Books > Children's & Educational > Humanities > Religious education / world faiths
Vir meer as ‘n dekade reeds deel Carike Keuzenkamp en haar geliefde
karaktertjies, Ghoeghoe and Ghoempie, waardevolle lewenslesse met
Suid-Afrikaanse kinders; vermaak sy hulle en wys hulle
terselfdertyd dat die lewe bedoel is om vol pret en geluk te wees.
In haar nuutste boek, Carike, Ghoempie & Ghoeghoe kuier in
Bybelland, deel sy van haar gunsteling Bybelstories. Getrou aan
haar strewe om geloof in die daaglikse lewe van toepassing te maak,
word elke Bybelstorie vergesel van ‘n moderne verhaaltjie waarin
Ghoeghoe en Ghoempie kinders op ‘n praktiese manier wys hoe om
hulle geloof uit te leef. ‘n Bonus is die gratis CD waarop sy die
Bybelstories voorlees, met drie liedjies uit haar gouestatus-CD,
Carike, Ghoempie & Ghoeghoe kuier in Bybelland.
Gebruik die baie toeganklike teks van die 1983 Afrikaanse
Vertaling. Vorm 'n brug tussen Bybelstorieboeke en die
volteks-Bybel. Verduidelik belangrike Bybelse temas en verse aan
kinders. Help kinders om God en die Bybel te verstaan volgens hul
leer- en vergelykende stadiums. Voed liggaam, siel en gees. Maak
Bybellees 'n opwindende avontuur. Rig kinders in die regte rigting
op hul geestelike reis. 'n Goeie bron vir ouers en onderwysers.
These colourfully illustrated Bible Stories holistically teach
YesKids life skills and life values, as well as basic educational
skills such as numeracy skills, reading skills, etc. The end result
will be kids that say a big Yes! Each story is accompanied by a
prayer to help children connect with God and a Christian value
which reinforces the story.
Young detectives will never tire of this picture-search puzzle
book. Readers can pore over seventeen cleverly illustrated scenes
of events from the life of Jesus to find the answers to the
questions posed on each page. Some puzzles involve looking for
details of everyday life, others highlight things that happened in
the Bible stories, offering hours of entertainment to readers as
they search for the answers. With lots to find, this kind of
picture book is particularly great for visual learners, helping all
children gain key insights into the life of Jesus as they super
sleuth their way through the book.
An adorable story Bible for kids written by bestselling author
Sally Lloyd-Jones, with pink accents inside and out, designed
especially for girls. Tiny Bear's Bible is a warm, fuzzy reminder
of how God loves his children - in a format that kids can cuddle
and carry wherever they go. Together with their friend Tiny Bear,
children discover eleven Bible stories along with the loving
reminder: 'No matter what, no matter where, God is with us, Tiny