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Books > Social sciences > Education > Study & learning skills
This book is an indispensable how-to guide on flourishing when studying abroad, and how to use an international education to begin a fulfilling career after graduation. Written in an engaging and accessible style, using many examples, case studies, and links to resources, the book reduces the stress of studying abroad. Covering all aspects of the international student experience - inside and outside the classroom - the book encourages young people to perform their very best and succeed in their new environment. International students preparing for cross-cultural learning and recent graduates looking for employment will find this book both practical and inspiring.
THINKING FOR YOURSELF, 9E, International Edition offers a unique integration of composition, reading, and critical thinking. As you complete the book's writing assignments, you'll see how your writing reflects your thinking and how self-directed improvement in thinking also improves your writing. The book offers step-by-step instruction, humor, cartoons, and up-to-date social and political examples as a foundation for lifelong improvement in thinking and writing.
Many students on Health and Social Care Foundation Degree and Access courses struggle with the academic expectations required of them at this level. This book is written to support such students in adapting to self-directed study, understand the assessment process and how they can make the most of their learning opportunities. The authors also cover practicalities such as avoiding plagiarism, using their studies to become a reflective practitioner, and understanding the benefit of research and critical thinking. More than a generic study guide, this book is practice-based and will be of great benefit to health and social care students. SAGE Study Skills are essential study guides for students of all levels. From how to write great essays and succeeding at university, to writing your undergraduate dissertation and doing postgraduate research, SAGE Study Skills help you get the best from your time at university.
The Routledge Student Guide to English Usage is an invaluable A-Z guide to the appropriate use of English in academic contexts. The first part of the book covers approximately 4000 carefully selected words, focusing on groups of confusable words that sound alike, look alike or are frequently mixed up. The authors help to solve academic dilemmas, such as correct usage of the apostrophe and the crucial difference between infer and imply. Examples of good usage are drawn from corpora such as the British National Corpus and the Corpus of Contemporary American English. The second part covers the key characteristics of formal English in a substantial reference section, comprising: * stylistic features * punctuation * English grammar * the use of numbers * email writing. This is the essential reference text for all students working on improving their academic writing skills. Visit the companion website for a range of supporting exercises: www.routledge.com/cw/clark.
This accessible and wide-ranging book is an invaluable introductory guide through the choices to be made when deciding how to report research. Writing and Presenting Research covers research written as theses and dissertations; chapters, books, reports and articles in academic, professional or general media such as newspapers; and also reviews the options for presenting research orally as lectures, keynotes, conference papers and even TV game shows. These forms of reporting research have well-established conventions for their formats, but they also have growing numbers of alternative possibilities. This has generated debate about what is, or is not, acceptable, and the aim of this book is to make this debate more manageable for those wanting to assess which of the conventional or alternative possibilities on offer is most appropriate for reporting their current research. Arranged in easily followed sections enlivened with checklists, style variations, examples and reflection points, Writing and Presenting Research has relevance to the social sciences, arts, humanities, natural and applied sciences and law and is an invaluable reference tool for new and experienced researchers alike. SAGE Study Skills are essential study guides for students of all levels. From how to write great essays and succeeding at university, to writing your undergraduate dissertation and doing postgraduate research, SAGE Study Skills help you get the best from your time at university. Visit the SAGE Study Skills hub for tips, resources and videos on study success!
This book explores globally-informed, culturally-rooted approaches to dialogue in the classroom. It seeks to fill gaps in communication and education literature related to decolonizing dialogue and breaking binaries by decentering Eurocentric perspectives and providing space for dialogic practices grounded in cultural wealth of students and teachers. We first describe the book's genesis, contextualize dialogue within the global impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, and share guiding concepts of inclusion, intersectionality, and authenticity in dialogue and pedagogy. We also distinguish dialogue from other practices and times in which dialogue may not be possible. The book brings fresh and urgent perspectives from authors across different disciplines, including ceramics, religious studies, cultural studies, communication, family therapy, and conflict resolution. The chapters distill the idea of dialogue within contexts like a bible circle, university sculpture studio, trauma and peacebuilding program, and connect dialogue to teaching, learning, and emerging ideas of power disruption, in-betweenness, and relationality.
In this helpful resource, the author guides parents through the top eight myths about motivation and reveals what really works for kids. Each chapter is filled with practical information and stories that help you understand how to handle a variety of situations related to your child's success at school. Chapters also include specific classroom connections for each strategy, so you can begin proactively working with your child's teacher. With the accessible advice in this book, you'll be able to reach your child more effectively so that he or she is more motivated from within, and more successful in school and beyond!
- Discusses the key challenges masters and doctoral students face when writing a thesis or dissertation - With the numbers of masters and PhD students continuing to rise, a book that focusses soley on writing is the ideal guide for all those concerned with this step. - Plenty of books focus on the whole thesis or dissertation process with details about how to go about the project itself, but the USP of this book is tis focus on writing
This open access book analyzes the main drivers that are influencing the dramatic evolution of work in Asia and the Pacific and identifies the implications for education and training in the region. It also assesses how education and training philosophies, curricula, and pedagogy can be reshaped to produce workers with the skills required to meet the emerging demands of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. The book's 40 articles cover a wide range of topics and reflect the diverse perspectives of the eminent policy makers, practitioners, and researchers who authored them. To maximize its potential impact, this Springer-Asian Development Bank co-publication has been made available as open access.
QuickStudy Bookletss cover the key information on some of the toughest subjects today, helping students boost their grades. The QuickStudy Physics booklet contains 144 full-color pages and includes: Mechanics, wave motion, Therodynamics, modern physics nd much more! It measures 4.25" x 7.5," small enough to fit in a pocket.
Letters to a New Student is a study skills book with a twist. You decide how to read it. Based on a series of short, informal, problem page letters that you can read in any order, the book uses principles of human psychology, teaching, and coaching practice to offer a refreshing approach to study skills and learning techniques. The letters form a brief 'survive and thrive' study guide to work smarter not harder and offer advice on topics such as motivation, stress, revision, and assignments. It's a tried-and-tested, blueprint to make information stick with less effort. The book takes a holistic approach to learning. It covers health and wellbeing, the 'nuts-and-bolts' shortcuts, the obstacles, and the pitfalls. It also includes short learning principles and cross-references to other entries, with practical advice in response to the frequently asked questions many students ask during their studies. Letters to a New Student is for any student under pressure, parents and family who want to offer support, or anyone with interest in lifelong learning. It's written by a psychologist, teacher, academic coach, and advice columnist, with over 20 years professional experience.
For teachers and teacher educators striving to address a growing number of state mandates relating to the education of English language learners (ELLs), Educating English Language Learners in an Inclusive Environment, Second Edition provides a reader-friendly survey of key topics, including: legal and professional imperatives, cultural concerns, linguistics, literacy instruction, assessment, policy, and politics. This overview will be useful to in-service teachers with little or no preparation for working with ELLs but who nevertheless face legislative demands to teach both academic content and English. It will also be useful to teacher educators trying to squeeze preparation for working with ELLs into already overflowing teacher preparation programs. Though many try, no one text can provide exhaustive information; there is simply too much to learn. This second edition instead provides readers with a road map to critical topics and to specific resources they can use independently to learn more, as they will surely need to do.
Showcasing how you can use a work placement to develop your research and professional skills, this warm and personable book demonstrates how you can transfer and grow skills from your academic training to the workplace and maximise the benefits of learning by doing. The book also: * Helps you confidently navigate the entire internship process, providing reassuring guidance about key steps such as applying and interviewing for placements * Highlights the importance of practicing reflective learning and encourages you to become a reflective researcher * Empowers you to make an internship work for you, giving you key employability and workplace skills. Drawing on a range of real student voices, this pragmatic guide helps you make the most of the opportunities offered by a work placement and shows how the skills you learn will help you thrive in academia and beyond.
All the SAT reading, writing and language practice you'll need! Achieve your highest score with 500 SAT Reading, Writing and Language Questions to Know by Test Day, Third Edition. This book is packed with the latest SAT style questions covering all the essential reading, writing and language topics you'll see on the exam, accompanied by answers and detailed explanations for clarity. It's the perfect way to sharpen your skills and build your confidence for test day. Organized by subject for easy reference, 500 SAT Reading, Writing and Language Questions to Know by Test Day provides excellent practice to help you make the most of your review time. With small bits of information presented for quick and easy review, this essential study guide is helpful for all types of students, whether you're looking for a thorough refresh of topics or need extra help understanding specific question types. Features: 500 SAT reading, writing and language questions and answers organized by subject Written to parallel the topics and format of the latest SAT questions Answers accompanied by comprehensive explanations Ideal and effective practice to help you build the skills you need Small bits of practice make review simple, allowing you to go at your own pace and track your progress accordingly
"How to do your Essays, Exams and Coursework in Geography and
Related Disciplines" is written for students who need help doing
their coursework and exams. The book focuses on the skills and
techniques that apply to essay writing and also covers other types
of assignment such as posters, talks, PowerPoint presentations and
web pages. The basis of the book is that all of these different
types of work are based on clear communication of well-supported
responses to the questions or tasks that have been set.
Conversation was not invented to help people choose right answers on tests. It evolved to solve problems, build ideas, build relationships, and understand others and the world. Yet despite its power to grow minds and hearts, effective conversations are still too scarce in our schools. Jeff Zwiers, an educational researcher at Stanford University, has spent the last 15 years analyzing classroom conversations to see how they can be better used and improved in classroom settings. Teachers who have worked with him report significant growth in students' engagement, content learning, language, creativity, and sense of agency. Jeff shared his initial vision for classroom conversations in his 2011 book, Academic Conversations. In this follow-up book, Next Steps with Academic Conversations, he builds on those original ideas by offering an updated synthesis of conversation work across disciplines and grade levels, highlights of the most recent classroom-based research and theory on classroom conversation, answers to questions that have emerged during this work with teachers and administrators, and new classroom strategies and practices for fostering and assessing classroom conversations. This resource is the product of his extensive research, co-teaching, and collaborating with a wide range of educators. It was written for busy teachers who want a practical guide for strengthening the quality and quantity of productive conversations in their lessons.
Exam board: Cambridge Assessment International Education Level: IGCSE Subject: Mathematics First teaching: September 2018 First exams: Summer 2020 This title is endorsed by Cambridge Assessment International Education for learner support. Reinforce learning and deepen understanding of the key concepts covered in the latest syllabus; an ideal course companion or homework book for use throughout the course. - Develop and strengthen skills and knowledge with a wealth of additional exercises that perfectly supplement the Student's Book. - Build confidence with extra practice for each lesson to ensure that a topic is thoroughly understood before moving on. - Ensure students know what to expect with hundreds of rigorous practice and exam-style questions. - Keep track of students' work with ready-to-go write-in exercises. - Save time with all answers available in the Boost Core Subscription Available in this series: Student Textbook (ISBN 9781510421646) Workbook (ISBN 9781510421653) Student Book Boost eBook (ISBN 9781398333802) Boost Core Subscription (ISBN 9781398340992)
The new edition of Planning Your Qualitative Research Thesis and Project provides easily accessible worked examples and valuable models which can be used as guides for plans and proposals. By demonstrating the thought and forward planning that is required when proposing a credible interpretivist study, this book provides the reader with all the theory and practical understanding necessary to conduct a successful qualitative research project. This new edition provides examples of contemporary topics related to a range of countries across the developed and developing world, and new chapters which include: An example of a 'perspectives' study Policy studies and the interpretivist paradigm Life history studies Interactionist historical studies The interpretivist paradigm and research based on 'problem focused' ideas With chapters and studies providing contemporary and relevant examples, this new edition is the perfect introductory guide for students looking to complete their first qualitative thesis project. Bridging the gap between theory and practice, it is an accessible introduction, and an invaluable resource for early stage doctoral students, and for students undertaking research and enquiry.
Originally published in 1982, Learning to Learn in Higher Education analyses the factors that govern effective student learning and looks at the way that these can be improved by changing the way that courses are administered. It examines preparation for higher education and the effect of school systems on the individual student. In acknowledging the academic importance of motivation, maturity and effective study methods it discusses the way that these can be developed and encouraged within the present educational system. In determining the goals of higher education in the 1980s and beyond, it is important that financial considerations, the clamour of industry for vocational courses, the development of technological-scientific research does not obscure the needs of the individual learner.
Critical Language Pedagogy: Interrogating Language, Dialects, and Power in Teacher Education demonstrates how critical approaches to language and dialects are an essential part of social justice work in literacy education. The text details the largest and most comprehensive study ever conducted on teachers' language beliefs and learning about dialects, power, and identity. It describes the experiences of over 300 pre- and in-service teachers from across the United States who participated in a course on how to enact Critical Language Pedagogy in their English classrooms. Through detailed analyses and descriptions, the authors demonstrate how the course changed teachers' beliefs about language, literacy, and their students. The book also presents information about the effectiveness of the mini-course, variations in the responses of teachers from different regions of the United States, and the varying language beliefs of teachers of color and White teachers. The authors present the entire mini-course so that readers can incorporate it into their own classes, making the book practical as well as informative for teachers, teacher educators, and educational researchers. Critical Language Pedagogy: Interrogating Language, Dialects, and Power in Teacher Education provides a much-needed theoretical explanation of Critical Language Pedagogy and, just as importantly, a detailed description of teacher learning and a Critical Language Pedagogy curriculum that readers can use in K-12, college, and teacher education classrooms.
Help gifted children realize they re not alone, they re not weird, and being smart is a bonus, not a burden. Based on a survey of 1,000 gifted kids, this retitled edition of the classic Gifted Kids Survival Guide is fully updated with the latest research. Readers learn how to cope with high expectations, perfectionism, labels, bullying, friendships, and more. Upbeat, informative, friendly, and compact, The Survival Guide for Gifted Kids is a must for young gifted children. At a time when many school gifted programs are scaling back, it s more important than ever for kids to have this essential guide to growing up gifted.Survival Guides for Kids Helping Kids Help Themselves Straightforward, friendly, and loaded with practical advice, the Free Spirit Survival Guides for Kids give kids the tools they need to not only survive, but thrive. With plenty of realistic examples and bright illustrations, they are accessible, encouraging, kid-friendly, and even life-changing.
Originally published in 1989 the purpose of this title was to provide information and ideas for: Staff Developers and Teacher Educators, as they consider program content to prepare teachers to teach thinking skills. Teachers, as they assess their own abilities to create classroom conditions for thinking and their readiness to implement a curriculum for developing thinking skills. Curriculum Developers, as they decide how the curriculum should be organized and sequenced according to children's developmental levels. Administrators, as they assess and provide leadership for improving the conditions in their schools and classrooms, which allows the stimulating teaching of thinking. Although written some time ago the information is still valid today. |
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