Books > Religion & Spirituality
Is daar kommer in jou hart, of onbeantwoorde vrae? Neem dit na God toe
in gebed!
Angus Buchan is jou gebedsvennoot met die 365 kort, kragtige en
Skrifgebaseerde gebede. Elke gebed word afgerond met ’n sleutelvers en
aanhaling, asook ’n praktiese wenk om geloofsgroei in jou lewe aan te
moedig. Wat jy ook al nodig het – of dit geduld, vrede, vreugde of
genade is – Sakpas-gebede vir elke dag sal jou lei om jou hart oop te
maak teenoor jou Skepper en só jou verhouding met Hom te verinnig.
Vind nuwe krag en inspirasie wanneer jy met jou Skepper praat en sy
troos, liefde en genade ervaar.
Rene Girard holds up the gospels as mirrors that reveal our broken
humanity, and shows that they also reflect a new reality that can
make us whole. Like Simone Weil, Girard looks at the Bible as a map
of human behavior, and sees Jesus Christ as the turning point
leading to new life.
The title echoes Jesus' words: "I saw Satan falling like
lightning from heaven". Girard persuades us that even as our world
grows increasingly violent the power of the Christ-event is so
great that the evils of scapegoating and sacrifice are being
defeated even now. A new community, God's nonviolent kingdom, is
being realized -- even now.
What if that hard thing you’re going through is not happening to you
but for you?
You’ve tried it all—saying the right words and prayers, reading the
right Bible verses—but nothing seems to work. What do you do when your
faith doesn’t seem to be “working” anymore?
Ashley Morgan Jackson is no stranger to this kind of spiritual
exhaustion and discouragement. Much like the biblical character Jacob,
Ashley wrestled with God, trying desperately to keep trusting Him
despite her pain. It was here she found that sometimes God requires us
to hold on to Him so we can let go of everything holding us back.
Rich with biblical encouragement, personal story, and practical
application, Tired of Trying: How to Hold On to God When You’re
Frustrated, Fed Up & Feeling Forgotten is an invitation to
wrestle—and face God in your greatest fears, pains, and unanswered
questions. You’ll learn to:
• Break out of the cycle of frustration by saying yes to wrestling
• Identify the lies you are believing about God, yourself, and your
circumstances and replace them with truth
• Shift your perspective so you can choose faith, persevere, and
discover God’s purpose for you.
Choosing to wrestle isn’t easy or quick—but it does have purpose. What
seemingly tears us down may be an opportunity to grow. God is good at
redeeming heartache. When we reach the place where the only choice is
to run to God or run from Him, we can hold tight . . . because
transformation and blessing will come.
Christian women between the ages of 25-45 who feel stuck and
disappointed; followers of Lysa TerKeurst and Proverbs 31 Ministries