Books > Medicine > Clinical & internal medicine > Renal medicine
A complete guide to caring for your kidneys and maximizing your
health. Kidney disease occurs when your kidneys are damaged and no
longer function as well as they should. In the past, it was fatal,
but thanks to new treatments, including dialysis and
transplantation, people can live long and healthy lives. This book
provides everything you need to know to help you cope with your
kidney disease and maximize your health. Walter A. Hunt, a medical
researcher who had kidney disease and received a kidney transplant,
walks you through what science says about how you can take care of
your kidneys, including what foods to avoid and what treatment
options may be best for you. Also included are recommendations to
help you sleep and feel better along with overall health advice. In
this latest edition, Hunt adds new sections on emerging subjects,
including * coping skills for caregivers * kidney disease in
children * environmental causes of chronic kidney failure *
conservative care for those who wish to decline treatment * related
conditions like gout, depression, and sleep disturbances * diet
after transplantation * how best to work with your care team *
insurance issues * potential new treatments A useful guide for the
healthcare professionals who work with individuals with kidney
Methods in Kidney Cell Biology, Volume 153, represents
state-of-the-art techniques in renal research that are ideal for
veterans, graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and clinical
scientists and principal investigators. Topics in the new release
include Single glomerular proteomics - a novel method in
translational glomerular cell biology, Measurement of cytosolic and
intraciliary calcium in live cells, Differentiation of human kidney
organoids from pluripotent stem cells, Quantifying autophagic flux
in kidney tissue using structured illumination microscopy, the
Generation of primary cells from ADPKD and normal human kidneys,
ADPKD cell proliferation and Cl-dependent fluid secretion, In vitro
cyst formation of ADPKD cells, and much more.
Progression of chronic diseases in general and chronic kidney
disease in particular has been traditionally viewed in the light of
various contributors to development of glomerulosclerosis and
tubulointerstitial scarring culminating in renal fibrosis. Indeed,
this dogma prevailed for decades underscoring experimental attempts
to halt fibrotic processes. Breakthrough investigations of the past
few years on stem/progenitor cell involvement in organ regeneration
caused a conceptual shift in tackling the mechanisms of
nephrosclerosis. It has become clear that the rate of progression
of chronic kidney disease is the net sum of the opposing trends:
degenerative fibrotic processes and regenerative repair mechanisms.
The latter part of this equation has been by and large ignored for
years and only recently attracted investigative attention. This
book revisits the problem of kidney disease by focusing on
regenerative mechanisms in renal repair and on the ways these
regenerative processes can become subverted by an intrinsic disease
process eventuating in its progression. Cutting-edge investigations
are summarized by the most experienced international team of
The kidney is innervated with efferent sympathetic nerve fibers
reaching the renal vasculature, the tubules, the juxtaglomerular
granular cells, and the renal pelvic wall. The renal sensory nerves
are mainly found in the renal pelvic wall. Increases in efferent
renal sympathetic nerve activity reduce renal blood flow and
urinary sodium excretion by activation of 1-adrenoceptors and
increase renin secretion rate by activation of 1-adrenoceptors. In
response to normal physiological stimulation, changes in efferent
renal sympathetic nerve activity contribute importantly to
homeostatic regulation of sodium and water balance. The renal
mechanosensory nerves are activated by stretch of the renal pelvic
tissue produced by increases in renal pelvic tissue of a magnitude
that may occur during increased urine flow rate. Under normal
conditions, the renal mechanosensory nerves activated by stretch of
the sensory nerves elicits an inhibitory renorenal reflex response
consisting of decreases in efferent renal sympathetic nerve
activity leading to natriuresis. Increasing efferent sympathetic
nerve activity increases afferent renal nerve activity which, in
turn, decreases efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity by
activation of the renorenal reflexes. Thus, activation of the
afferent renal nerves buffers changes in efferent renal sympathetic
nerve activity in the overall goal of maintaining sodium balance.
In pathological conditions of sodium retention, impairment of the
inhibitory renorenal reflexes contributes to an inappropriately
increased efferent renal sympathetic nerve activity in the presence
of sodium retention. In states of renal disease or injury, there is
a shift from inhibitory to excitatory reflexes originating in the
kidney. Studies in essential hypertensive patients have shown that
renal denervation results in long-term reduction in arterial
pressure, suggesting an important role for the efferent and
afferent renal nerves in hypertension.
This volume includes all procedures and practices relating to the
selection of organ donors, removal of organs, preservation and
allocation for a successful transplantation. The improving
preservation solutions as well as the improving survival rates of
transplant patients should make it a useful book on all aspects of
transplantation. The chapters are divided into four sections: donor
conditioning and surgery; organ preservation; allocation and
logistics; ethics and legislation in organ donation. The growing
awareness of the need for organ donation and adaptation of laws, as
well as the increasing efforts of the transplantation organizations
to stimulate organ donation, makes this text a timely publication.
This book is aimed at medical specialists in any hospital involved,
or potentially involved, in organ procurement, transplant
co-ordinators and administrators, transplant surgeons,
nephrologists and other organ specialists and researchers. The
chapters on surgical techniques are illustrated with original
artwork by Bernard Tardieu.