Books > Law > Laws of other jurisdictions & general law > Financial, taxation, commercial, industrial law > Financial law > Taxation law
Die vorliegende Arbeit ist wahrend meiner Tatigkeit als
wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter bei Prof. Dr. Heinz-Dieter Wenzel am
Lehrstuhl fur Volkswirt- schaftslehre, insbesondere
Finanzwissenschaft der Universitat Bamberg ent- standen und an der
Universitat Bamberg als Dissertation angenommen wor- den. Fur die
Betreuung der Arbeit durch Herrn Prof. Dr. Heinz-Dieter Wenzel
moechte ich an dieser Stelle herzlich Dank sagen. Mein Dank gilt
ebenso Herrn Prof. Dr. Ulrich Meyer, der als zweiter Gutachter
durch hilfreiche Anregungen zum Gelingen der Arbeit beitrug. In
einem kollegialen Klima der gegenseitigen Unterstutzung gedeiht
wissen- schaftliche Arbeit am besten. Meinen Kollegen Herrn Dr.
Martin Arnold und Frau Dipl.-Volkswirtin Barbara Wolfe moechte ich
Dank aussprechen fur ihre Bereitschaft, sich wahrend des gesamten
Entstehungsprozesses der Arbeit mit den von mir zu Papier
gebrachten Ideen in Inhalt und Form auseinanderzusetzen. Besonderen
Dank schulde ich Herrn Dr. Kai Konrad und meinem Bruder, Herrn
Dipl.-Mathematiker Ingo Wrede, die zu einzelnen Aspekten der The-
matik ausserst wertvolle Hinweise gaben. Frau Andrea Woelfe! und
Herrn Michael Betten, die durch sorgfaltiges Durcharbeiten des
Manuskriptes manchen Fehler auszumerzen halfen, danke ich hierfur.
Mein innigster Dank aber gilt meiner Frau, Frau Dipl.-Volkswirtin
Christi- ane Wrede, die mir nicht nur durch kritische Lekture
zahlreicher Entwurfe geholfen hat. Ihr Verstandnis und ihre
Unterstutzung gestatteten es, mir die erforderliche Zeit zur
Fertigstellung der Arbeit zu nehmen.
This volume explains the complexity of the US tax system, often by
comparison and contrast with European and other national tax
systems. Use of highly technical language is avoided in
consideration of those readers for whom English is their second
language. Sufficient detail is incorporated to answer most primary
questions about what makes the US tax system work. Topics covered
include individual and corporate income taxes, partnership
taxation, special types of taxpayers (pensions, corporations) and
the underlying "unwritten law" of US taxation. Special emphasis is
placed on international rules, particularly inbound business, sales
and investment. Broad coverage is given to anti-avoidance rules
which contribute to the US tax system's complexity. References to
the Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations, major rulings and
cases are also included.
"One of the major architects of comprehensive tax reform has
revised his widely acclaimed book on tax policy to reflect the
changes brought about by the Tax Reform Act of 1986 and all other
major changes in tax laws since 1983. Joseph A. Pechman's Federal
Tax Policy is a nontechnical book for general readers and students
interested in taxation as an instrument of public policy. It
emphasizes such current issues as a comprehensive income taxation,
inflation adjustments in income taxation, graduated income taxes
versus expenditure taxes, the effects of taxation on economic
incentives, and fiscal relations between the federal and state and
local governments. Pechman presents and evaluates contrasting views
on most forms of taxation-personal and corporate income, general
and selective consumption, payroll, estate and gift, property, and
state and local--and offers a perceptive analysis of the process of
tax legislation and the role of taxation in the fiscal policy. He
also provides a valuable series of statistical table on tax
developments and an extensive bibliography on tax theory and
practice. "
There is now almost universal acceptance that tax law is overly
complex and indeterminate; and yet, there has to date been no
comprehensive assessment of the role of the tax authority in the
current arrangement. If the legislation and case law offer few
immediate answers to the taxpayer, then the role of Her Majesty's
Revenue & Customs (HMRC) in advising taxpayers becomes more
apparent. This monograph contends that the provision of advice by
HMRC is desirable by virtue of the rule of law and it follows that
any such advice should be correct, clear, accessible and reliable.
Additionally, there should exist some means of scrutinising the
advice in order to check that it satisfies these criteria. Tax
Authority Advice and the Public explores this view of HMRC's role
in tax collection. It explains the deficiencies in the current
system in this light, highlighting the pitfalls for taxpayers and
practitioners as well as the potential remedies. Finally, the book
assesses potential reforms which could be adopted in order to
alleviate existing problems. A timely and ambitious work, this book
is essential reading for practitioners and academics interested in
the interaction between tax administration and public law.
The recession and the change of government have seen many changes
in the British tax system which affect small businesses. Fully
updated for the 2013 tax year and beyond, this trusted and
bestselling guide will help you steer your small business through
the bureucratic hoops. Tax matters for small businesses, because
they must pay it correctly in order to stay legal, and they must
pay it efficiently in order to stay competitive. This book, written
by a chartered accountant who has helped small businesses for
twenty years, helps you to do both.