardwood is suitable for furniture production; pulp and paper are produced from both softwood and hardwood. Therefore, forest locations and forest management methods should vary according to the tree species used for production of different forest products.
This is the first volume to be published under a new series agreement for Recent Advances in Phytochemistry. It provides a good picture of the state of plant (bio) chemistry research in North America, which is indicative of the state of the field worldwide.
B. A. ROBERTS&J. PROCTOR The term 'serpentine' referring to rocks and min- of each of the polymorphs. These conditions in- erals, can be traced back to the ancient Roman clude temperatures of generally less than 530 C, era of Dioscorides (A. D. 50) (Faust & Fahey and fluid pH's in excess of 10 with low pC02* Serpentine protoliths are essentially ultramafic 1962) and they suggest that the speckled colour of serpents and the fact that Dioscorides recom- rocks which fall into a number of categories: (a) mended it for the prevention of snakebite as two stratiform complexes, (b) concentrically zoned complexes, (c) ophiolite complexes and, (d) high- of many origins of the name. It is well known that the use of serpentinized rocks by sculptors temperature peridotite complexes. The most and carvers since ancient times is a tradition that commonly recognized are generally assigned to the ophiolite suite (Malpas, Ch. 2, this is still carried on today (Fig. 1). The differences in chemical composition of serpentinized rocks volume) and occur in most fold-mountain belts are many and specimens come in a wide range of of the world. Serpentinized ultramafic rocks attractive solid and mixed colours, e. g. , red, "H4(MgFe hSi20 9, approximate composition) green, blue and black.
This volume contains selected papers presented at the First Balkan Botanical Congress. The articles refer to all groups of plants and to all scientific disciplines in plant sciences and cover several major themes of current interest to botanists: taxonomy, geobotany and evolution: flora, vegetation, geographical distribution, pollen morphology and deposition, biodiversity, conservation, phytosociology biochemistry, metabolism and bioenergetics: secondary metabolites, enzymes, membrane transport, virus infection ecology and ecophysiology: metal accumulation and tolerance, toxicity and pollution, bio-monitoring systems, dynamics of vegetation communities, leaf structure and ecological types, UV-B and ozone radiation, pesticides and herbicides, ecological evaluation, management and protection of ecosystems, adaptation, photosynthesis structure and its dynamics: organization and molecular characterization of biomembranes and different cell structures and organelles, ultrastructure, anatomy, biosynthesis and localization of different cell compounds genetics, plant breeding and biotechnology: gene transfer, genetic engineering, genetic sterility and diversity, biodiversity and conservation, in vitro regeneration, micropropagation, genotype-environment interaction growth, development and differentiation: differentiation of cell structures, reproductive biology, photoreceptors, crop simulation model, regulators and plant morphogenesis, plant growth patterns, somatic-embryogenesis and organogenesis.
Increasing awareness of the irreversible and long-lasting impacts of deterioration and pollution of soils and sediments has had an important influence on environmental policies and research in the last decade. The complexity of the soil and sediment systems and its processes cannot be tackled properly unless scientists from different disciplines work together. With this in mind, a number of multidisciplinary soil research programmes have been started in various European countries. They involve different disciplinary approaches and they aim at different fields of application: agriculture, land use and town and country planning, drinking water supply, nature management. The results that are now appearing need to be integrated in a scientifically sound and useful way. The first European Conference on Integrated Research for Soil and Sediment Protection and Remediation was intended to foster this. The volume contains the edited and selected proceedings of this Conference.
This volume comprises the proceedings of the First International Rehovot Conference on Modem Agriculture and the Environment, held at the Rehovot Campus of the Faculty of Agriculture, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, 2-6 October 1994. The conference, first in a series intended to be convened in Rehovot at 4-5 year intervals to address various aspects of the interaction of agriculture and the environment, was initiated, organised and carried out under the auspices of the Faculty of Agriculture, the leading academic institution in agricultural and environmental studies in Israel. It featured four keynote addresses, 39 invited lectures, 40 submitted papers, and 62 posters. Of these, 51 articles, written by 122 contributing authors from 14 countries, were selected by the editors to be presented in this book. All through the twentieth century, and especially ever since the advent of the Green Revolution, modem agriCUlture has been striving to feed and clothe the ever increasing multitudes of the human species through improved technology, relying heavily on tremendous inputs of fertilisers, pesticides, and various other agrochemicals. Undoubtedly, this has been a great blessing to mankind, and enormous strides have indeed been made in the never-ending struggle against starvation, but these have been achieved at a very steep price of increased environmental deterioration. In fact, modem agriculture has become one of the major factors contributing to the degradation of the world's fragile biosphere.
Japan s traditional and fragile satoyama landscape system was developed over centuries of human life on mountainous island terrain in a monsoon climate. The carefully managed coppice woodlands on the hillsides, the villages strung along the base of the hills, and the carefully tended paddy fields of rural Japan made possible the sustainable interaction of nature and humans. Radical changes in the middle of the twentieth century led to the abandonment of satoyama landscapes which now are being rediscovered. There is a new realization that these woodlands still play a vital role in the management of the Japanese landscape and a new determination to manage them for the future. This multifaceted book explores the history, nature, biodiversity, current conservation measures, and future uses of satoyama. The information presented here will be of interest in all parts of the world where patterns of sustainable development are being sought. "
This book is the synthesis of research on the and preparation of the book. Professor J. B. Falinski and his co-workers substantially helped dynamics of vegetation conducted in the Bialo- in organizing the study area and providing finan- wieia Primeval Forest (North-Eastern Poland), following the first book on this subject published cial support in the course of field work. in 1986 by Dr W. Junk Publishers as volume 8 in I gratefully thank Professor K. Zarzycki for his the Geobotany series [Falinski J. B. (with the unfailing support and help in these long-term assistance of K. Faliriska), Vegatation Dynamics in studies and for financing the studies with the Temperate Lowland Primeval Forests. Ecological grant, CPBP 04.04.B. The final stages of prepara- Studies in Bialowieia ForestJ. Like the first book, tion of this book (graphics and translations) were this one resulted from the work of the Bialowieza financed by the grant CPBP 04.10.07. I am grate- Geobotanical Station of Warsaw University and ful to Professors A. Szujecki and R. Andrzejewski for the administering of the grant.
This new book takes us through a journey from early life to modern agriculture. The thirty eight authors present current studies on the interrelation of plants-animals. This topic has always fascinated man, as evidenced even by the first chapters of Genesis. The world of aqueous and terrestrial fauna appeared on early earth only after the flora covered the areas with the green pigmentation. Almost all life depends upon sunlight via the photosynthesis of the botanical world. We read abut the harnessing of bee pollination of crops to make it an essential component of modern agriculture endeavor. Some plants seduce insects for pollination by their appearance (e.g., disguised orchids entice visitors); there is the production of sweet nectar as a bribe in flowers to attract bees, butterflies, and honey-sucking birds. A particular outstanding phenomena are the carnivorous plants that have developed trapping and digesting systems of insects and higher animals.
remnants of gene pools of these species. Badghyz Natural Reserve, established in 1941, became a refuge for the last existing population of the Turkmen onager (Equus hemionus onager) and a unique pistachio woodland. A new generation oflocal Turkmen scientists, many of whom were trained by the Russian researchers in the graduate schools of Moscow and Leningrad arose from the 1930s through the 1950s. The Turkmen Academy of Sciences and its journal, Proceedings (including the monthly biological series), served to record the results of diverse biological studies in the republic. While basic science in the Middle Asian republics rather gained from the Russian "colonial" influence, natural resources, in contrast, were severely damaged by the Soviet way of handling the economy and social issues. Severe environmental problems have been inherited by the now independent Turkmenistan, including overgrazed desert pastures, deforested mountains, depleted water resources, accumulated pesticides in cotton fields, declining populations of endangered species of animals and plants, and - worst of al- progressing, human-caused desertification (Kharin this volume). In order to approach a solution to these problems, scientists and officials in the republic will need the close attention and help of the international scientific community.
There are many books and computer programs dealing look ahead rather than pondering the past. This is a with data analysis. It would be easy to count at least a manual of recent views that evolved in the study of hundred, yet few of these would show applications in vegetation. This book is intended to emphasize the new vegetation science. Today in the face of environmental acquisitions which we believe significantly affect the degradation caused by anthropogenic pressures on the future of vegetation analysis: biosphere there is added urgency to study vegetation 1. Vegetation is a 'fuzzy' system, it must be treated as processes and dynamics in order to understand their role such at the set level, where the idea ofconceptualized in regulating the water, oxygen and the carbon cycles, in patterns must drive the research design. relation to global warming and ozone layer depletion. It 2. Vegetation cannot be seen only in the perspective of a is well known that ecology was developed first in vegeta traditional taxonomy based on the species concept; tion studies (see Acot 1989) but after an active period character sets of ecological value must enter into marked by intensive phytoclimatic and synecological consideration and a hierarchical analysis of patterns studies, vegetation science entered in a rather dormant and processes should be the basis of comparisons. period. Other ecological disciplines such as animal popu 3."
`The fundamental problem the world faces today, is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on the limited resources of the land. To meet the ever increasing demands of expanding populations, agricultural production has been raised through the abundant use of inorganic fertilizers, the adoption of multicropping systems and liberal application of chemical pesticides (fungicides, bactericides, etc. ). Though the use of chemicals has increased the yield dramatically, it has also resulted in the rapid deterioration of land and water resources apart from wastage of scarce resources. This has adversely affected the biological balance and lead to the presence of toxic residues in food, soil and water in addition to imposing economic constraints on developing countries.' (From the Preface) Mycorrhizal Biology addresses the global problem of land degradation and the associated loss of soil productivity and decline in soil quality caused by exploitative farming practices and poor management in developing countries, and the far reaching socio-economic and ecological consequences of its impact on agricultural productivity and the environment. In the light of a need for sustainable development, a new system of productive agriculture, to ensure the efficient management of agricultural inputs for long term high crop productivity with minimum damage to the ecological and socio-economic environment is essential. The management of mycorrhizal fungi will form a significant part of such a system and this work investigates the key association of plant roots with mycorrhizal fungi, known to benefit plants under conditions of nutritional and water stress and pathogen challenge and analyses the developments in our understanding of the genetic loci that govern mycorrhiza formation.
Plant Production on the Threshold of a New Century describes and compares problems and frontier developments in the different sectors of plant production, integrating developments in basic plant sciences, crop science and socioeconomic science, leading to sustainable plant production. Hence the book formulates goals and constraints in policy, economy, production, environment and land use; indicates how these goals and constraints may be translated into farming styles and cropping systems; and describes how the fundamental plant sciences can contribute to the implementation of such farming styles and cropping systems.
Biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) - the conversion of molecular nitrogen into ammonia - is one of the most important reactions in ecology and agriculture. It is performed exclusively by microbes (prokaryotes) that live in symbiosis with plants. This book summarizes the latest research on this reaction, the participating microbes and the genetics of how their relevant genes could be transferred into the plants. In the light of a more sustainable and less ecologically damaging agriculture, this is becoming an increasingly pressing issue.
Potato is the fourth major staple food in the world and is still rapidly gaining importance, especially in the tropics. In May, 1994 the second international potato modelling conference was held in Wageningen, the Netherlands, as a summerschool of the C. T. de Wit Graduate School. The conference was sponsored by DLO, SCRI, SSCR, W AU and the LEB-Fund. Over 80 scientists participated, coming from 16 countries. Of each crop physiological and modelling subject, a leading scientist was requested to write a review of the most recent developments in his or her field. The reviews, with highlights from the authors' own work, are such that the physiological work described is of interest to the modeller and the modelling work to the crop physiologist. Applications of the quantitative approach are also reviewed in the concluding chapters that deal with decision support systems, breeding and agro-ecological zoning. An outstanding point of this book is that both the crop ecology and the modelling of a broad range of biotic and abiotic factors are treated by scientists representing groups which are specialized in the subject. The two related disciplines met during the conference and thus wrote the chapters with each other's interest in mind. The book highlights the limitations for potato growth and development from the viewpoints of both the crop physiologist and the crop-systems analyst.
Genetic Resources of Mediterranean Pasture and Forage Legumes is a comprehensive review of grassland improvement in Mediterranean areas using legume species. The book includes a detailed account of the processes involved in understanding the ecology of legumes and their collection in the Mediterranean, through to their preliminary evaluation and storage at various Genetic Resource Centres. A generic conspectus and key to the forage legumes of the Mediterranean basin is also included. These proceedings are truly international with examples on the collection and use of Mediterranean genetic resources being illustrated by Genetic Resource Centres in Australia, Cyprus, France, Greece, Syria, Turkey and Tunisia. Current important issues such as the sustainability of Mediterranean grasslands, the risk of genetic erosion and the principles of population genetics employed during a collecting mission are discussed. The book will be of value to researchers working in the fields of grassland and rangeland improvement, Mediterranean farming systems, genetic resources, and pasture and forage ecology.
Latest figures suggest that approximately 20% of the world's population of six billion is malnourished because of food shortages and inadequate distrib ution systems. To make matters worse, it is estimated that some 75 billion metric tons of soil are removed annually from the land by wind and soil ero sion, much of it from agricultural land, which is thereby rendered unsuitable for agricultural purposes. Moreover, out of a total land area under cultivation 9 6 of approximately 1. 5 x 10 ha, some 12 x 10 ha of arable land are destroyed and abandoned worldwide each year because of unsustainable agricultural practices. Add to this the fact that the world population is increasing at the rate of a quarter of a million per day, and the enormity of the task ahead becomes apparent. To quote the eminent wheat breeder E. R. Sears, It seems clear that plant geneticists can look forward to an expanded role in the 21st century, particularly in relation to plant improvement. The suc cess of these efforts may go a long way towards determining whether the world's increasing billions of humans will be adequately fed. Food for an ever-increasing population will have to be produced not only from an ever-diminishing, but from what will become an ever-deteriorating land resource unless justifiable environmental concerns are taken into account.
Elms occur, both naturally and cultivated, throughout much of the temperate world. Because of their high tolerance to extreme growing conditions and their widespread distribution, elms have been widely planted in cities, towns and rural areas throughout North America and northern Europe. As such, their current demise due to several pandemics of Dutch elm disease has spurred a huge body of research on breeding for disease resistance, conservation and systematics. The Elms: Breeding, Conservation and Disease Management provides the current state of knowledge in these areas and is an important reference work for pathologists, breeders, taxonomists, and arborists.
Phenomorphology of flowering plants deals with starts growing, how long it grows and what happens the study of temporal changes in the morphology of to it when it stops growing. Is it being dispersed like plants and plant organs during their whole life diaspores, does it die eventually like leaves, or does span. It is in fact the study of the visible life history it remain alive as part of the plant body during the of each of the vegetative and generative organs of whole lifespan of the plant or during part of it, and the plant. Consequently it combines the use of finally what is its life duration. Generally only the phenology, which deals with the seasonality of phe life history of leaves, stems, flowers and fruits was nophases (Linnaeus 1751), and of morphology, followed. The following phenophases are de since the morphological changes of the plant as a scribed: vegetative growth, flower bud formation, whole and of its individual organs within and be fruiting, dispersal of diaspores, and leaf shedding. tween the phenophases are described. It is hoped that such a study of plant growth and Man's interest in plant life goes back to prehis development will lead to a better understanding of toric times."
At Middle Woodland sites in the eastern United States, excavations have uncovered naturalistic art worked on exotic materials from points as distant Wyoming, Ontario, and the Gulf Coast, revealing a network of ritual exchange referred to as the Hopewell phenomenon. Simultaneously, Middle Woodland societies developed the earliest agricultural system in eastern North American using now-extinct native cultivars. "Mound Centers and Seed Security: A Comparative Analysis of Botanical Assemblages from Middle Woodland Sites in the Lower Illinois Valley" integrates an interpretation of these two historical trends. Unlike most journal articles on related subjects, the volume includes a lengthy review of literature on both Hopewell studies and Middle Woodland agriculture, making it a useful resource for researchers starting out in either field. Synthesizing both original research and research reported in archaeological grey literature, "Mound Centers and Seed Security: A Comparative Analysis of Botanical Assemblages from Middle Woodland Sites in the Lower Illinois Valley" is a valuable tool for researchers and teachers alike." |
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