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Books > Religion & Spirituality

Promises from God for Every Man (Cards, Boxed set): Promises from God for Every Man (Cards, Boxed set)
R89 R74 Discovery Miles 740 Save R15 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Encouraging men with the mighty promises of God, Promises from God for Every Man is the ideal gift to bless men in every area of their lives. Boasting 101 powerful Bible promises on 50 double-sided cards, this Box of Blessings® will provide men with much needed strength, hope, wisdom, guidance, rest and God’s powerful grace.

Ontsluit die Bybel - ?n Omvattende Studie oor die Ou en Nuwe Testament (Afrikaans, Paperback): Stephan Joubert Ontsluit die Bybel - ’n Omvattende Studie oor die Ou en Nuwe Testament (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Stephan Joubert
R599 R439 Discovery Miles 4 390 Save R160 (27%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Ontsluit die Bybel: ’n Omvattende Studie oor die Ou en Nuwe Testament is ’n omvattende Bybelreis van Genesis tot Openbaring deur Stephan Joubert en Leonard Maré. Dié Bybelstudie sal soekendes help om dieper te delf in die kosbare waarhede van die Skrif en sodoende nuwe insigte te ontdek op hulle pad na geestelike groei. Ontsluit die Bybel bied 95 studies oor die Nuwe Testament en 71 studies oor die Ou Testament.

Deel 1 van hierdie boek bespreek: “Hoe verstaan en gebruik ons die Bybel reg?” Daarna volg die fokus op die Bybel self in Deel 2 (Ou Testament) en Deel 3 (Nuwe Testament). Die Ou en Nuwe Testament word vir die leser uitgelę deur die ontstaansituasie, opbou, hooffigure en/of hooftemas van elke Bybelboek te bespreek. Dit word afgerond deur ’n verklarende uitleg van sekere kerngedeeltes.

Ontsluit die Bybel begelei die leser in meer as 160 studies om self dieper te delf ten einde die onderskeie Bybelboeke se teologie, opbou, inhoud, doel, verhaalgang en styl te verstaan.

• Bybelstudie ideaal vir groepe of individue.
• 160 studies oor die Ou en Nuwe Testament
• Fokus op die ontstaansituasie, opbou, hooffigure en/of hooftemas van elke boek

Ontsluit die Bybel sal lesers uitdaag om die Bybel boek vir boek dieper te leer ken deur konteks te gee waarmee hulle dan groot vraagstukke kan deurdink en dieper betekenisse kan ontdek - op hul eie of saam met ander.

12 Sleutels Tot Geestelike Groei (Afrikaans, Paperback): Dirkie van der Spuy 12 Sleutels Tot Geestelike Groei (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Dirkie van der Spuy; Bennie Mostert, Johan Smith, Stephan Joubert
R199 R164 Discovery Miles 1 640 Save R35 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Baie gelowiges hunker na ’n inniger verhouding met God en wil graag geestelik meer groei. In 12 Sleutels tot geestelike groei span vier bekende outeurs saam om vir gelowiges 12 Skrifbeginsels te gee wat ons geloofslewe moet kenmerk. Dit is Skrifbeginsels wat God wil hę aan die fondament van elke volgeling van Christus se
geloofslewe moet lę:

  • Geloofsekerheid
  • Groei
  • Gehoorsaam
  • Groepe

  • Gawes
  • Getuig
  • Genade
  • Gebed

  • Gaan
  • Gee
  • Genesing
  • Gesin

12 Sleutels tot geestelike groei is ideaal vir persoonlike studie, maar is so saamgestel dat ’n mens groter waarde daaruit sal kry as dit as ’n handboek gebruik word vir kleingroepe.

Met die deurwerk van hierdie Bybelstudie sal lesers wonderlike groei en geestelike verryking ervaar. Dit sal hulle ook aanmoedig om die Woord beter te leer ken en meer vrug te dra in die Koninkryk.
Mornings with God - 365 Devotions to Start Your Day Right (Paperback): Joyce Meyer Mornings with God - 365 Devotions to Start Your Day Right (Paperback)
Joyce Meyer
R229 R169 Discovery Miles 1 690 Save R60 (26%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Mornings with God, 365 Devotions to Start Your Day Right

Experience the joy that comes in the morning with #1 New York Times bestselling author and Bible teacher Joyce Meyer as she delivers a 365-day devotional that encourages readers to start their days in the Word of God.

With each new day, the Lord offers a new invitation to fellowship and closeness with Him. He never tires of hear our voice. We can come before Him with our anxieties, our flaws, our hopes, and our joys, because He cares for us. When we pray our way through the day, the Spirit comforts and helps us, and we are able to encourage others and face our days with new strength.

There is no better way to start your day than by spending time with the God who longs to know you more and fill your life with the riches of His grace!

2025 Angus Buchan Dagboek - Dagbeplanner - Soek die Here en Sy Krag - Met Rits (Afrikaans, Leather / fine binding): Angus Buchan 2025 Angus Buchan Dagboek - Dagbeplanner - Soek die Here en Sy Krag - Met Rits (Afrikaans, Leather / fine binding)
Angus Buchan
R299 R219 Discovery Miles 2 190 Save R80 (27%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die Angus Buchan-dagbeplanner 2025 is ideaal vir elkeen wat hulle dag doelgerig saam met God wil begin. Daar is ’n bladsy per dag vir afsprake met plek om jou eie tye in te vul. Die dagbeplanner se kunsleer-omslag het ’n rits sodat jy enige los papiere of klein items daarin kan toerits.

Hierdie 12-maande-dagbeplanner bevat:

• Bemoedigende teksverse en inspirerende aanhalings deur Angus Buchan
• Genoeg plek vir notas, adresse, telefoonnommers, persoonlike inligting en doelwitte vir die jaar
• ’n Lys openbare vakansiedae, omrekeningstabelle, en internasionale skakelkodes en tydsones
• ’n Jaarbeplanner vir 2025 en 2026
• ’n Maandbladsy vir elke maand om verjaarsdae, herdenkings of sperdatums aan te teken
• 100 inspirerende beloftes uit die Woord
• Eenkleur-drukwerk
• Soek die Here en Sy Krag
• 1 Kronieke 16:11
• 400 eenkleur-bladsye

Die Bybel In Praktyk Studiebybel (Rooi & Swart) (Afrikaans, Hardcover): Fika Janse van Rensburg, Wil Vosloo Die Bybel In Praktyk Studiebybel (Rooi & Swart) (Afrikaans, Hardcover)
Fika Janse van Rensburg, Wil Vosloo 1
R699 R575 Discovery Miles 5 750 Save R124 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die Bybel in Praktyk is ’n unieke Studiebybel in Afrikaans wat die Bybelleser sal help om sy kennis van en insig in die Woord van God te verbreed én te verdiep. Hierdie Bybel met die volledige teks van die Bybel in Afrikaans 1983/1992 bevat verklaringsnotas en aantekeninge wat help om ’n Skrifgedeelte binne sy konteks te verstaan. Verder verskaf dit belangrike agtergrond en historiese inligting, dit verduidelik moeilike woorde en frases, en dit sluit ook kruisverwysings, karaktersketse, kaarte, rubrieke en diagramme in, wat telkens op dieselfde bladsy voorkom as die gedeelte waarop dit betrekking het.

Die mees uitstaande kenmerk van Die Bybel in Praktyk is veral sy praktykgerigtheid: dit dra nie bloot feitelike Bybelkennis oor nie, maar wys die Bybelleser hoe dit wat in die Bybel geskryf staan, praktyk in sy lewe van elke dag kan word.

Die Bybel in Praktyk is ’n wetenskaplik verantwoorde werk, saamgestel deur ’n paneel bekende teoloë volgens die jongste Bybeluitlegmetodes. Dit wil gelowiges help om die Bybel beter te begryp, maar óók sy daaglikse lewe daarvolgens te rig.

•9.5-pt lettergrootte

Liefde en Respek - Die respek wat jy nodig het (Afrikaans, Paperback): Emerson Eggerichs Liefde en Respek - Die respek wat jy nodig het (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Emerson Eggerichs
R189 R156 Discovery Miles 1 560 Save R33 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Het dit al ooit gevoel of jou man jou nie liefhet nie? Voel dit of jou vrou jou nie respekteer nie? Te veel huwelike eindig vandag in egskeiding omdat mans en vroue mekaar nie verstaan nie. In Liefde en respek openbaar dr. Emerson Eggerichs die geheim: Suksesvolle kommunikasie lę in die wete dat onvoorwaardelike respek vir hom is net so belangrik as onvoorwaardelike liefde vir haar.

Hierdie riglyne, getuienisse en humoristiese staaltjies sal paartjies help om nuut te begin. Hierdie revolusionęre boodskap is vir almal: dié wat gelukkig getroud is, eensaam is of wat ’n huwelikskrisis beleef. Dit is vir verloofde paartjies, slagoffers van buite-egtelike verhoudings en huweliksberaders wat inligting soek wat ’n huwelik kan red.

Deur die riglyne in Liefde en respek toe te pas, kan paartjies nuwe vlakke van intimiteit beleef en die huwelik hę waarvan hulle nog altyd net gedroom het.

Grense - Wanneer Om Ja te Sę en Hoe Om Nee Te Sę Om Beheer Te Neem Van Jou Lewe (Afrikaans, Paperback): Henry Cloud, John... Grense - Wanneer Om Ja te Sę en Hoe Om Nee Te Sę Om Beheer Te Neem Van Jou Lewe (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Henry Cloud, John Townsend
R199 R145 Discovery Miles 1 450 Save R54 (27%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Voel alles in jou lewe buite beheer? Dalk voel dit of jy vir almal in jou lewe moet ja sę. Dalk neem jy verantwoordelikheid vir ander se emosies en probleme. Of dalk fokus jy so baie daarop om liefdevol en onselfsugtig te wees dat jy vergeet het waar jou eie beperkings lę. Of is dit alles dalk waar van jou?

In Grense: Wanneer Om Ja te Sę en Hoe Om Nee Te Sę Om Beheer Te Neem Van Jou Lewe help dr. Henry Cloud en dr. John Townsend jou om te weet wanneer om ja te sę en hoe om nee te sę sodat jy weer in beheer is van jou lewe en gesonde grense kan stel vir jou eggenoot, kinders, vriende, ouers, kollegas – en selfs jouself! Dit sal lesers help om hierdie moeilike vrae te beantwoord:

• Kan ek grense stel en steeds ’n liefdevolle persoon wees?
• Wat is gesonde grense?
• Hoe kan ek my digitale węreld bestuur sodat dit my nie beheer nie?
• Wat as my grense iemand ontstel of seermaak?
• Hoe antwoord ek iemand wat my tyd, liefde, energie of geld wil hę?
• Hoekom voel ek skuldig of bang wanneer ek daaraan dink om grense te stel?
• Hoe rym grense met wedersydse onderdanigheid in die huwelik?
• Is dit nie selfsugtig om grense te stel nie?

Jou lewe hoef nie buite beheer te raak nie. Ontdek hoe grense jou lewe vandag beter kan maak!

Laat Sy Liefde Jou Lei - 365 Koester-Oordenkin (Afrikaans, Paperback): Milanie Vosloo Laat Sy Liefde Jou Lei - 365 Koester-Oordenkin (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Milanie Vosloo
R199 R164 Discovery Miles 1 640 Save R35 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Laat sy liefde jou lei deur topverkoper-outeur Milanie Vosloo is geskryf vir vroue wat weet dat die lewe, hulle self en ander nie perfek is nie, maar wat steeds in die liefde glo. Die dagstukke verseker vroue: Wat jou drome en ideale ook al is, waar jy jou ook al op die lewenspad bevind, laat God se liefde jou lei in alles wat jy doen, en jy sal sy vrede en vreugde ervaar.

Dié dagboek bevat 365 besielende dagstukke vir vroue wat fokus op die positiewe wat ’n mens kry uit ’n liefde-lewe. Dit sluit temas in soos: die liefde leef met hoop, die liefde ken dankbaarheid en die liefde glo die beste.

In Laat sy liefde jou lei nooi Milanie Vosloo lesers om saam met haar op die pad van die liefde te stap, die waarhede van die Skrif-oordenkings te lees en te oordink, dit op hul eie lewe toe te pas en die vreugde wat hulle gaan put uit hul nuutgevonde liefde vir God, hulself en die mense om hulle te geniet. Maak nie saak wat die vraag is nie, liefde is die antwoord.

• Handige sakpas-formaat

No Limits - Blow the Cap Off Your Capacity (Paperback): John C. Maxwell No Limits - Blow the Cap Off Your Capacity (Paperback)
John C. Maxwell
R199 R138 Discovery Miles 1 380 Save R61 (31%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

We often treat the word capacity as if it were a natural law of limitation. Unfortunately, most of us are much more comfortable defining what we perceive as off limits rather than what's really possible. Could it be that many of us have failed to expand our potential because we have allowed what we perceive as capacity to define us? What if our limits are not really our limits?

In his newest book, No Limits: Blow the Cap Off Your Capacity, John Maxwell identifies 17 core capacities. Some of these are abilities we all already possess, such as energy, creativity and leadership. Others are aspects of our lives controlled by our choices, like our attitudes, character, and intentionality. Maxwell examines each of these capacities, and provides clear and actionable advice on how you can increase your potential in each. He will guide you on how to identify, grow, and apply your critical capacities. Once you've blown the "cap" off your capacities, you'll find yourself more successful -- and fulfilled -- in your daily life.

2025 A4 Dagboek - Professionele Jaarbeplanner - 'n Tyd vir Alles (Afrikaans, Leather / fine binding): 2025 A4 Dagboek - Professionele Jaarbeplanner - 'n Tyd vir Alles (Afrikaans, Leather / fine binding)
R349 R259 Discovery Miles 2 590 Save R90 (26%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die Professionele Jaarbeplanner 2025 is ’n omvattende dagbeplanner in A4-formaat, ideaal vir elkeen wat ’n besige en veeleisende lewe het. Dit het ’n bladsy per dag vir afsprake, verdeel in tydgleuwe van ’n halfuur elk. Die dagbeplanner het ’n kunsleer-omslag en ’n Bybellees-plan sodat jy die Bybel in ’n jaar kan deurlees.

Ander kenmerke van hierdie dagbeplanner:

• ’n 12-maande-dagbeplanner (Januarie 2025-Desember 2025) in A4-formaat
• ’n Bladsy per dag vir afsprake
• ’n Teksvers vir elke dag
• Plek vir elke dag se doen-lysie
• Onderaan elke dubbelbladsy is ’n mini-jaarkalender van 2025
• ’n Maandbeplanner en begrotingsbladsy vir elke maand
• ’n Lys openbare vakansiedae, internasionale skakelkodes en ’n omrekeningstabel
• ’n Jaarbeplanner vir 2025 en 2026
• Plek vir notas, adresse en telefoonnommers en persoonlike inligting
• Teksverse vir spesifieke behoeftes
• Beplanningsbladsye vir Januarie 2026
• 'n Tyd vir Alles
• Prediker 3:1
• 400 bladsye

Die Sakpas-Bybel met Oordenkings vir Vroue (Afrikaans, Paperback): Norma Rossouw Die Sakpas-Bybel met Oordenkings vir Vroue (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Norma Rossouw
R189 R156 Discovery Miles 1 560 Save R33 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Ontdek God se beloftes vir jou lewe en ervaar hoe jou geloof daagliks groei.

Die sakpas-Bybel met oordenkings vir vroue bevat 366 daaglikse gedagtes wat jou sal help ontdek dat jy selfs in jou moeilikste oomblikke waardig en sterk in God is. Elke dag bevat ’n versameling kernverse uit die Skrif en ’n kort oordenking oor temas soos geestelike groei, wysheid, moederskap, selfvertroue en om deur God gekies te wees. Daar is ook ’n tematiese indeks om maklik antwoorde te kry oor kwessies waaroor jy wonder. Die gerieflike grootte is ideaal vir jou handsak of jou bedkassie.

Profesieë Oor Die Eindtyd - 'n Kerngids (Afrikaans, Paperback): Amir Tsarfati, Barry Stagner Profesieë Oor Die Eindtyd - 'n Kerngids (Afrikaans, Paperback)
Amir Tsarfati, Barry Stagner
R220 R181 Discovery Miles 1 810 Save R39 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Hoe naby is ons aan die eindtyd? As die oorloë en gerugte van oorloë, hongersnode, aardbewings en vals christusse oral om ons jou daaroor laat wonder, is hierdie kerngids vir jou!

Profesieë oor die eindtyd – ’n Kerngids hanteer 70 vrae oor die eindtyd wat gereeld gevra word in ’n lesersvriendelike vraag-en-antwoord-formaat. Amir Tsarfati en Barry Stagner gee Skrifgebaseerde antwoorde op vrae wat die 7 grootste temas van profesieë oor die eindtyd aanroer, wat insluit:

• Israel
• die kerk
• die wegraping
• die verdrukking
• die millennium
• die groot wit troon van oordeel
• die hemel

God se Woord bevat al die inligting wat gelowiges oor die eindtyd nodig het. Profesieë oor die eindtyd – ’n Kerngids is ’n gebruikersvriendelike hulpbron vir elkeen wat profesieë oor die eindtyd beter wil verstaan.

Prayers And Promises For Women - A Box Of Blessings (Cards, Boxed set): Prayers And Promises For Women - A Box Of Blessings (Cards, Boxed set)
R89 R74 Discovery Miles 740 Save R15 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Encourage a friend or loved one facing a difficult challenge with these faith-building Scripture prayers and powerful promises. The handy box of 50 double-sided cards are perfect to keep in a bag or drawer. There is space to write a personalized message on the back of each card. Besides blessing others with the beautifully designed cards, you can use them as bookmarks.

Embraced - 100 Devotions to Know God is Holding You Close (Hardcover): Lysa Terkeurst Embraced - 100 Devotions to Know God is Holding You Close (Hardcover)
Lysa Terkeurst
R249 R175 Discovery Miles 1 750 Save R74 (30%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

100 Devotions to Know God is Holding You Close

God doesn't pull back from your sharp edges. He pulls you close. Embraced offers 100 daily devotions that will resonate with women of all ages by giving you a godly perspective on the issues you face each day. Beloved Bible teacher Lysa TerKeurst shares her own struggles, doubts and heartbreak while pointing to the ultimate embrace – Jesus opening his arms wide at Calvary to pull us close for all eternity. This wonderful and special embrace means we can spend our lives trusting His ways.

Reading this keepsake will equip you to:

• find freedom from your struggles and learn new ways to experience God’s love
• surrender and process your deepest hurts
• learn how to seek his direction
• hear the Lord speak intimately to your heart
• let go of feelings of uncertainty at times when God feels far away
• spend intentional, guided time with Him each day.

The 100 daily devotions, Scriptures and prayer prompts will resonate with women of all ages.

Features include:

• 100 devotions
• Daily scriptures and prayer prompts
• Includes a dedication page making it a wonderful gift
• Ribbon to bookmark your place
• 215 x 160 mm, hardcover
• 12-point type size

Grow In Grace Magnetic Bookmarks Set Of 6: Grow In Grace Magnetic Bookmarks Set Of 6
R45 R38 Discovery Miles 380 Save R7 (16%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

This adorable Grow In Grace Magnetic Pagemarker Set sets out to inspire spiritual growth in its user by pairing inspirational Scripture with colorful images of succulents and houseplants.

Each magnetic bookmark in the set includes a different drawing of plants in ornately decorated pots and vases in a pastel palette. Each bookmark offers an inspirational thought on the front and a relevant Scripture verse printed on the back.

Reap what you sow
Galatians 6:7

Grow in Grace
2 Peter 3:18

Seeds of Faith
Matthew 17:20

He has made everything beautiful
Ecclesiastes 3:11

Keep sowing

Each bookmark in this set of six contains two magnets that fold and clip around a book's page. The magnets are strong enough to clasp securely together around several pages, but they will not wrinkle or tear them. Refresh your dog-eared pages with a fun new magnetic bookmark. Individual bookmarks can also be used to mark the lines of a passage you want to return to.

Order a set of the Grow In Grace Magnetic Pagemarkers to adorn your favorite book's pages or hand individual bookmarks to the girls in your Sunday school class or small group for encouragement or reward. The magnets in the Succulent Garden Magnetic Bookmark Set are helpful, fashionable, and spiritually uplifting and also make a great teacher gift.

• Set of 6 Succulent-themed Magnetic Pagemarkers
• 6 Full-colored Rectangular Folded Magnets
• Packaged on Backing Board in Cellophane Self-Seal Bag
• Packaging Size: 188 x 83 x 5mm
• Magnet Size: 60 x 20 x 3mm

His Mercies (Set Of 4)(Washi Tape): His Mercies (Set Of 4)(Washi Tape)
R45 R38 Discovery Miles 380 Save R7 (16%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Perfect for layering, creating borders, highlighting, adding a little color, or to make little tags and markers to stick in a journaling Bible, journal, devotional, or scrapbook.

• Non-toxic
• Set of 4 rolls
• Packaged in a blister cover on a backing board with hanging tab

Lead with Prayer - The Spiritual Habits of World-Changing Leaders (Paperback): Ryan Skoog, Peter Greer, Cameron Doolittle Lead with Prayer - The Spiritual Habits of World-Changing Leaders (Paperback)
Ryan Skoog, Peter Greer, Cameron Doolittle; Foreword by John Mark Comer
R199 R164 Discovery Miles 1 640 Save R35 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Experienced leaders will tell you that you can’t lead on your own. The pressure, the impossible decisions, the high risks, the temptations, the people, the overwhelming schedule—it’s too much. Some leaders seek outside help. They pray.

Looking for help in their own leadership, entrepreneur Ryan Skoog, CEO Peter Greer, and executive advisor Cameron Doolittle set out to investigate how leaders pray. What do they say to God? How often do they pray, and for how long? Where do they pray? And how on earth do they make time for prayer?

Skoog, Greer, and Doolittle spent three years researching. They logged over one hundred hours of interviews with leaders in six continents who collectively serve in over one hundred countries. They researched or spoke with global entrepreneurs and business executives of Fortune 500 companies, as well as some of the most influential pastors and ministry leaders in the world—leaders such as:

• Joni Eareckson Tada
• Philip Yancey
• Francis Chan
• John Mark Comer
• Christine Caine
• David Green
• Mark Batterson
• Among countless others

Here in Lead with Prayer: The Spiritual Habits of World-Changing Leaders, the authors share the spiritual habits, techniques, and practices of these world-changing leaders, revealing specific details of their prayer lives. In addition, the book includes prayers for leaders to use in their own prayer time as well as tools for how to cultivate a personal and organizational commitment to prayer.

By allowing these men and women to lead us in prayer, we learn not only how to pray but also how to build a culture of prayer wherever we lead. It is only when our businesses, ministries, and churches pray that they will be transformed.

NLV Bybel (Bruin) (Afrikaans, Large print, Leather / fine binding): Andrie Du Toit, Wil Vosloo NLV Bybel (Bruin) (Afrikaans, Large print, Leather / fine binding)
Andrie Du Toit, Wil Vosloo
R699 R575 Discovery Miles 5 750 Save R124 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Die Nuwe Lewende Vertaling Super Grootdruk is die ideale Afrikaanse Bybel vir lesers wat van ’n ekstra groot lettertipe hou.

Die Super Grootdruk-uitgawe bevat die volledige teks van die vertroude Nuwe Lewende Vertaling. Dit kombineer Skrifgetrouheid en lesersvriendelikheid om die boodskap van die grondteks in eietydse Afrikaans vir vandag se leser weer te gee. Agt volkleur-kaarte is ook ingesluit.

Hierdie Bybel beskikb oor die volgende kenmerke

• Verduidelikende voetnote
• 16.5-punt lettergrootte
• Dubbelkolom-uitleg
• Kunsleer-omslag
• 8 volkleur-kaarte
• Merklint
• Duimgrepe

The Bible Study - Part One: Old Testament (Paperback): Zach Windahl The Bible Study - Part One: Old Testament (Paperback)
Zach Windahl
R280 R231 Discovery Miles 2 310 Save R49 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Covering the Old Testament.

Each book in The Bible Study Part One, Old Testament, A One Year Study Of The Bible And How It Relates To You provides you with a roadmap of what to read and how to break down His Word with powerful inquiry questions, taking you deeper into your relationship with God. These colorful pages are filled with inspiring quotes to keep you motivated and encouraged along the way!

NLT Compact Bible (Teal) (Leather / fine binding): NLT Compact Bible (Teal) (Leather / fine binding)
R295 R243 Discovery Miles 2 430 Save R52 (18%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

New Living Translation® Compact Edition is small enough to fit in any bag, purse, or coat pocket.

With the complete New Living Translation® text in a double-column format, New Living Translation® Compact Edition provides readers with valuable reference material right at their fingertips. The New Living Translation® is easy to read and understand, making it appealing to a wide variety of readers.

Features include reference sections for great stories, chapters, and verses of the Bible.

• 6.75-point type size

Be Strong in the Lord Stainless Steel Travel Mu: Be Strong in the Lord Stainless Steel Travel Mu
R329 R239 Discovery Miles 2 390 Save R90 (27%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Face the future with the confidence that comes from trusting God and the thrill of warm coffee poured into your Be Strong in the Lord Stainless Steel Travel Mug.

• Stainless steel travel mug
• Be Strong in the Lord
• Ephesians 6:10
• Strong In The Lord - Black & Grey Lion Collection
• Laser Engraved and Laser Etch
• Powdered Coated Finish
• Clear plastic lid
• Retractable sip-hole cover
• Double-wall insulated
• Stainless steel interior
• Hot or cold beverages
• Not dishwasher, microwave, or freezer safe
• Handwash recommended
• Packaged in a color box
• Box Size: 185 x 94 x 91mml
• Smug dimensions: 178 x 91 x 89 mm
• Capacity: 532ml

Prayers For A Woman's Heart - A Box Of Blessings (Cards, Boxed set): Stormie Omartian Prayers For A Woman's Heart - A Box Of Blessings (Cards, Boxed set)
Stormie Omartian
R99 R82 Discovery Miles 820 Save R17 (17%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

When you need a little more courage to face a specific challenge, these powerful prayers and Scripture verses will help you seek out God’s blessing. The 50 double-sided cards feature beautiful designs and are contained in a sturdy box that can easily be tucked in a handbag or drawer. Meditate on these prayers of thanksgiving, wisdom, hope and love or share them with friends and loved ones. They make a great addition to a gift and can be used as bookmarks.

Floral Garden Magnetic Bookmarks Set Of 6: Floral Garden Magnetic Bookmarks Set Of 6
R45 R38 Discovery Miles 380 Save R7 (16%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

The quaint Floral Garden Magnetic Pagemarker Set includes six beautifully decorated and botanically themed bookmarks to brighten your page and inspire your heart.

Each bookmark is designed with images of flowers, ferns, leaves, and bouquets in a green and pink palette. Encouraging phrases based on Scripture will lift your spirits.

Every bookmark holds magnets that open in half and clip conveniently around the selected page, avoiding slippage and losing track of passage location. They bring color and efficiency to all reading!

While the set would be a wonderful indulgence for any book-lover, they can also be gifted individually. Wrap a set for your book-lover friend or mark passages in a gift Bible for a new believer. You can even hand out individual bookmarks as rewards in Sunday school or Bible study. Improve your own—or a friend's—daily devotions, schoolwork, or leisure time book-reading with the Floral Garden Magnetic Pagemarker Set!

• Set of 6 botanical magnetic bookmarks
• Full-color print
• Rectangular folded magnets
• Packaged on backing board in cellophane self-seal bag
• Magnet size: 60 x 20 x 3mm
• Packaging size: 188 x 83 x 5mm

Daily Hope Devotional - 365 Days of Purpose, Peace, and Promise (Paperback): Rick Warren Daily Hope Devotional - 365 Days of Purpose, Peace, and Promise (Paperback)
Rick Warren
R350 R255 Discovery Miles 2 550 Save R95 (27%) Ships in 4 - 8 working days

Ever feel like you're just floating along, not really anchored to anything? Are you searching for purpose and peace in your life? Do you feel like something is missing? It's time to anchor yourself to something solid, something unchanging—but not to just any old thing. Take hold of something firm and secure. Take hold of hope— “an anchor for the soul” (Hebrews 6:19 NIV).

So where do you turn to find real hope? The only answer is God. In Romans 15:13, the Bible says, “May God, the source of hope, fill you with joy and peace through your faith in him. Then you will overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (GW).

God is the only source of hope that will never disappoint. In fact, the Bible says he is the God of hope. He wants his hope to overflow into your daily life, providing the power to conquer fear, reduce stress, resolve conflict, build healthy relationships, overcome temptation, and face any challenge.

In this Daily Hope Devotional: 365 Days of Purpose, Peace, and Promise, you will experience clear, practical, and biblical teaching, helping you stay anchored to the real and unfailing hope that comes only from God. Discover what God has for you in the pages of the Daily Hope Devotional:

• 365 daily devotions: Fill your heart with hope and encouragement every day
• Lessons rooted in the Bible: Scripture verses with each reading

The latest from Rick Warren, author of the runaway New York Times bestseller The Purpose Driven Life.

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